What does this mean for Egypt. It means that clearly the people brought about the downfall of Mubarek, by an overall peaceful Revolution. Perhaps just over 10-15 years this could not have happened. Why? The reason is the Internet has made the world a smaller community, now at least, people can still get the truth out there as they see it, and not have it completely shut off to the world, by those who can subvert, and pervert the truth of what is going on in another country, though there are still many attempts by the powers to shut down the reality and keep us all living in their matrix of lies, of controlled media, the truth does come out. Regardless, how conservative Americans may think of Julian Assange, he is a great revolutionary, in that he dared to step out of the matrix of the controlled media, and controlled information that people are dished out normally into their lives everyday.
Truth be told, what revolutions may have incurred in our own country should all the truths have come out, that really go on behind closed doors in Washington, D.C.
Would those Revolutions brought about a better country then the economic oppression, and problems we are experiencing now because of the few elitist who hold power even now in our country? Probably not.
All governments, are fruit hanging off one tree, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Each man's rule, each man's change of rule, is because there are always those who think they can do good out of their natural selves. This is in clear contradiction to history, and to Scripture. Man is "a god" in truth in this world, in the temporal and carnal lives of men. We know this to be true, that each of us live in a relationship where there are those whether in our immediate world, family, community, or State, there are always those who will hold power over someone else. Even those who seemed to be limited in power, the poor and destitute, yet hold some power over the lives of others, because of their position, their lack of, they influence, others by that very life they live. They can power over the emotions of others, and the natural (carnal) nature of men to do good.
This is the incredible truth, thus Jesus was not being heartless, when He said the poor will always be among you.
The rich of course, may hold greater power over our lives, even to the point of life and death of our temporal selves. They may rule over the very resources to which God gave all men, be it food, water, clothing, and shelter, but as Jesus said, Don't be afraid of those who can only cast your body into the grave (hadys).
Mankind is forever seeking to be "a god", when it is clear in temporal things, he may make "god like" decisions by powering over others in one sense or another.
The fact be told though, there is no other God, in that all that transpires in history, whether it be your history, or the history of others, or nations or kingdoms, are NOT outside of the counsel, the purpose or the will of God.
Man's being "a god" is only illusion, a non-reality, that he creates for himself with a carnal mind. He fails to see outside of himself, the Spiritual, that the CREATOR is in every decision you and I will ever make, or ever do. This is hard for the carnal mind to grasp, simply because to believe so, removes the illusion of their being a "god."
Men holds onto the idea of human will, as his own god, thinking that all his actions, decisions, words and deeds, he has accomplished or performed are some right he believes he has innately to be absolutely independent of the Creator.
This is his the illusion that the serpent brought, "you shall be like god."
Thus man, was exposed to who he really is, but at the same time that knowing, closed his mind and heart to the reality of the God who is love.
From the very beginning to the story of Jesus and each man's story today, he fails to see, that which is the TRUTH. Jesus Christ. They fail to see the real story, they still are living in an illusion of the flesh. They have re-designed the Good News to Bad News, so that they themselves may yet divide themselves over other men, to maintain their "godhood.", to remain "a god", to set themselves apart from the race of humanity, that Paul makes very clear, is and was in the same boat, and that boat was sinking and sunk. that God in his power, among all the decisions men were making, thinking that he actually was exercising human will, God the Creator, was putting men in bondage to the self, the ego, the I am "a god." The illusion of Adam, that He from the very beginning the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth had a plan, and that His plan has never been subverted by His creature man, or devil.
We see this celebration of man's supposed will in revolution, we see this in the face of the protesters, we see this whenever men, think by their power, they have changed the course of their own history to what they believe is their own making. They celebrate in Egypt now, but that is only for the moment, they believed by exercising their god like status they have accomplished their freedom. History will prove that is not so.
History and the very facts of the United States prove that we are not truly free.
There will always be those that men will place their worship in, who are no greater then they are, but they will yet believe and trust that some "mortal" like themselves, will help them achieve their immortality. Israel did it time after time, and so hasn't every nation or power throughout history but where are these kingdoms now, where are their kings? Are not all these powers now lying in the dust of history past.
Egypt of the past, Israel of the past, Rome of the past, Greece of the past, all are washed away by the sands of time. Their attempts to obtain immortality ended up in mortality. They are non-existent, they no longer are among us, their vestige of memory may be there, their influence upon the thoughts and actions of men in the future may be there, but where is their reality, it is gone with the winds of time. America someday, will be the same. It is already becoming so, and has become so, the very foundations of what it was built upon, have already descended into the "grave", for we see, the ideals of the forefathers, the early history of this nation and it's purposes to establish a freedom to mankind never known by the world, is a mere illusion as well.
There are those who blindly hold onto the illusion, but they too will disappear into the dust blown in the wind.
Revolution, true revolution, is what Christ brought to us as men, Christ reveals the spiritual reality of man, He reveals the reality of reality, and exposes the vain imaginations, desires and lies of men. Yet, men has buried that in two thousand years of tradition and lies, and created only a new illusion that hides the TRUTH. One to know this truth, must go and sell all he has and give it to the poor, and come follow Him. But do you see the road following Him will lead to?
Do realize that before the resurrection their must be a death, to your ego, death to your human will, death to your very self. Take up your cross and follow me, Jesus says, but no man wants to take up his Cadillac and say I have arrived!
I am not trying here to draw up some false picture of it is more holy to be physically poor, no Jesus spoke of a poverty of spirit that brings blessing.
This poverty in order to gain, his riches, must come to rich man and poor man alike. It is an equalizer, it is a leveler, it brings us first to know all of our condition as man, ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Which means DEATH! but then the story of Jesus says, where sin abounded through the one man Adam, grace abounded more through Jesus Christ.
It is that in the one man Adam all died, and in Christ all shall live.
But how shall you ever arrive at the truth of that, unless YOU DIE!
Immediately many of you, will fail to even grasp the word DIE, your thoughts are turned to that of carnality rather then spirituality, you immediately think of a funeral, a dead man in a casket, your end. You immediately think like Martha did, "I know Lord he will be raised in the resurrection of the last day."
Let us be reminded of Jesus reply.
You immediately because of all the tradition your brain and ego self has been built upon like Thomas you have heard Jesus speak of life and death time after time, and like Thomas you say, let us go and die with him.
No, this death, that Jesus would reveal, was not just His going to the Cross, it was the life He lives, the words He breathed, the actions He took, it was all a realized, death to human will and He makes that clear in John 5:19
"Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner."
Do you actually believe you can do anything outside of His will, or receive anything outside of His will.
John understood where all that you have and are comes from:
John 3:27
John answered and said, " A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven.
Are you really ready to incur spiritual poverty and lay down your mantel of desiring to be "a god" thinking you are "a god."
Are you ready to die to the illusive self, for the reality of God. Are you ready to die to the illusive traditions, and lies you have believed all your life about yourself and the Creator? Are you ready to see Jesus for He really is, who is the LAST ADAM.
Is your heart prepared to know the one true God, and His son whom He has sent?
Are you really ready for REVOLUTION?
Then I declare to you, it doesn't begin by overthrowing governments, it begins by overthrowing the government of your own heart and thoughts, and recieving the KINGDOM OF GOD which has been freely given to you. The Kingdom of God is within you, are you yet wasting time, looking for the kingdom out there, when He is present? Are you looking for that outside of yourself, that has been graciously placed within yourself?
I desire Revolution everyday in my life, and that revolution is, has and will continue to take place in my heart and thoughts as He brings down those kingdoms of the illusion of self, and just who I am as man, and I bow to His truth, the only truth, who said, I am the way, the truth and the life! Do you desire to know the way, do you desire to know the truth and do you desire to have life, here and now?
Then look to the Truth! He is standing right there in your face, you can find Him, if you will but let go of the illusion, and your heart cry out as loudly and in unison as the tulmutously as the throngs of voices who have so placed there trust in a false revolution.
I want REVOLUTION, give me REAL REVOLUTION, and perhaps you will find the Mubarek of your heart will step down from his throne, your ego, your old illusive Adamic self, and Jesus the Last Adam will take His rightful throne of glory in your life. If you will, there is righteousness, peace and joy, that for which we all seek to know, and that these Egyptians really desire, but they like most have sought it by the hands of their own and the hands of another man, will they recieve righteousness, joy and peace.
No, their personal worlds will remain in the same turmoil as always, and along with it will come despair.
But wait God has a better plan for the human race, it has been revealed, is being revealed and shall be alas revealed in the grand consummation of all things that are reconciled in Christ to the glory of the Father.
We will then see Him as He is. Redeemer of the human race.
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