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Sunday, November 7, 2010

You will be surprised of some of what you learn from the Jews for Jesus

Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,
I am completely convinced, that Zionism is not only Anti-Christ, but Anti-Semitic. This is my reasoning. They hate anyone but themselves and their political ideas, they want the world to accept them in their Anti-Christ belief - Political and Racial Apartheid. I believe that the teachings of Christian Zionism creates an actual hatred for those who are quote "Jewish." 
If people would put on their thinking caps, instead of the Darby, Scofield cap and seek Christ first, they would see, this for a fact, the Christian church and especially all the Christian Zionist, should watch a lot of these videos.  
Please watch this profound video found under and maybe you will get rid of the idea that Zionist are God's chosen people and see that they are in desperate need of Jesus Christ. 
The last thing they need is a bunch of Pro-Zionist so called "christians to support their ideas and rejection of Christ.
You will watch and learn and see a typical "Jewish Zionist," giving a Jew for Jesus the FINGER!  

I love the Jewish people and all people but they have nothing outside of Jesus Christ, and will die in their sin, as millions of Jews have, and other religions. 
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  
They are as naked as Adam and Eve without the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ. They are dying daily in their sin, and the very fabric of their society and culture reveals this, pick up the newspaper over there and read, and see they have the same problems all men do- Sin!
They are no different then those that Paul and Jesus confronted in their day.  You should think for a moment, isn't it Interesting that Jesus dared tell the Pharisees who were Jews, that their father was the devil. 
Yet, Christian Zionist, say, oh you can't speak against "Israel" referring to a political State, that they have somehow managed to twist into a people. Well, yes I can speak against the false Israel, and speak for the true Israel, His name is "Jesus Christ."

No, just as there were those in the time of Paul that were "Jewish" that opposed the Gospel, there are in this time, and Zionist oppose it to the extreme, in deed, in word, and their treatment of all other races, and peoples. 
What Christian Gentiles haven't figured out, because they don't study the Word of God and only listen to and read false doctrinal "experts" of God, in what they tell them, is that, if given the opportunity, you especially you dear Christian Gentile, will also be extinguished from earth, as the scum Christians you are, this is what they believe, and this what they will do.Just as they did Christ, and conspired to do to Paul, and the church altogether. Paul was a Jew, and he never said, just as Jesus never said, any of the Jews were saved or God's chose people because they were Jewish. He makes it clear it is the Remnant that is saved, as there is a remnant today finding Christ as Lord and Savior. Jews for Jesus is a large part of that remnant.
Already thousands of Christian Palestinians, men women and children have been murdered at the hands of the American Churches financial and political support of Zionism. 
This is a sin for which we must repent. That doesn't mean telling God that we are sorry but there must be a complete change of mind, heart, and spirit.
The Zionist hate Christians, because if Christianity as taught by Jesus, not the false church teachings, ever got a hold of it's people all Jews, the world may just be transformed for Christ completely.
Christian Zionism will never be conducive to this, but will produce just the opposite effect, I love the Jewish people, but I also love, Buddhist, Hindu's etc, but no religion will save you, only Christ.
Wake up Christians and see Zionism for what it is.
It is the very lie, of Nazism, and thus was founded, and financed by Nazi dreamers, and schemers. Zionism is the worst kind of Nazism. 
Jews for Jesus are working to break this lie.
Israel has never been a place, it is a people who lay claim to being Judeans, who have rejected and hate Jesus Christ "the Judean" to this day, and no, God hasn't promised them a land, but Salvation but not outside of Jesus Christ which is true for all men. Preachers like the "reverend" Hagee and these false Prophets are teaching just the opposite.
They do more harm then good. They are truly the one's in my opinion that are Anti-Semitic, because of their Pro-Zionist twisted scriptural teachings.
For the sake of the love of the people, all people, please reject, these false teachings of Zionism and Pre-Millenialism, as we must learn to see ALL PEOPLE IN NEED OF CHRIST not that we need to support a state or a government that hates Christ, and hates all people except those who subscribe to Zionism.
Study and show yourself approved of God
Any doctrine that teaches that anyone outside of Christ, is chosen of God, is a false doctrine. It is Anti-Christ.
Christian Zionism, does just that.
It has gone so far to say, that the Zionist will be saved by the rebuilding, of that which Christ took down, and that they will be saved, by returning to animal sacrifice, if there was ever an open door for the Anti-Christ, teachings like that, from false preachers like the Reverend Hagee, will make the way for it.  God has not promised them a land, He has promised them what many Jews for Jesus have discovered, the REMNANT, He was always promising them Himself, if they will but turn to Him, and He made it possible, through His Son Jesus  Christ.  He didn't' make it possible through the Temple or animal sacrifice, rabbinical teaching, or anything religious that they had. Paul got it, and thousands like him, they were the remnant, being saved, as always God had a remnant. Just study the Old Testament, for once. Yes, God desires to save them and ALL people.
I find it totally bewildering how Christians who are so apt to condemn all other religions, will eat, drink and swallow Zionism, which is not so much even a religion, but is a political ideology that Darby and Scofield twisted to become a theology, that in my opinion is the devil in a red dress, it has stolen more from reaching Jews for Jesus. It is Anti-Semitic, in that it keeps the true Gospel from being proclaimed to the millions across the world and those living in Israel as well. It keeps the Gospel from reaching Jew, Muslim and all other religions. Christian Zionism is the worst possible false teaching that has destroyed the Gospel for millions across the world and especially to the one's that Christian Zionist like to claim are "God's Chosen People", since I love all people, Jesus died for all people, and He is seeking all people, then anything that teaches there is only one particular religion is acceptable to God, Judaism, versus all the others, this is the most Anti-Semitic teaching there is, for it degrades the Jew, to some special class of religious zealots, to an acceptance before God, based on race and religion versus Christ. No man comes to the Father, but by me, Jesus own words.No, we must not hate the people of Israel, but neither should we hate the people of Palestine, or India, or any other country, for they are all in desperate need of Jesus.
Here O' Zionist! Here O' Christian Zionist, Here O' Israel.
Dr. J.
P.S. The Talmud warns them of Zionism. So to say that they only believe in this would be incorrect, and I may have said that in the past, their is a part of the Scriptures of the Talmud, that warns them of Nationalizing. See Torah Jews Against Zionism. You will have to be able to answer two important Jewish life questions, to enter the part on Torah. So you better brush up a little on those two questions if you want to read it. 

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