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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Poison In Our Foods and Poison In Our Lives

Methyl Iodide & Methyl Dioxide. What are these chemicals? How are they used?
I watched the movie " I Witness" tonight, and decided to do some research on this chemical and was totally surprised to find out what I found out.
This stuff is so bad, that scientist use this in labs, to induce cancer in rats for research, yet the EPA has approved it to be used on all our vegetables and fruits as a pesticide. Now, people wonder why more and more people are dying of cancer. It is time we grow our own food, safely with none of the pesticide trash put out there.

I quit drinking milk 8 years ago, because I got Crohn's disease, and best research proves that it is because of the hormones, anti-biotics and other things aren't good for you- but the real kicker for Crohns' victims is that even though milk is Pasteurized and all that, there is one thing it doesnt kill and that is Paratuberculosis. This bacterial organism has been found predominantly in the small intestines of Crohn's victims like myself. It is akin to Tuberculosis, but it destroys the linings of the small intestine, inducing infections, which cause IBS.
So, I quit drinking milk for nearly 10 yearsnow. Within the first two years I was in remission, and have had only one small bought since.
I recently have been drinking only "Promised Land" Chocolate milk. Which even in drinking it, is risky, because though there are no antibiotics, no hormones, put in the milk cows, and they eat organic feed, and grass, it still may contain Paratuberculosis in it, as it is Pastuerized.
I just don't drink it everyday, and I love chocolate milk!

The point to my writing about these things is to bring us to see somethings, we may not wanted to admit or look at.

We must come to realize that the government organizations we pay to protect us, have failed drastically and continue in their failures to protect us from harmful chemicals and such in our environment. Yet, we pay trillions in taxes, for these organizational bureaucracies and they continually fail and then want to point the fingers at the private corporations. For example, the recent oil spill, we pay a huge amount of money to have a DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR made up of many inspectors and regulations. I had hoped they had developed contingency plans for just such an emergency, but as we now are seeing, they did not. That failure of one of our government departments is now polluting, killing and destroying our environment, eliminating jobs, and wildlife.
Many of you may not know that the person responsible for that area of supervision, resigned after this oil spill.
When will Americans wake up? It is not the private companies who fail us, it is the government who is highly paid to supposedly protect us, by use of the continued high dollar taxes bled from us everyday. It is their ineptness that is killing us, destroying our environment, the food chain and even more.
Pointing fingers like they do, is to distract you from the true cause, only so that they can then advance their agenda, to create one more over paid, highly inefficient new bureauracy. They will now spend thousands of dollars investigating, having hearings, forming new committees, etc. Give them time, and a new department will develop over all this, costing tax payers even more money.
I ask, who will investigate them and their failure to act responsible with the tax dollars they steal everyday from us? Perhaps it will be Congress or the President, that will investigate. That is like asking the Fox to guard the Henhouse! The only way the the American people will once more have the power to control this monster, that has grown a million heads, is the day the people can get the money out of their hands and back into our pockets. Don't blame the IRS, they are simply a head coming off the monster, we have allowed to feed on us. Congress and the President, have the power to change themselves, but they refuse. It is the old game of blame shifting. We didn't do it- they did it! No, you failed to live up to the promises for which you designed and implemented these bureaucracies for. So, I say, if it doesn't work, get rid of it. Don't go trying to fix the problem of the poison we have, by adding more poison, let's get rid of the poison. Income taxes, and big and yet bigger government, that is the problem. I believe in limited government. You might say, I am true liberationist. Yes, we need some form of government, and we had it at one time, but once they got the power to take by force a man's working wages, it was like opening the door to the barn where all the feed is kept and letting the farm animals lose to enter. Before long, all the feed is gone, so now the animals will start looking for another barn door that's open. Note, like the animals in my illustration, when you overeat, you become big lazy and stupid! Here we are, and we have a centralized government, that is not just big, it is huge, it has got lazy, and for sure STUPID! We have left the barn door open far too long, it is time, that we put double locks on it, and build larger more secure pens to keep the animals in.
I am for flat tax on goods sold!
This is a fair tax, and holds back the many headed monster from eating up all the feed.
Now, back to my main theme here.


Read up on methyl dioxide, methyl iodide, etc. and see what is going into our food. Then you have all the genetic changes introduced by the geneticist, that work for people like Monsanto, who once was a large pesticide manufacture and now is the largest food producer in the world!

My goodness, I write about these things, because I care and recognize evil more than most, because as a Christian, my Saviour is all knowledge and wisdom, and He gives me discernment about these things, inspires me to not just accept things for what they seem. The Bible tells us to recognize evil, to abstain from it. and test the spirits as well. So, I research, I study, I seek truth about everything I encounter in life. Jesus tell us, we shall know the truth and it shall set us free. I am freer than most, because I haven't been fooled, I haven't been put into bondage to lies, deceptions, and the things that seem to draw men away from the true problems and solutions in life or for that matter, about life.
Sometimes I wish I could live my life like most, live in an illusion that all is well with the world, religion, governments, people. etc. Sad to say, but it is not, and it pays us as believers, Christians, to be as Jesus said, "Wise as Serpents, but harmless as Doves".
We cannot change these things, as long as we continue to believe we cannot, but when people unite there are many things that can be changed. I give the example of Civil Rights, and now the large movement by Hispanics against immigration laws.
Things change for them and did change because they are and were a people that united in a cause with a single goal, purpose, they are of one mind, and spirit about the things they so believe in. They speak out and come out in large numbers to show one mind and heart, unified to see that change takes place.
I hate to say this, but they are more passionate about their concerns, then most homebred Americans are in relationship to the problem of immigration, or for that matter, all Americans should be and especially all Christians should be. The Civil Rights movement largely lead by a person who called himself a Christian minister, Martin Luther King Jr. a pacifist, one who did not incite the violence we saw take place at times, but all the same because the Black Americans were united, one voice, one goal in heart, they accomplished great changes in policy, legislation, and more in this country.
The reason any one remains in power over others, is there is no voice against them. So the evil goes on, and will, as long as our voices are not united and we are silent or even apathetic.
As long as the elitist of this world can keep us divided as a people, they win we lose. Do some research look up how Dividing to Conquer has been used historically and politically and you will see, and begin to recognize some truths about what is happening in this country.
This brings me to my final point to all my ramblings tonight, as long as those who call themselves Christians are divided over doctrines, man's traditions, and myths, rather than making the Gospel of Christ, the cross and resurrection the centrality of what bonds us as believers, the institutional church will never be the early ekklesia, that "turned the world upside down". People who call themselves Christians, are so divided up over issues, doctrines and even myths, they can't even have a single unit of the their own denomination, one of their churches go without breaking up, throwing out Pastors,and even splitting up, over things, that really don't matter and that aren't a part of the Good News.
They were all of one heart and one mind in the early Ecclesia. Yet, Paul warned what was and what was coming. It began right there in the body of Christians in Corinth, one said I am of Apollos, another said I am of Paul, etc. Paul tells us ver clearly where that mentality comes from, it comes from CARNALITY, Flesh, not from the Spirit of the Living God within us. Did Paul disagree with some, yes, but they didn't divide over it permanantely, Gentile Churches versus the Jewish Churches,Paul and Barnabas, instead they found common ground in Christ, and stayed united in love! Carnality creates Christians who are not walking in love but in division, factions, strife, etc.
Paul clearly defines these as the evidence of the sinful man, not born again believers!
Religionist set out from the beginning to divide and conquer and did a great job of it!
The church is powerless because their is no unity in love for one another, there is only division over doctrine, man's traditions and teachings, and little of Christ or Christ centeredness! When the body of Christ is united once again in love for one another and for the Father, we could turn the world upside down AGAIN!
No, I am not calling for the World Council of Churches, nor the re-establishment of the Catholic Church as the only church. If you have read my writing on "Why the Church is Failing", you will understand. I am not calling for organization or re-organization. I am calling for the organism of Christ to be one! The church as formed and created by men, is merely a reflection of fallen men. The living true body of Christ- the Ekklesia- the called out one's of God, His assembly, is an organism not an organization. It is made up of all TRUE CHRISTIANS BORN OF HIS SPIRIT AND LOVE. It is relationship with the Father and the Son and one another, not an overstuffed, over organized, men lead, and breathed, but a Holy Spirit breathed organism of those who Christ lives in, as them, and through them.
We as Christians have let the purity of the Gospel be corrupted by man and his teachings, and in so doing have poisoned the body of Christ with lies after lies, that divided us, and took us from the centrality of the Gospel, which is Christ and His work- completed and finished to save mankind from their sinful selves.
Paul was so concerned over it, he said I preach only Christ crucified and Christ resurrected, and he sure wasn't concerned about baptism, because he preached far and wide and couldnt even recall even baptising maybe but two or three individuals. Yet, we have people who claim to be Christians divided even over issues like these, as to whether a man can be saved if he isnt baptised. Read I Corinthians with your spiritual eyes open and you will see these things.
How stupid we have become, how self centered, how man centered, and how blinded by the religionist, and religion, we have lost sight of Christ!
Folks, just like pesticides that poison what we eat, religion has poisoned the beautiful and true Gospel (good news), that saves all men who call on the name of the Lord though Jesus Christ and Him alone. Nothing added, and definitely nothing is taken away, in this one solid truth.
All the other doctrines are man's wisdom and God has proved how foolish that is...through what Paul calls the foolishness of the cross.
God's wisdom is greater than all the foolishness of man and his organizations, I might add.
Become wise, grow in Christ, and Him alone. Concern yourself with these things.
Who is Christ? What does He really mean to me, and how does that affect my life? What does it mean to be a Christian?
Paul said it was the mystery now revealed - "Christ in you, the hope of glory"....We have missed a large part of the complete Gospel of Christ. We are not followers of Christ as people are followers of Buddha. No, we are more than followers of a new morality, religion or another guru.
We have the living, resurrected life of Christ in us, if we are His.
It that is so, what does that mean for you and for me? A whole lot, when you give it thought and reflection.
Take time to think on heavenly things, and your paradigm of thinking will change to be centered in HIM! Things in this world are only changed when the people in it are changed and ONLY the true Good News can change all men, and this in effect will have an affect on the world around each of us, individually and corporately. We will as the Ekklesia of God, then be the light of this world, and the salt of this earth. Yes, Jesus has come, and He has come to have life through his people. Will we realize it, and live it, or just go on the way we are, poisoned in everything we take in spiritually. For whatsoever a man soweth to, he shall also reap. It's time and past time, for the Christian community of believers to sow seed that isn't poisoned by man's traditions, myths and religion. Let us plant pure seed in our gardens, and find that we will will be fed with the pure Word of God - Jesus Christ!

Doctor J

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Black:

    I agree that the church has lost its way, and much of that has to do with taking our eyes off of Jesus. Just as Peter panicked when the storm began, after He was following Jesus by walking on the sea with Him, He took his eyes off Jesus, focused more on the storm, and began to sink.

    We are living in horrendous times and they will get worse before they get better. Our goals (as Christians) is not to focus on the world's storms (politics, economics, self-help solutions, etc.) but to focus on the cross. This means that in addition to bringing the Gospel to the nations, we must be about tending to the poor, downtrodden, infirm, homeless, which Jesus said: "True Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.(James 1:27).

    My speaking out concerning the immigration debate is not about ethnic politics nor any kind of politics (left nor Right) it's about revealing sin and doing what James 1:27 tells us to do. I don't lift any banners for marchers nor for political groups such as Tea Parties or others who are trying to solve problems through politics. As we point out sin, its not about pointing fingers at any one group or people, its about rebuking those in power that they are wrong in the way they seek to administer their laws, especially those that go contrary to God's laws. If examined closely, most laws enacted favor the already rich so that they can maintain the status quo, at the expense of the poor. The poor have no power therefore the rich can do what they want especially if they fear their worldly kingdoms are being threatened, It is when we do good for the good of all concerned that we reap the benefits for all concerned.

    Let us (ministers of Christ) be about helping the downtrodden instead of helping those whose only concern is maintaining a lifestyle, culture and political systems that go against God's word. We will be scorned by many for doing this, many insults and hate coming from our own family members (as Christ warned us), and gather together as the true family of Christ, who told us that those who do the will of my father are my mother, brothers and sisters.

    Bless you and your ministry.
    Yours in Christ, Joe Ortiz
