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Monday, November 22, 2010

Who Are You? ( Part One)

NOTE: I have decided that I would post this is in different parts, as reduce reading and listening time. This may be the most important beginning post series of teaching I have done yet. The Gospel presented to you like you have never heard it before. I pray it will be life changing and you might discover the Exchanged Life in Jesus Christ. So here is today's portion.
(Music lead on PodCast is by Israel & New Breed-Song Title: Alpha and Omega)

Who Are You?

I am going to start by asking some questions,as I do answer then honestly to yourself as you read or listen to this Part One of the series, Who Are You?

Are you a good person?
Are you an evil person?
What does it mean to be a good person?
What does it mean to be an evil person?
If you are a good person, have you ever done evil?
If you are an evil person have you ever done good?

Now if you answer those questions honestly, you will see
that you are defining yourself as a person, either overall, or at least based upon
what you do, at specific times and in specific situations.

What if I were to tell you, that you are neither one of the above, good or evil?
Do you accept that or do you try to weigh your behavior in some sort of imaginary scales and based on which behavior you experience or perform more often then the other defines who you believe yourself to be? Which side ways the most?

Let's be honest as humans both behaviors are a very real part of our lives.
All of us!
Now, I am going to tell you something you may never even imagined to be true.
You are neither a "good person or an evil person," because your behavior doesn't define who you are.
God has decided forever Who You Are, because He is your Creator.

We (humanity) were all doing just fine, until we developed this concept of seeing ourselves in the eyes of good and evil.
How did that come about?
Most people who don't understand or have a full grasp of the reason why Jesus came, and the what of Jesus life, death, resurrection, and Pentecost live in this nightmare of being a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
We dare not admit it, but we are all schizophrenic, or at least suffer multiple personality disorder. When we define ourselves by what we do.

To be honest many of you listening to this Pod Cast or reading this blog right now are dealing with issues in your life, you are either trying to be a good person, and finding yourself failing, or you thought you were a good person, until something came along in life, and you failed, and now that image you so held of yourself it has all been tarnished.
Christians do the same thing, that are yet trying desperately to do something to be good. This is called "christian religion" as opposed to the Christ life.
You at least for the moment believe you are what you do, or did, until you can get back on the merry go round, and try to make up for the wrong you did, or perhaps you will just shrug it off, but it still doesn't change your self-image, it's now corrupted. You can justify your behavior, overlook your behavior (impossible to do), or try to make up for it(more religious effort.)
Yes, God called His creation, all of it good, but it was not the substance of who you are.
What the Fall did, was made us believe that the all of life is defined by these things good and evil, what we do, as opposed to who we are. Especially our core being. It does not!

We were and are still God's loved creatures the image of God.
It was because of this transformation Adam brought into the world by eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and one that religion, any religion, continually propagates that has so tainted us even more, with the same lies as that first serpent handed us, the failed carnal thinking that "we are what we do, rather than what we are." Once the trap was sprung, once Eve did something she knew in her mind God had told her not to, and Adam followed along, they were trapped, their minds now before the fall, had no idea of either one of these terms as pertaining to their behavior, they were who they were, the Creation of God, who fellowshiped with them and communicated with them and they found joy, peace and righteousness in His presence.
So how can we return to our prior state before the Fall?
We lived that life or at least Adam did as the representation of ALL MEN, we lived in perfect innocent fellowship with the One who loves us beyond what we can ever imagine before this horrid transformation of thought process came into our minds and corrupted our view of God and ourself.
How can we escape this sad tragedy of despair and hopelessness we have in this life bouncing back and forth from one label of description to another of ourselves and others?
How do we come to know who we are, if not a good or evil person?
Where is the picture for me to see?
Can I find it in history?
Where is this story that tells me something different as you say other then good or evil?
Where is it I can find something that assures me, that God views me and others as more grand and glorious then can be imagined?
Where is the story that can be found?
Who will tell me and show me this, that I am free, and that all is well between me and my Creator?
Where can it be found?

In the next blog, I will talk about the Fall and Who We Are Now and more.
I am going to do my best to answer these question and more over the next few days in this teaching as I present it line upon line and precept upon precept.
You will hear I promise the Gospel as never presented to you perhaps, but nonetheless it is the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Come back for Part Two of Who are You?

Dr. J.

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