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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Christian Nationalism and Article 6 - Clause 3

I have long been bothered by the notion of Christian Nationalism, and this as a Christian.
It is a scary idea and as dangerous as any totalitarian ideas that have come along in a very long time.
It is a movement that purports to have come up with a complete governing program from the Bible, and with that they claim divine sanction for a campaign of national renewal. It promotes a revisionist history in which the founders were conservative Christians who never meant to separate church and state, and in which America's true Christian character has been subverted by several generations of God-hating leftists.

America admittedly has been subverted, but it isn't because Christians weren't in positions of power and money. The church today is wealthy, and it has always had the right to exercise vote on issues. What happened, Christians were less concerned with social and political changes for the "all" then they were with investing money into building funds, expansion of their particular denominational ideas, and sitting quietly in their pews. While sin will continue until Christ returns, legislation will not create a redeemed man, woman or child.
Only the life of Christ can do this. It is apparent that the problem doesn't lie so much in our form of government, but those that are governed who have lived ungodly lives and lived in religious institutions, hiding from the world.

Christian Nationalist dogma has very scary results. History has proven this time after time. any religious group no matter what they subscribe to, always ends badly.

Let's see how our forefathers first solved the problem when the government disinherited any one religion from running this country.

Article Six, Clause 3 states: "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

Now this is true separation of Church from State.

Now to the liberals, this never meant a man couldn't be a Christian and serve in a political position as they would like to see.

What it meant was that government would never make the mistake of creating an alliance with any one religous view to rule the masses based on it's concepts of justice or other.
Religious equality was it's purpose.
It was a radical idea, that has protected us all from tyranny for a very long time.

To quote from a source;

But its hard to get around the simple fact that there is no mention of God or Christianity anywhere in the Constitution. This was not because the Framers were irreligious. It was because they believed in religious freedom and did not want the government to interfere in religious affairs. Nor did they want the abuses of power that come from commonly state power with the power of the clergy. Its true that the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the Constitution or any of the amendments.
But the meaning has been unambiguously been there from the beginning.

The danger of Christian Nationalism, is that a very few are to dictate for the all, what is good, what is evil, what is allowed, what isn't allowed, and so on. This is totalitarianism in it's fullest definition. Who will decide, that their interpertation of law that they extropolate from scripture is truth? Who will exercise judgement of these laws? Men? Men, that simply because they say they are Christian will rule above all others and all other concepts of justice and equality. This is dangerous. This creates despots and dictators. What one must never forget is:

"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

History is already written and overrun with the story of those who thought they were God's specially called individual to create the "City of God", from Popes, clergymen to political leaders. It always has resulted in a preponderance of blood shed, inquisitions, war, and power exercised over the impoverished.
When will Christians see that in the Old Testament that they so suddenly want to rule with, the folly of a people who thought they could keep the law, Israel. The law is the schoolmaster to Christ.
For Christians, we need to less concern ourselves with making law and dictating that law, as bringing others to Christ. We are called as ministers of reconciliation. All of us who claim the name of Christ.

Politics and the Law is not where souls are saved.

People get saved when they see God's love and forgiveness. Yes, judgement is part of God's plan but it is just that it belongs to God and not us. Now someday when Christ our Judge and Lawgiver returns there will be a true "theocracy" once again worldwide, but only Christ can judge righteously and without bias. Only those that this flesh has been cut from completely and finally in our total transformation from what we are now, a fallen man, saved only because of the grace of God to the revelation of being the true sons of God, will we be able to judge righteously.

It doesn't promote Christianity, but Artice 6, Clause 3, is very wise in the context of things and prevents, any one denomination, religion or other to be the test for serving in these positions of political power.
Let me ask the Baptist, would you be happy if all the Congressman and Legislators were Catholic? Of course not. What if all the Congressman and Legislators were Baptist. What then would become of the law of the land? Would it appease all those divided denominations to be ruled by others of another because they to can lay claim to be Christian as being defined by the leaders of these Christian Nationalistic ideas. Would you accept a Mormon, or A Jehovah Witness, or a Unitarian, who also say they are Christian.
Of course not, you would define and dictate what YOU consider Christian and all others would be overruled. Who would decide what is Christian and what isn't - a few over the all?

I will say as a Christian that there must have been some tremendous wisdom that did come from a higher authority to come up with Article 6, Clause 3.
I would prefer to think as a Christian that God would prefer we leave as it is. We need to quit trying to revise history to make people believe lies. Get busy living and preaching the Good News, and get out of the pulpits of preaching a moral majority rightness that you are allowing others to dictate. You want to see the world turned upside down for Jesus, get up out of your pews and reachout to the hurting, the AIDS victims, the poor, the orphan, the widow, the drug addict and more. Let love become real!
I promise you will see a change in America and it won't come from legislating and punishing anyone that disagrees with you. It will come because the love of God will be shed abroad in their hearts. Love conquers all.

Sin has it's consequenses, and we all live with them. Trying to legislate righteousness didn't work for Israel and it won't work for America. A changed people, that are truly the reflection of God's love toward men, this will change America.

It is dangerous to think you can trample on the choice of others, because you decide what is wrong or right and most often from a fleshly self centered interpretation of scripture.

I am not getting on the boat to these ideas of Christian Nationalism. My hope is not in these kingdoms, which are all false and ungodly. My hope is in the Kingdom of God, where Christ rules MY life.

Quit worrying about everyone else, and get concerned with yourself. What sins are you hiding now? What things in your life need to be brought under the kingship of Jesus?

Now if you being a man, of failure in so many areas of your life, how can you possible expect to rule America while you are a sinner. "Judge not less you might be judged."

I think our forefathers had more foresight than any Christian Nationalist when they wrote Article 6 , Clause 3.

With such wisdom, it had to be clearly the intervention of a wise and loving God.

Now if you want to say our forefathers were all Christians and re-write history, go ahead. But before you do, perhaps then you will look at the godly wisdom they had to write this in the Constitution and yet you want to change it. What does that say about this unChristian movement wanting to make a correlation between the cross and the flag. I say it spells the words out clearly - IDOLATRY AND PRIDE.

You're wrong, flat wrong! Christian Nationalism is dangerous to your spiritual health.
REPENT while you can, before it's too late, and the new RELIGIOUS LEADER OF THE WORLD IS DECLARED by the Christian Nationalist, the Christian Zionist. From this unholy union they preach will arise a world False Prophet for sure! Don''t be fooled.

Dr. J.

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