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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Weather Wars - Real or Imagined?

Today, I am writing about something that not many but my closest friends and family know about me. Since 1997, I have been studying a phenonemon referred to as Chem Trails in the sky. Most people don't even look up to notice, but they are there and they began in about 1997. Strangely enough, Popular Mechanics wrote a report on Weather Control as a Weapon back in 1997. Which I have taken the liberty to reprint here. Oddly enough this was the very same year the government did a study to see how many people even noticed common contrails from a jet, the findings were that 97% of the American people never even looked up to notice them.
The government program on full blast started about that year. The Chem Trail or persistent contrails that had never graced the skies over America, began to be noticed by thousands across the world. There are many groups who documented photographs and videos of this phenonemon from the beginning spray to the final result of clouds and other strange phenonemon forming in the skie as a result of this.
I have spent hours, day and years researching this phenonemon. There are thousands of people across the United States aside from myself who have done the same. I will tell you, I have proved it is a black budget operations program going on, and had thousands of documents and research on my computer, which somehow just happen to have a serious accident to the Network plug while I was away on a trip taking some youth to a Christian Youth camp out of state.
I took the laptop in to be repaired and they ended up trashing my whole computer, and telling me they had to, that the network card was part of the whole motherboard. They said it couldnt be repaired only replacement was possible for my Toshiba laptop.
That was fine they gave me a brand new one the one I am on now, the problem was they would never give me an appropriate copy of my hard drive back. It took them days to supposedly find it, then I ended up obtaining a limited copy of my files that were on it. All my evidence files that pertained to my research were gone and they never recovered those, supposedly that I had oollected for over some 5 years, they were just gone. They "Best Buy" said, that's all that was on the hard drive.
I had nothing to prove otherwise, and was very upset with them as well. I had been stupid and failed to back them up onto any other memory or tape device.
I had managed to dig up evidence from government and private resources proving that our own government has been doing research and development and the actuallization of weather control and other areas that would explain these strange contrails in the skies over even my home state and others. I still today do have the photographs and videos that I have shot, and at least one DVD on the subject from an anonymous person in Houston.
My investigative skills are very well honed when it comes to the Internet. I will even boast that I am an expert at doing research and obtaining what I need from sources that the public could as well, if they only knew how to follow the trails and make the right kinds of searches online. There are lots of government files or there were, that were open to the public but the average Joe would not known how or where to go to find them. I do and have.
What people don't understand lots of these programs have been in experimentation for years even dating back to Project SHAD which was a DOD experiment with certain bacterias and viruses sprayed over onto U.S. Warships as part of the experiments in aerosol disttribution for future bioweapons. Even today, my research has led me to beleive that these experiments still go on with the aerosols over many U.S. cities and we the public are the experiment. People think that is far fetched but they dont know what I know and others know. They walk through life with rose colored glasses on, they have huge tunnel vision and no peripheral at all. They see what they are told to see, or dont notice at all. I promise you, I have recovered some of my documentation back, by repeating research, Chem Trails or Persistent Contrails as the government tries to wash them under the name of, are real and they are effecting our weather. In Texas, you can be involved in this work, you can go to the Texas Department of Licensing, where you make application for license for such jobs as a barber, etc, and one of the applications right now available there is for Weather Modification. We are experiencing the results of the oddest weather in history because these experiments going on are creating droughts and floods, cold waves and heat waves. Our weather and very possible earhtquakes and more are being controlled and we are in Weather Wars. I promise. Read this article, and if you are interested in knowing more, I recommend reading this web site written by a former Meterologist Scott Stevens located at
Also for more reading see

Last but not least a guy who has been looking into all of it.

Modern Battles Will Be Won By Controlling The Weather
Published in the February 1997 issue of Popular Mechanics

It is 2025. An enemy unknown to 20th-century Americans has massed its army at the border of a friendly country in a remote part of the world. High above them flies a single, unmanned stealth aircraft. A faint wisp of black dust sprays from its tail, spurring the creation of the only weapon capable of stopping the threatening horde.

The weapon the dust engenders is mud--old-fashioned, sink-up-to-your-knees, spin-your-tires mud. There's nothing unusual about this slippery mixture of soil and water. It's the same sloppy goo that forced the Roman legions to build Britain's first real roads. What is different, in this futuristic scenario, is the way it's delivered. Like a meal at a fancy Japanese restaurant, it is being created on the spot and to order. The "chef" is an isolated downpour that swirls only above the heads of the aggressors.

In much the same way that infrared and low-light viewing equipment has made it possible for 20th-century soldiers to own the night, U.S. Air Force planners hope to give 21st-century warriors advanced technologies that will enable them to own the weather. A declassified version of a 2-year study prepared by the Air War College and obtained by PM reveals that this is no dreamland scenario. The Pentagon's top meteorologists believe the United States will be ready to fight--and win--a weather war early in the next century.

The study, titled "Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025," envisions future generals having at their disposal an impressive weather-control arsenal for tactical operations. These weapons would include unmanned stealth aircraft that could seed clouds above massing troops with fine particles of heat-absorbing carbon. This next-generation cloud-seeding technique would, in turn, produce localized flooding and create mud, which has been the bane of all of history's armies. Airborne lasers would cause lightning to discharge over the airframes of attack and surveillance aircraft. Other lasers would fire at fog banks, clearing a temporary flight path to high-value targets, such as command posts. In addition, still more powerful microwave transmitters would heat the ionosphere, altering its reflective properties in ways that would disrupt communications among enemy field commanders.

To reach this future battlefield, the military is planning to piggyback on weather-prediction and weather-modification technologies being developed by the private sector. They estimate that by 2015 supercomputer and atmosphere-monitoring technologies will have advanced to the point where military planners will know exactly what sort of weather to expect over an operations area throughout the course of a campaign lasting several weeks.

The great leap forward, however, is expected to occur between 2015 and 2025, spurred on largely by a growing global population that will put increasing pressure on the worldwide food and drinkable water supplies. "These pressures [will] prompt governments and/or other organizations who are able to capitalize on the technological advances of the previous 20 years to pursue a highly accurate and reasonably precise weather-modification capability," the report states.

"Our vision is that by 2025 the military could influence the weather on a mesoscale [theater-wide] or microscale [immediate local area] to achieve operational capabilities."

The report makes the limitations of the military's current weather-predicting abilities disturbingly clear: "During Operation Desert Storm, Gen. Buster C. Glosson asked his weather officer to tell him which targets would be clear in 48 hours for inclusion in the air tasking order (ATO). But current forecasting capability is only 85% accurate for no more than 24 hours, which doesn't adequately meet the needs of the ATO planning cycle. Over 50% of the F-117 sorties weather aborted over their targets and A-10s only flew 75 of 200 scheduled close air support missions due to low cloud cover during the first two days of the campaign."

If weather modification can actually turn the tide of battle remains an open question. The American military's only acknowledged recent experience in using weather as a weapon occurred with Project Popeye, which began in 1966. The experiment's objective was to extend the monsoon season, thereby increasing the amount of mud that formed on the Ho Chi Minh trail, a supply route that wound from what was then North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam. To produce the rain, a silver iodide rainmaking agent--dubbed "Olive Oil"--was dispersed from WC-130, F4 and A-1E aircraft into the clouds over the trail.

Positive results during the initial program led to its continued operation until 1972. But to this day, analysts remain divided over whether the rain created enough extra mud to significantly reduce the delivery of supplies. When you're slogging through ankle-deep mud, another inch of it probably doesn't make that much of a difference.

We as Christians sometimes miss these little details of what is going on in the real world. We must never forget from the beginning of time, man has wanted to become God! Thus man has continued to try to control the elements and seeks to until this day. Believe it or not!

Dr. J.

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