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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Living Beyond the Cross in the Resurrection

The very first thing I want to note, is that the Cross is a very important part of the Gospel, but if we stop there at only the forgiveness of sin, we miss the entirety of what Christ did for us. Christians need to understand that the entire Gospel consists of the Cross, the Resurrection and the Gift of the Spirit. We will always find deeper Spiritual truths as we study the Old defined by the New. Jesus as the revelation of the very essence of the Father, and who He is, re-defines the Old to the New. The Old is full of shadows of the reality, which is found in Christ.
I want to share some “revelational knowledge” with you. This is that knowledge God puts into our spirit so that we can understand “spiritual things”. The carnal man cannot understand the things of God, only the spiritual man.
Let us look at Exodus 12, the story of the Passover. In this story we find that Israel was instructed to set apart a Lamb from the flock, kill it, and smear the blood on the doorpost of “their dwelling”. When God saw the blood on the doorpost of their dwellings, He would pass over their house and spare the first born inside the home. The people only had to apply the blood to the doorpost.
This story foretells the blood side of the Cross, the necessity of the shed blood of the Lamb to give us “forgiveness of sin”.
Many read over the other parts of this story and most of historic Christianity, has missed “the rest of the story”, not because God wasn’t waiting to reveal it to His people- the Ekklesia, but because of the traditions of men they have been blinded by teaching that keeps them in the consciousness of sin, rather than the other side of the cross and the rest of the Gospel truth that would bring them into “Christ consciousness”.
The parallel to the blood side of the cross is obvious. Christ died for us. He shed His blood as payment for our sins, thus the wages of sin, death passed us over in Him.
When by faith we apply Christ blood to our dwelling (our living selves) , we are spared the wrath of God.
As long as our revelational knowledge is limited to the blood side of the Cross- Christ dying for us, we may still have our firstborn, that is our sins are forgiven, but experientially we will still live in captivity. We will live as if still subject to the capriciousness of Pharaoh, (here a typology of Satan- adversary) and sin. You remain a “carnal Christian”, trying to overcome sin by your own power, trying to be spiritual. Having a form of godliness but denying the Power thereof. It’s wonderful to have our sins forgiven but after awhile living as if we are still captives takes much of the joy of “just” having our sins forgiven. Our hearts know there is something more, and for many it may take years of failure and frustration before they finally see the “rest of the story:.
I know for me this was my story, saved by His blood at age six with the simple faith of a child, but it took me years to grow from there to a young person and finally a Father, as described in the 3 stages of maturity in the writing of I John. This subject to be written on at a latter time.
Now for the rest of the story – let’s us look at the entirety of the Gospel.
Back to ancient Israel and their captivity. God had a solution for their captivity as He does for you and I, and that is to see to the other side of the cross, RESURRECTION and the GIFT OF THE SPIRIT.
Here is the rest of the story as written in the Old Testament
The solution God had for the Hebrews captivity. The solution was to provide them sustenance, or life, to get them out of Egypt. So he instructed each household, after they smeared the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost, to roast the Lamb and eat is as nourishment for the upcoming journey. That’s the body side of the cross. You take the Lamb (Christ) in you as LIFE!
God is showing us here that the Lamb they used for the blood on the doorpost was the same lamb they ate for the journey. In other words, everything that is necessary for living the life comes from the Lamb. It isn’t that the Lamb dies for you and then your sent out to the rest on your own or with His help (as popular and “incomplete Gospel”- traditional Christianity practices and teaches). The Lamb is the total answer. The Lamb that gave the blood for them also gave its life to them. They took the meat into them, and that became their nourishment, strength, and vitality for the journey. They lived their life out of the Lamb’s life. They walked in its energy. They killed one Lamb for two purposes!

Paul calls the New Testament life a walk. What is the sustenance, the life, of that walk?
It isn’t trying. It isn’t us trying to walk for God. It may look like that on the outside, but we have taken the Lamb of God into us. He is not only the forgiveness of our sins. He is also the life within us, from whom we make the journey. He is resurrected and in so doing He gave of Himself to us, by the gift of the Spirit, he came to dwell within us, and our only hope and life is in Him. You can’t live the Christian life, but He can, but you must partake of the meat of the Lamb as well as the Blood. He said you must drink my blood and eat my body. Today as then most Christians have no comprehension of this and what it means for them spiritually. They only see it as a sacrament they do now and then in the church under the traditions of men originating with the Catholic Church.

We just like ancient Israel must not only have the blood of the lamb upon the doorpost of our lives, but we must also eat of the Lamb, for it is His life within us that is our spiritual nourishment, it His life, lived in us, through us and as us, that enables the Christian to not only have forgiveness of sin but to overcome sin. It is the other side of the cross.

Another parallel in this story of Exodus is how they were commanded to eat unleavened bread. Grace upon grace and not mixed with law is the spiritual meaning here. The leaven of the Pharisees that Jesus warned the Disciples about was their traditions, their laws that had no meaning without the life of the Spirit. One can’t put the blood of the Lamb upon their lives by His work, then turn around and think living the Christian life is lived by law- or leavened bread. He is the unleavened bread from heaven. We are told to eat to eat Him for He is true bread. Take the meat and put it into your body. Put the life in you by faith. This is where we agree with Him and the Word of God, that says, Christ in you, the hope of glory. We are complete in Him, He is not just the author of our faith but the finisher as well by the life of Him inside of us, by the gift of His indwelling Spirit.
Just as He said he could do nothing without the Father- meaning living His holy life on this earth, no Christian can do anything holy without His life within them. The whole story is that Christ died that we died with Him at calvary, and as He was raised from the grave, we with Him have been raised up in newness of life, and just as He promised He would come again He came by the gift of His life indwelling us, that we might be more than conquerors in Christ Jesus, because it is He that lives His life in us, as us and through us. The reason that the traditions of men and the religious keep Christ always dangling on the cross, is their inability to believe the Word of God, by faith, that we are NEW CREATIONS in Him and they insist on believing in their own carnality that by their own efforts of externals they will be able to obtain the life. The life is Christ, and it is the other side of the Cross!
May you not only know the blood for forgiveness may you come to know the meat for power over sin in your life. He is that real meat, eat of Him, partake of Him, and quit eating the stale leavened bread of religion, and you will LIVE! I promise by experience.

A special thanks to Dan Stone and David Gregory from which I borrowed some of this from their wonderful book entitled " The Rest of the Gospel" When the partial Gospel has worn you out", A wonderful affirmation of things God had taught me in my life in Him. I highly recommend this book to all Christian readers, it is published by " One Press" I found the book at a local Christian book store.

until next time....may you enjoy the meal!

Dr. J.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Da Vinci Code Debunked! The true "mystery" revealed

Recently I watched the movie the "The Da Vinci Code" as a Christian we are not to fear views that are the anti-thesis of "true faith" in Christ. If our foundation is built on a spiritual relationship with Christ where we have tasted of heavenly things, then no perversion of the truth will draw us away from Christ.

John 10:3 - "to this one the doorkeeper doth open, and the sheep hear his voice, and his own sheep he doth call by name, and doth lead them forth; 4 and when his own sheep he may put forth, before them he goeth on, and the sheep follow him, because they have known his voice; 5 and a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him, because they have not known the voice of strangers."

One of the reasons this movie and the book became so popular is the general populace including many pre-religious people are much more educated then many of our parents or their parents. Many have studied history which is full of the grandiose schemes of the organized church to suppress the REAL TRUTH of Jesus Christ and the GOSPEL. Most if not a few understand the ancient persecutions of those that the Catholic church declared heretics that the true heresy was found in this “whore of Babylon”, the organized church, that was building Augustine’s “ City of God”. That it reigned by powering over all others, with a leader standing in the “temple of God, declaring themselves to be God”- ie; the Pope and his appointed leaders. They have seen the corruption of what is supposed to be “God’s called out one’s” the Ekklesia, or otherwise pervertedly re-named by these pagan whores – “ the Church”.
They have seen the immorality and greed of so many so called "Ministers of god", Pastor's, Evangelist, and especially those who have built grand kingdoms to themselves and their own love of their flesh. They are much more educated but with education of history, the believer would see right through the impossibility of the fiction presented in the “The Da Vinci Code”. The true historian as well, would see the inconsistencies and the fiction of history as presented as fact is nothing but mere fabrication and a twisting of the facts. However, those not educated in history or the truth of the origin of the “church” versus the Ekklesia, will not be able to distinguish between true Christianity and the lies presented as “the church”. I will throughout the rest of this article use the word church for the sake of the readers, but let me give you a Biblical definition before you read on.
The church was never a place to meet, a building, or a certain denomination, or certain hierarchial creations of men. Jesus built the “ true church” and there are few today who are members of it. It is unseen, as it has no organization built on the traditions of men, no hierarchy except that as Christ as the Head Shepard and we the Bride, the Church as His Sheep. We are the expression of Him, called out and separated from all the kingdoms, organizations, hierarchies, institutions of men. We are as the original word for church means, the “called out one’s”. Called out from this world, as strangers, aliens, and sojourners who are not separated by creed of doctrine but because the very life of Christ is our life, and we seek nothing from this world, as home is in heaven from which we dwell with Him, and He fills up all that we are or hope to be.

It is built on the words of Christ that said:
Matthew 20:25 25
But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 Not so shall it be among you:but whosoever would become great among you shall be your minister; 27 and whosoever would be first among you shall be your servant: 28 even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

And these words from John 4:24

It was Jesus who told the woman at the well, when questioning where was the place that God could be found in Samaria or Jerusalem.

24 God is a Spirit:and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Alas these words that is we who are members of “the true church of God”

16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar–jonah:for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Of course, contrary to Catholic false teachings we know that Christ here is referring to the rock not as Peter but the statement or confession of faith that Peter declares: Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

The “ Anointed One” the living breathing Son of the Living God!

Pay close attention to that concept the “living God” for I am going to show you how the organizational church has made Him the GOD but a DEAD GOD!

Many of the historical facts presented in this movie contain "some truth" with a large mixture of fiction. What I wish to reveal here, is that, yes, the organized church has suppressed a truth of Christianity but it isn't that Jesus was married or had a bloodline generation that is being secretly guarded by some esoteric group of men.

There is a truth that has existed since the Apostles died, that the church has been guilty of, that the Catholic church has kept from the masses and the Protestants carried on the tradition. There is a " mystery of the ages" that was hidden from all those before Christ came, that Paul and all the early Christians believed in wholeheartedly and because of it they turned their world upside down for a time, but then even as they were expressing the truth of this "secret" (mystery) men were already busy trying to Judaize - the Christians of Paul's time with the formulation of the hierarchy- clergy-laity system. A restoration of the old Levitical Priesthood and the Temple.
Paul, Peter and John warned of it's coming but none to only a few have seen it to this day, for the organized church has done everything in it's power to keep it buried, so that the masses might remain ignorant and under it’s power.

I have provided just a few verses from scripture to which the “true Church of God” is built upon and even one just viewing these words at a glance can see how contrary the ecclesiastical system of today is far from being built on the words of Jesus “church”

What is this secret that they keep hiding from the people, they rarely mention and then if they do, it is to try to produce false wonders and miracles, to call it this. Why is it even today the “Cross” is the representation of Christianity rather than the Resurrection?
Why is to this day it is the Cross is the symbol of Christ more often than the Dove, why it it almost every sermon you hear is on the cross rather than the resurrection or the purpose for Christ coming, to give us all something that God desired to do through the ages to do even with Ancient Israel but even they refused this gift, rather they sinfully chose Kings.
What is the truth of the Christian faith and the “whole Gospel”? What is this mystery that Paul understood to the depths of his heart, and the early Christian’s did as well.. What is it that inspired these believers to die at the hands of ruling Kings, and others, without a whimper or a refusal to do so? Why is that the early church was passive to the violence done to it? Why is the history of the organizational church so full of violence, intolerance and hatred, all to which is not a testimony to God’s love for all of His creation. Why is that they teach a crucifed Christ over the Risen Christ, why is it they wish to make his earthly life as a man as if he was functioning as a God while on this earth. Why is it they deny his humanity and over emphasize His Divinity, yet, they never show that His intention was to truly create a nation of people like Himself, a whole new race of men, a race of people “set apart by God Himself, for the sake of Himself.? Why is it they have replaced the organic with the stale bread of doctrines, creeds, and religion? The reason is to keep the lie, to keep Christ on the cross, a DEAD GOD, rather than the SON OF THE LIVING GOD! They wish to hide the secret, the “ mystery” Paul refers to it as. What is this mystery that has made many to leave and abandon the organized “churches” of men, for the one TRUE CHURCH OF GOD” ? What is it that they so hold onto that it has brought persecution, even death for their belief. Why is it that very “churches” that claim they are this Church that Jesus referred to as the “rock” is not the “ROCK”.
A rock is immovable, it is solid, it is not ever evolving into something different with the whim of men, it only becomes transformed by the wind, or water. Both symbols of the Holy Spirit and Life!
It is the Holy Spirit that brings life to the “true Church of God” and this SPIRIT is the very SPIRIT OF THE FATHER AND THE SON! It is the expression of their Holiness, not some weird speech, false miracles and other such foolishness. It is the EXPRESSION OF HIS CHARACTER, HIS TRAITS, HIS ACTIONS, HIS PERSONALITY, HIS LIFE!
The Holy Spirit and the Resurrected Christ are one in the same…

Thus most denominations either don’t teach of the work of the Spirit or they pervert it into some loud flashy, fleshly, extraordinary un- documented miracles or superstitious teachings. Some call it a second blessing, or second coming. It is the first blessing of those that are His, it is not some gibberish uttered out of the flesh of men, that can be found among the most pagan of tribes and religions of men. It is not some special gift to go around slapping people in the head, blowing on them or other such foolishness and showmanship to draw attention to yourself and obtain followers and let’s not forget, lots of money! It’s also not the sorrow of the world, where people cry or feel sad for the sins they have committed. It isn’t because 15 people came down the aisle of some false temple and joined your membership or asked for salvation because some preacher gave an emotionally moving speech, some sermon, some supposed “Oracles from the God’s”.
It is not in the creeds or doctrines of men, nor can it be found in because someone quit drinking or smoking and joined the church. It is LIFE CHANGING, IT IS EMOTIONALLY, INTELLECTUALLY AND SPIRITUALLY STIRRING all at once, and will forever change the life’s of those who receive the Gift. A gift for which our Master and Saviour purchased for us with not only His blood at the cross but His overcoming sin and death through the Resurrection.
It is to have the very life of the Son within us, as part of everything that we are, will be or shall ever become. It is the secret of the ages, hidden, now revealed Paul says.
Let us read what this secret is, that the church tries desperately to keep hidden from the masses, first it was by having the Word of God bound in a book, under a language that very few understood, and then to print it in their language, and yet tell the masses you can’t understand this book unless we interpret it’s meanings, it’s words, it testimony to you, by way of our educated and specially called of God, powers as your Head men- the Clergy tell you what it means, rather than Christ. The church” the organizations of all the denominations that call itself Christians have and still work desperately at keeping YOU from discovering the secret…it is not the Opus Dei, of Dan Brown’s book who seeks to keep the secret from being revealed it is all those who power over you, seeking to be your interpreter of God’s Word and His Blessing. It is all of organized Christianity that has proven itself time after time willing to kill and maim others to keep this secret from you the masses. If you only understood it, they would lose all power over you, their money wells would dry up, their expensive houses, cars, allowances, vacations, and organizational real estate holdings would end, and thus who would they manipulate then?
It is kept so secret that even the mention of it, this “mystery”, makes these grandiose, fat Shepards, “ministers of light” shutter at night at the thought of you knowing this secret.
It is the very same reason they wound and even kill the sheep of Christ even to this day, to keep them from speaking truth among their followers, they will be cast out, and persecuted, called cult followers, and other words to hurt and to maim them. They "the keepers of the secret must do all they can do to keep the secret. They must at whatever cost, not allow you to know this mystery. To do so, would mean the very end of not only “their church” but all the power they have held over the world, who has stood in looked in amazement at them!
It would not bring the end of Christianity, it would be the restoration of Christianity. It would mean the power to be specially called of God, was no longer under the oversight, their hierarchy, their will but that any and all may be “ called out one’s of God!

This secret is bound up and hidden disguised and mutilated by their doctrines and traditions of men. They make the Commandments of God, of none effect for the sake of keeping the secret, of not allowing you the masses to know the “ mystery”. God forbid you ever find it out…what may become of “THEM”.

Oh yes, it is hidden in their art, their form, their religious symbols and signs. It is so well hidden the greatest of artist nor theologians can find it. There is no famous one painting that reveals the truth it is rather these paintings and artwork are that which keeps you from the truth. All idolatry keeps men from truth. Worship of buildings, paintings, the glory of architecture, kingdoms, power and more whether it be a golden bull or ancient representation of a pagan god, they all lead you away from this “mystery” this secret so it won’t be revealed. It’s structure, it’s programs, it’s doing it always in the way of men, keeps you in darkness from the secret…Oh how they wish these verses of scripture would have been erased out of scripture, forever destroyed but though many did there best to change some words and preach a theology not consistent with it, none dared to erase these words, or destroy them from scripture for see the Holy Spirit was guarding these so well, because, they knew them not either and when they discovered them it was too late, to change them or to write them out of history they knew it would never change the Work of God, the Life of God, in those believers who had discovered the “mystery”. They were living it to it’s fullest extent, waiting for the day of fulfillment when all the world shall know, this secret as it will be revealed in them! No, rather all they had to do was cry, “heretic” , “cult” and other such derogatories and accomplish their objective, silence their voices to the masses, let them be considered, as those who oppose Christ, rather than the truth, that they were Satan’s minister’s of the synagogue of Satan.

Oh what a masterful job the Enemy has done down through the ages trying to bury the secret in all of men’s religious propensity. Men is driven by religion, and loves his religion for it is a dedication to the creature rather than the Creator. Thus to have their high priestly class still speaking the Oracles of god, and to have their private temples of worship and praise to their pagan ideals, they force out the voice of all those who would cry out “ FOUL” and “ EVIL”.

I know this evil of theirs, and how they operate in their secret ways, to destroy the true children of God. I know how they cast out the true children of God, and point fingers at them, accuse them of evil, just as they did Christ for standing against these same evil doers of wickedness in His time. I too have joined the Apostles, and the Early Christians in their being shamed, and being called an accursed people by the very same name calling themselves “ Christians”, I too have seen the hand of those and heard the mouth of these False Prophets who have gone the way of Balaam and seek only you to be drawn after themselves “ to make profit of you”..

Oh how, they like to accuse you of the very thing for which they are guilty of. They will say "you are only trying to steal “my sheep” you are trying to draw “my church” after you". When in fact, I seek not those who are righteous but the lost. I don’t seek to draw anyone after me, but Christ. Since when was it "their church"?
If I wanted followers, I have the gift to teach, to orate, to preach, to utilize argument and use persuasive speech and used it in the past, when I too was blinded by their god, and was ordained and preached in their institutions of whoredom. All I would have to do, is join them, start a church tomorrow, and I know if I sold my self over to Satan, I could have a HUGE following, I could build a great organization, and money would flow my way, by the millions. I could make Joel Osteen ashamed of "his ministry", if I would only bow down to Satan as they have, and say give me your kingdoms, Satan, so I may enjoy the lifestyle of the opulent, the elite, the highly acclaimed, the masters of religion and the world. I have not chosen this way of life, because the Spirit of the LIVING GOD compels me to bring people to Christ, not to me, not to a new denomination,fro I have none, not to “my church” , for I have none, or to my doctrine ( I hold only to the Apostolic doctrine of Christ crucified, raised on the third day and giving the Holy Spirit to all who would ask and to the glory we shall know in immoratality at the Day of Resurrection), or to enrich myself with the blessings of their material goods, for I have all that need and I shall be content with it- food and clothing, or that I might supersede them and be even more powerful, more recognized and wealthy then “my own church”, .

“NO” a thousand times no, I have chosen the road of Paul who was my example, I took nothing from any man, I preached the Gospel – free of charge, freely I have received and freely I shall give. I do not and would not have anyone follow me, I want not anyone to follow me. I want all men to know Christ the King, the First Begotten, the First Raised from the Dead, the giver of this Spiritual Life in Him. I seek to only glorify Christ.

Many of you, will delete my writings, or refuse to read them, that is fine, you don’t offend me, you only reject those of us, who are trying to bring you the truth of scripture, the truth of Christ, and who the TRUE CHURCH OF GOD really is.. it won’t be found in a building we don't have, it wont be found in meetings we don't hold, it won’t be found in a doctrinal creeds we haven't written, it won’t be found by demanding your tithes to our ministry to which we have none, we are only Ambassadors for Christ, ministers of reconciliation, it is only found in the mystery.

Do you know the mystery, do you care to know” Do you desire with all of your heart to really live the Christian life? Do you really want to experience Holy Spirit power in your life?
If you hold back any one thing, that would keep you from making this grand commitment, over your present life, present position, present earnings present respect and honor, then you will never come to know the truth, you will remain living in the shadows of darkness, never experiencing the joy of His life, but the constant struggle of your own, to be good enough, to someday hope you will go to heaven by all your wonderful goodness and works of righteousness. I come as Jesus did, I came not to seek the righteous but the lost sheep of Israel. Christ being Israel, I seek those who want to be released from the bondages of self condemnation, constant guilt and trepidation, constant feeling inadequate to be called “Christian”. Those burned out from the "partial gospel".
I come to seek those who want to know not me- but Christ above all things. To know and understand what it means to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God and not men.
This is my calling and the calling of all of us, who have found “the secret” that others seek to hide. It is the calling of all of us, who have realized the mystery revealed
Are you curious yet, as to what this secret may be…..It is found in two important scriptures that defines the Whole Gospel that Paul preached, the entirety of the truth, the meaning behind so many of those words that many try to twist to their own destruction. The Mystery hidden throughout the ages….now revealed..
I shall now reveal the mystery the whole of Paul’s Gospel…..are you ready, will you understand it when you read it….pray now, that the Father gives you spiritual discernment to grasp the power of these words, and what it means for you, and your family should they discover it as well. Pray that the Father will so reveal it’s truth IN YOU!
Here it is:

Colossians 1:26-29
26 even the mystery which hath been hid for ages and generations:but now hath it been manifested to his saints, 27 to whom God was pleased to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: 28 whom we proclaim, admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ; 29 whereunto I labor also, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.

How many times have you read over these words, and never got a glimpse of the power in those words from Paul?
Does this say anything about special men over others?
Does this say anything about trying to be perfect?
Does this say anything about you trying to be Christ-like?
Does this say anything about a dead Christ? Is Christ still on a cross and offering no hope for the sins that so bind you up?

Does this say anything about others being “more spiritually” knowledgable then you?

Does this say you have a need to go to church to meet God?
Does this anything about that you have to work to go to heaven?
Does this say anything about you needing the clergy to interpret “ the things of God” for you”

IT DOES NOT…and it along with many other verses I can provide you and show just the opposite of all that the traditions of men have taught you.
It says a lot here in that one passage of scripture, but you have to grasp it. Let me add two more scriptures to strengthen this one.

The Bible should always interpret itself, let us add these that speak to the witness of this one.

2 Corinthians 13:3-6
3 seeing that ye seek a proof of Christ that speaketh in me; who to you–ward is not weak, but is powerful in you: 4 for he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth through the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him through the power of God toward you. 5 Try your own selves, whether ye are in the faith; prove your own selves. Or know ye not as to your own selves, that Jesus Christ is in you?
unless indeed ye be reprobate.
6 But I hope that ye shall know that we are not reprobate.

The thrust of all of Paul’s message was of course, Christ died on the cross that we might be forgiven of our sins, but it didn’t end there! He was raised from the grave, declared the first born of many to come, and that we too now have been given the very same Spirit whereby He conquered this world, sin and death. Yes, God did not leave us, with just forgiveness of sin, he gave us the power within to overcome sin and DEATH…. This is the Gospel, that let any man ask and He shall be given the Holy Spirit- the living God, the Resurrected Life of Christ to come in and become His life. He will be joined with Him as one Spirit and they shall sup together…. This is the Gospel, that they try to hide, they try their best to keep you in the idea that you must sin until you die, but no the Gospel is if you continue in sin, you are not His, for if He is our life, we cannot continue in Sin, to what one sows to one shall also reap, to the Spirit life everlasting or to the Flesh….DEATH. For the wages of Sin, is not Hell, everyone goes there, for it is the “grave of death” Sheoul in the Old Testament, but only those who are His shall be awakened from their sleep in hell ( the grave) and shall be RESURRECTED INTO IMMORTALITY. And BE JUST LIKE HE IS….one of the many Sons of God…..
This they do not want you to know, for the minute you find the power of Christ life in you, the hope of glory, you no longer need them to get you there. You only need Christ…
One or two final verses.

I John 2:5
but whoso keepeth his word, in him verily hath the love of God been perfected. Hereby we know that we are in him: 6 he that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk even as he walked.

I pose a question how did he walk while on this earth? In sin or righteousness?

Why did He walk that way? He said , I can do nothing of myself. Just as you can do nothing of yourself. How did He walk this life then that overcame sin and death?
He walked because He abided in the Father! How can you walk? Because you can NOW abide in the Son! Glory to God, for the very same Spirit that was in Jesus as a man, is the very same Spiritual life He has given to you as a man!
Do you believe it? If you don’t then the Bible says whatever is not of FAITH is sin!
Jesus understood these words for He penned them through the SPIRIT of Himself in the men who wrote them down..

He walked in FAITH. He had only the declaration of the witness of the Spirit to tell Him this was true. He had no Pharisee come along and tell him this was true, no he experienced just the opposite as will you when you grasp “ the mystery”, they will say you are of Beezebul…one of their pagan gods they brought with them in their teachings.
They will say you are of Satan. Pay them no attention…Pharisees will always be Pharisees!

They accused Him of saying He was God, because they didn’t understand His walk, as they will accuse you and say …"so you are saying you are Christ?"
He never said what they accused Him of saying just as I have never said what they have accused me of saying. He drew all that He was from the Father while living the human life, just as we can draw all that we are from the Son, while living the human life. I promise you, I have and do experience this in my life.

Some final Words from the Testimony of Jesus Christ
I John 2:25-27
25 And this is the promise which he promised us, even the life eternal. 26 These things have I written unto you concerning them that would lead you astray. 27 And as for you, the anointing which ye received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any one teach you; but as his anointing teacheth you; concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it taught you, ye abide in him.

Some final words for all you Building worshippers: That believe you must go to "the house of God" on Sundays or Saturdays, whichever..
Acts 7:47-50
47 But Solomon built him a house. 48 Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in houses made with hands; as saith the prophet, 49 The heaven is my throne, And the earth the footstool of my feet:What manner of house will ye build me? saith the Lord:Or what is the place of my rest? 50 Did not my hand make all these things?
51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Spirit:as your fathers did, so do ye. 52

I Corinthians 3:16
16 Know ye not that ye are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 1

Which will you give heed to the “teachings of men” and the “ temples of men” or will you give heed to Christ who dwells in you, and has made you a LIVING TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD? It is your choice today, now that the mystery has been revealed!

Dr. J.

" Speaking the truth in love"

We are to always contend for the Faith!