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Monday, April 2, 2007

The Puritan, The Hebrew and America Revisioned

I have written before how, there are those in this nation, who lay claim to the idea that we are a "Chosen Nation of God" and they are doing their best to make their vote be the most important vote that a candidate can obtain. We are in essence taking dog's and having them to pretend they are holy Christians just so they can obtain votes. All one has to do as portray the idea that you are Christian, pro-life (which is baloney anyway, most of the prolifers I know are like Bush Pro-War- which is far from being Pro-Life), you believe in the Ten Commandments and on the list goes, depending on which denomination you are from.
The Christian Zionist and Christian Nationalist forget we have already had the experience once in this nation of a society that was driven by the conception of Christian law.
They were called the Puritans.
They dicatated everything about your life.
The people as a whole were liberty-loving in the extreme, but the individual was restrained at every step by laws that no free people of today would tolerate for an hour. Paternalism in government was the rule in the other colonies and in Europe, but nowhere was it carried to such an extreme as in New England.
Here the civil law laid its hand upon the citizen in his business and social relations; it regulated his religious affairs, it dictated his dress, and even invaded the home circle and directed his family relations. One law forbade the wearing of lace, another of "slashed cloaths other than one slash in each sleeve and another in the back." The length and width of a lady's sleeve was solemnly decided by law. It was a penal offense for a man to wear long hair, or to smoke in the street, or for a youth to court a maid without the consent of her parents. A man was not permitted to kiss his wife in public. Captain Kimble, returning from a three-years' ocean voyage, kissed his wife on his own doorstep and spent two hours in the stocks for his "lewed and unseemly behavior".

How far will the new Christian Nationalist take us down this road of their revisioned history to gain power in politics rather than power over sin in their own individual lives?

Will we become a people that will drag homosexuals out into the street, and hang them or stone them. Or will we be a people that presents the forgiveness and love of God to them and offer them an opportunity for repentance and faith in Jesus Christ? Will we brand those that are caught in adultery? Will we put people back into stocks on the courthouse yard? Will we take prostitutes out into a field and stone them. Perhaps we will do as the Puritans did, even hang those we think are practicing witchcraft or burn them at the stake. Those that even think they can rule this nation through laws they want to define as Christian are guilty of breaking these laws. Yet, they persist. They call themselves, Pro-life, well I am Pro-Life- I believe all life is precious to the Father, and therefore I am also truly Pro-life in that I am pro-anti-resistant to war, any war for any cause - creates death and destruction. So, out of one side of your mouth you proclaim - Thou Shall Not Murder, yet we back a candidate who has been responsible for more murders than you can count. He began as Governor of Texas, more people died under his governship from capital punishment then any other governor, even one who claimed to be a sister in Christ was murdered by the State by his decision.
Pro-Life- that is a joke.
I would like to provide you with a website to read, something written which is the simple Gospel for Pro-Zionist, and all those who get on the Ten Commandment band wagon. I recommend you read below his article from

In the end, would you like to have every aspect of your life from what you wear, to what you do on Sabbath or the Lord's Day dictated by a few and the powerful, as the Puritans did. We have already realized once in this country the terrible results of this kind of thinking, do we have to relive it again. Study history, what the Christian Nationalist, and Pro-Zionist are pushing for in this country has already happened once in this country and many times throughout history and the world. The results were not freedom or liberty as found in Jesus Christ but a very narrow conscriptive way of life for all involved.

There is nothing greater that threatens religious liberty and the freedom of men than a government that is religious.
Dr. J.

With all this in mind - ask yourself again - How well do "I" keep the Law?

This was the summation of Dr. C. Matthew McMahon and his writing if you read it, on his web site called a Puritan's Mind.

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