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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Why the "Church is Not United as One

I propose to you, some simple reasoning with you for a goal and a purpose.

18 Come now, and let us "reason together", saith Jehovah:though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 1

How? Simply by reasoning with God, of course as it is through reason that a man's heart becomes changed by the living Word of God.

So here is my proposition to those that believe the physical seen church "is the Ekklesia".
What I want to make clear right off, is I am not saying that the church doesn't have any of the Ekklesia in it. It is clear that there are both leaders and people who are clearly saved and really are members, and I am not saying that there aren't people there who really aren't His, for I came out of it as well, but it will become obviously clear that the "church" is not the Ekklesia of God, for it is not seen (physically recognizable) today nor in the past, but it's revealing is in the character and lives only of those that are His, and will be revealed to all mankind, the wicked and the lost, when Christ comes. So we must avoid, non-biblical thinking and anti-scriptural doctrines and teachings, and man's traditions, to be true to God as His children. This is the purpose to which I write, is to bring people to the realization of how religious they are often, as opposed to them really knowing Christ. We are to rightly divide the Word of God, and to abstain from those things which are evil and hold to that which is good. I choose to think in terms of what I am saying as good, to reveal the good, and shake out the bad, so we recognize evil.

If the "church" (the summation of all the "seen" Christendom, it's organizations, structured institutionalism, ritual, sacrament, conformity to business corporations, offices, titles, etc. and other things of this world) is really God's "called out one's" for which the word Ekklesia in the Greek was later translated to the word "church" by the hierarch, the kings, popes and it's priestly caste, of the earliest translations into English or other language from it's original form and letter in the Konia Greek, it must look like the Ekklesia of God then as defined by the Bible and it's scripture in the New Testament that God has so set His Word down in for the people to behold, that Ekklesia (church) that Paul argues for in the very First chapter of Conrinthians. Let us look at this.

10 And I call upon you, brethren, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the same thing ye may all say, and there may not be divisions among you, and ye may be perfected in the same mind, and in the same judgment, 11 for it was signified to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloe, that contentions are among you; 12 and I say this, that each one of you saith, ‘I, indeed, am of Paul’ — ‘and I of Apollos,’ — ‘and I of Cephas,’ — ‘and I of Christ.’ 13 Hath the Christ been divided?

This is the question the church must face. Has the Christ been divided?

Now let's look at the rest of what Paul says here in Corinthians in the 3rd chapter-

or yet ye are "fleshly", for where there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not fleshly, and in the manner of men do walk? 4 for when one may say, ‘I, indeed, am of Paul;’ and another, ‘I — of Apollos;’ are ye not fleshly?

Now, this is the state of the "church" today, there are hundreds if not thousands of divisions today in what people say is the body of Christ- the church- the visible one. Now Paul clearly says, ARE YOU NOT FLESHLY? Meaning Carnal, living and acting according to the flesh versus living acording to the Spirit.

What does Paul say about this in Romans the eighth Chapter-

For those who are according to the flesh, the things of the flesh do mind; and those according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit; 6 for the mind of the flesh is death, and the mind of the Spirit — life and peace; 7 because the mind of the flesh is enmity to God, for to the law of God it doth not subject itself, 8 for neither is it able; and those who are in the flesh are not able to please God. 9 And ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God doth dwell in you; and if any one hath not the Spirit of Christ — this one is not His; 10 and if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead because of sin, and the Spirit is life because of righteousness, 11 and if the Spirit of Him who did raise up Jesus out of the dead doth dwell in you, He who did raise up the Christ out of the dead shall quicken also your dying bodies, through His Spirit dwelling in you.
12 So, then, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh; 13 for if according to the flesh ye do live, ye are about to die; and if, by the Spirit, the deeds of the body ye put to death, ye shall live; 14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, "these are the sons of God"; 15 for ye did not receive a spirit of bondage again for fear, but ye did receive a spirit of adoption in which we cry, ‘Abba — Father.’

So, it is very clear to see, that if the visible church is the Ekklesia- then it is hopelessly in sin, for it is divided, in strife with one another, envious of one another, and is of the flesh. So now let's take this reasoning together further.

If the church is suppose to have unity, then which one is right? Which church holds the only truth so that everyone can come back together again in unity?

Has not Paul made it perfectly clear here, any thing other than unity as brethern is of the flesh and those that live according to the flesh it is death!
So, again, I ask- if the visible church is Jesus's "Ekklesia"- "the called out one's- ( the very Greek translation of this word) then it should be as Paul corrected the Corinthians, it shouldn't be one of this person and his theology, another and of his doctrine and on and on it goes. There should be no division at all among TRUE believers. None- or else it belongs to the flesh and is cursed to eternity!

Well, if unity is the command Paul sets forth here for the "visible church", then you would have to return to the original - man's church- Catholicism- for while it was without division as the world church in power of all of Christemdom before the Pro-testants came along, there was unity in this "so called body of Christ". IT was the grand union of both Church and State, it's ruler, it's Pope, was the voice for God to the people- At least that is their claim. They held onto the idea of an Apostolic authority as they do today, they were first they claim, and in fact they were the first of man's concept of "church" formed out of the ideas of the Old Covenant, pagan religion, Christian ideals, one man leaders, and on and on, it became a child born out of wedlock to the very great Whore she is!

Now, as a Protestant, you say God forbid, I would never become a Catholic, but if you want to be -"scriptural" and your belief is that the "ekklesia" is the "church" ( the one defined by man and their religious beliefs)- the visible one, then you have no choice but to return to Catholicism as the one church that was united in history, as to doctrine, and all men known throughout that called themselves Christian's before the Reformation ( if that's what you prefer to call it). For 1600 years this was the church- the only known church to thousands if not trillions of peoples who called themselves Christian.

Thus until you do unite- you are in the flesh! Now here is the crux of the reasoning for you to see- this is the why, the World Council of Churches was started, so that somehow men could find a common ground and somehow unite a divided "Church". This is man's once more fleshly attempt to fix a problem because there is a problem if there is no unity of those that call themselves Christian. Thus many if not most denominations are being drawn into membership, coming up with more ways to eliminate certain doctrinal beliefs to formulate some that will unite them in the hope of all Christendom- a once again unity of "christians".

Now you have two choices, to obey scripture- you must either reject Protestantism and return to Catholicism or become a member of the World Wide Council of Churches in order to be scriptural and form unity! Paul makes it very clear, Jesus made it clear that we were to be One of heart and mind, no divisions among you, etc.

Then what is the "answer in obedience to Scripture.

Now, here is my point. It is clear to anyone with a right mind, that neither one of these choices will many Protestants make, or for that matter Catholics, if it means they have to give up some of their doctrinal beliefs. Thus the WWCC is the best choice for all denominations to become "sripturally unified in their opinion", but here is my point I want to bring you to this-

What if the visible church is not the Ekklesia of God? What if the Ekklesia is the invisible church, only?
What if, I am right in what the Lord has taken some 40 years to show me? I had to have a paradigm shift of thinking, and that is just what God's Word does, it transforms us, no longer leaving us in conformity to this world. We will think like Christ not like men.

You see, if the TRUE "church" of Christ is the "Ekklesia", then it has no need to be part of any of this fleshly mess of man. All of the "religion" of "christemdom" is wrong, and only those who know Christ in truth and have His Spirit, do not remain or will eventually not remain in this huge Babylonian empire known as the "churches". These people who will eventually leave the church are truly His "called out one's". I am only laying here the hypotheses for you to see my point.

These are those like myself who have no association with man's religion- the church- and yet are living and walking in the Spirit of God, in love with one another in Christ, that are truly His, and they have no building, no creed, no doctrine of men, no argument over trivial things, but their banner is the banner of Love- Christ above all things, and He alone is their authority, their Priest and their Shepard, then they have Unity for their Unity is in Christ, not man's defined doctrines and conformity to myths, and rudiments of men, and religious efforts .
The Ekklesia will be led to fellowship with those of like mind and heart and only "God puts together those that are His", because Jesus is the foundation upon which this -"church" is built on. Built on Him and Him alone for it is "His Ekklesia". Not a place to go, not a denomination or non-denomination, but the very temple which He has chose to live in- His "called out one's"- the EKKLESIA- the very Greek word which the Holy Spirit gave to the writers of the New Testament to describe His people, not the English word or Scott orgin word "Kirke" used called "church"- also a deriviative upon which we get "circe" and "circus"!
Men performing with wild animals and as clowns for the entertainment of other men.
Doesn't that describe the religions of men?

These that have "come out of her", the Great Harlot, have no sacraments or religious formalism, or practices or rudiments of men. They worship God in Spirit and in Truth. They reject all of "christendom's" religious garb, hierarchy, authoritarianism, and formality, for Christ and Him alone.
These are those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb, and seek no other voice but of that of their Shepard- Jesus Christ. They meet others like them, from time to time, that they too are of the Ekklesia, but they aren't in the business of going out and starting a new "kirke", for they are the "Ekklesia" of God, They need no meeting place, no large edifices to call themselves "a" church". For they are "the called out one's" of God, they need none of the hands of men's religion, they need only Christ and one another. They need no large temples built to proclaim they belong to the Lord, for they are that Temple. They need no formalized ritual to worship God for they have
"presented their bodies (all that makes them a man, this includes the mind, heart and spirit of a man), a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is our spiritual service of worship" Romans 12:1, They are not conformed to this world but have had ther minds transformed by the renewing of the mind, that they may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
They live in Him and He in them- for Christ is their life- it is Jesus indwelling them, that makes them "called out one's of God the Father. It is His righteousness that is produced of the Christ, it is His fruit, for only He is righteous and it is He that they know they must abide in. Not some man's building or organiztion, or heirarchcy to have Christ within them, lived out through them.

If you think what I haven't written above is hogwash, then come up with a solution to division that doesnt include returning to the Mother of Harlotry- the Catholic Church- the one formed by the "early church fathers" and Constantine, or you have to find ways to join to be in unity with the rest of all "christendom" by throwing more of scripture out the door and become a member of another huge Harlot's daughter, the World Council of Churches for the sake of obedience to Pauls call for unity among the brethern.

There are no other solutions but the one, I propose to you, and that is all of men's religion called "the church" is of the flesh and therefore it cannot be of the Spirit and therefore it cannot be what Jesus said He would build HIS rock on "the Ekklesia", not on men's idea of what that is.

Many man have done just that, because of their deception in understanding what the Ekklesia of God is. It is not a religion, it is not a building, it is not a certain set of devised rules, creeds, or doctrines, or following this man's teaching over another. The true Ekklesia are those that God has "called out", set apart for Himself and he is their only Shepard and authority, and they need no men to tell them anything, for they have the Scriptures and the Spirit- and these agree!

Many a Protestant pastor in the last several years, just because of their insistence that the "church" has to be something they can see, rather than unseen, have arrived at the very same logic except for seeing that the "whole system" is false, they quit as Pastors and became Catholic Priest, yet while many others are becoming members of the World Wide Council of Churches. These are the only two options for the "Fleshly" mind to find what they hope is to bring "unity" to what appears to be God's people in division and strife, and yet they hang onto their false concepts of who really are Christians. If they but see, that the entire system is false and Satans great delusion and deception, they would "come out of her". They would seek Christ above all things else, and be set free from this delusion of men. Man's churches. There are others that think some other-wordly manifestations - like tongues, and miracles, etc, will bind them as One. That's already proven false. All if not many of these did, was go out and form another church, and many with even a newer version of what is not still the Gospel or the Ekklesia. Many of these have gone so far off base, they ended up like Jim Jones group did. They followed another voice other then that of that of our True Shepard- Jesus Christ.

Let's go one step further for the LEADERS out there, from whence does your authority come to be called a LEADER, you will say, I was ordained, I say by whom?
You will say my church, or my denomination or whatever, other than say it is Christ who is ordained and we are ALL His children.
You will no doubtely have to trace your ordination to an organization of men. From whence did they get the authority to ordain? All those in the New Testament if you think ordination was a thing of an office that were appointed by the Apostles, recieved recognition by them and them alone. Can your church if it is "officially" from the lineage of the "organized church" men believe they see in the book of Acts and in scripture, trace it's authority back to the first "officials" the Apostles. I doubt it, the Catholics have lied about this one since it's inception. Yet, you claim the right of ordination over those who are not. On what basis of authority?

Now, if you think that is what ordination is - authority in lineage or due to an organized group of men or women, you have but one choice and that is to return to the Church of Rome, as your authority for ordination, because otherwise your ordination is no good, for Protestants rebelled against that established church, so they therefore have no right to proclaim manly ordination unless they can find some tie back to the Apostles. They can't because they rejected the very church that claims there is a direct link back. They even have sat down and written down this stuff with real men's name's etc, in attempt to take it back to Peter. When has a Protestant church done so, from whence do they get the authority to ordain if it was suppose to be some "ceremony" of men doing this to others, and it was to be step by step, Apostle to the "officials" they selected and then on and on ad nauseum to You!

You can't show a lineage, but many Protestants quit their ministry in a Protestant church to become Catholic priest for this reason alone as well, they wanted to make sure there was some earthly authority for their ordination so they returned to "the early fathers" church- the Catholics who in their foolishness just like Protestant ordination,claiming it is an office to be bestowed upon a man from other man, the Catholics can tie all their Popes to who they call the original Pope- the Apostle Peter.
See, how foolish even the idea of ordination is? Man cannot ordain men! Organizations created by men, cannot ordain men. No one can ordain but He who is ordained, and He has ordained only one thing, and that is the proclamation of the Gospel by all men who are saved to those that aren't.

Only God ordains and He has, one man- Jesus Christ and Him alone, but he has called all of us out- to be ministers of reconciliation, ambassadors for Christ, and kings and priest unto Him. A priesthood of believers, where there is no deliniation between one believer over another. Man has foolishly tried to create the early Church a visible one and missed the mark by a million miles.
It is God that calls ALL MEN unto himself. The early examples of the Ekklesia, were for that time as far as some sort of leadership, as it was necessary for the Apostles only those who had seen the resurrected Christ to bring their testimony to the people, and give guidance to them through what Christ had taught them in person while on earth. These have since been laid down in their writings, "the Apostolic teachings" - the New Testament, There is no longer any need more for "a" man to interpret these to you. The Holy Spirit is each persons guide and leader into all truth for the entire Ekklesia's.
Even the function as Pastor was only then to bring people to maturity into the fullness of Christ, but once that happened, they weren't needed anymore. It is a gifting of the Holy Spirit, a function one operates in, to come alongside an individual, a new beleiver, and be a servant to them, not their leader.
But the goal is learly laid out for what purpose- Let us read and ask afterward why two of these if they were offices are not now still truly in place in the church sripturally, there are those who say they are Apostles but they are not. But right now, we need to see why God gave these giftings to the early Ekklesia.
The answer is found in Ephesians 4:10-16

a1 And he gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Christ: 13 till we all attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a full grown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 14 that we may be no longer children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, in craftiness, after the wiles of error; 15 but speaking truth in love, we may grow up in all things into him, who is the head, even Christ; 16 from whom all the body fitly framed and knit together through that which every joint supplieth, according to the working in due measure of each several part, maketh the increase of the body unto the building up of itself in love.

Now, let me ask you, if the purpose of these were actual offices, I would say the Church has failed miserably, once again proving my point surely these organzations cannot be the "ekklesia" - a and neither are the functions as intended then intended to be "offices of title" or authority today.
for look at the reason he gave "some", ( I think that word "some" is important)-
he gave "some" for the perfecting of the saints,-
American "christians" are sure not an evidence of that- we claim 80& to be Christian, yet we have more murder, more hatred, more theft, more fornicating, adultery, drug addicts and alcoholics and, people in prison outside of China, and more abortion and killing going on then most nations in the world, yet we are the most "churched" nation in the world! We don't just have "some" Apostles, Teachers, Pastors, Evangelist- we have a whole BUNCH OF THEM!
What happened to all those people these so called hierarchy titled positions were suppose to be perfecting?
Is what we have in today's churches perfected believers?

How about this- "unto the building up the body of Christ",- which body is it? If all the various "churches" out there claim to be "his body", we have to ask which one are we suppose to be building up- just that one little divided fraction of followers we have, and to make them even more divided with other Christians by teaching them the traditions of men, the rudiments of men, over and against someone else who has different ideas in these areas of religious practice and doctrines of men? Are you a Calvinist, or an Armenian, do you believe in this or that, constant bickering over the law, not living in grace under the lordship of Christ.

Notice now, there is a "letter of termination" included in this giftng of "some", it is right there but is read over by the religionist, it says "UNTIL or "till" the completion of something, something is expected to come out of all these gifitings, what is it?
it says " till we all attain unto the unity of the faith", well Pastors, Popes, Apostles, Bishops, whoever you are- you missed it on that one- where's the Unity of the Faith you were suppose to be doing? The church is divided up into a million different opinions and doctrines! We have a smorgasbord of choices now, even more these days then ever before, if all these were offices and all these men in these divided bodies were doing there jobs, there would be a Unity of the Faith seen in One BIG LARGE CONGREGATION OF People, hmm. maybe it's the Catholic church and everybody else is wrong!
Not! Read on.

Apparently this is why all these so called offices, do little to make it happen, because according to this passge, they will be out of a "job" if it does happen.

Next what is your purpose if you are one of these gifted people- let's see your function should discontinue also when they "have the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a full grown man", "unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ"!- Wow, now Pastor's Apostles, Bishops, whatever, we really missed it on that one, didn't we?

If it was an office, a position of titlement as most "churches" beleive, with these things as the job description, and the company mission- ALL OF YOU WOULD BE FIRED! Let's admit it, "you failed miserably".
If you were on the show The Assistant or that show with Donald Trump, he would be saying - "your fired".

I have been fired for less when I was a Pastor. Here is a good reason according to the Word of God -to terminate you. The Job Description, given by God himself, if that's what this is. But it isn't- my point again.
I don't mean to disourage you or disparage you, it is not even my intention to offend you, my purpose is to get you to see the truth of what is the TRUE BODY OF CHRIST- The "Ekklesia" is not man's religions, denominations or ideals so whatever, it is not man's way and his organizations, institutions and programs.
The Ekklesia is unseen as an organization with earthly leaders, it is seen by it's servitude, and laying down it's life for one another. It is not the building up of new empires and personal kingdoms or personal ministries for ourselves or our little group of followers, it is about lifting up the name of Christ above all things in this world. It is the people of God, called out of all this world unto Him by justification of faith in Christ, sactification by Christ through faith, and alas glorifications by His soon coming presence!

God has given His Word, all men have the choice to study it and seek God, if they reject that, they will find it easy to settle for man's religion, for all they have to do, is go to church, and listen to not the pure Word of God, but men's ten million interpretations to it. and thus they remain spiritually ignorant and lazy and babies- because they choose to be, and the Pastors choose to keep them that way, Let anyone try to give them MEAT- and out you will go on your 'tuff' to the street.
Don't ever attempt to steal a mother's suckling children. She will be a like a Cat that has had someone tamper with her kittens while they are on her breast, she will rise up and attack you with all claws open. I know, I have been attacked more than once for preaching or teaching God's Word over man's traditions in their "churches", long before I ever left, the man's church to remain a full time member of the true Ekklesia. God's invisible "called out one's.
The organization prefers dumbed down followers, "believers", for there very sustenance of life as an organization depends on it. How else will the money come in? How else can they maintain control and a following less they be dependent on the "corporation of religion".
Thus the Catholic church kept the Bible in Latin for years to the masses that knew no Latin, and thus the Protestants kept with the keeping of an interpreter of the oracles of God, a teacher, the priest, pastor, bishop, or whatever churches decide to call the person who is the interpreter of the Word of God in the building. It is really his job to keep the people from calling on God to give them divine truth by the Holy Spirit, it is his job to keep them dependent on the organization for what this "Word of God" means. Thus Luther and Calvin could not let go, and pursued the AnaBaptist with hatred as much or worse then the Pope hated them. They were slaughtered by the millions until they too had to give in to man's traditions and ways to survive.

I ask you, today, shall we toss the words of Paul and Jesus to the wind, and say, like the Jews said, oh that doesnt really mean that, we are suppose to be in unity if we are Christians. That's typically the way men always nullifies the commandments of God with the traditions of the men, in assigning their own private interpretation to the Word of God, where the meaning is clear, or other scriptures on the same matter make it clear. It is clear from Jesus own prayer, he prayed that we might be one, not just in Spirit with Him, but with one another. How then can man's many denominations, and sects, and others come together and be unified, but if not that the "ekklesia" is the true "church of God", and all the rest is the deception of Satan to lead man and woman away from the love of Christ who said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father by any other way, Carholic, Protestant, Sect or Cult, will not bring you to the Father, only Christ can and will. It is Christ alone and those that are truly His, who are the EKKLESIA- and it is invisible, as an organization, yet it is visible by the life and character of those who His life and character resides. The indwelling resurrected life of Christ, that gives us life and make us "His Church" if you prefer that word, I don't because it just isn't scriptural.

Are there "called out one's" attending these "churches of man". Of course, they are, and many are as deceived as I was for years and many are just beginning to walk in Christ, and are seeking God's truth for their walk with Jesus, and the sad thing, is many will get nothing but religion disquised as Christ, and they will be drawn away from their one true love for the sake of man's traditions. There will be a few, who will be courageous enough to read the Word of God for themselves and learn truth from the Holy Spirit, and will hear the call of their Father in heaven, say "come out of her", or come up hence to me.
Many of these will suffer tragic persecution and hatred by the leaders of these "churches". They will be called every possible name by many of them, heretic, liar, cult, you name it. Yet, I will not disparage who you are in Christ, if you are a Pastor, that is fine, if you are an Apostle, that is fine, do you want to attend church, be a part of an organization, that is fine, too,... but at least you will know, why I, as led by the Lord, have withdrawn from man's religion and chosen Christ instead. If I have errored, then Christ my redeemer will reveal this to me as well.
I know what I know not because, some man taught me these things, they have all been the result of some 49 years of my life as a Christian, "failing, and falling, living in sin, repenting and learning, and walking again, but it was my Savour, my Lord who brought me in, and gave me the power over this life of sin! I know not man's desires or man's practices, anymore, for it is the Lord of heaven that I choose to serve. I am not trying to start a new church, nor be anyone's leader, Pastor or else. I seek Christ and him alone and His people that are there, and to bring the truth to as many people that God puts in my path. That truth is Jesus saves! Religion kills, steals and destroys that for which He paid dearly for us- His blood. No man other than Christ has sacrificed their life for me. No man in any religion can be to me, what Christ is!
How could I perfect what Christ has perfected and is perfecting " his called out one's" in Him, how could I lead, when I need my leader, my teacher, my Pastor, my Lord, and my King- Jesus Christ.
I am no leader, I am but nothing, He is everything. I am not even a teacher. I am not a Pastor, or a Pope or Bishop or even a Doctor of Divinity. I sign my stuff that way (Dr. J), because the only way I can get religionist to read my stuff is I have to be recongnized by them as "some authority" but I am not, I am just a child of God, trying to preach truth to a world that is lost in sin and religions of all kinds. Do I actually hold all these things, yes, I do have an honorary Doctrine of Divinity, yes, I am an ordained minister, yes, I have all those things that seem so important to man's religion, but they mean nothing to me or to Christ.

I seek only Him, and to tell the world of the Kingdom of God, and He who is it's king, to tell the old, old story, of Jesus and His love, and how he died for us, and shed his blood that we might have forgiveness of sins, and how He was raised from the dead, and gives His Holy Spirit to those that ask, who repent and are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, how they recieve new life in Him, Eternal life, and how we that beleive, shall be resurrected some day likened to Him when He returns, and we shall rule and reign with Him forever into eternity. We will no longer look to the Sun and the Moon as our light, but God shall be our light forever.
I hold these doctrines to be true- Jesus is Lord- over my life, is He Lord of yours too? If he is, then good to meet you brother. Now, if you want to divide over the "straining of a gnat", then we probably aren't brothers or at least one of us, isn't.
If you want to argue the Law or over words, then that is fine, but that always comes to your own destruction and the destruction of others. If you want to talk scripture and truth. We can do that without offense always, it is for our encouragement of one another, to build in Christ, to bring one another to the full stature of Christ, this is my goal, I press on to the prize. No, I am yet not perfect in all things, nor have I arrived yet, but all the same it is my goal to allow Jesus Christ to be King in every nook and cranny of this life that is not mine. To Him be all the glory and praise.

The reason most Pastors are afraid of me, is they fear that I would come in "their church" to seek to draw "their" people (whatever all that means, for it's suppose to be "Christ's" church, remember) and want to draw them away to follow me, and my doctrines, etc. They especially fear losing "their people".
I never preach but the truth, the Word of God, in other words, I proclaim straight out of scripture, no opinions, just read it and leave it to the Holy Spirit to put the message to it. Don't proclaim a definition or a sermon point, speak straight out of the reading of the Word of God, so the people might hear! Guide discussion along, without being a dictator and keep things on the original scriptures that were read, away from chasing rabbits on a million rabbit trails, but then come back to some of those rabbits, because sometimes they will lead you to the lettuce, the real meal deal.
You would be surprised.
If it takes an entire book of the Bible, it takes an entire book, but then the floor is open for Dialegomai, discussion to what has been read, and then others may bring bread to the table on the passage that is read what they personally thinks it means, or they may read another scripture aloud.

Let God do the teaching, Just read the Word, as the prophets of old did. Matter of fact, did you know, that in the Synagogues that was the practice, to allow anyone to read allow, and do exactly what I am saying here, and it was the practice of the believers in Christ to do the same thing, as you must remember, their experience had been in Judaism before they met Christ. They did not have to have a title of "Rabbi" to speak. Thus this is why Jesus could even teach at the very young age of 12, in the Temple, Peter a fisherman, Paul a Pharisee, and many others could go into the Temple to try to reach the Jews for Christ.
It is they had the right to speak as well as any high priest in their garments and position and title. They could proclaim the Word of the Lord. It could then be discussed, or challenged among the attendees. The high priest had the final word- "Christ is our High Priest, the Word of God and the Spirit of God are our final word on things, don't you agree?
You will be surprised should you ever allow others to open up and talk, how much error is already in the congregations of "churches" in what many of those who are preached to Sunday after Sunday, really believe as to what is being said, and what they beleive it means to be a "Christian", but you will never know if one person constantly has to act as some guardian ( as it the Holy Spirit can't take care of error). Guardians -don't let the Holy Spirit have His way to open things up among the people to speak. Nor for Him to correct, as often as we may be in error.
There is lots of error in the minds of those in the congregation, that can never be corrected unless it is known, and scripture laid to bear of that error.
See I do not object to Christians meeting and learning together, what I object to is the anti-biblical means and ways that men have chosen out of tradition over the Biblical teaching on these matters. The practices and traditions of men, have quenched the Holy Spirit among His people.

There are some wonderful people in the Lord just getting hold of all this, they will try do something only God can open the door for and fail, there are as many "house churches" that fail as building churches, because someone always comes along and wants to be the "head dog" the authority or they want to establish some sort of manly authority or go out and start another church.
It can't be- only Christ can be, if anything is of Him and then it will open up tremendous opportunity for beleivers to come together and be of like mind and heart and purpose. In a building, in a house in a park, it doesnt matter, but if it is not led by the Holy Spirit, it will never succeed in that goal of unity that we are called to in Christ. Man can't do it, I can't do it, only Christ can for it is His Ekklesia- called out one's!

It is religion that comes to steal kill and destroy relationship and Biblical learning, and walking in Christ.

There are none of us, who have not errored in many things and in many words, Error is often just misunderstanding by others to your viewpoint, that often cannot be put into words. I love all of God's children, whether in the "churches" or out of them, it is my passion to see all of us come to the fullness and stature of Christ, and Him alone. I don't want anyone to be like me, or believe like me. I want all men to come to Christ in repentance and belief in Him alone. I would never try to steal or create a ministry for me, because none of it's about me! It's all about Him anyway.
I share with you because I trust you are my friends. love one's and brothers and sisters in Christ, and that whatever I say, you will hold to heart, but not in judgement, for these are things that are important in my life, truths that God may not have shown you, but we all must "work out our salvation in fear and trembling", for our God is an awesome God, and He is holy and I as you only desire to know that holiness daily in my life. I look forward to that day when the true Ekklesia will be known by all, and the Kingdom of God, is a reality to be seen, when He comes we shall see Him as He is, and we shall be like Him, what a glorious day that will be. Even so, come Lord Jesus come.

May God bless you, eternally with His Son Jesus Christ,

Brother Joe.