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Monday, May 19, 2008

The Lie the Church Tells of Separation of Church and State

I am writing this as I have expressely stated before that the church, the institutional church, if it were God's "called out one's" they surely destroyed that when it chose to incorporate and put itself under the authority of the State.
Well, I also believe very strongly this is so, when it comes to the idea that marriage by the State is what sanctifies a marriage as a marriage.
Even in the times of Christ, the Jews did not seek out the approval of the Roman government, to issus a marriage license. to declare two people married. It has come time for the "church" to recognize these errors within itself, should it ever desire to return to being an assembly of God's "called out one's" versus an organization incorporated as a kingdom of this earth, under the authority of the State and the Federal government for the sake of gain. Let's be honest, this move by the institutional church was made for no other reason than the sake of money, so that they could declare themselves a non-profit organization and recieve special tax benefits on the millions of dollars that they manipulate from the body of Christ for gain and power over them. It is self gratifying and self feeding. Very little money actually goes to the poor, to evangelism of the unsaved or to the support of other believers within a "congregation", the majority goes to buildings, buildings and more buildings and to the hierarchial staff of those who are suppose to be more spiritual than the layman who are manipulated out of this money each week at services held across the world, under "the lie of tithing".

That's another story in itself, "tithing", and I would highly recommend any Christian to read my friend, Dr. Russel Kelly's book entitled " Should The Church Teach Tithing". This book is readable online or you may download the pdf for Free and can be found at this web site:

I would recommend for EVERY Christian to read this to come to an understanding of how much a lie it is that they must tithe. A lie that has been fed them since the inception of the "Catholic Church".
The history of how the "church" came about telling this lie is well known amongst any church historian, that knows their history. Of course, for the laymen this is best kept secret, less the truth be known, and the church lose it's hold pscyhologically and spiritually over people which grace their walls.

My story here has to do with recent events in California, of the State Supreme Court over ruling the desire of the people of that state, on this issue of homosexual marriage. Here is a short blurp from what I read.

I was a Californian for 40 years, so I have to ask my former fellow citizens: Are you going to sit by and do nothing while four black-robed despots take away your right to govern yourselves?

The story is written by Jan Larue. See credit at the end of the excerpt.

By one vote, the California Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the expressed will of Californians to limit marriage to a man and a woman.

In 2000, a 61.4 percent majority of Californians passed Proposition 22, which limited marriage to a man and a woman and precluded California's recognition of same-sex "marriages" consummated elsewhere. In a decision derided by a dissenting California justice as "legal jujitsu," the Supreme Court majority held that the ban on same-sex marriage is an infringement of the fundamental state constitutional right to marry.

Jan LaRue, Esq. is a member of the board of directors of the Culture and Media Institute, and formerly chief counsel for Concerned Women for America.


Once more the State has proven itself for what it is, an institution of Godless men and women, who care less about morality then the people they supposedly are suppose to represent. The main goal of any State law basically requiring some sort of licensing or approval by the State, is the opportunity to make profits. In this case they want to profit from marriage licenses issued to the homosexual population. I can see in California especially how this new law will help fill the State coffers a lot more, being there is such a large population of homosexuals in the State of California. I can't fault them for wanting their piece of the action, isn't that governments purpose these days, to take money which isn't theirs in the first place.

My point to my article here written why can't the Christian realize, that all the kingdoms of this world, including the church is nothing more than an organization organized and instituted by fallen men and women. Thus the laws and practices of such fall under the description what the Bible states about this world, that "Satan is the god of this world".
The word "world" being "cosmos" in the Greek implying the whole of all of the system as we know it and experience it about us.

Marriage should have never been reduced to a marriage license in the first place as issued by ANY governmental institution.

If two drunks go to Vegas, male and female, and in the night they meet each other, and while under the influence of alcohol they should get married, in one of the little Chapels over there, and wake up and realize what they have done, did the license really make a marriage? Of course not, and neither does it matter whether one is sober or drunk, the fact that the state issues a marriage license, doesnt grant anyone God's blessing as a marriage.

Marriage is between male and female and was ordained so by God, but when the church itself even declares that two people aren't married unless they get a license by this godless state declaration they too have given marriage as a declaration not by the God who instituted it but by the State, the pagan State no less, the god to bless it. Thus in my opinion, the recent events, prove my point.

Two people getting a marriage license doesnt mean a thing. Marriage is a commitment of heart and two lives for eternity under God and as described by God in scripture, not a thing of legal papers issued by an institution of any government!

Thus if the State wants to say two Homosexuals are married, let them do so, but let the true body of Christ, say "that is fine and dandy, you pagans do what you want to do, but those that are in the body of Christ, are withdrawing, from this sort of recognition of marriage by the State and the necessity for licensing and we are returning to our roots". The only marriage the body of Christ will recognize is one in which the two marrying individuals male and female, are born again believers and have sought only their love and commitment of one another as their right to live with one another in holy matrimony, that is approved by God and Him alone and witnessed by other believers of like mind and the only license they need comes from above and not within or from the institutions of this cosmos that belongs to Satan anyway.

When Christians get all upset and want to fight the hopeless battle of trying to make the State be moral, they are wasting their time. It is Satan's kingdom, the State is, and joining themselves to it, in the first place, whether it be for marriage recognition or incorporation to simply assemble as fellow believers, is PURE APOSTASY anyway.

Our very early Christian believers, died in Coliseums and were slaughtered by the millions simply for refusing to pay homage to Caesar, yet the "church" today desires to be Caesar or win Caesar's approval or to change Caesar to be something it cannot be, an extension of the Ekklesia. Folks, the Kingdom of God will not be created out of any of man's kingdoms. So give up the idea, there is no such thing as a "Christian nation". Not at least until Christ returns and judges all the kingdoms of this world, and establishes Himself truly as King for the world to see.

It never will be nor can it be, until Jesus returns and He establishes righteousness and destroys all the kingdoms of this world, which includes the institutional church!

So, quit fretting over the laws this country is passing which are contradictory to who you are in Christ. Let the godless men and women of the kingdoms of this world do what they are going to do anyway and that is always to worship the creation rather than the Creator! Read the Book of Romans, First Chapter.

Leave the State to do what it's going to do, but separate yourself from it, and be God's child in His kingdom, subject only to Him, as Jesus did and all those who truly followed Him throughout history. They paid the price of persecution as He did, and He promised those that were truly His would suffer the same.

I suffer persecution from those even who claim to be Christian often, but have no clue what it means to live for the Kingdom of God, versus the kingdom's of this world.

America nor it's institutions or it's governments are representative nor have they ever been "The Kingdom of God". The sooner that real Christians get that in their head and into their heart, they will learn that this world doesnt matter, it is bent on a race for judgement anyway. Thus, if you as a Christian male or female love each other, are committed to one another for a lifetime, you do not have to seek the approval of the State, make your parents and family understand why you won't seek the State's blessing (pagan in nature) and rather you seek only their recognition and the other believers you know to call you married, and that you seek to love one another without a State's license. All you need is God's blessing, make sure you have that and nothing else matters. Let the church if it wants to be the ekklesia, come together, withdraw from incorporation first, and then grant the love of a make and female who want to be with one another for a lifetime, let it be that assembly of believers that say, yes they are married, and that's all they need is the body of Christ's recognition of love and no more State licenses.

Radical, I know and in the minds of those who are brainwashed with institutional thinking, what I have said here will rattle their pea brains, but when the truth be told, the State can't declare anyone married, never could, since marriage is something that belongs to the Creator himself from the beginning.

The very first thing Adam did once Eve was created, is they "knew" one another. Which means much more than the context of just having sex with one another, they were committed to one another for a lifetime under the blessing of God, even though they had sinned against God, God put his blessing on the creation of Adam and Eve, not on Adam and Steve, nor Eve and Elizabeth.

Let God be the one that calls what is a marriage and only time will tell if it is. Who needs the godless's license's anyway, who needs the State for anything if Christ is truly your head, and your Shepard, your leader, your authority.

Forget the State, give them time and they will soon declare a man marrying his dog is marriage. Let the "ekklesia" be the one that calls what a marriage is for now on!

Get it right "church" or forget it, you can't be a pagan and not one, if you are going to join yourself to them, then you have to join yourself to them, and be what they are, totally godless and without conscious or guilt of immorality for they have no concept of it. Why should they? Are they not but a representative of the enemy of God.

Stop calling marriage something the State does, and call it something that God does and the lie you keep telling about separation of church and state will go away, when you decide to withdraw yourself from it's supposed authority over God's assembly, His "called out one's" then you can begin to see more and more, how the assembly of people called out to be God's children separated from this world were enticed by the enemy, godless men, and an institution to become joined with it. Paul warned of joining the harlot to Christ, and that's exactly what Constantine, he told Christians they had to join the body of Christ to the harlot of paganism and the unsaved, and the church has been in the same state since, of Adultery. Wake up Christians, see the truth and live the truth, the State nor this government or any institution that allies itself to it, is from God, God only allows man to form governments, it is his sovereign decision, but it is not His desire, for his ultimate desire is to reign over your heart, not your pocketbook, nor your business, nor your little group of people meeting in pagan temples. God desires to have all of you, Twenty four and seven, then you can say you truly worship God and not men.

It's time now or never to make the decision to break off from the Harlot you have been sleeping with, man's institutions, and return to Christ.

Dr. J.