This is my latest blog. In the tradition somewhat of my former old blog, "Athens Independent News", I will be taking a look at News, Scripture and Life through my mindset of deductive thinking. I examine naturally everything by who, what, when, where, why and how. Drives some crazy, but that is just the way I think, and have thought most of my life.
While attending college, I majored in journalism and photography, and received my A.A. degree in this field. I also served as college staff news writer and photographer. I even got to be involved as a Journalist when President Ford came to town, and went through all the rig ma role to sit in the area of other famous journalist and photograph him, one of my favorite that I have taken only because of his importance.
I later went on to work for a small town newspaper in New Mexico, where I was on the Editorial Staff as Religious News Editor, Photographer and Feature story writer. In 1977 I also substitute taught public school for a year.
From 1979-1983, I started working in the "just kicking into major gear" cable and satellite television industry, I started as an installer, then became a technician, moved up as a Chief Technician, then into management and contracting. Meantime, I went to school for Digital Electronics in New Mexico because of my introduction to the first home PC's and work I had to do with them for my Satellite Technician position. My first- a Radio Shack TRS-80, then I bought a TI-99 4A.. all had a whopping 9k memory and cassette tape for storage and backup. Computers as I know and experienced over the years, are far advanced from the days of their introduction to the public. In the mid 90's I built BBS boards for dialup,and had one of the first for Private Investigators and then was on the Internet as soon, as it was publically available, so I have been on the long haul of computer technology for a very long time.
In 1984, Investigations fell into my life, while doing some freelancing and owning my own photography and video business, I was hired by a PI to do some work for Him, then in 1985, I opened my own Private Investigation and Security company in Aspen, Colorado, from 1985- 1991, I ran a very successful PI agency there even being awarded "Who's Who in Law Enforcement" and Who's Who in the West" and received accolades by local television and newspaper coverages. During this time from 1988-1991, I also acquired State Certification as a Firefighter and Certified EMT-B working on my Advanced Life Support, I attended classes on IV and cardio interpretation, passing both with A's. I logged thousands of hours on calls during this time in Emergency Services. I even got to assist in autopsies with the local pathologist! Learned a lot from that yucky experience.
In 1991 upon relocation to Texas, after selling the business, I served for a short time as a Medic in a metropolitan hospital. I went on to work in sales, customer service, computer networking, repair and back into Security Management where I ran Security for a major Fortune 500 company, for their largest warehouse facility in the United States, meanwhile in all this I attended UT of Tyler working on my Criminal Justice degree.
I also served as Private Police Chief for a Private Community. From 1997-1999 I had another PI business in Texas, closed that one, then again in 2001-2002, I had one, doing mostly public record research for various companies that I contracted to, and I did some pro-Bono criminal defense investigation work. Worked in a boys home in 2001 for about six months, sold burglar and fire alarms whatever it took to make a living, did consulting and more. My life was seriously changed two days before that Thanksgiving after 911, my wife was killed an a car accident sitting right beside me. We were to be married twenty seven years that coming January. I remarried in 2003, and now have three daughters (step) and nine grandchildren (step), all the same I consider them blood because of my love for them and theirs for me.
Since I left Security, Private Investigation, and Computer Networking, I worked in telephone sales and customer service, doing two years working in Health Human Services working the "CHIP" program "Children's Health Insurance Program" for the State of Texas through a private contractor. I am no longer working due to health issues, but in this time, I have written and published a book entitled "The Bondage," a Christians fictional short story. Located here for purchase and many other places online Barnes and Noble, Lulu, Scribd, Wisdom books and others and soon to be on Amazon books, available in several formats, including audio. The book is written very simple for a teenagers reading as well. Written for 7th graders level and up. I am presently working on a crime novel, and another that I hope will become a significant book in Christianity, long after I am gone.
I have been studying the Bible since age six, and have spent thousand upon thousand of hours, researching, digging in, studying church history, language, etc. I served over these years in the capacity from time to time as Youth Pastor, Sunday School Teacher, Pastor, and in Evangelical Missions and as a Street Evangelist. I have planted and pastored a formal church and a home church. I have a permanent strong relationship with one dear brother in Christ, who we share like minds and heart and share our walk in Christ.
I have an honorary Doctorate Degree in Divinity and remain an Ordained Minister,both of these are just paper to hang on the wall, like about 30 other certificates, degrees and other accolades of men in both the "religious field and the job field" Matter of fact, they are all packed in a box along with my A.A. degree and all my other educational and work accolades.
I mention these, only because many to most, want some educational or experience resume, rather then the " I have walked with Jesus", like Peter and John.
I do have experience, and my personal study time exceeds anything I would have ever accomplished in "cemetary." My word for Seminary. Why? "The letter of the law kills, it is the Spirit that gives life."
I can hold my own against the geniuses of religion, because in spite of many of their carnal mindsets, and carnal thinking and reasoning, only the Holy Spirit is our guide into all truth, and He has been my teacher far too long to bend a knee to man's pridely accomplishments in "churchianity and their education."
Study the Bible, yes, but without the one who wrote the book telling you what the book is all about, you offer nothing but dead doctrines, dead words, and not Spirit and Life.
My faith is in the Living Word, not the written words of men nor am I a bible worshiper, I honor it, as it is the Story that leads to the knowledge of Christ the one we must worship and thus we must worship "Him" in Spirit and Truth. We are not called to worship the Story book, but the one that the Story is about.
Most of all, all my experiences, my walk with Christ and my work in this world, have provided me a wide variety of experience with people, places, skills and more. I also have been working with computers since the inception of them to the public, and have worked in Networking, PC repair and computer construction, software development, database design. I created, designed and marketed a software that was sold on the Internet to the public, and a two databases for loss prevention departments. and colloborated with two other people in their programming development, on both of these to sell on the Internet successfully before 911.
One of them which was sold and exclusively designed for and sold to Sony Productions Loss Prevention. The other was for Target Department Stores, warehouse, loss prevention department.
I have held positions in management, supervision, consultation and more.
To be quite honest, I have far more experiences in various lines of work then I care to mention here. I don't mention these to brag, but to explain, when I talk often I talk from experience not from research on a subject, or book learning, but actual job experience in the field to which I may be addressing and spiritual experience I may be referring to.
Often, because I do have knowledge of these things, which people are unaware of they think you are "a know it all". Well, I don't know it ALL but I hate to say it, I do know a lot more then most people just because of these varied experiences. Which can be backed up with letters of recommendations and personal references.
Written letters for the jobs, and letters of the heart for the walk with Christ.
I did what ever my heart determined to set out to do in the areas of work and career. I wanted to do something, so I did it. Choices we are given in good and evil, human will to salvation we have "none." Man has the power of choice to do the things as a human, whether good or evil, but none of these make for Holiness or Righteousness, these are reserved to God and His will, and only by His will men may be saved. The wonderful thing is He wills it, and it will be done. When it comes to spiritual things, we confuse our fleshly life with that of the Spirit, here we have our will in the flesh, but in the Spirit, there is only God's will. Thus no man comes to salvation by his human will, it is a divine act of God from beginning to end. I am not a Calvinist, or Armenian, I am one who believes in Universal Reconciliation, that God will restore ALL THINGS UNTO HIMSELF because He did so at the Cross, and His Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven. In heaven there are no lost souls or creatures of his, thus he there will be none in the end AT ALL that are lost or cast off for some human imaginary torment for eternity. The Wages of sin is death, and Jesus took care of the spiritual death, we will only have to die the physical death. Adam brought sin and death to all, Christ will bring life to all. That says it all! Some lost and being in eternal torment, some found living in bliss while the majority suffer the pangs of a cruel punishment, that theology is for children, not those who have been trained up in love. That is not my theology, though it was at one time, until years of experience, and His love showed me His heart of hearts, and God is Love, not a tyrant.
Now I am in the closing days of my life, I want only to share the one thing that has carried me through this life, in all the good times, and the bad times and believe me, there have been many bad times, but my faith has sustained and my love of God all because of my Savoir - His name is Jesus Christ.
Now that you know most of what there is to know about me, on the positive side of men, and what they consider important and on some on my walk in Christ, you decide if you choose to read anything here. You can judge me right off, and perhaps miss some tremendous information and experiential knowledge and call me "anathema" or you can inquire and read this blog, and let God be judge in the end, of all things.
This site is simply a blog where I can share my insights, ideas, life,things I may be examining in the world outside of myself, and things within myself. It is a share site containing my many daily deductions or investigations of life and what is going on around us, and what may be going on inside of us.
BTW, I hate Facebook, it is a place of cruelty, and far too much snobbery and rejection of others, all the Social pages are. If you want to read this or not, I will never know, but I know those who supposedly call themselves my friends and family, and they are the most judgmental of all and many like them. I make this judgement based on experience of wasting my time there for over a year.
I hope you enjoy this blog and will comment from time to time. Any questions may be addressed to my Google email. May the Lord keep you and bless you beyond all you could ever imagine. I can boast of nothing, for it has all been of the Lord, for He reigns. I can only share my experiences learned and things I have learned and things I am learning, if you would like to be included or not included in my life, that is your choice. If you disagree with my views or experience, then do so, but don't use my personal blog to do so, send me email. I will be glad to discuss your disagreements, or judgements of me. Don't comment here, unless you have something good to say. I don't need another Facebook account, thank you. This is my BLOG!
Joe Black
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