What we are looking at is money! Money is the root motivator for John P. Wheeler's death. It has always been the two factors behind all murders of dignitaries and those who have some power, and insight into the workings of government and especially the things that give them power. It has always been true for killing others overall. The ability to exchange something for a benefit to ourselves. Clear back to Cain and Able, this was over the exchange of the basic goods of life to be given as sacrifice to God, to receive blessing, so really all money is it is just another media representing the very thing of value, that gives us blessing, eat and drink.
GREED, JEALOUSY and POWER are the three things, that most motivate others to murder another person they are the branches, hate is usually just the tree of that the branches grow from but the Bible tells us, "the love of money is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL."
So, with that, like I always say, SHOW ME THE MONEY, and who touched it, and there is your first suspect. So with that I want to start with the questions of Who, What, Why, Where, When and How, the very basics, needed to formulate and consummate an investigation of any matter. Before we get to the money, or what money, or where the money is, or what it was for, these basic questions we must have answer to, to find the money, and who touched it, and who may be suspect.
I will herein name some possible suspect places to look at, but they are like all the other conspiracy theories as of now without knowing why John was in the building, it remains another mere theory.
What if John was there to see the U.S. Attorneys then perhaps my first connection may be true.
The California case, that I will talk about in this article and other cases they have recently prosecuted. I obtained this information through searching for possible governmental or other agencies or businesses, John could have had association with or might go meet as a man of his importance and knowledge.
Here is what is listed in a search for US Attorneys Contact Information.
Contact information is as follows:
Charles M. Oberly, USA*
Nemours Building, P.O. Box 2046
Wilmington, DE 19899-2046
(302)573-6277 (302)573-6220
Obtained from: http://www.justice.gov/usao/offices/index.html
I begin to look first off, at Where was John seen last, We know that to be the Nemours Building.
Why was John there?
Now, No one has said, press or police anything about the Why that I could find that from what journalist have written? Has the question been asked and nobody is saying, or has nobody asked the question?
I don't understand these journalist, they don't ask the very base questions or investigate as I was taught, they just go out, and whatever everybody else knows or they are told they know, they report that....that's it.
A good story comes from sweat, hard work and a lot of digging into the questions of Who, What, Why, When, Where, and How... if you leave any of these out, you have failed to report the facts or complete your investigation or at least to gather some information to arrive at a conclusion. Even if no conclusion comes, at least you have searched how the most important SIX, who, what, when, where, why and how
So this is the first question that must be worked on. It's a very IMPORTANT QUESTION for it can lead to the Why? of his death, the robbery, the brief case stolen, the confused, but refusing help- John P.Wheeler III, that we have seen in videos and per witness testimony, THAT EVERYONE SAYS WAS NOT COMMON.
Now we could say this wasn't common for John, thus the anti-conspiracist could say that is all conspiracy theory, but they do not because these are the witnesses being presented to say this is true, Well, I can present my experience as fact as well, and though I was alone when mine happened, I did show the call to one other person, but this person, considers all things as normal and no big deal because they perceive all of life as "that's the way it is, and you can't do anything about it. They never question anything, and frankly they will tell you they don't care. They are not interested in politics, world events, religion, or anything outside of going to work, paying bills and what effects them immediately, within their own life at the moment, and then it's "S____ Happens! and usually not their fault and someone else is at fault other then them. They like myself at times, being sinners never seek to look inwardly for the causes, but would prefer to pass it on to the other person as being at fault, and having no fault of their own, they can go in peace by judging the other, this the way we all pass of our personal responsibility for evil, We deny we have any.
Their answer to my showing or pointing something out is, "your paranoid," you have too much time on your your hands, you need to work a lot, then you wouldn't be concerned with those things, and quit worrying about all these things, and pay attention to only one thing, work, money (income) and home. Your own happiness, and not that of others, that's their problem not yours and you can't change anything anyway. On that part they are right I cant change it, but God can and Christ can and He can use me to plant the seed for change. What I incorporate or administer can't make the change but I can plant the seed to change man's hearts and minds at least.
I sometimes wished I could think that way, the way this person thinks, it is the wide road that most take, but it's not my nature to be just a sheep that wonders through life blind and not caring about what goes on in the world or the church. I do care ,and always will because as John Donne said, "no man is an island to himself". I believe we are all interconnected in life, and everything not just what goes on in close proximity to our life is important bu everything about us in the world is. It effects us all. This person says, well you can't do anything about so why care about it.
That is my point, as long as we all hold to that view, what would ever change for good or better? Is not the very purpose for all things, to move us toward the ultimate good, LOVE OF GOD, OTHERS AND SELF in a godly righteous way rather than one of self centeredness and self righteousness and being the center of our own universe?
I see our lives should ever move us to the goal of love of all mankind, and hate of evil, love of good and it shall be dispelled and crushed by the LOVE OF GOD whether in small ways or large ways HIS WILL- WILL BE DONE, we all hold the responsibility to do so, if we dare call ourselves "anointed one's for this is the meaning of the word "Christian". If we are a people of His way, truth and life then we will live our lives His way, in His truth and in His life.
We will find ourselves not just doing good, but righteousness in love and peace toward one another and the world.
Why pray that His will be done on earth as it is heaven, if we just sit back and do our wills and let everyone else do theirs as well, without first seeking His will, and then doing His will ourselves rather than the will of self and the evil that all men will do and have done, including ourselves. We desire too often to force our will upon others then giving them the liberty of allowing God to bring His will to pass for them.
We CAN effect change for the good, but only God can use us to effect things for righteousness, peace and love. I find two trees of ourselves most common in life we can hold to a fatalist attitude, (evil)that it does no good so why try to change it or concern yourself with it.
Then there is the attitude we see everyday in politics, that men think they hold the solutions for (good) by self righteousness, their perceptions of good and of themselvs as good and everything outside of themselves is evil. They cannot do righteousness even their good turns to evil, because they leave God out of the equation altogether and we see that has not worked for all of human history.
Without God is love, one best just forget trying to do good at all perhaps, and end it- your life first and hope others do the same to save the world from any more torture and pain. That conclusion is as hopeless as the fatalist, position and our works of good are as hopeless as well. What the world needs is truth and love, and it came, HE CAME- JESUS CHRIST full of mercy and grace, but men love the darkness more than the LIGHT and they attempted to snuff Him out as well, but they figured wrong, because in the end HE REIGNS ETERNAL- you cannot destroy, mercy, and grace, truth, righteousness and true justice, but few have noticed or really care. Jesus said, when I return will I find faith?
The word of God tells us about this faith, and states "faith is expressed in love," and even some of the old hippies recognized that was needed but as usual men's ideas of good became corrupted and love never happened, it became unrestrained sexuality and drug usage, where is the love in that?
It wasn't the something this world needed and it can be found everywhere today and in the past of the history of men, still today.
The song though when viewed in view of He who is love, is right though :" What the world needs NOW, is love sweet love"
I can think of no greater love then God's love, but few even understand that. I didn't really have the complete understanding of that until recently in the last seven years and especially in the last five months. It has revolutionized my heart and mind like never before and especially my love for God, others and even myself.
I am not a fatalist I believe in the end God will win, and thus He has come to change our hearts and choices to do His will and show His heart here and now so that we may reveal that which is love and righteousness, mercy, and compassion to ALL. Most of the time this will mean being in a battle for truth, but not doing so to condemn others, but to present love and forgiveness to them as something they have never known or experienced in this life of cruelty and hate and judgement by hypocrites and the self righteous, we have and I have no righteousness of my own.
I owe anything in my life in those areas totally to Him and His work.
Now back to my theories, observations and so on in the Wheeler case.
We know the when John Wheeler was at the Nemours Building, we know the how, he got there. So, I am, left with the Why? and Who? and the unreported yet, how he was killed, which only the Police Investigators know and are not releasing at least at this time. I last an autopsy is in progress.
Why did he go to this building, and who did he meet there? Or who didn't he meet there that he was to meet there? Why was he at this building period?
These are the keys to the mystery to solve who did the killing and the why he may have been killed. These keys will help to unlock doors, to the mystery or it will become even more mysterious, no one goes anywhere without a reason.
So I searched for a list of occupancy of the building yet could not find a complete list, but begin to put together a few companies there, one I found is a
networking company, a couple of Attorneys offices, and found one key important one listed for contact there, The U.S. Attorneys Office.
So I begin to look on their press releases of most recent cases prosecuted.
Which can be found here. http://www.justice.gov/usao/de/press/index.html
Now I would like to tell you about an experience I had looking into this case via the Internet, it could be meaningless, or it could be meaningful. Who knows?
This was on my first day or second day beginning my Internet sleuthing of this news report.
I received a strange call to which no one would answer, from a Caller ID of "D1 SEG2" or "D1 SE62", I could see most of what was displayed but because of the small lettering on my phone I couldn't make out if it was a G or a 6 before the last 2.
I was able to trace the number to Fremont,Michigan using White Pages.
I did not trace it's owner (unlisted land line)though I could have, I had the means to do so, but this would have left a trace of my looking into it, best to be safe about the matter if one is looking for that response on the other end.
However if "Promis," is out there, and I believe the "back door" version is, who knows who has access to my PC and watches all of my and your searches anyway.
It is not that I am important or anything I have to say would be important to warrant a call to me, that would motivate anyone to want to scare me away from "what I was finding out" but someone is definitely monitoring within the intelligence community who is a part to the investigation teams, looking at every hit from search agencies, every entry of John's name said on phone or in the air, of anyone looking into this to look at all that could be suspect, involved or who may be in the know. There could be this someone as well who wishes deter individuals from looking into it, publically.
Both premises can be true, and some of which we can prove is not true for sure the first ones, regarding the monitoring capability and that they do it, and it is being done. Now as to did I experience this monitoring, I can't say for sure, and could never prove it, unless someone of much higher powers then me, can present the evidence.
They are surely utilizing their spyware software to gather, assimilate and analyze everyone that searched information on Him, now as to them being friend or foe, I don't know, they may be his enemy or friend, looking to catch the bad guys or to shut others up that may know too much.
That is a question to be pondered as well. Since what we do it over here, most intelligence agencies especially Israel knows all we think and do over there anyway.
The last ten cases of most significant spying on the U.S. have been Israeli spies, and it is known that the Massad does that as well. If Israel had Promis, as is shown to be true, then it would be a great instrument to investigate and locate their enemies, but that would stand true for not just them but any country or any people.
The Palestinian Radical could have it as well, maybe even Bin Laden, who knows in the game of the of world politics, war and hatred between nations.
I am sure there are others as well who have obtained, developed, designed software and technological means so that in the end, "everybody is watching everybody."
The story of the mystery of "Promis" software has much to do with this kind of thing.
I surely know that the people at Google do and we know that this stands true for anyone using ANY of the Search engines.
See this - http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/faq/
Data request go unreported, and I understand why.
I know for sure, that whoever that is included in the all that are the ever watchful eyes over America, and Americans, obtain selective searches information immediately and can do so, because of the present day technology. If they don't have this capability then there really is no homeland security. I would have long ago developed this software and technological capability as a nation, any nation with brains would do so.
It works like ECHELON http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON does for listening on the telephones by the NSA.
and CARNIVORE the old PC spyware the FBI and INTELLIGENCE USED
and there newest known one:NARUS
See this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narus
Key words said, or in this case of using our PC's on the Internet certain words and phrases spelled out into a search engine activates the WATCHERS SYSTEMS ie; Surveillance systems, and immediately, monitoring takes place.
This is the present state of spy technology, and if you don't believe that one, you just haven't done enough research or been around the block like I have. I worked investigations for all the years from the beginning of a lot of new tech stuff coming out, and more on it's way. Like my cousins once said to his mother when he was young, "I am not stupid just dumb."
This transpired the very first day I begin to look up information in my sleuthing on the Internet. This was probably on or about the 1-2 days after I heard the news report on television, that compelled the "Sherlock" in me to look into it.
I guess it is my leisure activity to always examine, what we are told to as what may be the truth. Is it what we have been told to believe, or is there the true story?
I have loved mysteries and all that since I was a kid, I read every Hardy Boys book, and the Happy Hollisters series book printed, owned them both, while others would rather play in the sprinkler in the heat in the summer I often preferred the fan and an open window, a soft chair or a bed to read. I have read more books, then I can lay account to, I read the most popular classics by the time I was twelve.
Literature, History and Religion have always been my favorite subject. I wished I would made an account of every thing I ever read. I am sure the list would go at least from here to the next state.
I can tell you as a Christian it has been my greatest blessing to search for the truth in God's Word the Bible. Always a blessing, though you often have to go through the cursing first to get there.
It has at times been my cursing and blessing when it comes to the carnal man and the carnal life of things as well. People that involve their minds we these things only often say to me - "it is best to let dead dogs lie," then to dig them up out of the ground.
Since I tend not to follow this advice, it often is not the best for me. Some call me crazy others a genius. Frankly, I don't pay much to others opinion of me, I love to learn, seek out truth, dig in, analyze, and arrive at a conclusion, then to just be told by other men's determinations or conclusions what the truth is.
My years of reading books, and especially mysteries, spy novels, and television shows, like the Man from Uncle. Wild Wild West, and more growing up had great influence to my mindset and thinking abilities to look at things logically, ask questions, set down hypothesis, line it all out, and put together at least something, that is yours. Perhaps no one else will bother to go to the pains you have, and that is fine, each man to his own love of knowledge and each man to his experience. In the end ONLY GOD HOLDS ALL TRUTH and JESUS CHRIST IS THAT REVELATION and HIS SPIRIT must teach you.
It was within moments of my digging in by starting with Google searches the call came.
I wished I would have kept that information, namely the phone number, at least if someone else dare to investigate a theory here, they might prove or disprove my possible leads to Fremont Michigan. It should be relatively easy with the right resources, to verify I received the call, and to obtain the phone number, trace it, and then let me and others know who the heck it belonged to.
No one would answer on the other end of the phone, they hung up or the auto dialer hung up, either way, I can assure you, and you must believe me on faith of this one- I am not making this up, I did receive this call, and it did come from Fremont per the White Pages, and did have a weird caller ID I had never seen before, and I have taken thousands of calls from telemarketing companies, sales and marketing and "bill collectors". I realize they use all kinds of subtle ways to get you to answer, like the famous one: Unknown caller, phone number 000.000.0000. Got those and they have usually turned about to be creepy collector, who wants to harass over a bill of some sort. No, not all my bills are paid, and neither are most of us who share that phone, that has nothing to do with my credibility, just my credit!
Then, suddenly I lost Internet connection and couldn't connect to the sites I had searched out. I am not saying the phone number was from anybody that saw my entries on Google, I am not saying that it wasn't coincidental, and it wasn't just some marketing or sales company or even a collections agency trying to contact me from there. Though I don't know of any association of myself or my family to anyone or company in that area of the country or that had called our number before with such a caller ID.
The Internet connection break could just have happened to be at the very same time, a connection fault with my PC or my ISP. However, I never discount any and all things of lives events or happenings as all coincidental or fact, until one knows for sure or at least has an idea that one proposition leads more then to the other.
However, all sides of a question must be considered, and all roads looked at, of information to try to at least gather all possible leads, then and only then when the day is over, and you have all your information can you draw some conclusions. Not that I personally believe we will ever hear of the true conclusions on what happened to John P. Wheeler III, there will be those that know. But just like 911, it will be left to those who tell us what to think and to believe, rather than those who might seek to know more of the facts then just the platter of food we are often handed to eat and swallow. I am sure they will tell us something more, but it will never be the whole story, Nobody can tell the whole story on Jimmy Hoffa.
Nobody can tell the whole story on JFK or others, absolutely, there have always been holes big enough to crawl through on the "official findings" always will be.
However, since we now live in a world of such grand deceit, deceptive and the deceived, the truth will never be known.
Never, unless you were there, and involved in it.
They know but we won't.
It is always at least necessary I believe to look at all the questions to try to assimilate information, facts or myth, then begin to analyze, and separate out that from the evidence that which we can prove to be myth or crazy theories, and keep the facts, then weigh them out, and at least come to conclusions for ourselves. I feel this is much better then just going with the status quo thought by everyone else, just because someone said so. Historically and even church history, -The sheep are led down a path by their shepherds (leaders), for the largest part of us, as humans, whether we want to admit are not, we are dumbed down not to think or research for ourselves every and all sides of any question of life.
If you really study conspiracy theories there are a lot of facts in them, but it is the conclusions that become suspect by the majority. Why? because that is one man's conclusion as a minority rather then the conclusion of the majority, the majority has always ruled. Which is found in history and even the Bible, the majority is more often wrong then right.
This doesn't say that the theory of the minority is alwats right, but it may be a package of the many or one not yet found and it may be they have more truth then you realize.
I believe we must do what Jesus said about all things in life: Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, and knock and the door will be opened.
This tells us God does not want to keep truth from any of us, but He puts a verb before the conclusion to arrive there.
Truth is only truth as we learn it, not as we are told.
Truth is experiential which may or may not be backed by the empirical. Even then to those that do not believe, even the empirical will not be enough for them for they can explain it away. This is the nature of lost man, to think evil, do evil and speak evil, and he will always pursue the lie first when looking at empirical things, as Romans Chapter One explains to us he will and it is evidenced by Atheist and Religion.
I had a wonderful talk with an Atheist for over an hour yesterday. He at the end of our conversation is no longer an Atheist, he now is asking himself the questions, could these things be true, he admitted at the end of our talk, he is more agnostic now, not sure, but searching.
That was my purpose, to make him search, not "convert him." Only God can bring enlightenment to a man to find THE TRUTH. God usually choose to do so by the story not the letter, The life of the man, woman or child to reveal Himself to say, I AM WHAT I AM..
Until you help others to the top of walls they have built, they can't look down and survey the landscape at least, and then decide.
Don't condemn them, I personally love them, because Atheist really only have one big wall to climb up on top of, and that is the question of evil, and most of Christianity does yet as well, and the evil that those who have claimed the name of God as Christians that have done evil. For you see, we ALL HAVE.
Thus Christians often have never understood the answer either, instead they have become Dualist, and this makes God look as if He has no power. At least in terms of good and evil, I would look about like the Atheist, and Futurist Eschatology do and say, the game score is: DEVIL 100 and God 0. If not 0 then surely on the losing side, based on their views of evil and their fatalist attitude until" Jesus comes." I have news for them HE CAME AND HIS PRESENCE IS STILL HERE.
Thus, the Atheist view is built on the very foundation of their view and strengthened by Evangelical, Conservative "churches" of "christian religion."
Who look like the world, act like the love and define justice and love like the world does.
For those who have just not heard of God, but have seen them, like Job, there are those of us who understand evil and it's purposes.
, and have ours trained to know God and that He created it, not for purpose to steal, kill and destroy but to eventually lead to humanities good. Hard one for the religious, and the grounds of their arguments are what make Atheist - Atheist. My views rattled what this person had perceived all Christians to believe., it shook his foundations, and made him have to climb to the top of his walls of argument and logic to re-evaluate his positions. Since I blew His mind, I pray God and know God will re-work His heart to see God's glory and not that of any created thing, but only of the Creator.
Were these incidents and events I have described on the day of my search on the Internet -Coincidental or Purposeful attempts to block my further search into the matter or create a "paranoid" reaction for me about my research? They could have been, who knows? Maybe not, may be so, but I am not important enough for them to be, but they could be part to the investigation to look at all that look at it.
It did neither, I am not paranoid, I do not fear anyone or anything but God, who has the power to cast both body and soul into "Gehenna"!
I would explain that one now, and how it doesn't relate to eternal torment, but I am not writing about this right now. So let's go on, or perhaps many of
you religious folks, would prefer not, you have already passed me off as not worth reading or listening to because of your prejudice and your lack of seeking
and finding out truth on all matters of life, and you just prefer to go along with those that tell you what you MUST believe, rather than come to really believing because you have done more than heard of God, but you have seen Him ( this is Eternal life to KNOW the one true God and His Son, Jesus Christ that He sent) the word here "know" has nothing to do, with a mental knowing, or assent, but an intimate relationship of fellowship and experience.
I am not a man pleaser but a God pleaser and seek to only please Him, though as you or anyone else, I am both sinner and saint. So, yes, there have been times in the past, I have failed to trust God, when my Sherlockism, got me into situations or problems where it looked like, others were about to harm me, or even kill me.Iam on record for reporting harassing calls while a P.I. Colorado and only my wife who is departed because of a freak accident can testify to the death threat phone calls we received.
I quit private investigations in Colorado, because of the threats that were personally made to myself and my wife and because of that I have remained and continued to have "my knowing only of those sources of threats and why".
I quit altogether doing the P.I. business. I enjoy only now writing on my suppositions made of recent news events, and though they may or may not be true, I do enjoy inspiring those who are out there on the firing line of day to day finding the facts and still looking for the answer to questions that arise in this world, to give them new lines of thought and directions they might consider in investigating these stories. To motivate them to quit relying on what they are given, and to search for what they may really find.
Journalist- top one's and Investigators dare go where no man has gone before.
Go forth, and ask all the questions and look for ALL the answers, not just those that may fit your present perceptions and prejudice, or others. Seek your own answers that step out of the box.. There you will find answers.
There you will find truth.
I can't help as a former P.I. and Security Specialist, when I run across great new mysteries in the news or otherwise, to don on my Sherlock cap on, and look for Professor Moriarty behind the evils of society. I am speaking in allegory of course. Pun in cheek as well. I do have a propensity as my "Welcome" message on this site, here says, to be curious, to seek truth, to look for it, no matter how hard it is to find, I am compelled to do so.
Of course, Internet sluething at times, can be frustrating for sure enough it's name WORLD WIDE WEB is true, it has a web of deceit and truth all running together - it is the MATRIX.
The only reason I begin to search this information further was that I have been looking for a list of occupants of the Neumors building the last place John was seen alive. Anybody with any investigative experience is going to look here. I as many I have read cannot find a complete list, I have began to gather from digging trying to find thise some of the tenants of this building, and one of the most interesting is the U.S. Attorneys office there, who has been much involved in financial fraud cases, pornography and even more recent in December 2010 case of an individuals trying to sell arms to Iran, and others. There as also been recent tax fraud cases, and more, many to do with defrauding the U.S. government in contracts with them, etc.
Is Promis still at work? Yes, and I think on greater scales then one can imagine. Anyone interested in knowing about this mystery super software" sold to Israel, and more, can research to their eyes turn red and fall out, but this is another one, that will remain with only the dead people because of what they came to know or knew and those behind the truth of it who know the truth but dare not speak unless they too find themselves in a 'garbage dump." (Gehenna)
Interested then please research these things through, just start plugging at the facts in this case, and you will read premises, suppositions, theories,conspiracy (without a doubt based on revealed facts) and more, there is a web of information on the WWW as well.
I believe so, whatever it was in John's briefcase, may be tied directly to perhaps a visit to this office. We will never know?
The interesting case recently prosecuted by the .U.S Attorneys officer there is one on a California man,, who was attempting to sell Jet Fighters and more to Iran and some other countries.
There may be ties here to John but then let's look at something I found due to a phone call I received from, the Fremont, Michigan area.
As I begin to look for what could be there, if my paranoid response has some fact, that someone thought that I may know or be involved with knowing something about John, or that they wished me not to know, or it is all automated by computers doesn't worry about assoications at first to anything and just gather information which may be phone calls as well, to determine voice inflection, speech reconzible patterns, male or female to be fed into some database for analysis, that would be motivation or the reason for a to call my house upon a search on the Internet?
And who has the power to selectively kill my Internet pages and literally make my PC go blank for two to three seconds, was it random or purpose.
Was it just coincidence, did this even and incident happen all the time to everyone or anyone that has looked at Wheeler on the Net, or was this directed at me at that time on purpose by some unseen hand in the world of the Internet, and telecommunications? A software, intelligence gathering system, for analysis by experts? Especially oriented at those that already know things they will never share with others or perhaps just a few that have already been in investigations and knows how the real world functions, not on there are just the good and there are just the evil, but that in the world there are those that are good and evil at the same time and that what they do, often believed to be good, becomes evil, and what they often do becomes good. They see things as opposite ends, I see things all within purpose and purposes of the Creator. Who tells us He created both, and that the story tells us, man thinks and lives in the soulish realm in both of these worlds and not just one, is part of his flesh.
I know I am posing a question, that may be completely paranoid or a legitimate question altogether based on the coincidences that followed my search.
So either way my premise could be true or false but the question must be asked all the same, I am compelled to ask it in search for truth, but not to obsess over it, for then is when anything can become a paranoid delusion for us. There is a mind to question and a mind to fear, I do not fear, I only question to which most do not so they consider this paranoid, this is just an excuse or accusation used against those who don't just go with the flow, or the majority, Jesus was a perfect example and they said about him he had a Devil. So, to ask the questions that many or the majority do not, it is best to their nature and their blindness to call the rest of us, crazy, deluded, have a devil, when all along they are children of the Liar, they prefer lies, then the pursuit of truth, they are happy to be on the broad road of destruction rather then to enter the narrow gate, to which few will find. If they have arrived at their truth by their search and research and question after question then we will arrive at something that will bring us to unity. If they have not it will divide us for ever. The truths that I hold theologically or otherwise do not divide me from them, they choose to be divided from me. So, what does that say of their truth? They prefer name calling, accusations of "drinking from strange wells of water, etc. Even telling others about your exchange so they can feel justified in their research over your experience that led to research to strengthen and encourage what discovery in life and of life have shown you, rather than trying to build an experience off their research and trying to make life fit into their box of research rather then letting life and God teach them. They prefer the dead letter then the life of the Spirit. They are largely made of those who follow any teaching and if the Shepherd tells them go here or there, they won't because it goes against there teaching, Thus were the Pharisees. They prefer the dead letter to life. They prefer packages that won't rattle their research, they approach God as an Atheist does, show me empirical proof, and that is what I will believe, when that is not true to Scripture or actual experience of men. Experience proves truth, and letter will confirm it, but the letter does not define the story, it only leads to understanding more about the story, it is not the story.
In my searching the answer to this premise if true, not saying it is, it may all be just the experience so I sought to confirm could there be a connection to my research, the phone call, the Internet fault or not. I found this interesting company that has offices there in Fremont and in New York City!
Is their a connection?
Don't know but at least one might infer logically there could be.
As a student of logic, Bible, and even a leading student while going to Digital Electronics School, I thoroughly loved Boolean Algebra and was very good at it.
I recall we were doing problems in the class on rectangular to polar conversions. I bought a Texas Instruments Scientific Calculator, a very expensive model at that time, one which one could program to do all kinds of things. I took the time to write a program using the language in it, which was sort of a BASIC language, and was able to take 15-30 minutes manual time, to do mathematical problems on paper or even a common calculator, and break it down to about 5 entries into my TI, I think it was the TI55, can't recall it was years ago, and the next test we had, I was finished with an A on all my problems while the others in my class were still doing entry into their calculators and on paper, I was done within at least 20-30 minutes before them. Needless to say my closest classmates noted it, came to me asking questions, I sold them on that calculator and then shared my program with them. The instructor I am sure, found on test day, he got some break time between classes because we were doing his test in minutes not hours. I am not bragging but emphasizing how I think, I think EXTREMELY LOGICAL. I look at all sides to a problem, look for solutions and most all the time come from outside of the box. Some call me crazy, some call me genius, I personally don't care what they call me. I love my life and love what I do and think. It has led me through life to know GOD, and His love, and His Son Jesus Christ. He is the Logos!
Now onto my story, and it is my story, you can't disprove it or prove it for it is based on experience and my experience not yours.
I found this article on the Company Signature Group Holdings in Fremont, Michigan.
Signature is headquartered in Sherman Oaks, California, and they are also one of the original finders of sub prime mortgage lending.
When the sub prime market collapsed in 2007, Fremont General Corporation came under pressure by regulators and elected to file for Chapter 11
Bankruptcy protection in June 2008 in order to implement its restructuring program.
"Signature emerged from Chapter 11 in June 2010 under a plan of reorganization led by Signature Group Holdings, LLC. One of the key features of the plan of organization was an estimated $769 million (unaudited) of federal net operating loss carry-forwards expected to be available to offset future taxable income."
Could there be a spider web here, that many will miss what really is happening, and as often there will be some conspiracy theories thrown out there, and other events to distract from the TRUE CONSPIRACY. I believe so, I believe sometimes, events are created to create the smoke and mirrors effect. Where all you see is the illusion but you never know how it was done.
"In July, Knapp shows the sales contract fighter jets to the secret agent. In contract, mentioned jet ever used the U.S. in the Vietnam war was sold for U.S. $ 3.25 million."
Who would have known more about Viet Nam Jet Fighter Planes then John P. Wheeler, who may have been advising the U.C. Agent in this case, we do not know, who knows what else John has found working at Mitre Corporation?
Here is just a little on Signature who has offices in New York as well.
Signature Group Holdings, Inc. Names New Management Team and Board of Directors Following Successful Reorganization of Former Financial Services Giant Fremont General Corporation
Tuesday July 20, 2010 - 13:14 PM EDT
PRNewsWire News Releases
Released By Signature Group Holdings, Inc.
Special situation lender and investor in middle market companies installs leadership team of veteran turnaround professionals, commercial finance specialists and private equity investors; Craig Noell named CEO; Former Foothill Capital founder John Nickoll named Chairman
SHERMAN OAKS, Calif. and NEW YORK, July 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Special situation lender and investor Signature Group Holdings, Inc.
(Pink Sheets: SGGH), successor to recently reorganized Fremont General Corporation, has elected a new Board of Directors and appointed an executive team following its successful emergence from Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings last month.
Signature will emphasize a business model that focuses on credit-oriented special situation lending and investments in middle-market companies nationally. Prior to bankruptcy, Fremont General Corporation was a $7 billion financial institution with interests in banking, insurance and commercial finance; its wholly-owned subsidiary, Fremont Investment & Loan, was one of the country's top five originators of subprime residential loans. When the subprime market collapsed in 2007, Fremont General Corporation came under pressure by regulators and elected to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in June 2008 in order to implement its restructuring program.
Signature emerged from Chapter 11 in June 2010 under a plan of reorganization led by Signature Group Holdings, LLC. One of the key features of the plan of organization was an estimated $769 million (unaudited) of federal net operating loss carry-forwards expected to be available to offset future taxable income.
Craig Noell, 47, has been named president and CEO of Signature Group Holdings, Inc. Mr. Noell has served as Managing Director and CEO of Signature Group Holdings, LLC since 2004. Signature operates as an investor and investment manager employing credit driven strategies, including distressed debt investments and special situation loan originations.
"Using the platform of the former Fremont General, we are very excited about writing a new chapter for Signature and confident that our new management and board slate can elevate the company into a leader in middle-market lending and investment, a sector that continues to be starved for capital," Mr. Noell said. "With our team in place, our shareholders can be confident that we have the expertise and talent to take Signature to the next level."
John Nickoll, founder of Foothill Capital Corp., formerly the country's largest independent commercial finance company prior to merging with Wells Fargo, has been named Chairman of the Board of Directors of Signature.
"Middle market lending remains one of the biggest causalities of the economic downturn, with many providers exiting the market and conventional lenders pulling back significantly," Mr. Nickoll noted. "There is a major opportunity for Signature to make an impact in offering vital credit and investment capital for mid-market companies, for operating purposes, mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, and a host of special situations."
Robert A. Peiser, a veteran turnaround executive who has served as CEO of several national companies – including Omniflight Helicopters, Inc. and Imperial Sugar Co. – has been named Vice Chairman and will also chair Signature's Audit Committee as management implements a plan to bring the company back into SEC compliance. Mr. Peiser, who also served two separate tours as CFO of Trans World Airlines, brings strong corporate governance experience to his new role with Signature's board.
"The first few months following a reorganization typically represent the most challenging period for a turnaround," Mr. Peiser said. "Having assembled a collegial group of experienced veterans, who bring substantial experience in special situation credit and commercial finance, will greatly enhance the viability of our business model."
The rest of the board members include Mr. Noell, along with Kenneth Grossman, Michael Blitzer, John Koral, Richard A. Rubin, Norman Matthews and Robert Schwab. The board has already established various key corporate governance committees, including audit, compensation, legal, executive and governance and nominating committees. Rounding out the Signature executive team are:
Kenneth Grossman, 54, a veteran turnaround professional and distressed investor has been appointed co-Executive Vice President. Mr. Grossman, a former corporate lawyer, also serves as managing director of Signature Capital Advisers, LLC, which has entered into an interim investment management agreement with the newly reorganized company. Mr. Grossman has served in leadership roles for several investment firms, including Ramius, LLC, Del Mar Asset Management, L.P., and Alpine Associates, LP. Mr. Grossman was responsible for evaluating new investments and managing existing investments at each firm.
Kyle Ross, 33, has been named co-Executive Vice President along with Mr. Grossman. Mr. Ross has also served as a managing director of Signature
Capital Advisers, LLC, evaluating new investments and managing existing investments. SCA has employed credit-driven strategies, including
distressed debt investments and special situation loan originations.
The terms of the new leadership team were outlined in a Current Report on Form 8-K filed July 15 with the Securities and Exchange Commission:
"We are in a great position here following the Fremont General reorganization and installation of a first-rate leadership team to turn Signature Group Holdings, Inc. into a serious player in commercial finance," Mr. Grossman said. "So many middle-market companies are eager for funding – for expansion, for transactions, to pay off existing debt. We are looking forward to stepping in with capital and expertise to help advance business recovery in this critical segment of the economy."
About Signature Group Holdings, LLC
Formed in 2004, Signature Group Holdings, LLC, is a credit-oriented special situations investor with a track record of successfully acquiring, originating and managing debt investments. Additional information about Signature can be found on its website www.Signaturecap.com.
Signature is headquartered in Sherman Oaks, CA with a presence in New York, NY.
Cautionary Statements
This news release contains forward-looking information. Statements contained in this news release relating to future results, events and expectations are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements may involve known and unknown risks and other factors and uncertainties which may cause the actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements. Signature does not have any intention or obligation to update forward-looking statements included in this press release after the date of this press release, except as required by law. No stock exchange or regulatory authority has approved or disapproved of the information contained herein.
Press Contacts:
Allan Ripp 212-262-7477 arippnyc@aol.com
Joshua Spivak 510-849-1663 jspivaknyc@aol.com
Could this company or someone in it know something related to John Wheeler's demise?
I received a strange call to which no one would answer, from a Caller ID of D1 SEG2 or D1 SEC2 I was able to trace the number to Fremont,MI. I could not trace it's owner though I could have, the means to do so, would have left a trace of my
looking into it. However if Promis, is out there, and I beleive the "back door" version is, who know who has access to my PC and watches all my
searches. We surely know that the people at Google do and we know that this stands true for anyone using any of these Search engines. I know for
sure, that whoever are the ever watchful eyes over America, obtain selective searches information immediately and can do so, because of the present
day technology.
This transpired the very first day , I begin to look up information in my sleuthing on the Internet. It was within moments. I wished I would have kept
that information. No one would answer on the other end. Then, suddenly I lost Internet connection and couldn't connect to the sites I had searched out.
Coincidence or Purposeful attempts to block or create fear over my research.
The only reason I begin to search this information further was that I have been looking for a list of occupants of the Nemours building the last place John was seen alive. Anybody with any investigative experience is going to look here. I as many I have read cannot find a complete list, I have began to
gather from digging some tenants of this building, and one of the most interesting is the U.S. District Attorneys office there, who has been much involved in financial fraud cases, pornography and even more recent cases of individuals trying to sell arms to Iran, and others defrauding the government in contracts with them, etc.
Is Promis still at work? I believe so, whatever it was in John's briefcase, may be tied directly to perhaps a visit to this office. We will never know?
The interesting case is the California man, who was attempting to sell Jet Fighters and more to Iran, and other countries.
Signature is headquartered in Sherman Oaks, California, and they are also one of the original finders of subprime mortgage lending.
When the subprime market collapsed in 2007, Fremont General Corporation came under pressure by regulators and elected to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in June 2008 in order to implement its restructuring program.
"Signature emerged from Chapter 11 in June 2010 under a plan of reorganization led by Signature Group Holdings, LLC. One of the key features of the plan of organization was an estimated $769 million (unaudited) of federal net operating loss carry-forwards expected to be available to offset future taxable income."
Could there be a spider web here, that many will miss what really is happening, and as often there will be some conspiracy theories thrown out there, and other events to distract from the TRUE CONSPIRACY. I believe so, I believe sometimes, events are created to create the smoke and mirrors effect. Where all you will ever see is the illusion but you never know how it was done.
"In July, Knapp shows the sales contract fighter jets to the secret agent. In contract, mentioned jet ever used the U.S. in the Vietnam war was sold for
U.S. $ 3.25 million."
Who would have known more about Viet Nam Jet Fighter Planes then John P. Wheeler, who may have been the U.C. in this case, we do not know,who knows what else John has found working at Mitre Corporation? Which I will write more about later.
All of these supposes, trying to put one line of spider web to another of course becomes presumption on my part, perhaps a little paranoia when you receive strange calls that immediately coincide with a search, when doing online sleuthing.
I can't say any of this has to with why John is dead. But all things must be considered, but as usual when you have a Giant Tree Spider, the intelligence
community, spies, traitors, mortgage companies and more that have all been tied to MAJOR events in the last century, the lines of the Spider Web are so huge, that even the best of the best of Investigators, Sherlock Holmes would not find Professor Moriarty as the bad guy in America, matter of fact, I would suspect, that the twist and turns would probably have driven him to quit altogether less he be made a fool.
I cannot solve this one, and no one out there can, I sincerely believe there are many facets too many to mention when it comes to cases if people as important as John P. Wheeler being murdered, that if anyone does come to know the truth of the matter, they will end up in a garbage dump as well.
All I am doing here, is laying out my experience my research and some ideas for others, none of which I can say will lead to the facts but at least they questions that I have not heard anyone else in the media answering or attempting to answer, I ran across one Internet inquiring mind like mind, that started out with the same question apparently, because he too said he couldn't find a list of occupants of the building, hey , there are more of me then just me, who begin with the bases and then look to run in the game and maybe come up with a home run, but in this case, conclusions are not wise, as they may be a smoke and mirror because of the web of deceit or they may get you killed as well. Whatever you conclude or I conclude I know they will tell us what to conclude, and as best then , to let dead dogs lie, unless you become one of them!
Anyway, that's some theory, experience and more!
UPDATE FOUND THIS EVENING - The Black Widow. The Newest Super Cray Computer Software for Spying on the Domestic Tranquility of America
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Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Victorious Love
This is where you will find all my podcast if you are looking for a particular one, they will all be available here. http://victoriouslove.podbean.com/
A Return to the God of Love,
Christian Message,
Holy Spirit,
Pod Cast,
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Welcome to "It's Finished in Christ"
This is my newest blog, where I will explore the meaning of Christ words at the cross for Him and the world. So drop in often, as I talk about the COMPLETED VICTORY of CHRIST THE VICTOR, THE TRIUMPHANT KING OF GLORY.
Joseph Black D.D.
Joseph Black D.D.
Who Are You? (Part Two)
That day, after the fall, when God was calling out Adam's name looking for him, and please note Adam was the one in hiding, because what took place the moment after that, when the serpent, the woman and the men, are told what the consequences were going to be for now on, that we came to see this, as punishment for disobedience. Western Society has a grand difficulty in understanding, God didn't view His Creation any differently at that moment then He did moments before the fall. In God's mind, He didn't say to himself, "well you did what I told you not to do, so now I am going to Punish you for it". "You go to hell!"
No! He didn't say that at all, ""bad boy, bad boy, what you going to do when I come for you!"
What a sick perversion of Who God is! Who we are! (Given freely to us by the serpent)
So man now had lost His sense of being who He really is, and His sense of who God really is.
Man sees Himself hopelessly evil, hopelessly good from that point on, because now from that point on, He sees God, as only good, and himself as good, only in relation to what he does, as who he is. Man now sees God as evil at times, by what He does, rather then by who He is.
Yes, God is good but He is much more than just good, He is love, absolute non-polluted love.
We were and are in the eyes of God, much more than just good or evil beings, He sees us always with the eyes of His love.
God's view of "us" never changed, we have been His creation before the fall and after the fall. What changed is our entire perception of truth. We now came to live an illusion, that "what we do, has defined who we are."
I am going to tell you something right now, there is no religion, on earth, did you hear me, on earth, that can change that wrong view of God, or ourselves. Even the "christian religion," doesn't do that for us, because largely that interpretation as presented to us is a perversion of truth as well. It is presented to us in law and grace mixed. The very thing that Paul worked so hard to eliminate.
But wait there is hope, the Bible tells an entire different story, then what you have had drilled in your skull, by the experts, of religion, by the so called good men in cloth, or anyone else for that matter.
Why, because religion is the natural propensity of men since the Fall, with that old mind set, which is the mind set of Adam that caused him to hide from God, and that which caused both Adam and Eve, to make the first attempt to cover something up about themselves, that God was quite pleased with while they were in the garden, but now they saw as something that defined them.
Their nakedness, their having no definition of who they are by the knowledge of good or evil. They were just naked, just as God intended them to be, they were already good, in God's eyes, because God had looked at all He had made, even naked Adam, no definition of good or evil and called all that He created, including the serpent and the Tree as of Knowledge of Good and Evil- GOOD! Read Genesis again, if necessary. I believe it is, for it is the start of the story that ends, not in the future somewhere way out yet beyond, it ended at the Cross and a New Creation came forth at the Resurrection. The end of the Old Story with the beginning of the new, thus Paul calls Jesus - the Second Adam.
Man changed the whole thing for himself and creation, not God.
Man is the one with the problem, not God, He didn't say whoops, now you went and did it, you became evil. He didn't go whoops now you need to make yourself good. Whoops, my goodness I should have put clothes on you before now, my goodness how shameful "your naked!"
It was not that God had to be reconciled to man, He never has left us, alone to wallow in the quagmire of all of this state of lostness. Our own loss of significance and definition of self found only in reliance upon Him.
I will present the rest of this in the following weeks. Stick with me, I promise some of your thinking will be changed and you will see your Daddy in heaven, and Jesus Christ work in a light perhaps not seen before by you. You will see how grand God's plan was and just what it was He accomplished in 33AD.
God bless until the next time.
Brother Joe Black
No! He didn't say that at all, ""bad boy, bad boy, what you going to do when I come for you!"
What a sick perversion of Who God is! Who we are! (Given freely to us by the serpent)
So man now had lost His sense of being who He really is, and His sense of who God really is.
Man sees Himself hopelessly evil, hopelessly good from that point on, because now from that point on, He sees God, as only good, and himself as good, only in relation to what he does, as who he is. Man now sees God as evil at times, by what He does, rather then by who He is.
Yes, God is good but He is much more than just good, He is love, absolute non-polluted love.
We were and are in the eyes of God, much more than just good or evil beings, He sees us always with the eyes of His love.
God's view of "us" never changed, we have been His creation before the fall and after the fall. What changed is our entire perception of truth. We now came to live an illusion, that "what we do, has defined who we are."
I am going to tell you something right now, there is no religion, on earth, did you hear me, on earth, that can change that wrong view of God, or ourselves. Even the "christian religion," doesn't do that for us, because largely that interpretation as presented to us is a perversion of truth as well. It is presented to us in law and grace mixed. The very thing that Paul worked so hard to eliminate.
But wait there is hope, the Bible tells an entire different story, then what you have had drilled in your skull, by the experts, of religion, by the so called good men in cloth, or anyone else for that matter.
Why, because religion is the natural propensity of men since the Fall, with that old mind set, which is the mind set of Adam that caused him to hide from God, and that which caused both Adam and Eve, to make the first attempt to cover something up about themselves, that God was quite pleased with while they were in the garden, but now they saw as something that defined them.
Their nakedness, their having no definition of who they are by the knowledge of good or evil. They were just naked, just as God intended them to be, they were already good, in God's eyes, because God had looked at all He had made, even naked Adam, no definition of good or evil and called all that He created, including the serpent and the Tree as of Knowledge of Good and Evil- GOOD! Read Genesis again, if necessary. I believe it is, for it is the start of the story that ends, not in the future somewhere way out yet beyond, it ended at the Cross and a New Creation came forth at the Resurrection. The end of the Old Story with the beginning of the new, thus Paul calls Jesus - the Second Adam.
Man changed the whole thing for himself and creation, not God.
Man is the one with the problem, not God, He didn't say whoops, now you went and did it, you became evil. He didn't go whoops now you need to make yourself good. Whoops, my goodness I should have put clothes on you before now, my goodness how shameful "your naked!"
It was not that God had to be reconciled to man, He never has left us, alone to wallow in the quagmire of all of this state of lostness. Our own loss of significance and definition of self found only in reliance upon Him.
I will present the rest of this in the following weeks. Stick with me, I promise some of your thinking will be changed and you will see your Daddy in heaven, and Jesus Christ work in a light perhaps not seen before by you. You will see how grand God's plan was and just what it was He accomplished in 33AD.
God bless until the next time.
Brother Joe Black
First Adam,
good and evil. Love,
New Creation,
Second Adam,
The Fall
Friday, November 26, 2010
Nuggets of Wisdom
"Hatred, Murder, and War are not the uniforms of the brave, but the rags of those that fear and are cowardly.'
'Fear and Manipulation has always been the reason for EXCLUSIVISM..... it keeps an us against them mentality."
"Hell was designed by those who wish to keep their power, and to keep their subjects in check, God is not a despot.
"Love may attract a few, but fear moves masses."
"A rod in the hand of the powerful will bend the backs of those with no power, but an individual bent over in pain, will never accomplish the work to be done."
"Bees are like people, they know they have a job to do, and do it well, but when someone bust their honeycomb, they get confused, where can they take their pollen?"
"The hungry and poor will gladly eat from the hand of an evil taskmaster and even accept a beating then face one more day of nothing to eat or to wear."
"Yes, man chose to have a free will, the only choice given him and in that he found he could only choose between good and evil, but holiness, Oh! love, only that belongs to God, and no man can do either by his own choice, he cannot choose and cannot will it, that alone belongs to the Father who is love, only He revealed the true meaning of love by His Son, and only He accomplished that by the work of His Spirit."
"Those that need a hell to motivate them to do good, have not yet understood love."
"Those that do good, and need a hell to rule the masses, have not yet understood evil" It is their hell for which they create for others in what they think is good that becomes evil."
"Ah, yes slay those for whom disagree with you, let the blood flow, but what shall you do, when the sword is in their hands and you have none as they?"
"Man's best always becomes his worst, history proves that."
"Those that dream absolute power will subdue the masses, are those who are too proud and arrogant who are in need of subjection, and not by power that is equal, not by powering over them in rebellion,but by a power not seen by this world except in one, and those that truly followed Him", His name is LOVE, His name is Jesus Christ."
"Love in it's greatest revelation did not come with a sword or power, rather it was revealed in His submission to the sword and power."
I wrote all these, and have posted many of these on, Face Book, as a message of God's love and who He is, and who we are now in Christ.
Dr. J.
'Fear and Manipulation has always been the reason for EXCLUSIVISM..... it keeps an us against them mentality."
"Hell was designed by those who wish to keep their power, and to keep their subjects in check, God is not a despot.
"Love may attract a few, but fear moves masses."
"A rod in the hand of the powerful will bend the backs of those with no power, but an individual bent over in pain, will never accomplish the work to be done."
"Bees are like people, they know they have a job to do, and do it well, but when someone bust their honeycomb, they get confused, where can they take their pollen?"
"The hungry and poor will gladly eat from the hand of an evil taskmaster and even accept a beating then face one more day of nothing to eat or to wear."
"Yes, man chose to have a free will, the only choice given him and in that he found he could only choose between good and evil, but holiness, Oh! love, only that belongs to God, and no man can do either by his own choice, he cannot choose and cannot will it, that alone belongs to the Father who is love, only He revealed the true meaning of love by His Son, and only He accomplished that by the work of His Spirit."
"Those that need a hell to motivate them to do good, have not yet understood love."
"Those that do good, and need a hell to rule the masses, have not yet understood evil" It is their hell for which they create for others in what they think is good that becomes evil."
"Ah, yes slay those for whom disagree with you, let the blood flow, but what shall you do, when the sword is in their hands and you have none as they?"
"Man's best always becomes his worst, history proves that."
"Those that dream absolute power will subdue the masses, are those who are too proud and arrogant who are in need of subjection, and not by power that is equal, not by powering over them in rebellion,but by a power not seen by this world except in one, and those that truly followed Him", His name is LOVE, His name is Jesus Christ."
"Love in it's greatest revelation did not come with a sword or power, rather it was revealed in His submission to the sword and power."
I wrote all these, and have posted many of these on, Face Book, as a message of God's love and who He is, and who we are now in Christ.
Dr. J.
God is Love,
Love Defined,
Revelation of God,
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
God Is Love Who Loves Eternal
I have recently completed a short but I think effective essay on the Who God Is, as given to us in the words of John. God Is Love.
I wrote this, because I am more and more convinced that God's love expressed to man in Jesus Christ was inclusive of all man kind, and what Jesus did at the cross, in the resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit, changed not only the course of history but men for all time and ages to come.
I believe it is a good read, as when I wrote this, my heart was moved by the Holy Spirit, to see the depths of Christ death, as I had never seen it before, to see the New Creation has something I had never seen before. That this was an all encompassing work of God for His creature that He loves. He didn't have to have our love, He gave it like a mother or father gives normally to their children. Adam's fall did not change ownership of whose children they were, they have been and always will be His children.
Alas it was men, who needed to know God is love, but man were blind now, after the fall, their minds corrupted to see everything in terms of good or evil, even God. Thus Jesus work had to eliminate the old man, and create altogether a new man. Not a revised old man, not a something inside the old man but to create a brand new man. Genesis is the beginning story of man, the cross and the resurrection is the new Genesis, it was the change, the end of the ages, the change for all time, for man to be brought back home where he belonged in the loving care of He who is love. This work of God, should ever change the minds of exclusionist. It should bring forth in the minds of those who trust that God is love, a brand new paradigm of understanding those three words like never before God is Love.
If you would like to read the paper it is posted on my ministry website
at: Life Synergy Enterprise (Life Ministry) just click on the left to go there, you will find it embedded under the menu for Keys to Inclusivism
I wrote this, because I am more and more convinced that God's love expressed to man in Jesus Christ was inclusive of all man kind, and what Jesus did at the cross, in the resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit, changed not only the course of history but men for all time and ages to come.
I believe it is a good read, as when I wrote this, my heart was moved by the Holy Spirit, to see the depths of Christ death, as I had never seen it before, to see the New Creation has something I had never seen before. That this was an all encompassing work of God for His creature that He loves. He didn't have to have our love, He gave it like a mother or father gives normally to their children. Adam's fall did not change ownership of whose children they were, they have been and always will be His children.
Alas it was men, who needed to know God is love, but man were blind now, after the fall, their minds corrupted to see everything in terms of good or evil, even God. Thus Jesus work had to eliminate the old man, and create altogether a new man. Not a revised old man, not a something inside the old man but to create a brand new man. Genesis is the beginning story of man, the cross and the resurrection is the new Genesis, it was the change, the end of the ages, the change for all time, for man to be brought back home where he belonged in the loving care of He who is love. This work of God, should ever change the minds of exclusionist. It should bring forth in the minds of those who trust that God is love, a brand new paradigm of understanding those three words like never before God is Love.
If you would like to read the paper it is posted on my ministry website
at: Life Synergy Enterprise (Life Ministry) just click on the left to go there, you will find it embedded under the menu for Keys to Inclusivism
Monday, November 22, 2010
Who Are You? ( Part One)
NOTE: I have decided that I would post this is in different parts, as reduce reading and listening time. This may be the most important beginning post series of teaching I have done yet. The Gospel presented to you like you have never heard it before. I pray it will be life changing and you might discover the Exchanged Life in Jesus Christ. So here is today's portion.
(Music lead on PodCast is by Israel & New Breed-Song Title: Alpha and Omega)
Who Are You?
I am going to start by asking some questions,as I do answer then honestly to yourself as you read or listen to this Part One of the series, Who Are You?
Are you a good person?
Are you an evil person?
What does it mean to be a good person?
What does it mean to be an evil person?
If you are a good person, have you ever done evil?
If you are an evil person have you ever done good?
Now if you answer those questions honestly, you will see
that you are defining yourself as a person, either overall, or at least based upon
what you do, at specific times and in specific situations.
What if I were to tell you, that you are neither one of the above, good or evil?
Do you accept that or do you try to weigh your behavior in some sort of imaginary scales and based on which behavior you experience or perform more often then the other defines who you believe yourself to be? Which side ways the most?
Let's be honest as humans both behaviors are a very real part of our lives.
All of us!
Now, I am going to tell you something you may never even imagined to be true.
You are neither a "good person or an evil person," because your behavior doesn't define who you are.
God has decided forever Who You Are, because He is your Creator.
We (humanity) were all doing just fine, until we developed this concept of seeing ourselves in the eyes of good and evil.
How did that come about?
Most people who don't understand or have a full grasp of the reason why Jesus came, and the what of Jesus life, death, resurrection, and Pentecost live in this nightmare of being a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
We dare not admit it, but we are all schizophrenic, or at least suffer multiple personality disorder. When we define ourselves by what we do.
To be honest many of you listening to this Pod Cast or reading this blog right now are dealing with issues in your life, you are either trying to be a good person, and finding yourself failing, or you thought you were a good person, until something came along in life, and you failed, and now that image you so held of yourself it has all been tarnished.
Christians do the same thing, that are yet trying desperately to do something to be good. This is called "christian religion" as opposed to the Christ life.
You at least for the moment believe you are what you do, or did, until you can get back on the merry go round, and try to make up for the wrong you did, or perhaps you will just shrug it off, but it still doesn't change your self-image, it's now corrupted. You can justify your behavior, overlook your behavior (impossible to do), or try to make up for it(more religious effort.)
Yes, God called His creation, all of it good, but it was not the substance of who you are.
What the Fall did, was made us believe that the all of life is defined by these things good and evil, what we do, as opposed to who we are. Especially our core being. It does not!
We were and are still God's loved creatures the image of God.
It was because of this transformation Adam brought into the world by eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and one that religion, any religion, continually propagates that has so tainted us even more, with the same lies as that first serpent handed us, the failed carnal thinking that "we are what we do, rather than what we are." Once the trap was sprung, once Eve did something she knew in her mind God had told her not to, and Adam followed along, they were trapped, their minds now before the fall, had no idea of either one of these terms as pertaining to their behavior, they were who they were, the Creation of God, who fellowshiped with them and communicated with them and they found joy, peace and righteousness in His presence.
So how can we return to our prior state before the Fall?
We lived that life or at least Adam did as the representation of ALL MEN, we lived in perfect innocent fellowship with the One who loves us beyond what we can ever imagine before this horrid transformation of thought process came into our minds and corrupted our view of God and ourself.
How can we escape this sad tragedy of despair and hopelessness we have in this life bouncing back and forth from one label of description to another of ourselves and others?
How do we come to know who we are, if not a good or evil person?
Where is the picture for me to see?
Can I find it in history?
Where is this story that tells me something different as you say other then good or evil?
Where is it I can find something that assures me, that God views me and others as more grand and glorious then can be imagined?
Where is the story that can be found?
Who will tell me and show me this, that I am free, and that all is well between me and my Creator?
Where can it be found?
In the next blog, I will talk about the Fall and Who We Are Now and more.
I am going to do my best to answer these question and more over the next few days in this teaching as I present it line upon line and precept upon precept.
You will hear I promise the Gospel as never presented to you perhaps, but nonetheless it is the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Come back for Part Two of Who are You?
Dr. J.
(Music lead on PodCast is by Israel & New Breed-Song Title: Alpha and Omega)
Who Are You?
I am going to start by asking some questions,as I do answer then honestly to yourself as you read or listen to this Part One of the series, Who Are You?
Are you a good person?
Are you an evil person?
What does it mean to be a good person?
What does it mean to be an evil person?
If you are a good person, have you ever done evil?
If you are an evil person have you ever done good?
Now if you answer those questions honestly, you will see
that you are defining yourself as a person, either overall, or at least based upon
what you do, at specific times and in specific situations.
What if I were to tell you, that you are neither one of the above, good or evil?
Do you accept that or do you try to weigh your behavior in some sort of imaginary scales and based on which behavior you experience or perform more often then the other defines who you believe yourself to be? Which side ways the most?
Let's be honest as humans both behaviors are a very real part of our lives.
All of us!
Now, I am going to tell you something you may never even imagined to be true.
You are neither a "good person or an evil person," because your behavior doesn't define who you are.
God has decided forever Who You Are, because He is your Creator.
We (humanity) were all doing just fine, until we developed this concept of seeing ourselves in the eyes of good and evil.
How did that come about?
Most people who don't understand or have a full grasp of the reason why Jesus came, and the what of Jesus life, death, resurrection, and Pentecost live in this nightmare of being a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
We dare not admit it, but we are all schizophrenic, or at least suffer multiple personality disorder. When we define ourselves by what we do.
To be honest many of you listening to this Pod Cast or reading this blog right now are dealing with issues in your life, you are either trying to be a good person, and finding yourself failing, or you thought you were a good person, until something came along in life, and you failed, and now that image you so held of yourself it has all been tarnished.
Christians do the same thing, that are yet trying desperately to do something to be good. This is called "christian religion" as opposed to the Christ life.
You at least for the moment believe you are what you do, or did, until you can get back on the merry go round, and try to make up for the wrong you did, or perhaps you will just shrug it off, but it still doesn't change your self-image, it's now corrupted. You can justify your behavior, overlook your behavior (impossible to do), or try to make up for it(more religious effort.)
Yes, God called His creation, all of it good, but it was not the substance of who you are.
What the Fall did, was made us believe that the all of life is defined by these things good and evil, what we do, as opposed to who we are. Especially our core being. It does not!
We were and are still God's loved creatures the image of God.
It was because of this transformation Adam brought into the world by eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and one that religion, any religion, continually propagates that has so tainted us even more, with the same lies as that first serpent handed us, the failed carnal thinking that "we are what we do, rather than what we are." Once the trap was sprung, once Eve did something she knew in her mind God had told her not to, and Adam followed along, they were trapped, their minds now before the fall, had no idea of either one of these terms as pertaining to their behavior, they were who they were, the Creation of God, who fellowshiped with them and communicated with them and they found joy, peace and righteousness in His presence.
So how can we return to our prior state before the Fall?
We lived that life or at least Adam did as the representation of ALL MEN, we lived in perfect innocent fellowship with the One who loves us beyond what we can ever imagine before this horrid transformation of thought process came into our minds and corrupted our view of God and ourself.
How can we escape this sad tragedy of despair and hopelessness we have in this life bouncing back and forth from one label of description to another of ourselves and others?
How do we come to know who we are, if not a good or evil person?
Where is the picture for me to see?
Can I find it in history?
Where is this story that tells me something different as you say other then good or evil?
Where is it I can find something that assures me, that God views me and others as more grand and glorious then can be imagined?
Where is the story that can be found?
Who will tell me and show me this, that I am free, and that all is well between me and my Creator?
Where can it be found?
In the next blog, I will talk about the Fall and Who We Are Now and more.
I am going to do my best to answer these question and more over the next few days in this teaching as I present it line upon line and precept upon precept.
You will hear I promise the Gospel as never presented to you perhaps, but nonetheless it is the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Come back for Part Two of Who are You?
Dr. J.
Abundant life,
Eternal life,
The Full Gospel,
The Real Deal,
True Gospel,
Zoe life
Friday, November 19, 2010
Baby Talk
I was reading and doing research on teaching, and communicating ideas, and ran across an article on Family education on Teaching your baby to speak.
Science and education, has proven, that in order for baby's ever to speak, they must be allowed to speak and hear you speak, to formulate language.
Common Sense, huh?
The article was summarized with the following statement.
"Talk a lot to your baby if you can, but don't monopolize the conversation. Remember to give your infant a chance to talk while you listen."
Why do we ever suppose that our heavenly Father, would have ever intended the body of Christ to come together, and be silent while only one person speaks.
Pastor, Teacher, you wouldn't do that with your own children, so why would you dare do that with God's children?
I know as a Pastor and Teacher, I learned a lot from others, as I moved into "Dialegomai," the word so often mistranslated in English to preach which really means to discuss. This was the tradition of the Apostles, not our tradition of men.
Pastors and Teachers we don't hold the corner on God or truth, and it is very prideful and arrogant of us to think so.
I know, I have been there and done that.
I was miserable as a Pastor, as a Teacher, I was miserable in my own spiritual growth.
We should rightfully should be miserable when we are creating children that will have a speech impediment!
Doesn't it only make common sense that our Heavenly Father who has given EACH of us, this new birth in Jesus Christ, where we all start as babies, unable to barely walk, only making non-nonsensical sounds, still needing care, that we as Pastors and Teachers allow all the body of Christ to mature, to grow up, to become all that God has given them to be in Jesus Christ. To become in essence - Pastors!
Well just like for a baby, they have the same need and we need to treat the body of Christ with the same respect as we do our own children born to us.
I have had a friend for many years now, that when I first was told by the Holy Spirit to change to do things God's way rather than mine, a huge transformation for him took place as well as for I, once I listened to God, and begin to listen to others.
He was always quiet, never said anything, never asked questions, he would just sit their listening when I preached or taught at church or Sunday School or the Youth group, as was expected of him, I might add.
Once the door was open for Him to speak in open dialectic fellowship, He began to grow as did I. He had and has a lot of nuggets of godly wisdom to share with the body of Christ.
Did he speak perfectly about Jesus in the beginning? No, but is He learning to do so now? Yes, exactly like myself. None of us are perfect in speech or our deeds, but we would think so, with the practice of church today.
I believe Jesus is the Head of the church. Jesus would never design a time that we come together as His body, that He would tell the one acting as an earthly parent of new born babies or even that of the full grown adults, to tell His children to sit down and be quiet, and don't dare speak. Our practice in many churches today, relays that message to those sitting in the pews.
Nor would Jesus bring together those that are mature, and tell them they have nothing to add to the lesson, He would listen.
You know, Sunday School was largely an attempt to return to early Apostolic practices but it has failed because it too remains yet organized, planned and supervised. It's not spontaneous fellowship, it's not something we are part of, but something we go to.
It has become a place to come together that it has become usually no more than a microcosm of church service.
One person, leads, he uses a book or lesson approved by those in charge, and very little becomes a part of the discussion or time together outside of that parameter.
Oh! you may talk and ask questions, but we are so ingrained with listening and not speaking very few ever do. They are careful not to do so, or just don't know what to say, or they are afraid it might sound like babbling or they may not sound spiritual like the leaders.
Often times, we won't give them the opportunity to speak about something that may be weighing heavily on their minds and hearts on truth, and their fellowship in Christ, as it would get us off "our lesson."
Well that's where we all began, just babbling as babies do.
So be courageous and babble or speak, and teachers and pastors let them talk and let us learn to listen.
Let's get back to practice the way God designed it both for His heavenly children and our earthly children.
We wouldn't treat own children in the way that we do so many of the children of God. So why would our Father in heaven have such a practice for us to treat his children that way?
Our Heavenly Father would not ever be so cruel just as we wouldn't to our own. We need to ask ourselves, are we painting the right picture of Family, when we do so?
The church is in need of return to the traditions of the Apostles and Scripture not men that came after them, (The Reformationist Martin Luther by the way, is the one that said you can't have a 'church service" unless their is a sermon)
There is nothing in Scripture that states what Luther taught and that has so brain washed the church to make this our sole practice of the time we spend together.
Let's hear God speaking to His body, He has the sense and love of any good and true parent.
He allows His babies to speak as well as those of us, who may think we are the parents in the body.
This is what He designed for our times of coming together.
So, we can listen, speak and learn. Just as we did as a baby. Just as babies do to develop proper speech. Just as parents do, to assist them. They stop and listen.
They don't put their hand over their mouth, and say, you don't make any sense, or what your saying isn't correctly, grammatically formulated, so be quiet.
I looked for one scripture that admonishes 'the church" to preach a sermon in fellowship or to come together to hear one, there is not one, yet I counted TWENTY THREE Scriptures and there may be more, on what as Christians we do in fellowship with "one to another." Look them up.
If you need, I will be glad to mail you a list of scripture references.
They all are pertaining to the subject "one to another."
I have not yet found one that tell us to do as common church practice is as so many believe it is suppose to be at present. This is found especially in certain circles of churches and denominations.
There are many like myself, that found the riches of organic church and are practicing such now and are letting the children grow up, and funny thing, it's a joy to see them grow up, but even more, because you grow up with them.
Let's hear Paul speak on this when writing to the church of Corinth, we must read those "23" scriptures on "one to another" to understand this passage in light of all these other twenty three. This is what is called reading the Bible in context by the way.
Paul was not making a negative statement or a statement about what was going on at the church of Corinth, in the scripture to follow, but he was stating this is what fellowship was all about. How do we know that? How can we be sure? Easy, by the context of all the other scriptures that tell us what true assembly is- "one to another".
Thus Paul lays down some ways it can be achieved as well.
What he was criticizing at the church at Corinth was that there was a church full of babblers. The body was meeting but not for fellowship but just for a few to show off how spiritual they were. When in fact they were showing they were still babies, carnal yet, he states this in the beginning of His letter to them.
They had not yet learned "the equality of believers."
That speaks to us Pastors and Teacher, when we organize the time for fellowship that is centered around our sermon or lesson for today.
Thus Paul proposes a question as all good, dialectic speakers do. If you follow Paul, he used the common method of the day, for individuals to arrive at agreement in truth.
Dialectic is based on a dialogue between two or more people who may hold differing views, yet wish to pursue truth by seeking agreement with one another.
So here what Paul was saying in the verse in 1 Corinthians 14:26- So now that I have corrected you, you will now ask me, well if we aren't doing it right, then how do we do it, Paul?
Paul is not making a statement of not what to do, after the "What then brethren", this is a dialectic statement as a question, then he makes the statement after that one, to what the solution to their fellowship time together was to be, to avoid the problem they were already in.
Corinth had gone haywire where only one or the few monopolized the time of the body coming together, the Babblers.
Children all the same, but that is where they were stuck and because of this supernatural gifting, they were trying to make everyone else believe they were the parents, the only one's with true spiritual faculty.
Boy, did Paul turn that upside down on them.
Where was the head, the eye, the arm, the leg?
Answer he made clear earlier.
Read the verse in light now, of the twenty three other verses on "one to another."
What then, brethren?
When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. {1 Cor 14:26 RSV}
See if he was saying only one thing a lesson (sermon) or one thing a revelation, or one thing,tongue, or on thing when we meet, interpretation, he would have said so, but he makes it clear by adding the last sentence, that our coming together is encompassing all these and more, for he use LET ALL THINGS...that's permissive not restrictive...be done for edification.
He is not condemning open organic fellowship, he is naturally advocating it.
Just like we naturally advocate and practice it as parents for our children, Our heavenly father advocates and wants us to practice it as His children.
"Talk a lot to your baby if you can, but don't monopolize the conversation. Remember to give your infant a chance to talk while you listen."
So, now how do we incorporate that, for our love of God's children? First off we don't fear that which is natural for children, or God's children, let them speak.
Second, we can either force a change (bad move, makes you an authoritarian more then we have already been acting as), leave where we are at, and form a new church
(I did that, but I wasn't full time, only filling in my last pastoralship), or ask God for wisdom, especially if we have people we love in our church and wouldn't want to abandon them. Offend some for the change, yes it is going to happen, but are we more worried about pleasing men or God?
Here is what I would do now, if in the position of many Godly Pastors who want to do what God would have them do. Then slowly you can wean the children from the bottle and they will get up, take a few steps and fall down, they will babble at first, but then as they hear you and others, they will begin to finally speak like adults, just like we do as children growing up. Try starting with a few pauses in your sermon pose some questions to the body. This a good start to moving the body to share in the fellowship of "one to another" and a better proven method of teaching anyway. Don't say a word, wait until someone answers, then listen to them. If God gave you something to be said that day, believe me, He will get said what He wants the body to hear, even if your sermon goes south.
The question that has to be faced is, whose church is it anyway?
Dr. J.
Science and education, has proven, that in order for baby's ever to speak, they must be allowed to speak and hear you speak, to formulate language.
Common Sense, huh?
The article was summarized with the following statement.
"Talk a lot to your baby if you can, but don't monopolize the conversation. Remember to give your infant a chance to talk while you listen."
Why do we ever suppose that our heavenly Father, would have ever intended the body of Christ to come together, and be silent while only one person speaks.
Pastor, Teacher, you wouldn't do that with your own children, so why would you dare do that with God's children?
I know as a Pastor and Teacher, I learned a lot from others, as I moved into "Dialegomai," the word so often mistranslated in English to preach which really means to discuss. This was the tradition of the Apostles, not our tradition of men.
Pastors and Teachers we don't hold the corner on God or truth, and it is very prideful and arrogant of us to think so.
I know, I have been there and done that.
I was miserable as a Pastor, as a Teacher, I was miserable in my own spiritual growth.
We should rightfully should be miserable when we are creating children that will have a speech impediment!
Doesn't it only make common sense that our Heavenly Father who has given EACH of us, this new birth in Jesus Christ, where we all start as babies, unable to barely walk, only making non-nonsensical sounds, still needing care, that we as Pastors and Teachers allow all the body of Christ to mature, to grow up, to become all that God has given them to be in Jesus Christ. To become in essence - Pastors!
Well just like for a baby, they have the same need and we need to treat the body of Christ with the same respect as we do our own children born to us.
I have had a friend for many years now, that when I first was told by the Holy Spirit to change to do things God's way rather than mine, a huge transformation for him took place as well as for I, once I listened to God, and begin to listen to others.
He was always quiet, never said anything, never asked questions, he would just sit their listening when I preached or taught at church or Sunday School or the Youth group, as was expected of him, I might add.
Once the door was open for Him to speak in open dialectic fellowship, He began to grow as did I. He had and has a lot of nuggets of godly wisdom to share with the body of Christ.
Did he speak perfectly about Jesus in the beginning? No, but is He learning to do so now? Yes, exactly like myself. None of us are perfect in speech or our deeds, but we would think so, with the practice of church today.
I believe Jesus is the Head of the church. Jesus would never design a time that we come together as His body, that He would tell the one acting as an earthly parent of new born babies or even that of the full grown adults, to tell His children to sit down and be quiet, and don't dare speak. Our practice in many churches today, relays that message to those sitting in the pews.
Nor would Jesus bring together those that are mature, and tell them they have nothing to add to the lesson, He would listen.
You know, Sunday School was largely an attempt to return to early Apostolic practices but it has failed because it too remains yet organized, planned and supervised. It's not spontaneous fellowship, it's not something we are part of, but something we go to.
It has become a place to come together that it has become usually no more than a microcosm of church service.
One person, leads, he uses a book or lesson approved by those in charge, and very little becomes a part of the discussion or time together outside of that parameter.
Oh! you may talk and ask questions, but we are so ingrained with listening and not speaking very few ever do. They are careful not to do so, or just don't know what to say, or they are afraid it might sound like babbling or they may not sound spiritual like the leaders.
Often times, we won't give them the opportunity to speak about something that may be weighing heavily on their minds and hearts on truth, and their fellowship in Christ, as it would get us off "our lesson."
Well that's where we all began, just babbling as babies do.
So be courageous and babble or speak, and teachers and pastors let them talk and let us learn to listen.
Let's get back to practice the way God designed it both for His heavenly children and our earthly children.
We wouldn't treat own children in the way that we do so many of the children of God. So why would our Father in heaven have such a practice for us to treat his children that way?
Our Heavenly Father would not ever be so cruel just as we wouldn't to our own. We need to ask ourselves, are we painting the right picture of Family, when we do so?
The church is in need of return to the traditions of the Apostles and Scripture not men that came after them, (The Reformationist Martin Luther by the way, is the one that said you can't have a 'church service" unless their is a sermon)
There is nothing in Scripture that states what Luther taught and that has so brain washed the church to make this our sole practice of the time we spend together.
Let's hear God speaking to His body, He has the sense and love of any good and true parent.
He allows His babies to speak as well as those of us, who may think we are the parents in the body.
This is what He designed for our times of coming together.
So, we can listen, speak and learn. Just as we did as a baby. Just as babies do to develop proper speech. Just as parents do, to assist them. They stop and listen.
They don't put their hand over their mouth, and say, you don't make any sense, or what your saying isn't correctly, grammatically formulated, so be quiet.
I looked for one scripture that admonishes 'the church" to preach a sermon in fellowship or to come together to hear one, there is not one, yet I counted TWENTY THREE Scriptures and there may be more, on what as Christians we do in fellowship with "one to another." Look them up.
If you need, I will be glad to mail you a list of scripture references.
They all are pertaining to the subject "one to another."
I have not yet found one that tell us to do as common church practice is as so many believe it is suppose to be at present. This is found especially in certain circles of churches and denominations.
There are many like myself, that found the riches of organic church and are practicing such now and are letting the children grow up, and funny thing, it's a joy to see them grow up, but even more, because you grow up with them.
Let's hear Paul speak on this when writing to the church of Corinth, we must read those "23" scriptures on "one to another" to understand this passage in light of all these other twenty three. This is what is called reading the Bible in context by the way.
Paul was not making a negative statement or a statement about what was going on at the church of Corinth, in the scripture to follow, but he was stating this is what fellowship was all about. How do we know that? How can we be sure? Easy, by the context of all the other scriptures that tell us what true assembly is- "one to another".
Thus Paul lays down some ways it can be achieved as well.
What he was criticizing at the church at Corinth was that there was a church full of babblers. The body was meeting but not for fellowship but just for a few to show off how spiritual they were. When in fact they were showing they were still babies, carnal yet, he states this in the beginning of His letter to them.
They had not yet learned "the equality of believers."
That speaks to us Pastors and Teacher, when we organize the time for fellowship that is centered around our sermon or lesson for today.
Thus Paul proposes a question as all good, dialectic speakers do. If you follow Paul, he used the common method of the day, for individuals to arrive at agreement in truth.
Dialectic is based on a dialogue between two or more people who may hold differing views, yet wish to pursue truth by seeking agreement with one another.
So here what Paul was saying in the verse in 1 Corinthians 14:26- So now that I have corrected you, you will now ask me, well if we aren't doing it right, then how do we do it, Paul?
Paul is not making a statement of not what to do, after the "What then brethren", this is a dialectic statement as a question, then he makes the statement after that one, to what the solution to their fellowship time together was to be, to avoid the problem they were already in.
Corinth had gone haywire where only one or the few monopolized the time of the body coming together, the Babblers.
Children all the same, but that is where they were stuck and because of this supernatural gifting, they were trying to make everyone else believe they were the parents, the only one's with true spiritual faculty.
Boy, did Paul turn that upside down on them.
Where was the head, the eye, the arm, the leg?
Answer he made clear earlier.
Read the verse in light now, of the twenty three other verses on "one to another."
What then, brethren?
When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. {1 Cor 14:26 RSV}
See if he was saying only one thing a lesson (sermon) or one thing a revelation, or one thing,tongue, or on thing when we meet, interpretation, he would have said so, but he makes it clear by adding the last sentence, that our coming together is encompassing all these and more, for he use LET ALL THINGS...that's permissive not restrictive...be done for edification.
He is not condemning open organic fellowship, he is naturally advocating it.
Just like we naturally advocate and practice it as parents for our children, Our heavenly father advocates and wants us to practice it as His children.
"Talk a lot to your baby if you can, but don't monopolize the conversation. Remember to give your infant a chance to talk while you listen."
So, now how do we incorporate that, for our love of God's children? First off we don't fear that which is natural for children, or God's children, let them speak.
Second, we can either force a change (bad move, makes you an authoritarian more then we have already been acting as), leave where we are at, and form a new church
(I did that, but I wasn't full time, only filling in my last pastoralship), or ask God for wisdom, especially if we have people we love in our church and wouldn't want to abandon them. Offend some for the change, yes it is going to happen, but are we more worried about pleasing men or God?
Here is what I would do now, if in the position of many Godly Pastors who want to do what God would have them do. Then slowly you can wean the children from the bottle and they will get up, take a few steps and fall down, they will babble at first, but then as they hear you and others, they will begin to finally speak like adults, just like we do as children growing up. Try starting with a few pauses in your sermon pose some questions to the body. This a good start to moving the body to share in the fellowship of "one to another" and a better proven method of teaching anyway. Don't say a word, wait until someone answers, then listen to them. If God gave you something to be said that day, believe me, He will get said what He wants the body to hear, even if your sermon goes south.
The question that has to be faced is, whose church is it anyway?
Dr. J.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Three Legged Chicken
Larry was driving down a country lane in his pickup when suddenly a chicken darted into the road in front of him. He slammed on his brakes, but realized that the chicken was speeding off down the road at about 30 miles an hour. Intrigued, he tried to follow the bird with his truck, but he couldn't catch up to the accelerating chicken. Seeing it turn into a small farm, Larry followed it. To his astonishment, he realized that the chicken had three legs. Looking around the small farm, he noticed that ALL of the chickens had three legs.
The farmer came out of his house, and Larry said, "Three-legged chickens? That's astonishing!"
The farmer replied, "Yep. I bred 'em that way because I love drumsticks."
Larry was curious. "How does a three-legged chicken taste?"
The farmer smiled. "Dunno. Haven't been able to catch one yet."
Now, that's funny!
I laughed at this joke, then I thought, you know, how often do we as Christians become three legged chickens.
We come into our faith in Christ, then somewhere down the line, religion gets a hold of us, and that beautiful new
creation of God, that is just absolutely everything Christ intended, rather than developing and maturing in His trust alone in Christ we get bred into three legged chickens, thinking that religion will make us a littler more desirable, then what God has made of us in Christ. The world prefers us to be religious as well, like the farmer desiring more drumsticks, we let the world conform us to give them more of what they want.
Religion so spoils the work that Jesus did, we might look more desirable to the world, the church, our community, even some of our friends, as long as we keep that third leg on, of religion. The sad thing, is no one will taste the beauty of who we are in Christ.
It's so much easier to rest in Him and just live that way, ever trusting in Him, what He has accomplished that we never could nor ever will.
The sad thing, is religion breeds us into three legged chickens.
We might run faster with religion, and find it easier to get along with the world but in the end, do we really serve the purpose for which Christ made us.
We were made to be light and salt to a world lost in sin and death.
Paul said this when reproving the Galatian Christians for growing a third leg...the third leg of religion.
Galatians 3:2-3
2This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
3Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Let's slow down, throw off the third leg, and let's keep trusting Jesus, and not religion. God wants to catch up with us as well, He has great things in store for us, when we leave Him to do the job.
Dr. J.
The farmer came out of his house, and Larry said, "Three-legged chickens? That's astonishing!"
The farmer replied, "Yep. I bred 'em that way because I love drumsticks."
Larry was curious. "How does a three-legged chicken taste?"
The farmer smiled. "Dunno. Haven't been able to catch one yet."
Now, that's funny!
I laughed at this joke, then I thought, you know, how often do we as Christians become three legged chickens.
We come into our faith in Christ, then somewhere down the line, religion gets a hold of us, and that beautiful new
creation of God, that is just absolutely everything Christ intended, rather than developing and maturing in His trust alone in Christ we get bred into three legged chickens, thinking that religion will make us a littler more desirable, then what God has made of us in Christ. The world prefers us to be religious as well, like the farmer desiring more drumsticks, we let the world conform us to give them more of what they want.
Religion so spoils the work that Jesus did, we might look more desirable to the world, the church, our community, even some of our friends, as long as we keep that third leg on, of religion. The sad thing, is no one will taste the beauty of who we are in Christ.
It's so much easier to rest in Him and just live that way, ever trusting in Him, what He has accomplished that we never could nor ever will.
The sad thing, is religion breeds us into three legged chickens.
We might run faster with religion, and find it easier to get along with the world but in the end, do we really serve the purpose for which Christ made us.
We were made to be light and salt to a world lost in sin and death.
Paul said this when reproving the Galatian Christians for growing a third leg...the third leg of religion.
Galatians 3:2-3
2This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
3Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Let's slow down, throw off the third leg, and let's keep trusting Jesus, and not religion. God wants to catch up with us as well, He has great things in store for us, when we leave Him to do the job.
Dr. J.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Rise and Shine
I noted this cartoon this morning and thought it's a lot like many Christians view their relationship to Jesus Christ. I too have been guilty of it in the past.
We accept that Jesus died for our sins, we accept the poorly defined evangelical portrayal of being born again, "easy believism" but many of us, haven't even got out of bed of old thinking, and lack understanding Christ resurrection and the present resurrection we have in this new life in Christ in the here and now.
If we do, we too often, negate the life of Christ being expressed in the world to those around us by a life that is exemplified much by this cartoon.
Our typical carnal thinking usually goes something like this:
"OK, I have risen as a new creation in Christ, but that doesn't mean I have to shine, or I won't shine until Jesus comes, All of these are but the same thing, "not at the same time".
Well let's look at one Scripture that tells us just the opposite of what we have so often falsely believed in.
We aren't like Maxine in this cartoon, scripture tells us just the opposite, that He has given us everything we need to rise and shine at the same time.
2 Peter 1:2-4
2Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord;
3seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.
4For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.
So let us claim the truth of God's Word in both our words and our actions, because it's not that we need more to get out of bed, we just need to appropriate more of what God has already given us.
I'm not waiting until Jesus comes, that's a cop out. Yes, we can lively godly lives right here and now.
Brother Joe Black
We accept that Jesus died for our sins, we accept the poorly defined evangelical portrayal of being born again, "easy believism" but many of us, haven't even got out of bed of old thinking, and lack understanding Christ resurrection and the present resurrection we have in this new life in Christ in the here and now.
If we do, we too often, negate the life of Christ being expressed in the world to those around us by a life that is exemplified much by this cartoon.
Our typical carnal thinking usually goes something like this:
"OK, I have risen as a new creation in Christ, but that doesn't mean I have to shine, or I won't shine until Jesus comes, All of these are but the same thing, "not at the same time".
Well let's look at one Scripture that tells us just the opposite of what we have so often falsely believed in.
We aren't like Maxine in this cartoon, scripture tells us just the opposite, that He has given us everything we need to rise and shine at the same time.
2 Peter 1:2-4
2Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord;
3seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.
4For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.
So let us claim the truth of God's Word in both our words and our actions, because it's not that we need more to get out of bed, we just need to appropriate more of what God has already given us.
I'm not waiting until Jesus comes, that's a cop out. Yes, we can lively godly lives right here and now.
Brother Joe Black
Monday, November 15, 2010
How I Pray For the Restoration of America to Christianity
We have far too long in this nation, have disobeyed the life of Christ, his death, and teachings.
We have done this through one of the worst false doctrines that has seized the "church", the teaching of "christian zionism" and "Dispensationalism" by the twisting of scripture to our own destruction.
America and the world is in grave danger and because of it.
I would ask anyone visiting this page to take time to view the videos, by a Christian who is telling the truth.I have placed one of the links to his videos in this article.
I have never viewed Ted Pike's videos before today, but I have known these things and have taught these things, trying to correct those that claim to be "Christians" for the last 5 years.
I have opposed violence since I was young. Why, because Jesus opposed violence by acting in sacrificial love in the same we are to do, if we are born of His Spirit.
Please take the time to watch these videos. These will make you understand in my study of the
Word of God, and church history, and history, that these things, and mostly the love that God has shed abroad in my heart proves that Christian Zionism is Anti- Christ.
Please I pray you will watch these, check it out for yourself in personal study, I did long before I ever heard or read, or watched any videos, these are truths, that point to the one truth- Jesus Christ.
I love all people, and pray for peace to come to this world but it won't until we hear the Messiah's voice speaking to us right here right now, and hear what He says to all people.
There is no way to the Father but by Him.
Every Hebrew or Zionist or for that matter anyone on this earth that died yesterday, today or tomorrow without Christ is hopelessly dying in their sin. Christ came to defeat, sin and death.
Christ came first to the lost sheep of Israel, then to the Gentile, Israel rejected Him, all but the remnant - who received Jesus as Messiah or are receiving Him today are saved or ever will be. They will continue to live under the wrath of God, and not His grace.
Watch and learn, "church" and "christian religion".
Awake! Oh people of the Lord, and know that the Lord our God is Lord, not Zionism or a false state of Israel.
Jesus Christ is Israel now, and only those who know Him and have received Him as Messiah, the Anointed One, have received the spiritual promises of God. All the Old was pointing to the new, which is only fulfilled for Jew and Gentile alike, by absolute trust and obedience to Christ.
No man shall be saved by doctrines, church practices, membership, baptism or other ingenuity of men.
There is no other name in heaven, on the earth or under the earth whereby men may be saved.
Salvation delivers us eternally but it is not from a hell that has been created by men's lying and deceiving and making salvation only something that deals with the afterlife, salvation was given to us by Christ to deliver and set us free from sin and death, beginning here and now and then into eternity. I didn't come to Jesus to get free fire insurance. I came to Jesus because it is He that gave me life and delivered me from the sin and death (hell) I was already suffering in.
Watch these videos. Ted is a futurisist only- in eschatology, I am not, but at least His futurism has not kept Him from the truth on this matter of Zionism, and the evil that it is.
I pray everyday for every Jew in the world, that they may come to know their Messiah, who Has come, and came to offer them as well as us all the promises of the Old Testament, and they weren't for physical things, but for eternal things, which are found only in Jesus Christ the Messiah.
Brother Joe
aka Dr. J.
BTW- How many of you know that the "reverend Hagee, denies Christ as Messiah.
Hear him deny Christ as Messiah for yourself at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah1sx_93EoE
We have done this through one of the worst false doctrines that has seized the "church", the teaching of "christian zionism" and "Dispensationalism" by the twisting of scripture to our own destruction.
America and the world is in grave danger and because of it.
I would ask anyone visiting this page to take time to view the videos, by a Christian who is telling the truth.I have placed one of the links to his videos in this article.
I have never viewed Ted Pike's videos before today, but I have known these things and have taught these things, trying to correct those that claim to be "Christians" for the last 5 years.
I have opposed violence since I was young. Why, because Jesus opposed violence by acting in sacrificial love in the same we are to do, if we are born of His Spirit.
Please take the time to watch these videos. These will make you understand in my study of the
Word of God, and church history, and history, that these things, and mostly the love that God has shed abroad in my heart proves that Christian Zionism is Anti- Christ.
Please I pray you will watch these, check it out for yourself in personal study, I did long before I ever heard or read, or watched any videos, these are truths, that point to the one truth- Jesus Christ.
I love all people, and pray for peace to come to this world but it won't until we hear the Messiah's voice speaking to us right here right now, and hear what He says to all people.
There is no way to the Father but by Him.
Every Hebrew or Zionist or for that matter anyone on this earth that died yesterday, today or tomorrow without Christ is hopelessly dying in their sin. Christ came to defeat, sin and death.
Christ came first to the lost sheep of Israel, then to the Gentile, Israel rejected Him, all but the remnant - who received Jesus as Messiah or are receiving Him today are saved or ever will be. They will continue to live under the wrath of God, and not His grace.
Watch and learn, "church" and "christian religion".
Awake! Oh people of the Lord, and know that the Lord our God is Lord, not Zionism or a false state of Israel.
Jesus Christ is Israel now, and only those who know Him and have received Him as Messiah, the Anointed One, have received the spiritual promises of God. All the Old was pointing to the new, which is only fulfilled for Jew and Gentile alike, by absolute trust and obedience to Christ.
No man shall be saved by doctrines, church practices, membership, baptism or other ingenuity of men.
There is no other name in heaven, on the earth or under the earth whereby men may be saved.
Salvation delivers us eternally but it is not from a hell that has been created by men's lying and deceiving and making salvation only something that deals with the afterlife, salvation was given to us by Christ to deliver and set us free from sin and death, beginning here and now and then into eternity. I didn't come to Jesus to get free fire insurance. I came to Jesus because it is He that gave me life and delivered me from the sin and death (hell) I was already suffering in.
Watch these videos. Ted is a futurisist only- in eschatology, I am not, but at least His futurism has not kept Him from the truth on this matter of Zionism, and the evil that it is.
I pray everyday for every Jew in the world, that they may come to know their Messiah, who Has come, and came to offer them as well as us all the promises of the Old Testament, and they weren't for physical things, but for eternal things, which are found only in Jesus Christ the Messiah.
Brother Joe
aka Dr. J.
BTW- How many of you know that the "reverend Hagee, denies Christ as Messiah.
Hear him deny Christ as Messiah for yourself at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah1sx_93EoE
Monday, November 8, 2010
Clarification to the Offended
I want to make something clear, I know often in my rants, that many individuals who may run across what I write here, seem to think it is personal attack, against them.
Nothing of what I ever write is to condemn others, or to judge them, only God is judge, I like the prophets of old am compelled to speak only against their practices, beliefs or teachings that oppose the Who is God, and Who is the Son.
What we believe doesn't change that Christ came to die for all of us and that we all needed that, but it is His life - the message we must understand as well. It must be applied in every area of our lives.
Nothing of what I ever write is to condemn others, or to judge them, only God is judge, I like the prophets of old am compelled to speak only against their practices, beliefs or teachings that oppose the Who is God, and Who is the Son.
What we believe doesn't change that Christ came to die for all of us and that we all needed that, but it is His life - the message we must understand as well. It must be applied in every area of our lives.
However, history proves that people will kill to defend their beliefs, doctrines, or practices and thus the world rages now. The message cannot be applied but by His grace in our lives, but we must first approach God the Father through the Son always in prayer, not by doctrine or our "Orthodoxy or Orthopraxy."
Religion, Politics, Foreign Policy, Criminal Justice you name it, has it's roots in the sinfulness of men.
Systems are not pure, as the early Christians so better understood.
They may have used the term Devil or Satan but they had a definition outside of what later developed within the context of church. They didn't believe in the Devil, as an entity in competition with God, a second god. They were not dualist. They understood that "Adversary" was all that opposed God's love and mercy, and that individuals, groups, governments and the world are the "Satan".
They never perceived of Him as the church does or we have been taught to do. The Satan is not some weird little pointed ear, long tail, horned and red in color individual that was a "fallen angel" that is in some great cosmic game of chess with God using mankind as the playing pieces.
This teaching so widely accepted with all religions which are pagan, even our "christian paganism," are false and do more to excuse all people from personal sin, then anything else. It has done more to produce the very opposite of what God's revealed love in Jesus was to produce within His people.
All of the "adversaries" of God that I have not completely listed above are the "Satan" they are merely a reflection of the entire human condition of sin and death in this world.
Just as we are, and can be, when we fail to receive God's grace in our lives. We become and are the "Satan" - the adversaries of our Creator.
There is much more that could be said here on the dualism teachings of the church, and the gnostic origins of the church for what is taught but that's for another book perhaps. There have been some very good books written on this matter as well, by men who are thinking men, who have opened their eyes and ears to Jesus Christ, and not Jewish myths, traditions of men, and all the things Paul warned the body of Christ of, time after time. and John and Peter as well.
I love people of all races, because Jesus didn't die for the Caucasian race only as some would have us believe. He lived and died for all men regardless of race, color, creed or religion.
We all needed Him. We all still do.
Religion, Politics, Foreign Policy, Criminal Justice you name it, has it's roots in the sinfulness of men.
Systems are not pure, as the early Christians so better understood.
They may have used the term Devil or Satan but they had a definition outside of what later developed within the context of church. They didn't believe in the Devil, as an entity in competition with God, a second god. They were not dualist. They understood that "Adversary" was all that opposed God's love and mercy, and that individuals, groups, governments and the world are the "Satan".
They never perceived of Him as the church does or we have been taught to do. The Satan is not some weird little pointed ear, long tail, horned and red in color individual that was a "fallen angel" that is in some great cosmic game of chess with God using mankind as the playing pieces.
This teaching so widely accepted with all religions which are pagan, even our "christian paganism," are false and do more to excuse all people from personal sin, then anything else. It has done more to produce the very opposite of what God's revealed love in Jesus was to produce within His people.
All of the "adversaries" of God that I have not completely listed above are the "Satan" they are merely a reflection of the entire human condition of sin and death in this world.
Just as we are, and can be, when we fail to receive God's grace in our lives. We become and are the "Satan" - the adversaries of our Creator.
There is much more that could be said here on the dualism teachings of the church, and the gnostic origins of the church for what is taught but that's for another book perhaps. There have been some very good books written on this matter as well, by men who are thinking men, who have opened their eyes and ears to Jesus Christ, and not Jewish myths, traditions of men, and all the things Paul warned the body of Christ of, time after time. and John and Peter as well.
I love people of all races, because Jesus didn't die for the Caucasian race only as some would have us believe. He lived and died for all men regardless of race, color, creed or religion.
We all needed Him. We all still do.
What I stand against if you have read my writings enough is the total disregard, we, Christians, have for all people, just because of their race, color, creed or religion, and don't see ourselves in light of the living Word of God, that all men are in the same condition, and all institutions are in the same condition, all governments are in the same condition and all religion is in the same condition.
We are without redemption from our evil, ourselves, our violence, our hatred, our selfishness, without Christ being the centrality of our life. Not the Jesus that has so wrongly been portrayed to the world, but the Jesus of the Gospels.
We are without redemption from our evil, ourselves, our violence, our hatred, our selfishness, without Christ being the centrality of our life. Not the Jesus that has so wrongly been portrayed to the world, but the Jesus of the Gospels.
We have far too long focused on doctrinal matters (and most often, been wrong) and not enough on living matters.
God loves the hater as well as the hated, the evil doer as well as those who oppose evil, but without Him, Jesus Christ coming to us, changing us, by seeing the life he lived, the death he died, and what resurrection and Pentecost really mean, we are hopelessly lost in our hatred, and our being a victim of it. We are lost in our doing of evil, and our being a victim of evil.
It is the love of God, that has been shed abroad in our hearts that Christ body needs and the world at large.
Far too long traditional Christianity has defined the atonement in terms that are falsely Judicial rather than Christ the Victor terms.
God's mission to bring Justice, was in the person of Jesus Christ while He was here both in the life he lived, and the death he died.
God loves the hater as well as the hated, the evil doer as well as those who oppose evil, but without Him, Jesus Christ coming to us, changing us, by seeing the life he lived, the death he died, and what resurrection and Pentecost really mean, we are hopelessly lost in our hatred, and our being a victim of it. We are lost in our doing of evil, and our being a victim of evil.
It is the love of God, that has been shed abroad in our hearts that Christ body needs and the world at large.
Far too long traditional Christianity has defined the atonement in terms that are falsely Judicial rather than Christ the Victor terms.
God's mission to bring Justice, was in the person of Jesus Christ while He was here both in the life he lived, and the death he died.
Biblically to "bring justice" does not mean to bring punishment,
but to bring healing and reconciliation.
Justice means to make things right. All through the Prophets justice is associated with
caring for others, as something that is not in conflict with mercy, but rather an expression
of it. Biblically, justice is God's saving action at work for all that are oppressed:
"Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the
fatherless, plead the case of the widow". (Isaiah 1:17)"This is what the LORD says:
"`Administer justice every morning; rescue from the hand of his oppressor the one who
has been robbed" (Jeremiah 21:12)
True justice can only come though mercy
"This is what the LORD Almighty says: `Administer true justice: show mercy and
compassion to one another. (Zechariah 7:9) "Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;
he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice".( Isaiah 30:18)
--From Penal Substitution versus Christus Victor Atonement-
"The Rebel God" a blog linked on this page.
I believe sincerely anything outside of the action of love, self sacrificing love, in the exemplary way that Christ lived and died, is not Christian. We can turn the Holy Bible into something more unholy so often by all the traditions of men, then hearing the Word of God and seeing the Living Word. We like to shake our fist at the Muslim and their Quoran. When we treat the Truth of the Word of God, and especially the story, the One we trust in, in disregard of the Story, we have reduced our "Holy Bible" to nothing more then that we accuse the Muslim of having - "a book of violence that propagates it."
Wrong, all religion propagates violence, even ours if we treat the Story- Jesus, as a book, defined and dissected by us, into a few choice verses, to justify our own sin. Then it becomes as unholy, as any book claimed to be God's truth, when it is in contradiction to all Jesus lived and died for. This is what the serpent did in the Garden, he was the first Theologian, a simple animal, became man's first great Theologian. The first to WRONGLY divide God's Word.
When we as men, turn to concepts of man's justice, man's hatred for others, man's pride, man's powering over others, man's solution as war to the problems of the world, we have negated Christ in His teaching, His life, and His death. How dare we call ourselves "Christian."
So what I do is stand against all that makes us less then what we are too be or claim to be in Christ, this includes, false teachings, practices, and living. I stand against those things which say, powering over others, rather than submitting to others, is the way we win.
No we win, when we see the REAL JESUS, and we turn to the love He showed, practiced and gave right down to the Cross. The reasons most Christians don't live this life, is because of false teaching, and listening to evil more than the Holy Spirit and story of God's love to us who deserved none but Christ won the victory for all of us, the victim and the victimizer.
He redeemed us not so we can say, now I can live like the world, think like the world and do like the world and go to heaven. No! He redeemed us, that we redeem others, in this life, by allowing His life to be lived in us, through us and as us. So, that in all that we do and say, it is the same love expressed through Him by the Father to us, that we by the Holy Spirit express that life to others.
His entire story, the message we miss is found in who God is. We have too long tried to define God in every whim of doctrine rather then answering the simple declaration of the Word of God.
God is love!
Thus I oppose war, and power structures, that leave men powering over others.
I believe as Jesus lived and taught, it is in powering under, that we gain real power, It is when we get down and wash each others feet, and the feet of our community, our State, Our Nation and the World, is where real power comes from, resurrection power.
It is when we lay down our lives in love to all men, that we have lived in obedience to the Spirit of Christ and not the spirit of this World (this is the Satan).
So, when I attack a teaching or practice it is to redeem God's people from the sinful thinking that it brings in their lives, and in the end when acted out, it destroys them and all those around them. Jesus turned over the tables in righteous anger against those taking advantage of the poor, the widowed and the orphan, I get angry and rant... Jesus loved the table tenders, He hated their belief system that had translated the "house of prayer" into a market system.He may have flogged them, but he didn't go get a AK-47 or any kind of sword that physically kills or maims, if any killing was done, it wasn't people that He killed, He killed their "adversarial actions and beliefs about the Father". He chastised those He loved the Temple market place people. We twist that, and say, well in the New Testament Jesus did get angry, so war and hatred is justified.
Yes, He did get angry, righteously angry and He is still angry at our total disregard of our love for Him first, and then our neighbor. He is still flogging us, as a person, a nation, and world. Not to destroy us but to save us, and make His people not the Temple, His house of prayer.
No we win, when we see the REAL JESUS, and we turn to the love He showed, practiced and gave right down to the Cross. The reasons most Christians don't live this life, is because of false teaching, and listening to evil more than the Holy Spirit and story of God's love to us who deserved none but Christ won the victory for all of us, the victim and the victimizer.
He redeemed us not so we can say, now I can live like the world, think like the world and do like the world and go to heaven. No! He redeemed us, that we redeem others, in this life, by allowing His life to be lived in us, through us and as us. So, that in all that we do and say, it is the same love expressed through Him by the Father to us, that we by the Holy Spirit express that life to others.
His entire story, the message we miss is found in who God is. We have too long tried to define God in every whim of doctrine rather then answering the simple declaration of the Word of God.
God is love!
Thus I oppose war, and power structures, that leave men powering over others.
I believe as Jesus lived and taught, it is in powering under, that we gain real power, It is when we get down and wash each others feet, and the feet of our community, our State, Our Nation and the World, is where real power comes from, resurrection power.
It is when we lay down our lives in love to all men, that we have lived in obedience to the Spirit of Christ and not the spirit of this World (this is the Satan).
So, when I attack a teaching or practice it is to redeem God's people from the sinful thinking that it brings in their lives, and in the end when acted out, it destroys them and all those around them. Jesus turned over the tables in righteous anger against those taking advantage of the poor, the widowed and the orphan, I get angry and rant... Jesus loved the table tenders, He hated their belief system that had translated the "house of prayer" into a market system.He may have flogged them, but he didn't go get a AK-47 or any kind of sword that physically kills or maims, if any killing was done, it wasn't people that He killed, He killed their "adversarial actions and beliefs about the Father". He chastised those He loved the Temple market place people. We twist that, and say, well in the New Testament Jesus did get angry, so war and hatred is justified.
Yes, He did get angry, righteously angry and He is still angry at our total disregard of our love for Him first, and then our neighbor. He is still flogging us, as a person, a nation, and world. Not to destroy us but to save us, and make His people not the Temple, His house of prayer.
So, don't become personally offended, but do if necessary.
Become offended enough to re-evaluate your actions and belief system in light of no longer proof texting everything you do believe, this is the worst thing that we can do to God's Word, we have come to think to "rightly" divide the Word, is to divide it up into one or two verses, that will appease our sinful nature, make a doctrine out of it, form a group around it, and hate all those who oppose it.
God's "RIGHTLY" dividing is the opposite of our dividing, rather than division it creates unity among those who believe the story. It will always divide when we "search the scriptures thinking we might find life in them, when they speak of Him."
The Bible is not one million verses on how to keep from going to hell, it is the story of God's love to and for His creation. He doesn't want to deliver us from some future "tormenting fires". He wants to get us out of the hell all men are in right now, in the here and now. This is only accomplished by trust placed in the story of His love expressed through the first human to ever be the full expression of who He is- Jesus Christ- the Second Adam. Our trust is in Him, because of the unity of the story, not it's divisions created by men. This is the worst thing men ever did, at first was to divide it up into chapters, verses, paragraphs, sentences, words, etc. The Christian church has used that division of the story far too long, and miss the entire context from Genesis to Revelation.
God is love.
In light of everything Jesus was, did and is. He is the full expression of the Father. He is love.
Jesus didn't come to formulate a new religion but to deliver us from religion to a life of love for the Father first, and then to our neighbor.
Then we will find common ground as Believers when we trust the subject of the story and it will be "God is love."
Become offended enough to re-evaluate your actions and belief system in light of no longer proof texting everything you do believe, this is the worst thing that we can do to God's Word, we have come to think to "rightly" divide the Word, is to divide it up into one or two verses, that will appease our sinful nature, make a doctrine out of it, form a group around it, and hate all those who oppose it.
God's "RIGHTLY" dividing is the opposite of our dividing, rather than division it creates unity among those who believe the story. It will always divide when we "search the scriptures thinking we might find life in them, when they speak of Him."
The Bible is not one million verses on how to keep from going to hell, it is the story of God's love to and for His creation. He doesn't want to deliver us from some future "tormenting fires". He wants to get us out of the hell all men are in right now, in the here and now. This is only accomplished by trust placed in the story of His love expressed through the first human to ever be the full expression of who He is- Jesus Christ- the Second Adam. Our trust is in Him, because of the unity of the story, not it's divisions created by men. This is the worst thing men ever did, at first was to divide it up into chapters, verses, paragraphs, sentences, words, etc. The Christian church has used that division of the story far too long, and miss the entire context from Genesis to Revelation.
God is love.
In light of everything Jesus was, did and is. He is the full expression of the Father. He is love.
Jesus didn't come to formulate a new religion but to deliver us from religion to a life of love for the Father first, and then to our neighbor.
Then we will find common ground as Believers when we trust the subject of the story and it will be "God is love."
Doctor J.
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