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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Dander is Up!

Yep,you could say my dander is up. I have known for sometime the shafting that the American worker was taking by the American elitist, New World Order bunch, and it just gets worst. If you missed Lou Dobbs on CNN back around May 25, you missed a great story. The facts broke out about a firm in Pittsburgh that has a lawyer on their team by the name of Lebowitz ( sounds Jewish to me) who did a seminar for American Corporations on how to disqualify Qualified American workers in order to be able to hire more illegal immigrants and obtain them an HB-1 status green card to work here.
Matter of fact you can view the video at

Most people in America live in smoke and mirrors that the elitist of this country create to brainwash us to believe that they really care about us as taxpaying Americans. That of course is a lie.

This small but effective video, captures what really is going on out there and how the lawyers are doing there best to destroy the middle class working American laborer, Mom and Dad.

This video alone should be a wake up call for Americans everywhere on the issues of illegal immigration. What we should do about it. I say what we should do about it, because this is what it comes down to. Don't sit there and expect the Washington hypocrites to do anything for you as an American. They are looking out for their elitist behinds, with the purpose of personal enrichment, and your survival or the survival of this country really means nothing to them.

Alan Keyes has an excellent article out right now most Americans should read entitled Sovereignty or Submission.

I suggest that you also visit the web site
Watch Lou Dobbs report on the prementioned video captured.

Every American should write this lawyer along with writing the Secretary of Labor and your Congressman. What I see in this video is a clear violation of the Labor Law, where one cannot make their decision based upon race, creed or color.
It seems these liberal Jewish lawyers love to push communism and love to destroy American sovereignty.
You can write Lebowitz and the law firm he is at via sending email directly to him and the firm by going to the web site where all their email addresses are displayed.

It is no longer the time, to sit back on our thumbs and say what can we do. Just imagine for one minute, our forefathers doing that before America was ever formed. Sitting on our thumbs and not speaking out now, in my opinion is the same as being a traitor because our nation is at war, against stupidity in government, and the fast takeover of us as a sovereign nation, for the people and by the people.

The economy affects everything, that we will become, or will be. When it is completely destroyed by the corporations and their greed, the politicians and the influx of illegal immigrants it will be to late to say, I should have done something then. Write this lawyer, send a barrage of email to the firm and tell them what they are doing is pure un-American. Sometimes, it takes radical actions of peaceful solutions to get someone's attention. Ghandi did it for India, we can do it for America. I am not a Nationalist nor a love of the kingdoms of the world, but I am an American in that I live here, as a citizen who is subject to the Kings and their taxes, so one might ask, do I not have a right to speak out, when I find myself especially bothered by the abuse of my fellow American workers in this country.
I speak out for them, because I am one. I can tell you last year, I sent out over 100 resumes looking for good jobs that I am well educated and qualified for and to find out that these corporations are wasting my time and other Americans for the sake of an agenda that violates the laws of this land, we need to SHOUT!
So shout and make a noise about your continued abuse by the psychotic powers of this country and it's corporations and it's lawyers like Lebowitz.

Dr. J

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