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Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Keep From Spoiling Your Child or How To Treat One Another as God Treats Us.

Please view this short but very provocative video on You Tube on "How To Keep From Spoiling Your Child" then read what I wrote.

If you get this, we can see a large picture of what and how our heavenly Father treats us, for we are just mere children, and if so, shouldn’t we offer that same continued Grace to one another as adults? I believe so! This is the big picture of understanding love, and correction.

Reasonable correction is always with the mind and heart of love, not selfishness and the I am going to get what ” I “want out of them if I have to cast them off forever.
How would you ever know it worked? How would He ever get results. Is eternal damnation the heart of God or eternal love?

Especially if you relegate all men off to man’s ideas of justice which are retribution and full of selfish vengeance.
Let us treat one another as adults and our children as God truly treats us, to love and correct one another, but never with ultimate harm and destruction in mind.

All of us are the objects of God’s love and eye, sinner and saint alike, for He made them all. not just the one’s who think they got it, like the Pharisess and counted out the very one’s that God was about show He meant it for, the Gentiles, the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the hated dredges of society and religion.

God wants only to have no spoiled children, but he does want children, not slaves of fear and punishment.
At times, we all can be children of disobedience or children of obedience.
Obedience isn’t there to give the other person some undeserved servitude because they demand, it, this is crazy, pagan thinking and carnal thinking of men, true obedience comes because “we love Him because He first loved us. “
Obedience, the obedience our loving Father wants is the same kind of obedience we must work at for one another and especially our children, it is not true obedience because
look “I am God and you are my creation,” so do it because I said so or else, nor is it “I am an adult and you are a child,” and do it because I said so or else ,it is because I love you and by hearing and obeying me from your heart of love for me, this will protect you from harm, and this world.
My love given is all I desire to flow back to me, is your love in return, that is true obedience, not slavery or totalitarian rule, but love. God is not a Tyrant, God is love.

That is why His Hands are EVER rescuing us , and delivering us from this world, the flesh and the devil.
If He didn’t then all of us, saint and sinner alike, would just end up either seriously being a bunch of dysfunctionally retarded, or abused children, if it was all about Him getting what He wanted, selfishily, no He wants our best, and we should always desire the BEST and not the WORST for one another and for our children, because that’s all God wants for us, is for our best. T

That is love. Perhaps a re-read of I Corinthians would remind us of a definition of love which reveals the essence of Who God is. God is love.

How should we see the way God deals with us.

1. He doesn’t bribe us with heaven nor does he threaten us with hell- God doesn’t bribe.

2.How does He treat us, the same- sinner or saint, consistency in treatment because He is shows no partiality.
This doesn’t mean that He desires for other men to act as gods and step in and do His work for Him.
God shows no partiality to men but men with their ideas of retributive justice shows partiality, this is not Godly, they are sinner and violators of the LAW of GOD and men just as well, and deserve the very same punishment they want to mete out to others. God says, don’t judge, leave judgment to Him!
Very important we remember that! His judgment is always tempered with mercy and grace, not destruction of one’s personal mind and soul. Prisons and jails are full of people who because of the very hands of those evil men that put them there, who are only meteing out the very same equal justice they deserve, they too break their very own laws, and the Laws of God, and yet put themselves above others, worship themselves as gods.
Men’s justice is not God’s justice. He desires that all men be saved, not punished. Does the criminal justice system mete out fair and equal justice, I think not.
Most often it is unfair and not equal. This is why more blacks die on death row then whites, more poor people go to jail then rich, and on and on we could go.
God is always fair and equal, how about his fair and equal giving us a mean consciousness of sin, to all men that sin, does that sound fair? Of course it does, how about physical death to all men, does that sound fair, yes it does, how about the misery in our hearts and minds we experience while in sin, does that sound fair,
Yes, and we ALL sinner or saint experience those things. No one hasn’t and they lie if they said they have not.

3. God does not give any of us, the silent treatment, Jesus says, He gives rain to the just and the unjust, and James reminds us, that
James 1:17
every good giving, and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the lights, with whom is no variation, or shadow of turning;

God loves us ALL UNCONDITIONALLY, we are to love our children the same as He loves us, and we are to love one another UNCONDITIONALLY..that means every one another, not just those of our household, those that live and act like we do, or look like we do, or do what we want. We are to grace everyone with love, just as He does us, all of us. Christ died for US while we were yet His enemies. Christians forget just who they really are too often, it is easy to become self righteous and condemning of others, because this is the evil heart and sin in our members tendency to judge others but not ourselves, as always in need of His mercy and Grace. Beware lest you think you stand, for you will fall. “Pride cometh before a fall.”

4. God sets expectations down for us out of love, thus He tells us and shows us, when we act unloving toward others and our self we reap what we sow, not that He has ever quit loving us, or ever will, just as we don’t our children cast them off forever, for true love is unconditional, but He does have expectations not for His own sake, nor should we for our own sakes with our children or other people in this world.
These expectations when not lived in, a life of love for God, others or even ourselves, do result in the destruction of our flesh, hitting the bottom per se, face down, crying out to love, which is God, when that happens. We all need the hand of deliverance and love.
We don’t kick our child when they are down, we don’t say, well you got what you deserved so suffer,
No! we reach out and lift them up, brush them off, and remind them this is what happens when you act unloving, by not seeing my love, when I told you not to run through the house, or as God says, you ended up in drug addictions, sex addictions, hating others, always angry with others, judgmental of others, and when it bites us in the proverbial end “our butts”, then He lifts us up once we start crying, and says to us ,this is what happens when you don’t see my love, protection and care for you.
These are my expectations for you not to harm you but to keep you from harm

5. God doesn’t go overboard on punishments, he created evil for a purpose so we might have something to learn thereby, there are many punishments in this life, that in His ever present ever loving hands He rescues us from. Evil is our punishment in the here and now, all things that make us uncomfortable, hurt us, make us miserable, are there so we can be corrected to cry out to Him, so we can finally realize, Oh! how He loves, for He never turns away from us. The Bible says this, that if ANY MAN CRIES OUT UNTO THE LORD, THEY WILL BE SAVED.
Thus, ETERNAL DAMNATION and ETERNAL TORMENT is something No one would do to their own children and I can’t still quite understand why we want to do that to other adults as well, cast them off into a hell hole of prison or jails, or even capital punishment, for we will all die in the end and then the judgment, and that judgment will teach us all much more then we even know now.
it will be the judgment of NOT GUILTY by REASON OF LOVE and HIS SANITY.... men are totally insane when they act in a manner that not even their own Creator will or would.
So we are reminded of that foolishness when the children of Israel were offering their own children up to be burned to the god of Molech.
God says that this thing they did, would and had never even crossed His mind.
Yet, people daily call God a liar in that regards and say that is all He has in mind, and all he had in mind in sending Christ was to protect us from Him?

People are still doing the same thing with their fellow citizens, in this world, and we would never do that with someone we are close to, we just find it easy because we forget others are part of a family as well, and are someone’s child, and we are ALL GOD”S CREATION, and children, whether they are in our family or not, they are in HIS FAMILY, So don’t show favoritism, he doesn’t, whatever you would do or however you would act towards your own child, is the way you need to treat all of HIS CHILDREN... not just your own.

He fathered them as well as He did us, , you just don’t realize that, because you don’t live with them or know them but HE DOES.

I have never had children of by my own blood, but the things written herein, I learned from my Father, long before someone made this video and put it on You Tube, ,and that is why I can so easily transition what they have learned scientifically to what I have learned spiritually and that constitutes all the knowledge I need in raising children for He has been raising me all my life, while a son of disobedience at times, and while a son of obedience at times., for none of us are perfect, but HE is perfect LOVE, JUSTICE, MERCY, COMPASSION, RIGHTEOUS AND HOLY...

Let’s learn from Him, let us treat others the way He has so mercifully treated us, let us love not only Him for this mercy and kindness bestowed upon us in God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ and the Cross, and let us step over into the Resurrection side of life, and experience more of His love, and give that out to others as well as ourselves, returning His well deserved and not demanded love ---- for freely we have received so freely we should give.

Joseph Wayne Black D.D.

People that teach this are hypocrites within their own rights. They wouldn’t dare do that to their own children, cast them off to be punished forever and ever, what purpose would that serve. How dare them to allocate this evil of their hearts to God who is Love.

In Christ,


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