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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Burning of the Koran?

The Reverend Terry Jones, says he will burn a copy of the Quoran on his church
grounds come September 11, 2010. The name of his church is Dove World Outreach Center in Florida. I want to personally address the "Reverend" Terry Jones.
You call yourself a "reverend", do you consider yourself relevant to God's love, which the dove of peace represents. I want to ask, what purpose does it serve to incite more hatred, and violence in a world full of it. Jesus cared not to change the governments of the world for his is a Spiritual one. Though we are instructed to pay taxes, etc, only that we may live in peace. It doesnt serve the name of Yeshua ha Meshiach ie; Jesus the Anointed One, my Saviour and Lord, Master and King.
How can you even consider yourself a "leader" of God's people? You are to serve one purpose in the whole scripture, if you consider you are some kind of leader, then be a servant as Jesus taught. A servant of love, and peace. I ask you what are the fruits of the Spirit? Is hatred toward any group of people, serve justice or anything that Christ taught. If you wish to gain the world's attention, as salt and light of this world, then your heart must be freed from hatred and filled with the love of God. I am sickened with "Christians" who support violence and hatred toward any man, you have forgotten the advocation of our Lord, "Love thine enemy". It doesnt say love those who love you, or like you, or believe the same way you do, it says to "love our enemy", just as you were an enemy of Yahweh, ie; God showed his love that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us!
Let your burning hatred of others die, let your nationalism, etc, die, to Christ, and give him the glory for His love, and instead of burning the Koran on September 11I invite you to rather offer a meal and clothing to any poor Muslim or other people's as an offering of love to them, especially the hundereds of children, men and women over in Iraq, that are not "terrorist" who were hurt by our war, even in Afghanistan there are the poor and hungry. Do good to your enemy, Jesus said, and it will be as hot coals upon their head. Most people have misinterpreted this as yet another way to hurt them, Jesus didnt say this, he said, that in doing so, it would sear their conscience of hatred and they would see the reality of love. I and anyone who understands the peace of our Lord, who is the Prince of Peace, to let go of your hatred. The kingdoms of this world will continue to come down, but the Kingdom of Christ which is a spiritual kingdom will last forever. Shall any Muslim or any other group regardless what they do, separate us from the "love of God found in Christ Jesus our Lord? Of course, not, it is time Christians be known for who they are, and what the fruit of the Spirit is. We have too long been blinded by hatred, violence, and more. Muslims will never accept the Jesus you teach for he is the same as their Allah. Even to this day because of this kind of hatred expressed by the Crusades, we are still considered as Christians to the Muslim as Crusaders. Are we crusaders for the kingdom of man's church, or we living epistles written on the hearts of men, of Jesus Christ and His love expressed at Calvary to all men everywhere. Jesus Christ is the "good news" not America, nor any other government or religion. I have been praying for and writing to see American Christians change to allow the very one they claim is their Savior to rule their hearts for a very long time now. This is how we make Him king. The religion of Christianity has done much harm to men as radical Islam factions have. Those who know Christ, will refuse violence and hatred and walk in Him, so that we can reveal "Christ within us". I correct you as Christ corrected the Corinthians in Chapter 13:5 of 2 Corinthians - I ask myself this question each day, and we are to do so for Christianity is not a religion- it is Christ, the one who reconciled us unto God, not that God had ever quit loving His creature man, it was because of our sin, that couldn't see God's love. Now He has washed it all away for all men, by the precious blood of the perfect Lamb- Yeshua ha Meshiach.
I am not "Jewish" either, I am only a part of the body of Christ "the Ekklesia" his called out one's. Are you called out from this world or of this world when you express hatred. We must love our Muslim neighbors, our Jewish neigbors by presenting the Truth. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. we have for too long presented ourselves not as Christ like one's. For far too long the church of so called Christians has expressed to much hatred for others.
Of course, the love of Christ in us, as us and through us, can only be expressed by Him, so do as I do, pray first for yourself, that you will reveal His fruit, then pray for others who may hate you, disdain you, and even harm you.
Let us pray together.

Our Father who Are in heaven,THY KINGDOM COME, thy WILL BE DONE, as it is in heaven, so let it be on earth. Give us this day our daily bread ( our spiritual food), Forgive us, our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us, allow us not to fall into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the glory and the power FOREVER!

The greatest love ever revealed will be the love we reveal as we allow Christ to love through us. This is the narrow way, love, because the world knew Him not, they will not know us. Step away from your emotional feelings for a moment, pray and let Christ bring you to just rest in Him. I know this is difficult to do, it is very hard to be loving, when we feel we are being attacked by anyone, yet Yeshua showed His love, in a way, that no man has ever, not even I. I want to only grow into the stature and maturity of Him, that may judge no man, and love all men. Let love rule your heart, and we can say, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. I see you call yourself Pentecostal. I pray you will see, to say that the very Spirit of Christ is upon you, that you must first see, He that is in you. If so, what Son of God, would burn a book, that has no meaning for us. Who cares, will you begin to burn all books, like Hitler did? This is senseless and even more without the Spirit of love in it.
Turn to love, on September 11, offer the Muslim's of your community love instead of hatred, offer them a meal and let your life be the Gospel- the good news!

Doctor J.

1 comment:

  1. Bless you my brother! Praying that God will ease your pain. If He doesn't, keep going forth and speak for His truth, regardless!

    Brother Joe Ortiz
