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Monday, June 1, 2009

Red Storm Rising- America Has Fallen!

When President Obama ran for office and even while in office, he proclaimed a hard stance on China for devaluing the American Dollar. The lies he told are no different than all the lies that American leadership has told forever. I must ask Americans, how did you expect the President and Congress to spend so much money without borrowing it? They couldnt of course, America is broke, it is a broken nation both morally and financially.. America right now is in debt to the Communist Chinese for the mere amount of 798,000,000,000,000 dollars! That is 798 BILLION DOLLARS...who you ask really owns this country, the people of the nation of America or the Communist Chinese? I wrote about the book written by Chinese military leadership, called "Unlimited Warfare", and told people last year, they were experts at it.
They have accomplished along with the help of the elitist leadership of this country, the sell out, with the help of corporations like Wal Mart and the silence of the American people they have won the war. They own us now! Financially we are forever in debt to the tune of almost a TRILLION DOLLARS to those who once were enemies of Free Enterprise and Freedom in general.. We have begun to take on more and more the look of our Chinese bed partners.. There is a scripture that says "Bad company corrupts good morals"!
We are there.

We have managed to murder since Rowe versus Wade, Forty Five MILLION, children with abortion, we have further managed to accept homosexuality as a way of life, and now most states will change their marriage laws to include this as NORMAL and LEGAL Marriage. Hard core conservative Vice President Cheney who loves torture, proclaimed in a recent TV interview, that all forms of relationship and marriage should be acceptable and legal! I can't wait until people start marrying their dogs!
What a nightmare has befallen a nation that has loved money, success, riches and material things before God. Of course, the greatest farce was that anyone could say America was a Christian nation. From it's founding it was based on greed, and avarice, and though certain words were used, like Providence, or God, in no way makes a country "Christian". The fact is most if not most of the founding fathers weren't Christian regardless of what history the evangelicals have tried to re-write. Most were Masons, or Dietist, owned slaves, practiced Masonic rights, and other paganism.
I am a full fledged Preterist in my eschatology, and watching the kingdoms of this world including America who so prided itself on it's self made moralism fall even convinces me more, that only the Kingdom of God is everlasting,I am glad I am in that city from above, the New Jerusalem and not a part of these kingdoms, I only live here, but to be in the world is not to be " of the world".

History proves that every great kingdom has fallen, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and even Israel have all fell and are now part of the dust of history. America will not outlast any one of them, as Rome only lasted a mere 500 years and we have gone beyond the moral decadence, the financial problems that Rome had when it fell. We have turned America into a hodgepodge of all religion, and races of men, Paganism is rampart in America, We have no sovereign language anymore, nor are any cities that exist now that aren't a melting pot of every race, creed, color and religion. There is nothing left that I remember as a child left of what it used to be, but this could only be expected, as I said there is "no such thing as a Christian nation". America as all nations has destroyed itself within, for a people that calls itself "Christian" by poll to the tune of 80%, to me it is the grandest joke ever told by anyone, superseding any great punch line that even the greatest of comedians could come up with. Yes, the Red Storm is Rising and America has fallen.
Recent news shows that there is much more sorrow for the death of a abortion doctor than all the children he murdered. I personally don't believe in any kind of violence, or that this is the answer to the aborton issue, but it goes to show, just like all the so called Christians who believe in war for the sake of country, are seriously misguided and deluded in error, to what TRUE CHRISTIANITY IS!
When 70 % of the population says they beleive in torturing other human beings for the sake of their own personal safety, that means less than 10% of those who claim to be Christian out of 80% truly understand scripture and the work of Christ, and the value of life- eternal life and that we are not to fear those who can kill only the body but to fear Him who can cast both body and all that a man is into eternal death with no chance of life!They who fear the imaginary enemies of man, could not stand alongside Christ at His crucifixion, Stephen at his stoning, nor a thousand martyrs who rather than resist, died in Christ knowing their hope was in Christ, and that to leave this world was only to be absolutely with the Lord. People say they believe in heaven, and that when they die they go there, but judging by the fear they live in, and have managed to allow the government to motivate their moral judgements, and everything else you can imagine says very loudly much differently..

Yes, there is a Red Storm Arising, and your enemy is not the Muslim, or even the Chinese, Americans enemy is herself,in her love for money, she has forgotten what the Lord said.....YOU CANNOT LOVE THE GOD OF RICHES ( MAMMON) AND LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD...the one true God... AMERICA has fallen, and their is no chance of rescue, it is all down hill from here...unless you come out of Babylon, and turn to Christ, there is no chance for you individually to overcome the death of this world.
Even now in American just like China, home churches are being shut down for the sake of the world sold out, institutional church who is founded on it's pride of ownership and grand buildings and it's servitude to the government as it is under it as corporation and for what the sake of money!
Saving Israel ( the false nation of Zealots, has done nothing to save America, has it? Of course not, we have supported a nation of people that are not Jews but who have manipulated the American evangelicals into monetary support for their apartheid cause, and their Anti- Christ beliefs...Sorry christians who believe in all that non-scriptural Dispensational Zionist Baloney, which is a mere have been manipulated and used for the advancement of death and torture to thousands if not millions of other people as well...

Unless American Christians get in their Bible and quit listening to the false prophets of the land, they too will disappear into the annals of history to be known no more... An Archaeologist of the futures dream to find what we left behind, and the Anthropoligist dream to interpret why it happened. I know why it has all happened. Do you know why it happened? Study and show thyself approved...I doubt it all we have time is for making more money and spending it...don't you just love your money,.....the is the love of money that is the root of ALL EVIL!

Where cometh the Red Storm, it cometh our way and soon, very soon, we will be a complete totalitarian government no less than China or Russia, where the government owns it all, dictates it all, and where it's desenters will be shipped off to some Siberia or other far away land to be tortured and murdered for making a stand for FREEDOM and the LOVE OF GOD above all things.. It's here already, when your own job tells you to keep political statements to yourself, yet they express theirs but since it isnt agreement with everyone else, your shunned for standing up and expressing TRUTH ABOVE ALL THINGS... Truth no longer matters in America, I don't know that it ever has, but at one time, it seemed to have a greater weight on the minds of Americans than the lies we beleive now, and the lies we live now...

Is American Communist...I have no doubt that we are now! No doubt that what was once known for it's ideals and strength at one time, have been whitewashed under the table for the BIG LIE! MONEY and POWER! If that's what it's all about Christian, then you better take another look at the WORD OF GOD and the JESUS WHO POWERED OVER NO ONE, yet powered under, so that HE IS THE POWER NOW... come into His Kingdom which is everlasting before you go under with the kingdom of America! It's gone, vanished to the annals of history for what it once was, which was ten times better than what it is NOW!

Dr. J.

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