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Monday, January 24, 2011

Are We To Seek Immortality or Life In Christ?

We, humans,  because we are innately made mortal, whether subconsciously or on purpose seek to make ourselves immortal whether it be literally through the positions we hold in life, whether by title, career, money or anything that will give us a sense of immortality (being a god). This is our denial of death.
Even religion can be just another way to seek immortality in our attempt to deny our mortality. I say religion as differing from true trust in someone outside of one's self which is what true Christianity is suppose to be, but in large part as seen is not. It is largely based on "personal belief" systems to gain immortality. It is not based on the story the Bible shows mankind, but some select verses to believe in that will save you as a man, grant you immortality, and because of your "belief" make you a god, over others who do not believe. Thus your god, and I use the little "g" to differentiate between yourself and the Creator, is but another invention of yourself as a god and in order to do that, you must always have those who are not gods. Our nature is to deny life to others while granting it to ourselves, because our faith is in our definition of our faith rather in the CREATOR himself, so anything that would threaten that, drives us to be sure, to have something that separates us from those "like myself that believe" from those that unlike myself "that do not believe."

The foundation of that has to be "because I believe I am saved."  Thus making ourselves once more a god, denying God as the ALL POWERFUL ONE and ALL LOVING ONE WHO SAVES. We change it to "I must believe" to be saved.
Which is to say,as most "chirstians believe"  if the " I" ( my human will ( god likeness) ) is not exercised God is unable to save me or anyone else.

I ask was it by your will you came into this world, and is it by your will you will be able to keep yourself from going out of this world? Of course not, thus what good does your human will do you?
Is it your will that MAKES you sin, or something outside of your will? Can you make yourself walk in perfection to the Mosaic Law or even the law of love? I think experience tells you that isn't true either and even the Word of God tells you that isn't true. So how shall you save yourself, oh Man?

You cannot save yourself from the same experience all men will have, even Jesus suffered it,  the end of yourself as you know yourself and others know you now. PHYSICAL DEATH, the ceasing of your present cognitive abilities to see, feel, hear,touch and speak, etc.
YOU WILL DIE. so why do you deny it?
Your situation hasn't changed from anyone else - Death still knocks on your door.

So in seeing that is true, we yet have to  and seek to deny our deaths, by creating once more division between us and someone else, since we can show a difference there, we must now turn from literal denial to symbolic denial. (so we can be gods and others not) So that we can be immortal.
Thus we find comfort in the doctrine of eternal torment. It keeps us in our status of a god, I BELIEVE, and therefore THEY DON'T , therefore they have not SAVED THEMSELVES AS I HAVE.
It is still a subconscious means for you to be a god and deny your death and yet be immortal while others are not.
Why will that work for you?
Why do you insist on it as a necessity belief to be saved?
I will tell you why, because as long as you hold to that belief, and that is really what your faith in faith is.
It also enables you to attempt to prove your are right that BELIEF saves you by using something to SCARE people into believing like you. It is the same way, that governments use the threat of force against other governments that may oppose their culture and politics. The same way men use any power over others to achieve and sustain they are right and everyone else is wrong, and thus they remain a god, but truly only believe like that if they can get more people believing what they believe thereby proving they are "a god" and immortal, for see MAJORITY proves it.

It is not a trust in the God that is love and that created all men to love, but it is in something that is an unknown factor that one can only surmise at, and not prove, or even show in the story of Jesus death.

If the wages of sin is eternal torment, then surely if Jesus paid the debt of our sins, then doesn't it surmise that He should be in "your hell" still being tormented? Of course He is not, He paid God himself - in the flesh, our debt which is death physically and even more then that, and Jesus died being separated from the Father, that some how majestically brought forgiveness to us from God, and enables us to forgive God for the mess we are in.
To see that in both actions God is love, it's not about the punishment Jesus received, but about the life He gave to know what death is, and means to us as humans, and how and why it effected our view of God, it delivers us from seeing God as evil (unlike the teachings of the "belief' and retribution and deterrence theologians do, they present a schizophrenic God) but gives us the full view of God, as ALL POWERFUL AND ALL LOVING.

They say they believe God is one, yet they have the Father as He must punish someone to get satisfaction before He can forgive them, and then we have God the Son, who says, I will die so that they might live, I will love them into my Kingdom, by letting MYSELF be punished?
Telling us see God loves you so much, then if you don't believe that Jesus took the whacking you deserve, then you are going to take something worse then what He did, you will be tormented in your flesh (?) FOREVER,

I am confused already, aren't you?

I  still haven't figured that one out, seeing I have seen bodies that have been burned as a Firefighter, they are burned up and dead.  Most importantly on top of all that in order for people to have that punishment they too would have to be granted "immortality."
Meaning they have life and not death, which would be contradictory to the passage they hold to as proof of eternal torment, which is the passage in Revelation regarding the Lake of Fire, which is defined right there what it means, but they read over it, because they have been blinded by tradition and CAN'T see truth.
This is what it reads: Revelation 20:14
Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire This IS the second death, the lake of fire.
Whenever one sees the word IS what is about to follow is the definition of the what preceded it.

The Lake of Fire is the second death.. so if they are being tossed into death, how can they yet be alive?

Then we see before all this passage:  

Revelation 20:14

Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire This is the second death, the lake of fire.

So hell is destroyed by hell?  Geez.... figure that one out.

I am confused already, aren't you?

Which one is GOD? God is LOVE or is it GOD IS HATE as they teach and carry that teaching on into their eternal torment theology.
How could anyone accept that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son with that kind of theological and eschatological garbage being put out by those that are supposed to be His people?

They make God sound like someone who needs to be on a psycho - pharmaceutical, to arrest or at least ease his Schizophrenia.  They are sadly themselves deluded, this is not the God of the Bible but the delusion God sent them who love not the truth. 

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

God number one, full of wrath and demanding he must have some justice, isn't physical death the justice he gave us all, isn't it enough, it is of course, but because of it, we could no longer relate to God, spiritually. Even though we still had spirit, the breath of life, we only related to God in fear, now because our own inevitable deaths made us fearful of Him. We could then only relate to God, by the things we brought into this world, good and evil, but that which men no matter which way he swings on that tree, always still ends up doing evil. So in the end, the human mind, the carnal mind viewed God as such, that because this world is that way, God must be. WRONG!
God told Adam that day surely you shall die! That is the consequence of disobeying God's law, this is revealed to us throughout the Old Testament, and in life itself!
So God comes to deliver us from ALL that by dying as well, experiencing our deaths which gave us spiritual inability to perceive of Who God is, and His intentions for us, our significance in other words.

Why did you create us God for what purpose if we but just die?

It can't be proved per se, that men's hell exist or doesn't exist, it only comes into existence because it is what you need to maintain your god like status of other men. It allows you to see yourself as immortal, as a god, thereby denying your mortality. So you have managed as I did for years, to take certain passages of Scripture BRAINLESSLY, and use them to try to PROOF TEXT your theory and hypothesis so other people will be as scared as you , or at least come alongside you to strengthen your "god' status to prove you are right, and your BELIEF in BELIEF will hold true for you to get your well deserved heaven and no hell, because YOU BELIEVED> you are a god now. Let me bow before you!  NOT!

What if the only way to gain immortality is to know the ONLY ONE who is Immortal, to have intimate knowledge of Him and the Son He sent. What if it was all about our relationship in the here and now to Him, others and ourselves, and not being saved from your hell later to your heaven later.


You thought in your believing something you would gain immortality.

I hate to disappoint you, but let's believe the Word of God first and foremost.

Here it is that will punch a hole in your belief to get immortality or that men have immortality, which you have to have to go to hell or heaven.

1 Timothy 6:15-17
He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen.

What ? You don't possess immortal life?

Does that scare you?

I hope so, because you don't!

What?  Grandma isn't seeing God with her eyes right now in heaven while floating on a cloud with her angel wings playing a harp?
NOPE, she isn't sorry to say.

But I don't want to leave you without hope for Grandma or yourself.

I want to continue here to show you more than a hope, or a theology of your FAITH that saves you or the eschatology of your heaven or hell that scares you into submission of lips but gives you NO power of will to do that which is Godly, Holy or Righteous.

Only God is IMMORTAL, and man is NOT IMMORTAL and was not created IMMORTAL.

If man obtains any immortality it is because -He Christ the IMMORTAL ONE has graced us immortality because He is Spirit and in the beginning gave us LIFE and then in the end, put us into that life, for HE poured out HIS SPIRIT upon ALL FLESH.
Outside of that NO MAN HAS IMMORTALITY that he may grant himself.
To go one place or another.

He cannot save Himself, whether he believes or doesn't believe.
No more than He can choose when to be born and when to die.
Does that scare you, that your will is of no account, I hope it does!

The amazing thing about truth, is it always stirs the self righteous indignation of those who don't want to hear it. They are angry because you have attacked their stronghold to which their faith is in in truth- THEMSELVES. Not the God of the Universe, but the god of SELF.

So, if we have a wrong perception of the Father right from the start, then yes, we are going to believe in a mean and full of hate Creator who wishes to destroy or harm man for infinity for some finite sins, but worse then that, we get it because ADAM did it to us, and we had no choice yet between the TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE and the TREE Humans live on, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now that truly reveals a God of Justice and Love, doesn't it?

Blame Eve really she was the one busy in the day talking to a beast.
Maybe if she would have had kids, she wouldn't have had time for such conversations and the world would have never got in the shape it is. Of course, I am being humorous here, and facetious. Ladies I am not trying to disparage you, neither was Paul of the New Testament.

Jesus did more for women's equality then ever was done by all the religions in the world, and present "christian religion' does.

To ASSUME that all men are made immortal and die immortal and go to a heaven or hell is going beyond Scripture.

That is not what the STORY IS ABOUT... immortality is a GIFT, and we ALL RECEIVE IT ONLY AS A GIFT not because of what we believe but whom we were CREATED FOR.... and BY!

That gift was unavailable without our slavery to sin, the fear of death and the power of sin -devil being conquered first and foremost for our lives.

Yet, immortality means you have life and never will die?
True immortality is this, no BEGINNING AND NO END, as seen in the Father, but then we see something else with the Son, in the flesh, which we can relate to, He had a physical beginning as we do, but born from God, He had a life lived, but from the Father, He had a death He died, but with the Father, He had a resurrection by the love of the Father, and He now has immortality and power, because He is present with the Father. Yet, he was human while on this earth in every thought and action. It is this humanity lived out by God the Creator, as God the Creator intended for us, that alas gives us not only the Story of God's intention but Jesus then gives us the RESTORATION for all of God's Creation to be like Him, to live as He did, to die as He did, to be resurrected like He did, and to be glorified as a Son or child of the Father.

It's His story told, that is all of our story to unfold.


In other words to be immortal you go on living forever, and we see God never died, in the sense, of being immortal, but we see Jesus in the sense of being both God and Man did.
We see God becoming man, and tasting our physical death as well, but in the end we see Jesus victorious!
Was Jesus raised because He was God, or because He was man?
Or was He raised because He was the GOD/MAN  and just what does that mean?

Here is a thought for you to consider.
If God who is Spirit has poured Himself, the same Spirit poured out  upon ALL FLESH at Pentecost, then what has happened to you as a human?

2 Peter 1:3-5
"seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.
For by these
He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.

Jesus the man, but also God (a mystery still to the mind) tasted death - spiritual death for us, so that we might not taste spiritual death, the SECOND DEATH. The Lake of Fire.

In other words, He died our death physically and spiritually so He could give us Spiritual life in our physical lives in the here and now, and that though the BODY IS DEAD BECAUSE OF SIN, when we are finally freed from it in physical death.
The very life of God will be all of our lives forever more...

  1. Romans 8:11
    But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
  2. 1 Corinthians 15:53
    For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.
  3. 1 Corinthians 15:54
    But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, " DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory.
  4. 2 Corinthians 4:11
    For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
  5. 2 Corinthians 5:4
    For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened, because we do not want to be unclothed but to be clothed, so that what is mortal will be swallowed up by life.

 We are still in this tent but you see....WE SEE JESUS CONQUEROR OVER THE" POWER OF SIN" (the Devil)l,  over our slavery to it, because He has removed our fear of death. SIN  is that which produces and produced the FEAR OF DEATH.

How do we obtain that understanding we see it  through forgiveness, we see, that God has forgiven us ALL of our sins, and in that His death alone, ALL ARE FORGIVEN and thus restored to life, for which He created us for HIM.
So our own deaths physically would be a contradiction of innate immortality, wouldn't it?
So what immortality is it that God grants, physical life forever?

We know that not to be true, for even Jesus could not remain among us in the flesh, even after the resurrection.
Though here he was in a resurrected body, only so that He could show the Disciples He had been raised from the dead, not for us to build a doctrine on about physical resurrection, for Paul didn't see Christ that way, He saw Him how he now is. Unapproachable LIGHT.... as described in another passage I put in this article. It blinded Him, so he didn't see but He heard the voice of GOD speak no less then Moses did.

Jesus had to ascend to the Father, So that He could truly come to us, to remain with us, by sending the Spirit.

Spiritual Life is IMMORTAL LIFE, and it can't be seen, touched or handled anymore.

Jesus could while he was here, he told the Disciples this:

"We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.

(Audience Relevance Again, please when reading these passages)
which simply means to whom was he speaking?Was he speaking to you and me some 2,000 years later or the Disciples?

To the Disciples of course! but this was for us as well, as it will lead to us understanding why the Holy Spirit was to come.

"While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world."

and herein is the reason He left. Let us see the reason HE LEAVES


John 16:7-11

 "But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.
 8"And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment;
 9concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me;
 10and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me;
 11and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.

Who was the ruler of THIS WORLD... the old Adamic Nature, Sin and the power of sin ie; the Devil, and ALAS DEATH  which is our mortality will be swallowed up in victory and it is in our knowing that He was victorious so shall we be.

1 Timothy 1:17
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

So my friend, where or how will man obtain immortality since it wasn't a given, or nor shall be a given by our nature of being human or by our willing it so.

2 Timothy 1:10
but now has been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,

Yes, my friend He abolished DEATH and brought LIFE. But how can this be so, since we still all die physically?

Because the DEATH He abolished is our spiritual death. Which is the second death, the Lake of Fire.

He wrote all our names down in the BOOK OF LIFE... thus the grave and death, is thrown into that death, it holds no more power to make us fear, it is swallowed up in victory, by Christ and therefore it shall  be for us as well.
The Beast (serpent) and the False Prophet have been cast into the Second Death, the Lake of Fire where THEY WILL BE TORMENTED DAY AND NIGHT.

For you see they are not beings, but the power of sin, and it's partner the fear of death that it brings that kept us as slaves to sin..

For us who know Him, we understand these things, and are not drawn off into the vain carnal imaginations of men.

In our fellowship with Him who is Spirit, He reveals that which is SPIRITUAL and not CARNAL.

Seek Christ and not IMMORTALITY for you see HE IS IMMORTALITY and in having Him, here and now, WE HAVE LIFE.

We are so blessed that God so loved us, He left us a written testimony of the STORY, and not a book that we can find immortal life in, but a book that testifies of IMMORTAL LIFE- JESUS CHRIST- the LIVING WORD.

1 John 1:1
  What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life--

A short poem from the Spirit

My heart sings with joy
my eyes behold His glory

My ears hear the singing
of the salvation he is bringing

I see in the world
His mighty Hand
I see the Spirit works
to bring in ALL men.

What a glorious Savior we have and what a marvelous CREATOR HE IS.

Joseph W. Black D.D.

Friday, January 21, 2011

God Is Love

God Is Love

The messages is just the first one of many messages of the assurances of God's love for you on my Pod Cast site. I hope you will take time to hear them.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wisdom of God

I had a dream last night. I dreamed I was in a battle, and I was handed three sticks, that looked something like painted chop sticks, they were in color
natural wood, white striped around them and red stripes and they were very sharp.
I was to carry these close to my own heart within the bosom of my battle wear.
I thought, what are these for, so, I asked, the question in my dream and the answer that came to mind was this. One was, to use in battle to stick in the heart of the enemy, the second was to stick in the eye of the enemy and the last one, was to stick into my whole being if alas the enemy was winning to save myself from being killed. What suicide, I asked? Something like the Japanese warriors do, committing Hari kari.
With that I woke up. I must say I dreamed a lot last night and usually do. I don't always remember my dreams but these things looked like Chinese chop sticks with sharp points, and though I had taken martial arts for years as a young men, I never used sticks that looked like them. So, needless to say, I thought I would look to see, what all this might mean, not as far as future telling or anything like that, but as far as what is going on with problem solving in my subconscious at night.
I find I dream about things last thought about, and one good reason to not watch television or movies to much, to much poor input to the brain. I also dream things that spiritually encourage me, or even correct me at times. I also just dream, mostly great adventures, or drama, sometimes I have had my former wife in those dreams that I lost back in 2001. Needless to say sometimes they"dreams can bug us, So I have set out to see if I can come up with meaning to my dream, not that it is life or death, or for future telling or anything like that, but just curiosity why I dreamed this.

So, when I awoke, these things were still on my mind, what could they mean?

I got up feeling compelled to do a search for Three Sticks on Google, to see if there had been anyone else dream these symbols, could they be found inScripture, or what? I know that sticks can represent men or nations-particularly rulers  in Scripture often, and wood and trees can refer to men.

I came across a website, that a guy wrote, called Three Sticks, now the writer I could tell was probably of the Health Wealth and Prosperity theology, based on quotes etc.and titles of articles and the focus of the page was on using your christian faith to become successful as an entrepreneur. All that is fine but these are misapplications of the purpose of the sacred writings.

The one thing I learned in my time by the grace of God who delivered me from all things, when I was a preacher of this error, HW&P, was that they had some truth in scriptures that many had not recognized or read of, but as typical because their eyes are closed and hearing closed spiritually, they see and think only with the carnal mind, they never see these principles are not for gaining physical things in this life but for gaining spiritual things in our spiritual life that we have as children of God.
They are not meant for us to have physical health, but spiritual health, and not meant for physical wealth but spiritual wealth, and alas not for physical prosperity but for spiritual prosperity.
They are like the first children, children of the flesh, Old Israel. Blessing and cursing to them is all about this life in the realm of the physical and not about eternal life- knowing the Father and His Son whom He has sent.

However they do present some scriptures that hold spiritual truths in them, that many evangelical and "orthodox" denominations have as men of carnal minds have rejected or set aside altogether for their reasons of pride and institutionalism to build themselves up and keep the laity down even worse then they at times.
In Health Wealth & Prosperity circles they offer some hope and some sense of false self-esteem for the laity but maintain their power over them by claiming a "special anointing" over others, by using OT scriptures out of context and definitely not New Covenant where all things are held in common, and God shows no partiality.

Just like all the other "churches" do. They are still of the Old so they understand only in the Old. First the Carnal but then there is hope for them yet for we all start there, then by God's grace we come to the Spiritual. So those that condemn them need best look to their own errors as well.
Both sides as usual, twisted the scriptures into evil purposes by carnal reasoning into carnal matters or carnal things.
Just like Israel, they sought out other gods, of self, pride, and the blessings and accolades of this world and these things became idols of their hearts, and they are deceived and remain so, until God opens their eyes and hearts to His truth which comes from the Spirit. I praise Him that God showed me these errors within 2 short years of being introduced to them. Circumstances brought me to a place to seek God's truth again, by the Word and the Spirit. The Two Witnesses.

The "churches" miss the whole entire points of Christ life, death and resurrection, Pentecost and soon coming consummation of all things in Christ. They miss the reign of His people now in Christ. There are even dear brothers within the circles of us, who believe in Christian Universal Reconciliation, that miss a lot of the present of His presence, and are yet too looking for physical presences on earth, with a future kingdom on earth. I am not quite sure of that. Reason being Jesus emphasized that His Kingdom is not OF this world, nor does it seem to be a physical Kingdom but what Paul defines the Kingdom of God is: joy, peace and righteousness of the Holy Spirit. This is truly something spiritual that can only be within the inner man that comes outwardly to the world by the revealing of the life of Christ within us to the world, in Godliness, Peace, Love and all the fruits of that Kingdom. These are outward behaviors that are result of the new creation, Christ in you, the hope of glory. So even in there ideas of Revelation or some other Scriptures I may not be in complete agreement with them. Not unless God shows me something different. I stand on the written word revealed by the Spirit only. There are ten thousand conjectures on the book of Revelation, I prefer to see this book as written to each one of us, that are the ekklesia, as the revelation of Jesus Christ, for that is the spirit of prophecy. If it is such, then it too should come within the story of Christ victory over sin and death by the work of the Cross. I know the passages to be true on the consummation of all things in Christ. I am still not convinced one needs to tie these all down to one human historical event, but many events, in the life of each believer, and His walk with the Victor, and many historical events over all of time. Not a single event.

If you were to take many of the scriptures of what they take to be for their carnal physical principles to gain in this life, The HW&P teachings, then dump the carnal reasoning out of them, and some of the theological twist of their leaders given to them to enrich themselves, and allow God to open your eyes with other scriptures, to see the spiritual of some of these principals as called by them, then you might see principles not whereby we work them by trying to practice them but whereby God works them in our lives to give us "spiritual life" which are the riches of Christ.

They like Israel live in the shadow and their theological structures comes eventually to their own destruction. They are built on sand, of  MEN, the flesh, rather then the rock of Jesus Christ - The spiritual.
The shepherds of that movement and all "church' movements or movements of men to organize that for which and where Christ is not the head, and the people aren't the Temple of the Holy Spirit, where they instead believe the Ekklesia is the church of their buildings and programs these will all fall down. They will fall down as well under the Power and hand of God, as did the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD.
These Israel's of the flesh where all are not taught nor do they practice or allow His people the Ekklesia to be the royal priest unto God for which Christ has made them, where the people are corrupted and end up serving the priest (pastor) and a building and fleshly efforts at works. They have been proved to come down, they have in the past, will in the present and yet will finally come to all fall down at the consummation of all things in Christ.
Even today the church is encountering new church movements, the Emerging Church, House Church, Outlaw Church, and the word church runs on and on.... all yet feeble attempts for God's created fellowship of the heart among true believers. If you are a son of God, then God will bring you together with other believers, He will put people in your path to fellowship with, to share with, and want to share with you. You will encounter both children of Israel of the flesh and children of Israel of the Spirit. All the same they are brethren in Christ, one is just yet to discover the spiritual. That is the work of God, we all start there, you did, I did, and we all have been given a measure of faith. The question that each man must face is our faith in our faith or is our faith in the living Savior Jesus Christ and His Father, Who the bible says of them, God is love.
Who the Bible shows He is ALL POWERFUL AND ALL LOVING, and nothing takes place without His Will or Counsel. Their human will must fall down yet to the will of God and it will, whether here now or later.

ALL MEN will then fall down before the feet of Jesus Christ and alas declare Him to be LORD and not themselves, their systems, their theologies, their priest and pastors, their carnally lived good lives of this world's riches and sin.
Sin and Death will be alas completely swallowed up for all of mankind to see with their own eyes, the accomplished work of Christ. It is done! It is finished, but few see it.
All will be for the glory of and to the Father once He is revealed to ALL!
Man will have no glory in it, only thanks and praise unto Him who has saved us.

All these leaders of "Christendom" don't think so while they are yet busy eating the sheep, but eventually they too will be exposed for what they are but wolves awaiting to eat the sheep as Paul warned they were, they were already present then in His time, He was at constant battle to save the sheep from their ravenous mouths. They were lions going about to and fro looking for whom they might destroy, they came not to give life but to kill, steal and destroy, alas there is your Opposer and Adversary of Spiritual Life of men in Christ with God, the Accuser of the Brethren, the OPPOSERS to you who may know the Father and the Son, you His children. Their is your SATAN and his dominion of demons, their servants, their institutions, their power, their works,
2 Corinthians 11:14
No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

Their power over you.

It is not them as flesh and blood men but the spiritual nature by which they live and speak, that of opposers to us who know the things of God by the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

These men live off the sheep's grain apportioned to them from God that was not meant to be thrown to the wolves of the earthly priest of Carnal Israel and their carnal institutions, programs and plans of grandiose evil visions for their grandeur, whether it be, their theological treatise, their systematic theologies, their vain philosophies, their worship of angels, (their insistence that one must believe in their definitions of the Devil and Hell)to be saved.

One can come to see the spiritual aspects and truths of many of the passages of Scripture they love to quote and define with their carnal minds.

However you will not understand these passages without the Spirit of God, to reveal them to you. In other words unless the Holy Spirit teaches you, you will see them with a carnal point of view with the carnal mind, from carnal reasoning.
To show you, as Christ used the very words from the same book (sacred writings)
to counter their attacks on you , you can strike back with the Spiritual Words of the written Word.

They know them not, and they expect you not to either, but God will give you the words to speak, if you will but find the strength in Him, and ask Him for wisdom to do so. Don't make the mistake, and I have at times, of getting caught up in arguments of human wisdom to save them, you can't make a devil see truth, only God can "redeem devils and men."

Only God holds the power to remove our blindness and our deaf ears. He must do it, and He will, but alas there will be those for whom are yet blind and deaf, because of God's own purposes according to His own counsel and will.

You however child are to seek God's interpretation and not that of men, they are mere men, as well, and apply God's Word to the spiritual and your growth as a son of God, and realize these principles aren't to make you physically healthy all the time, popular with the world, rich, famous, powerful, owning much property, living life to the appeasement of your flesh and apply them ONLY to your spiritual growth, and life in walking with God, the Scripture can have, ALL SCRIPTURE
(not the selective theologies and men and solely their beliefs about them) can have tremendous potential for you to come out of the bondage to sin, to walk in the freedom for which Christ has purchased you in the Spirit, and you will discover the walk in Christ, overcoming sin, the world the flesh and the devil- a reality spiritually. I say potential because this what it says about Scripture, as opposed to those who worship the letter and not the Living Word.

2 Timothy 3:15
and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in
Christ Jesus.

The words will not save you, they will give you the wisdom to SALVATION through faith which - what is that in faith in - your faith? No! but Christ Jesus.

HE IS FOUND in the sacred writings ( Scripture), they testify of Him, His story is there from Genesis to Revelation, the sacred writings will give you His wisdom, that leads to salvation, and God gives you the faith that comes from the Wisdom of God, which can only be found in Christ Jesus.

The Israel of the Flesh, worships the sacred writings, and thus they never gain the Wisdom of God that leads to salvation through TRUE FAITH - which is in Christ Jesus. They stop there at the words, and do not ask for His Wisdom from the Words. They ask not to be lead to salvation but insist they have it simply because they believe. Once again falling upon their own understanding that all is Grace even faith!

Trust in Him, absolutely not the words alone, if the words themselves saved a man, then all of Christendom, would be in unity and saved, but they are not as of yet.

They are yet divided and yet carnal as Paul tells them in I Corinthians. He - men each has gone to his own way, and his own worship of certain sacred words from the sacred writings.
They search the scriptures thinking there might be life in them, but they are which speak of Him (Jesus Christ).

Yes, Scripture reading is important and imperative but it will not save you alone, nor is there salvation in the words, you must receive God's wisdom from them in order for it to bring you to salvation
No, the very word of God tells us in Timothy their purpose, but no man seeks the Wisdom from God which is from above and is truth, they seek their own wisdom or that of others to trust in.
Thus that wisdom never brings them to salvation because it is as James writes here:

James 3:15
This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic.

They open their commentaries, their lexicons with commentary added, and ask of those who say this is "orthodoxy" walk ye therefore in it.

They go to those who say they hold the "oracles of God" and ask those who have declared themselves to be wise what they mean.

Rather then seeking The One True Wise One! God Himself who inspired the Words. Thus for this reason Christ left to send the Holy Spirit, to lead us into all truth, comfort us with that truth, and speak of Jesus.

Yes, if you truly want to be brought to salvation then you must start at the sacred words, but you must also ask and seek only God's wisdom, not the wisdom of men. They fail to find the Way, the Truth and the Life, because they fail to seek God's wisdom. They rely on their own, and in most cases, never seek God in solitude, but seek wisdom among the "great revelators" of God's Word, the Preachers, the Pastors, the Sunday School Teachers, and even but foremost the Seminary Professors. I have met a few of them, and I know their lives, and they have not the Spirit of God. I wish not anyone seek it from myself either, because I am fallible but the Holy Spirit is not.

If they would but bow on their knees and ask God without doubting for His Wisdom from above. Then they would receive it as James states here:

James 3:17
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.

The Creator of heaven and earth and all that is within them is who they need to turn to.
He will give them Wisdom from above that leads to salvation.

Note: STEP ONE - Sacred Writings-  STEP TWO Give you the wisdom-  STEP THREE To Salvation- through faith - which is in Christ Jesus.
Not faith gives you salvation, but the salvation given - gives you His faith, it will make you see in Him all that is of grace and truth and you will trust in Him with all your life!
The better way to put this, is Sacred Writings (scripture)- Gives (not theirs or your wisdom) but - HIS Wisdom, which will lead you TO - note not "give you salvation," but LEAD YOU to salvation which is in Christ Jesus through faith.

Yes, if we are led to salvation we will have faith, but faith is not what leads us to salvation, God's wisdom does, but none seek it, they seek not the Spirit to teach them, they seek out other men, and they rarely open the sacred writings to read them for themselves. They seek others to tell them what they mean before they ever will crack the book open for themselves and read it, prayerfully.
They will rarely test things they have been told, to see if they are true.
Many folks of Christendom prefers, a daily devotion, or a fast read of one passage, as if they have done their duty before God, or obtained their horoscope for the day.Most prefer no read at all but for the Pastor's sermon. How can they therefore expect to be led to Salvation. They haven't incorporated STEP ONE- reading the Sacred Scriptures, STEP TWO- obtained God's Wisdom.. STEP THREE IS FAR FROM THEM.
Those that first begin to study it- when they read it, and don't understand it, they don't seek God to open their eyes to see, and their ears to hear, they look to men to tell them what it means, rather then God who wrote it. Most of these, are off in Bible School or Seminary, where the word will be polluted by the learned holy men of past, who only hold the "oracles of God". They will read of Augustine, Luther, Calvin and more. Long before they will spend time on their knees before God who wrote it, asking, "what Lord would you have to say to me?"
They ask not that God alone will give them His wisdom to understand the sacred writings, which leads to salvation. They pick up a King James which is not our English of today and or just pass it off, by saying, I can't understand it. I'll just let the preacher tell me what it says. MAJOR ERROR from the start!

James 1:5
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

But they don't and here is why!

But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.

Herein is men's problem:
1 Corinthians 2:7-13
but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory; the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory;which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.
1 Corinthians 3:19
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God For it is written, "He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS";

Where men fail, is they often stop at the sacred writings then try to seek their own wisdom from them. This word here wisdom is well defined throughout Scripture if you will look at all the New Testament and Old Testament is not a wisdom which one can say "the wisdom I came up with" but it is the wisdom of what God teaches us if we are seeking Him with all our hearts, mind, strength and soul.
It comes from the indwelling life of Christ within us, if we are already his. If we aren't yet saved, then it still comes from the Father of Lights above, for all good things given to men, come from Him above. Jesus taught that God gives rain to the just and the unjust. But it still comes from His hand not our own.

For the one who has Christ, He should not ever fear those with their carnal wisdom of the Bible.

Luke 21:15
for I will give you utterance and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute.

Thus men from the beginning of  the birth of God's Ekklesia ( called out one's), many men from outside of the Ekklesia being men of corrupt minds and hearts led others to disobey this passage that give us Wisdom from above; and tells us from whence it should come, and they begin to seek teachers outside of the Spirit of God given to them by grace in Jesus Christ.

John warned the early Christians those born of His Spirit.

1 John 2:27
As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him.

Men started to give heed and honor unto men instead of God, and then thereby giving heed to men as their head instead of Christ they ended up giving heed to doctrines of demons, doctrines of men,  traditions of men, not of God as taught by the indwelling Holy Spirit, and every man since that has only sought God's wisdom and recieved it from above have been persecuted by the carnal man, and the carnal institutions of men, because the children of the Flesh always persecute the children of the Spirit. Church history is full of this, of those who believed they held all the wisdom, had shut the door to the Holy Spirit, and stood in the temple of God (their bodies) and declared themselves to be God, thus the spirit of Anti-Christ was already among them as John writes.

1 John 2:18
Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that
antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.

Thus men's wisdom has ten of thousands of refutations and is resisted, and there are denominations and cults, and leaders and etc, who still rely on the wisdom of men, and do not seek nor ask for the wisdom of God which comes from above and then only will WISDOM come from the sacred writings.

We can read from the beginning that the Serpent (acting as adversary to men),  this beast of the field , used God's words to entice Eve and the again we read of another encounter with an Adversary (satan) of men, useing God's words to try to entice Jesus for carnal things, bywords found in the the sacred writings, when they were meant for spiritual good. This adversary tries to draw Jesus mind to the flesh, the carnal, to get him to act in the flesh, the carnal. This adversary FAILS - because in this case, He encountered one who was born of the Spirit and not the flesh.
Thus the spiritual man can discern that which is spiritual but the carnal man, cannot.
Eve was of the flesh she was made from and out of the flesh of Adam , she was carnal, she couldn't percieve God's statement about not to eat of the Tree, this commandment of God.
She was thinking only in terms of the carnal,  she was carnally minded, a living being made from dust, she was thinking how it would appease her flesh, how it looked good, and was pleasing to her sight, that it was good for food which God had even said about the tree: These were not lies, but truth, it is the last thing, that comes that is a partial lie, for it is withheld from her that God is much more then the knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 2:9
Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Where the enticement came in, and presented itself that was a lie, the lie was not that the tree wasn't pleasing to the sight, nor that it wasn't good for food, for God had looked on all of His creation and called it good, which at the time included the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and even the SERPENT, but in this case. Some and if not most teach this was an entity called Satan a fallen angel that came and appeared as a serpent, others say this serpent was possesed of Satan, but no where in Genesis are we told either one of these, again men comes in and puts his own wisdom into this account and presumes to know, then tells the people "it is so." They are wrong, Scripture is right!

God spoke the commandment to Adam in the beginning... not Eve for she had surely only heard from the lips of Adam and not God, for Eve had not yet even come forth from Adam yet when the commandment was spoken to him.
In the beginning Adam  was put into the Garden of Eden and not even created in it.Hollywood and preachers like to believe differently.Adam was about to be put into this new environment before Eve.

 Genesis 2:15-17

Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.

The LORD God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;
but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die." 

Eve was not there to hear from God. She must have heard from Adam this commandment.

Eve was fed the lie, that she by knowing the difference between good and evil would bel like God.
Which meant she didn't know either one, which can mean only that since she was one flesh with Adam neither did he.
He could only know what God told Him but Adam knew not yet whether what God told him was good or evil.
He had only the knowledge of God's existence, the knowledge of his existence, the Garden the world to which He had been put in, that of Eve, and the other beast created in this world, he didn't know really much of anything, but God created Him in His image with all intent for Adam to come to know what God knows beyond just good and evil.
The knowledge of good and evil would be lesson number one. If it stops there, men know nothing, and the rest of it can only as in the beginning come by the will of God. Men didn't step out of the will of God, just the commandment of God.
His commandments as He will show, do not give life, only He does, and thus it only comes, from the Tree of Life, which men would come to know which  is Jesus Christ.

Colossians 1:16
For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created through Him and for Him.

Men live on that basis, thinking that in knowing the difference between good and evil that they are like God and that they can perceive of spiritual things, by their own efforts, sweat and work over the sacred writings without hearing or listening to God they think that even they were created for themselves, but the verse above shows that not to be true. They were created through Him and FOR HIM!

Eve was told that it would make her like God, she had no knowledge yet of spiritual things to even desire to listen to God and what He said, and thus the mess mankind was put into in their eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were but for a reason and plan of God's own:
Ephesians 1:11
......... according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will,

 that we might come to know the Creator and whom we were created for, we were created FOR the very Son of God, Jesus Christ, and in coming to know that. He would create us to become the sons of God as well, which we couldn't until we obtained spiritual reasoning and not just the carnal reasoning as earthly men.
In the fall as men call it, the purposes of God were yet at work, though sin, had to come, with it, so that men would know deliverance from it's power and it's consequences death.
To know life one must come to know death. To know good and evil one must first come to know the differences. God's school to His children, began in the Garden of Eden and proceeded from there. From there the story begins of the Creators schooling to bring us to know Christ. From the first commandment in the Garden through the 613 commandments given unto Israel...

Galatians 3:24-25

 24Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.
 25But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.

Christ on earth among men (the very essence of the Father in human flesh) being the final lesson for us, in the life he lived, the words he spoke and the death he died, the very Wisdom of God revealed to all men, one that we are to be brought to, all of it, from beginning to end was for one purpose that men might see from who all things were created, both in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, thrones or dominion, rulers or authorities all things have been created through Him and not for men but for HIM- Jesus Christ the first begotten Son.
Men have held onto the idea that men or the First Adam was the first begotten son, and this is not true, the Last Adam is, and is from Him that we will now truly know the Father by His Spirit which He has freely bestowed on us by His grace that we too may also be sons of God.
It is in Christ death, that we are freed to see that God is Love, it is in Christ resurrection we are freed to live the life as His children, it is in Christ ascension that we see, the power of being a child, it is in Pentecost we see the power given unto us, to live as He did, to die as He did, and to be resurrected as He did, and to be brought to the Father to reign with Christ as He reigns with the Father.
It is in Christ we find freedom from the bondage of the earthy man, the first Adam, it is in Christ we find in our freedom to live as the Last Adam the first begotten of God. It is in and by Christ that we now are graced to be called the children of God and even His brethren.
The first man was earthy made from the dust of the earth, the Last Adam was born of the Spirit made of the Spirit, and we now have a new father of the human race, and he is not the earthy father, but the spiritual father Jesus Christ from whom our lives have been derived.He has given unto us, a new life, as New Creations in Him, through Him, and by Him.

From dust we came, placed into the Garden of Eden, God breathed life into us, and made us a living being as He is: Though living beings, He is Spirit, we were flesh, made of dust.

Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

but men in his beginning had no spiritual knowledge no concept of even right or wrong.
But Adam did have a commandment from God and he had some conception of fellowship with God, but He was joined as one with Eve now, they had become one flesh. Adam has no spiritual faculty yet, no spiritual reason as of yet. Though God breathed life into him, this is the same breath given to all creatures on earth that make them "living souls." or living beings. This was not the Holy Spirit, as some would have you believe. This was the power of  the Creator, that God uses to create all things, animals included who breathe a breath.

Genesis 2:21-25
So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.
The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.
The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones,
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man."

24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.
25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

Thus God utilized the serpent and gave it speech, for IT ( a mere beast who was more cunning then the others) .
.Genesis 3:1
  .....Now the
serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.....

God uses this beast to entice that which was purely Carnal made of flesh - Eve who was of Adam.
Adam who also was earthly made from dust, but it was Adam to whom the commandment had been given by God.

Where was Adam, why didn't He speak up?
Why was Eve being the one talked to, though the Scripture tells us He was with her when she ate, why did

he choose to eat it as well?
Was he right there with her, when she ate, or when she was also tempted?
Scripture only tells us, he was there 'with her" when she ate.

2 Corinthians 11:3
3But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.
(Please note here, Paul does not call this serpent- Satan- either) Paul repeats exactly what Genesis ONLY says, not what men have added to the story.  He does not go beyond what is written. Where other men dare go..all the time.

These questions I placed here are left without answer in the account of the story, having been filled in for us by the vain imaginations of men and Hollywood but are not told us in Scripture.See we may ask questions not told to us in the story, be such wise men we are, but we are not to FILL IN THE ANSWERS. like some test in school you take. God does not wish to tell us the answers here, we are to go alone WHAT IS WRITTEN.

Perhaps men and ladies born of His Spirit and washed in His blood, we need to heed this passage of Scripture to understand the will today of God in our dealing with one another as husbands and wives.

Though one in flesh with your wife, God did create you first, and her from your side, not underneath you but of your side, but all the same she was not created from your head. It is the mind to which God speaks first to you and then into your heart. These statement listed below are from Paul speaking, the other were practices that Paul didn't condone, but he does show, yes, there are differences but in those there is equality between men and women in Christ.
I Corinthians 11
 3But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.
For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man;
 9for indeed man was not created for the woman's sake, but woman for the man's sake.
11However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.
 12For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God.
If you  as the MAN don't listen to God, how can SHE ever hear from Him.
Take your role as head, not by being a power over her, but by coming alongside of her,and keeping God as your head,  but women let your husband be the one that is in spiritual leadership of your household if you are both born of Him from above.Christ is the head of you both. If that be the case, there are other cases where one of the partners may be someone yet, who knows not Christ.
Women before you run off to follow some "spiritual guru", or 'spiritual teaching,' or some religious fad or teacher - ask your husband, and pray with Him, both of you get before God, and hear from Him and let your husband take the lead, not as a boss but as fellow sojourner and joint heir in Christ as your husband not because He is greater then you in relationship to the Holy Spirit given you both, but because God put an order of love in our relationships not an order of hierarchy where one rules over the other.

He is one that is one in the flesh with you.She is one that is one in the flesh with you. 
If He believes strongly against something "spiritual' you think you want and need to do, then if and only if, He also is born again, go along with him and submit to him, it will save you a lot of headache and pain in the long run. In things that are of the Spirit, Christ should always be your head, but of other things, you are one flesh and to avoid difficulties and for you to show the love of Christ don't submit out of commandment submit out of love for Him to show God's love in you toward him.
Let Eve be your example of failure (warning) in listening to her husband.
Don't submit out of commandment for if you truly are both born again of His Spirit there will be a love to submit to one another.
The same with the man, you will not submit to any commandment you will submit out of love for God and for your wife.
Galatians 3:21-22
Is the Law then contrary to the promises of God? May it never be!
For if a law had been given which was able to impart life, then righteousness would indeed have been based on law.

But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

Scripture is but the written words spoken by God but written by men. From the beginning the first Law could not impart life, when God said NOT to do something.
Don't eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God spoke to Adam, and we can gather from the conversation in here, Adam passed his information from God to Eve.
Genesis 3:2,3
2The woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat;  3but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'"

If it is from God, and you are both born from above by His Spirit, then there will come a unity in decisions especially on spiritual matters.
Men don't just follow along because you are one flesh with her, if you are born of His Spirit always listen to what God is speaking to you first and foremost even over the desires of the one you may love your earthly partner, your wife. If you just go along with her, to make her happy, then you are condoning her actions without the leadership of the Holy Spirit or your love together of God, and you are not listening to God. Hear from Him before you do anything, the both of you, and be sure husband that whatever decision you make is from God, and not because of your prejudices, or dislikes, but what God says, don't touch, don't eat. What I have said here is for when the both of you are on the same page with the Lord, what I say below is for when you are not.

My wife is a young Christian, mostly raised in the church, with little to very little interest in personal serious study in the Word of God. She goes to church, still likes church, but in this though I desire she would not, she is not yet come to the trust in God I am at.
I will not berate her, or tell her she can't go, or tell her anything any longer about "going to church."
Only the Holy Spirit can reveal to her, the truth. It would not benefit our marriage for me to go,  for it would not benefit me spiritually or be conducive to my personal growth  ( I spent all my life in the church, even as a church worker,( youth pastor, pastor, sunday school teacher, missionary, and evangelist) and I don't want to come home and harp about the lies stated by the preacher or stand up to the preacher in the church and call him down, on his own opinions, and his putting people under the law.
I have gone, and is there is a constant putting people under condemnation by a mixing of grace and law, which is liking mixing driving a car with being drunk. It is headed all for a wreck for the people sitting under those false teachings in men's church. 'been there done that."
She doesn't say anything about me not going, though I know she would prefer a "church goer" but I have tried to explain to her why, but she doesn't understand and will only get mad if I do, so we have an agreement she can go, I don't go, and neither one of us mention to the other.
I am leaving her in the hands of God out of love for Him, and knowing if she does know Him, and is truly born again, then God will teach her not me!
I can't be the Holy Spirit for her.
Ladies don't try to be the Holy Spirit for your husbands either.
If he doesn't want to go, don't nag him and make derogatory comments to him about it either..You either stay at home with him, or go and keep your mouth shut to him.
Respect him first. Love him first.
If you are a Christian, then no where are you commanded to tell your husband to go to church, and no where does Scripture teach we are to go to church.
Church will not save anyone and for those who have been taught of the Spirit, they know the difference, between the Ekklesia and men's church.
Perhaps you don't, and I pray you will, but "go if you must" but if you want to go then for goodness sake act like what you say you are toward your husband he and you are one flesh!

6When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.

If both of you really understand these passages then out of love for one another, she won't want to lead you, and she will desire to be lead by you if you are both in Christ.You won't want to force anything upon her, but will patiently wait on the Lord and pray for her as you will yourself, to be sure all is being done in love.
If their is disagreement yet, then someone and only that person knows who, needs to yet get before the Lord on their knees and hear from God until their is unity.
Not one action should be taken until you hear from God on the matter and are one in spirit as much as you are one in the flesh. Of course as in my case as stated above it is not always possible. So you must ask God for the wisdom from Him on how to handle it. I first tried going out of love for her but that did not benefit us, because she could tell, I wasn't happy there, and would find myself, pointing out Scriptures to her while he was preaching that contradicted everything he said.  She would prefer now to go alone, and I prefer to stay home and pray and study the Word, or meet with a close Christian friend of mine that we are of like mind and heart. "Where ever two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

As all law there are ways for men to find a way around them, though it always catches up with us, Why, to show that all are shutup under sin!
I am not speaking here just of the laws of the land, or laws of the state or the laws of men, I am speaking of those things, that God has shown us to be true in the carnal that are even necessary to our health, and happiness, that we cannot keep the law, that we need someone to set us free from the bondage, that rushes us headlong into all sin.
We need liberty , we need someone to come inside and change that part of us that will make us slaves of righteousness instead a slave of ourselves (sin and death)
Men are in no need of threatenings about things after they die. They are in death, and they need someone to give them life here and now, which only Jesus Christ can by the new birth of the Spirit from above, who Christ Himself is, and will come inside of any man, woman or child and begin to take those chains that have held them in darkness and break them one by one, in His time, by His own counsel and will, but they need that initial imprisonment to darkness the cells door to be opened, which someone has to do for them, to deliver them from sin and death (hades, the grave of the heart) and set them free. That person is Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, Messiah, Jehovah who save us, The Lion of Judah, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Almighty One, and He has.

2 Corinthians 5:19
namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:15
But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many.

They may walk out of their prison cell, and still yet be dragging their chains with them, but God will one by one, take them off as well, until  it will alas dawn on them they are truly FREE!

For me it took from age six years old, when I first heard the message that Christ died for my sins, no threat of hell but knowing I was a sinner, I wanted to be saved. The cell doors were taken down then, but I wondered in the prison yard with my chains yet on me, for years, largely due to my religious background and being brought up in religion, as a church kid, and church adult, and even then God would cut loose a chain now and then, but I didn't step out of the prison yard, until in 2001, through events in my life, God begin to tear off and break numerous chains that still were trying to hang on, but God did the removal one by one with His cutting torch, His fire, of love, until one day in 2010 I awakened from my slumber, to find myself outside the gates of that old prison, completely unchained, and no more memory of the bondage, or desire for it, but only the joy of freedom in Him.
What joy it is, my heart sings of the glorious freedom found in my Savour and Lord Jesus Christ, He never let me go, He set me free from the cell, then begin to remove all that ever held me in bondage, year after year, victory after each defeat, until I no longer wanted to hang around the prison yard, but wanted to get out the gates, but I couldn't find the strength to do so, but He did, and wham I found myself in the parking lot, in the back seat of His limousine, and He is doing the driving now, and I am along for the ride. I am gloriously set free! I am enjoying the ride through beautiful open spaces in heavenly places.

Romans 5:11
And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.

Even Atheist have developed a law unto themselves, and if questioned and pushed will admit they can't keep their own standards of good and their own moral ideals so who are they to tell the God of righteousness and love what He should have done, and how can they say according to them, they can't believe in Him because he hasn't.
You must destroy their god first and show them as well they are as much in bondage to the sin they accuse those who beleive in God are. This ruins their argument if their is a God he would not allow evil to continue and those who call themselves Christians wouldn't do the evil they do.
They must be shown the source of evil comes not from some entity of evil, but that source of all evil comes from within themselves, Mankind!

Then show your agreement that those that are truly matured and in full stature of Christ do have changed hearts and minds would not do the evil they have seen so many do, not yet loosened from the chains of sin or the habits of the flesh, and especially those who are no brethern at all as of yet.
Explain to them as a true believer you despise war, hatred, poverty, powers of men over men, etc, and that the only answer is God who really changes hearts, let them see the love God has changed you into.
The false prophets and teachers, aren't interested in their deliverance from the bondage of sin that all men were in bondage to.
They are only interested in a notch for their belt, to get someone over to believe their doctrines or their religion. To get them there to "ask Jesus into their heart so they can be saved from eternal torment."
They have the wrong Gospel, they preach another Gospel, Jesus came to deliver us from the
bondage we were in, and in so doing delivered us from sin and death, which is HELL!
I truly love the Atheist, and the unbelievers, do you?
Or do you say, to them after your doctrine where this God was suppose to love them so much He would send His Son to die on a cross for them to set all men free unconditionally and then you put a condition on it.. when they don't pray your sacramental prayer, or your four spiritual laws guide to prayer for the sinner, or go rushing down your aisle at your temples to the altar of false sacrifice, and you then tell them that's fine, you don't believe it, then you are going to hell!
Some love, you don't yet know love, and I am as sad for you as the Atheist, for you yet need deliverance from sin and death or you are still wondering around the prison yard, like I did for years.
You are still trying to serve the Warden and his guards, instead of the God that set you free.
You have confused the Warden and his guards, or the Governor of the state you were in, with the President of the Universe who wrote your pardon in the blood of Jesus Christ!

You yet are to come to know the love of God, you are yet carnal, and have not recieved the Wisdom which is from above, you are relying on earthly wisdom of men, who have no regard to seek God's wisdom but rely on their own.

There are some things, that a woman shouldn't do, and that is not to make decisions that will effect you both spiritually in the long run without your husband taking the lead in it.Those that prefer to do what they want to do, God will correct them at some point.

Men don't just follow along because you are one flesh with her, if you are born of His Spirit always listen to what God is speaking to you first and foremost even over the desires of the one you may love your earthly partner, your wife. If you just go along with her, to make her happy, then you are condoning her actions without the leadership of the Holy Spirit or your love together of God, and you are not listening to God. Hear from Him before you do anything, the both of you, if possible, and be sure husband that whatever decision you make is from God, and not because of your prejudices, or dislikes,but what God says to you, don't touch, don't eat.

6 When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.

Thus the last Adam He was born with Spiritual reasoning, born by the very essence of Who God is- Spirit and Love.
He and only in Him can we find Spiritual reasoning, but we too must be born of His Spirit and not our own reasoning before we may understand spiritual matters. This includes the reality of Who we are, Why we are Here, Who is God, what does He want of men, and why did he even create us?
These answers are what all philosophy, religion, science and literature, alas that history proves men search for.
In Christ alone is the answer. All the rest may be helpful in assisting a man with the questions and what should be asked, but none hold the answer, only Jesus Christ revealed to us as the Son of God, who reveals God does.
The carnal man is but seeking still to live under the revealing of the First Adam, under the shadows of the Carnal Man but it is the Last Adam Jesus Christ- the Spiritual Man that reveals God's plan for men and ALL the answers to the questions.
I can't tell you why I digressed from original intent of this article to share my dream with you other then that Christ was the dream of my life that came true. So I have shared some other things on my heart today with you, my readers. I intend to share this dream I had and what I believe the interpretation is for ME, and the Three Sticks with you on my next blog, I lost track and ended up going the direction I did.

To not allow this blog to be any longer, I will put the dream out tomorrow for you. So come back by.

I pray this article may bless you. All comments are welcome.

Joseph Black D.D.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The King of Tyre, or the Beginning of Satan? - Introduction

This entire study, has been initiated by me, and every bit of it, searched and written by me, I have not borrowed from anyone else just like I did not on the subject of Evil Spirits or Satan in the Old Testament. This is further a study by my own sweat of my brow directed and guided by the Holy Spirit to arrive at truth on this subject. So I will continue until I am too satisfied with what I have found thus far on the truth of these subjects in the Old Testament. God's Word.
Once again, I don't care what the majority believes as most of them have never even set down and done this for themselves, they have relied on someone else who has.
That is fine, as long as it covers the bases of Scripture to Scripture.

This study I am doing is into the Origin of Satan as taught by tradition and men's private interpretations to arrive at a hermeneutic and Holy Spirit taught truth of where did Satan come from. We will determine if He is a fallen Angel as we have been taught, who arrived at that state by having a will of his own, and subverting himself to become an opposer of God, thereby creating evil and then leading thousands of other angels in rebellion to do the same, and that he is the head of this minion, in essence an opposite God of darkness. A god nonetheless but even worse as taught a GOD, only the opposite of the God of light. This has been the contention and definitive statement of classical religious orthodox christianity for a long time now, though not in the beginning or in the earliest writings of the earliest Christians, but most of what we have now is from Augustine, Dante, The Book of Enoch and others, that the church holds fast to, rather then examining, the Old Testament, the Written for the Christians, at the earliest stage of Christianity. They have as we will see gone beyond what is written.

Upon this one Chapter Ezekiel 28, especially verses taken out of context there are the stones of their foundation they have been built for the origin of Satan, as a fallen angel who rebelled and they have taken the main verses for their hypothesis out of context of all the verses in the Old Testament and especially right here what we find in Ezekiel 27 and 28. We will see when studied their rock is nought but sand, and when the storms of life come, it tears down their house which should be built upon Christ, and not demonology, Satan, and evil spirits and vain imaginations of men, traditions of men, or the elders (orthodoxy- those who have forever written down and told us what to beleive, as if the Holy Spirit didn't even exist)
Men, and his vain imaginations teaches these verses and some in Isaiah we will look at later as referencing to how Satan stepped out of the will of God and as a Angel, this creature, created by the Creator God, became a God with power like God. Who by His own free volition or will accomplished this. This entity referred to is taught as being Omniscient, Omnipresent and even Immortal. (the passage refers to a Cherub by the way and not an Angel, I will show you the difference by Scripture and short Ancient Hebrew Word Study, and not by my opinion, but the Bible how wrong they have been in interpreting this passage to Christians as if it was Gospel truth or the Gospel or even part of the Gospel)
We will also look to the culture, and beliefs of those cultures that had some influence upon word selections in the Old Testament, or language used. So forgetting some of my conclusions that came out of my study as written above, set them aside as well as that of your own, and let's just go through the verses and a study to see, what we can reason together from Scripture to Scripture utilizing God's first inspired words written by men, under the power of the Spirit have written, yet they wrote as men as well.

Let's examine Scripture carefully and prayerfully.

1. You first have to approach this verse already in mind that this verse is speaking of the context of the entire Chapter it is in and the Chapters in this book which precede it and follow it.
You must elect to carry no preconceived ideas into it, no previous teaching into it, no prejudice into the passage,in order to look at it fresh and new to be examined in context and in truth. We must also always be mindful of the culture, the religion surrounding that culture, Hebraic thought and belief in this time, and that in regards to salvation being a reality, they were only in the shadow of it.

For those that don't approach Scripture in that matter they have already colored it with their perceptions and prejudice, and the truth cannot come out. That is called reading into a passage of Scripture what is not there. This is presupposition and assumption on the part of the reader. You have already decided what it says before you even begin to read it. So, we have to re-examine it, checking Scripture to Scripture and thought to thought, to arrive at the true testimony of it.

This is proper Old Testament Scriptural hermeneutics to read and understand things by all other things written in the Old Testament. Remember as well, it is best not to compare the Old to the New yet. The Old Testament was the Bible even in the beginning of Christian community and preaching. They had only the Old Testament, so to be true to what it says, about many theological matters we must find that whatever we believe in the New must somehow be able to be found and substantiated in the Old Testament, outside the Revelation of Jesus Christ himself, who actually lived, died and was resurrected on the third day. In other words the New written testimony of who God is as revealed in the historical account of Jesus Christ by the Gospel writers. Christ being that truth, not formulating doctrine from what he said, but how He lived, died and was resurrected. Paul makes clear this is the Gospel, we are not concerned with new doctrines or old perverted doctrines as of yet, we are going to as I have in the first study look at only what God has given that which is written on this matters in the Old Testament, since many new doctrines and probably most that are false have been built out of what, carnal man have created from misinterpretation of the Old Testament, then carried there misinterpretations into the New Testament.
It is OK to look at the Old but not define the Old by the New, nor try to make the Old into the New. They both have value, for us, but first the carnal then the spiritual as Scripture shows us, so we must go to the carnal first, to see what we are to think about these things as men, just plain men, before God can reveal even more of these truths, all the same they are truths, of what God has done in Jesus Christ for us all which will reveal the Spiritual truths we best know.

In all cases, an absolute essential ingredient even in common sense says, that in all these things, Audience Relevance is of most importance. There are many things said and done in Scripture that were said to certain individuals in that time, and done by certain individuals at that time, that these things pertain to and are addressed about, and not to us, nor were we there. These books are to be read for the good we can obtain of understanding how even the early Christians, Jewish Christians believed according to the Old Testament only and how some came to believe like the Pharisees what they believed as a hodge podge of their culture, they lived in, the religions that surrounded them and pagan influences, upon that culture and people. Knowing these things will assist you in seeing, why Paul, Peter and John and the others were in constant battle to correct these new "christians" who kept adding to what was written- The Old Testament, doctrines on the simple things, Who is God, Who is Man, Who are Angels and Demons, etc.
Everything added now has come not out of the Old Testament definitions, but from new thought, of new carnal Christians, who were not clearly all spiritual as we can gather from all the epistles written in an attempt to correct these new Christians. Remember as well, there is nothing new under the Sun. Just as Israel over time developed their thoughts and religion toward that of the one's they were captured by and influenced by, they too eventually laid aside clearly what is written for what has been called the secret oral teachings of Moses, the Mishnah, translated into the today's Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah that most present day Jews believe in over the Torah, and the Prophets, and the Pharisees were teaching these things in the time of Jesus. They had gone beyond what is clearly laid out in the Old Testament on Who God is? Man is, man's relationship to God, and all other creatures in heaven and on earth.
I recommend Christians when more settled in with Christ study these things, and one good source is Alfred Edersheim, a Jewish convert to Christianity and Old Testament and times of Jesus scholar, who wrote several great books the first to which I later read called, "The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah"

We must know this to be true, for Paul would not have been able to convince any Jews, of Christ as Messiah and the Bereans would not have arrived at their conclusion that Paul preached about. They searched the Old Testament not the New Testament. The New Testament wouldn't see it's first letter be written that makes up a part of them all in what we read today (epistle) until almost 55 a.d. The book of Galatians.
This was sent out among the other believers much later as well as it was written to that assembly only in Galatia at first, some 24 years after Christ was crucified, raised and ascended to the Father. We must know then how did Paul preach Christ then if He didn't have the New Testament? Answer: He used the Old Testament, so we must look for the answers to many of our doctrinal questions and teaching in the Old, and see if they point forward to the testimony of Jesus Christ, or not.
Anyone studying the Old Testament and especially Genesis will clearly see that they do in fact, but I am not concerned with that right now, that is a subject for later, what I am concerned with is private interpretations of men taking things from the Old, reinterpreting them then from the New Testament combined with the pagan philosophy, and teachings of others then trying to prove them from the Old Testament, with presupposition put in it, applied to it by themselves. Let the Old Testament speak for itself first. The Old Testament itself gives us much ground work to understand some things, about heaven, hell, earth, creation and more found that are there. They, these people who do this pervert much of the Good News of Jesus Christ to the bad news of "christian religion and doctrines" that have nothing to do with the purpose of God or why He sent Jesus to die for our sins."
So, though the Old Testament has a lot of genealogy, it's is important as well.
It may at times be a slow read, of history and events, but everyone of them are important to our understanding of the workings of God with men and for men and to see, the plan He was working out, and where to it would lead, and why.

We must compare Scripture to Scripture not Scripture to traditions of men, and their ideas about what a passage means. This doctrine is set forth by Peter for us in the New Testament, and thus it's applicability must somehow stand true for the Old Testament. Since this applies to prophecy, is here what Peter is talking about.

We are looking at the prophetic book of Ezekiel so we best heed this statement.

2Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

Men of theology and religious church men have failed to heed this passage in

2 Peter and many still do to this day. From the prophecies of the Old, to the one's in the New. There are and must be thousands of interpretations of events in the spiritual book of Revelation, and thousands then try to take these things they interpret into the Carnal, and shove them all back into the first book ( the Old Testament, and apply fulfilled prophecy all into their carnal interpretations of Revelation discounting that Christ fulfilled the law and the prophets of the Old Testament. Those books are closed for the actual events to come, but are open for the spiritual things that are!

Now, if what this says stands true, that means, that God when it comes to prophecy would not allow us, to just read something and arrive at our conclusions without two things, to reveal the truth of it. The Word (what it says) and the Spirit (that which only God can show us, and teach us what it says).
So with that, let's read it, study it, and then rather then just settle there, let's be open to God teach us what it says.
I am not God, so, I am only doing a study in what is written, and I am fallible as well, but God is not, in revealing the truth of these passages, for He wrote them. Thus is the written word fallible, yes, when it is our own private interpretation, and when even language translation gets meaning and words changed up, so it will often take time to work through those as well, however, is the Spirit fallible, absolutely not! So, the written word is infallible in that is the Word of God but only infallible as that which is revealed to be, by the one who wrote it, the Holy Spirit.
For God is Spirit and those that worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth. The Word written is only infallible in what is revealed to us, by God who wrote it.
Now what He shows me, and shows you, may not be quite the same quite yet, because Jesus gave us each a measure of trust, in Him, and we all differ, but all the same, in anything written there are things within it, that will help us to look and find the truth, and not just go along with another man's interpretation of it, but let God show us, what it means, by asking Him to first clear our hearts and minds of presupposition before approaching it, to remove the idols of our heart, and we all of us can have those, even I at times, these those things that are not revealed to us by His Spirit but we rely on them because we have nothing better to rely on, for failure to either ask God for wisdom or just plain laziness to seek, and many but most will be those things we accept only because we are told that is what we must believe to be "orthodox" or the majority of Christians. As if only some men had the Holy Spirit reveal truth to them and them only and God cannot teach the rest of us. Others approach Scripture that it is the majority is always right and everyone else wrong. We must have have a teachable spirit for God's teaching and that not of men, who are no God at ALL. One that stands in awe of God and Him as the ALL POWERFUL AND ALL LOVING CREATOR and not worship of other men's sweat and study of these things.. NOT EVEN MINE.
Here is God's challenge to every man, who lays claim to the title "Christian".
He reveals to us who Christ is, this is apparent from the one doctrine I believe Bible shows we must believe, if we are to be Christians, Who Christ is.
Second, we must study God's word, really study it. To do so, is the failure of the largest kind, to just go along for the ride, like I would say the larger majority of Christianity does, thus they are tossed to and fro, and never come to some rock solid foundations of questions and answers, they just sit on the guess work of others, or their private interpretations, so we must seek and be challenged to examine all that we have come to believe other then that which God has revealed to us, by the Spirit. The first doctrine who Christ is most importantly. Now it won't hurt to understand what the word "Christ' means, or Son of God, but the revealing by the Father to us, has already defined that for us, and any thing that would lead us from that, would no longer be the one doctrinal truth you must have to be a Christian, one of the elect now.
If you do not believe Peter's reply, then there is no use, to go on with this study.
Third, if we are to be true to Him who we lay claim to as our King, then I think it is necessary to know everything we can learn about him, this includes literature and more, culture, life, and all that He has created and set forth to reveal about himself, other men's writings about the subject of the Bible, Christianity, their religions etc. but these things must be last as they contain both carnal and spiritual faculty of thoughts of men, and not anyone source of this material no matter how accepted by orthodoxy or your church, or denomination hold final truth, only God does.
Here in lies the problem, God gives us the first understanding as He did Peter, but then rather seek God ourselves, we are told, that others will now stand in for the Holy Spirit and reveal the rest, then this when heeded soon leads to thinking it's about yourself, and not grace, it's your belief that saved you by your own effort, and it isn't grace that saved you but your belief in that grace that did. We soon find in the storms of life how fast that sand will wash out when the storms come!
That very teaching denies this passage even. Even though Peter who was with Jesus in the flesh could not get this by his own reasoning or mind or even his own belief, THE FATHER REVEALED IT TO HIM. Jesus said it couldn't come by flesh and blood.

To these things we all stand in agreement on, for Christ reveals this in us, to us, and in the written testimony.
There is absolute truth, it is not my truth or your truth but Him as truth, if we jointly accept that proposition then we have unity, no matter what ever else separates us. So, we must accept this one verse, and we will if we are truly born again, and that doctrine becomes our binding doctrine as brethern in Christ.

Jesus only asked time after time that one important question to which in my opinion is the only doctrine we must hold fast to be a Christian, and Peter gave the right answer which confirms whether we are or aren't one of His members of the Ekklesia, the called out one's of God, at this time.
Who do you say I am? Peter's reply, was what Christ said would be the rock, the foundation of all our other ideas or doctrines, that make us the Ekklesia, present Sons of God or not, and bring us into the ekklesia, as those born again now, to see and live by Him. Here is the one doctrine that if we don't believe this, no matter what we believe otherwise reveals whether or not we have been born from above and the Holy Spirit has opened our eyes and ears to see and hear or not.

This very same question is for all, who do you say He is? They at times asked Him, and for a very long time, He would not tell them, not until the day, He rode down into Jerusalem which in itself fulfilled a prophecy of the Old Testament, to the day and hour of him doing so, but they had so disregarded this prophecy related to the Messiah coming with their interest in world domination as Jews, they misinterpreted it by their own fleshly desires. For a moment a few recognized that day, but only for a short time, once He was arrested and their hopes for a carnal Messiah was gone, and they no longer believed in Him, like many may today, if and when the present state of Israel may find itself once again destroyed by an enemy, or the world doesn't come to an end in 2010, or The Great Tribulation doesn't happen in their lifetimes, or the don't see Jesus physically dropping out of the sky to come rescue them so they can watch from afar as he destroys the wicked, and tossed them into a great burning lake of fire and brimstone. There carnal hopes to will be tossed as their faith in their carnal minded Jesus will not be seen, and yet He is here and present now among us, but they have allowed the carnal minds of others to close their eyes and stifle their hearing for their false interpretations of prophecy, in Revelation, which is written to the body of Christ as fulfilled in Christ, both past, present and yet to come spiritually, and prophecy, fulfilled that Jesus spoke forth to Israel in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, fulfilled in 70 AD. There hopes are often smashed as they ask God to rescue them from their enemies, and their sins, thinking he must do so by returning again in the flesh. Christ has rescued them but they know not! He has delivered them from sin and death, is delivering them from sin and death and will continue yet to deliver them from sin and death, and they would know it, if they would quit their reliance upon the private interpretations of men, and listen to the Spirit who speak unto the "church" the Ekklesia.
Jesus would not tell them for this was left to the Father to reveal to them or Him when He chose to do so. It is not by the will of men, or their belief to be able to reveal this. Only the Father, whether as in Peter's case here, or the cases where Jesus told them or later when the Holy Spirit told them, Flesh and blood cannot reveal this, only God! Any other doctrine is simply those trying to enter the Kingdom of God by violence. We may differ on others, but if we don't have this one doctrine truly revealed in our hearts and not just some human reasoning then we are not of His household, yet. We cannot have His faith, to have faith if it hasn't been given by Him to know Who He is. The Anointed One, the Son of God!

Matthew 16:15-18
15 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"
16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
17 And Jesus said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.
18 "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.

If you have been truly born again, and God has revealed this to you, then you are now personally responsible but not alone for letting God reveal more to you, and not by looking for the best teachers, theologians, commentaries, pastors or others,to reveal His truths to you, but you are personally responsible now to listen to God first, seek Him with all your heart, mind, strength and soul, so that He can teach you more.
If you are not studying your Bible, spending time in prayer, walking and talking with Him in fellowship, and seeking and living only for the things of this world, He still loves you, and still has revealed Himself to you this one truth, but is that all you ever want to know about Him is that all you ever want Him to say to you, then that is pretty unloving, to get put in the household of God, and yet want to live there but ignore the very one, who brought you in. He desires fellowship with us, and love from us. He did so much he took the steps for us to be restored. reconciled to Him. It took great pains of the Father to do that, so much,that this Son who you now believe in, had to shed His own blood to get us into the household, and him into ours, yet we would choose to ignore him for a quick 45 minutes on Sunday, and a mealtime, or maybe a bedtime prayer, and then perhaps we might give him 10 minutes for our daily devotional reading, but do you love Him so much, that you seek every opportunity to be with Him to hear from Him, who has bought you. Not many,do. We can sow to the flesh or the spirit, and we will reap what we get, right now in this life. I only wished I would have been truly sowing more of my life in the earlier years of my Christian life to the Spirit, instead of relying on others, stale bread and poisoned waters for my needed fresh bread and living water from God daily and my life I am sure would have been much better, more abundant, more lovely, more holy, and more joyful and more peaceful. I have learned and learned well since 2001. God loved me so much He washed away the sands I had built much of my life on, but didn't destroy the foundation which was always in Christ, and from there on, I have desired Him above all things, and everything to seek Him constantly in my life, as part of my life, and my time devoted to studying, prayer, and my love for Him blooms like a fresh rose everyday. I steal time, find time, and look for time, to be with Him and read, study, and pray, because you see, He is more important to me, then ANYTHING- PERIOD.. other Christians don't understand that, and it is easy to know why and watch them and see why. They love mammon or this fleshly life more than Him and spiritual food from His hand.
I learned by His Spirit, that He provides spiritual life to live the Christian Life, and gives us power over sin and death. Sadly many Christians do not know this experience, because they just don't love Him enough yet, but they will, times will come, flesh reaps flesh, when they will find themselves crying out to Him, and then regardless of their sowing to the flesh, He will by His Spirit in Grace reach and take hold of them, and just love them, with no words of condemnation, just those words "I love you so," and then you will love Him like I do, and many others do.
You may have searched this site, because you are seeking Him, and here is my advice, unless God has showed you something by His Spirit and His interaction in your life that would make you seek to find others of like mind and heart, then don't read this, go back, read and study this entire subject on your own with His written word before you and nothing else, but you and Him only, and listen to Him, if you truly want to know, He will tell you, He will show you, then when He does, if what He has revealed to you agrees even somewhat with what I believe, then come back and read this. Don't let my perception, or prejudice color yours, but please for the sake of God, don't let anybody else do so either, whether your church,a friend, or a Pastor, commentary or even your upbringing or what your parents taught you. Jesus said to come follow Him, and to do so, we can't love any of the above mentioned more then Him.
Get in, dig in, Ask and you shall recieve, seek and you shall find, and alas knock and the door shall be opened for you.
If you have already had God tell you something about this verse in Ezekiel, then you are welcome to share in what I have found, to read this article and others posted on this blog, but still pray about it please, then go back and read again until alas whatever the Spirit has begin to show you or reveal to you, that it will become conviction of yours from God, and no other conviction to rely upon. Let God speak to you and give you conviction of your trust and reliance upon Him, not me, or any other men.
If you have come here to read this because you want to wrangle over doctrine or words, then don't waste your time. I know what I am convinced of, do you?
If so keep it to yourself. I like all of us, make the mistake when God speaks to us, in our private fellowship with Him in our garden or closet with Him, His words to us, so set us free, we immediately want to tell others what He has shown us.

Don't share it unless for the reason to tell others of the hope in you. The Gospel yes, tell it to every man, woman and child, just as Paul did, but don't speak about the things God has given you understanding in, unless He begins to use it in your conversation with them as witness of the Gospel and Christ work in your life.
I am learning, don't give pearls unto swine lest they trample you and the pearls under their feet. I am not calling people swine in a derogatory fashion but simply as those representative in this passage of Gentiles who were outside of the Covenant of Israel, there will be those, who even that may be in the Ekklesia, until God teaches them, and they want to continue to rely on stale bread and water, of others, they too are unbelievers (in what God has revealed to you) and they will attack you, spit on you, and even show how self righteous they are, and attack what you know to be true, trying to prove their belief over yours.
I don't personally care if anyone understands or believes what I believe, see, for I KNOW from whom my source of living water and living bread is, and I am not going to throw it out the door for some of that old stale bread and water, and invite it back to my table, that I too once ate and drank daily before the Father worked on me, and inspired me to listen to Him so that I would desire His fresh living bread and living water always evermore.
Most often because many who call themselves "christian" they have no conviction within themselves for their beliefs, versus your conviction of His revealed truth to you.
I would rather trust my heart to God for the eternal things, then to men, for them. That takes trust, and not a reliance upon men and what they tell us to believe or why we should believe like them based on carnal reasons and carnal reasoning and there no revelation of these things to them by His Holy Spirit.
If you can give me your story, of how you arrived at truth from trial and error, and sin and deliverance, then you have a story, then show me in the Word, what God showed you, I will hear you and listen.
But talk to me, about your wonderful hard work of trying to gain all this knowledge by bible study mixed only with other men's private interpretations and you have no story, don't waste your time, I have nothing nor do you have anything to gain, by a battle of intellect, and words.
If God hasn't revealed His story within your story, then I quite doubt that you have a story, and have only accumulated a bunch of research, facts and dead letters. Which has become the idol of your heart in to which your trust is in and very little in Him.
Most of which will be built upon others opinions and stale bread and water.
There are those of us, like myself our lives are the story, which we see His story in, and His story in ours, We have been taught by the Spirit, and not our carnal reasoning but by experience with God, and His interacting with us, and our life. Most men because of their pride, or fear of men, will not dare expose themselves to others, in fear less they are found to be NOT the perfection of their self righteousness and others judge them for it.Less what they have come to know from God only be criticized, and they might be tossed from the synagogues of men. That means the minute they say something that doesnt fit "orthodoxy"
- which again who were these men to tell all of us, what we are to believe based on their definitions and their carnal reasoning? I am not saying all of it I disagree with, but once it becomes an idol of your heart and you can't or won't listen to God speaking to you, then how will you hear? How will you see? When God speaks!

They are yet pleasers of men, and not of God. I have a story, and I have shared that with others and gladly will again, if asked, but it is rare they will with me, they approach me, like they have been just perfect little walking and talking holy men all their lives, and are afraid to reveal that from which God redeemed them from and delivered them from, is delivering them from and will yet deliver them from.
Then again there are those false prophets and teachers who have no real story, they just spout the rhetoric, they have learned or their favorite, repetitive stale bread and water of others, and tell us they are Christians while they are still steeped in sin, haven't experienced the power over sin and death in Christ, and thus what story would they tell you of God's deliverance in their lives, They have none, and are false prophets and teachers, if you can't give me something that is your story that fits in with the story of God's deliverance, then I doubt very much your credibility in spiritual things. Such are many that I meet and want to come down on me for my personal trust in God, and what Christ has done for me, is doing and yet will do by the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. They offer NO STORY of their lives, which is no testimony of Jesus Christ, beware of such men. They are liars and hypocrites. They seek only to draw men after themselves, to form a church, groupies or fans. They will oppose anyone and anything another person has to say, if it in anyway disparages the idol of their heart, themselves! They do so, to make profit from you, or gain.

Now with that all said, I will precede to my study I am redoing for the sake of those that this may be meant for. It is not for all of you as we can clearly see.

Now let's read the all of this Chapter in context, we must ask the basic questions who, what, when, where why and how?

The who is answered by the to whom it is being spoke to which we find in verse two.

“Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre,

The next verse is clear even from the New Testament who is being referred to as a god here.
This does not mean they are, but in position in power in the real world of kings, monarchs, and Presidents, rulers in general, they act as gods upon this world and even our very lives at times.

Let's see what Jesus said, and ask the question was He saying here as many of those blinded by evil the evil God sends to delude men in their worship of the creation rather than the Creator, that man is a god?

John 10:34
Jesus answered them, `Is it not having been written in your law: I said, ye are gods?

In this passage, Jesus is speaking to who? The Pharisees, was he telling them they were gods. Was He saying, that there actually other Gods in heaven or on earth?
Was he telling us, that God has competition as CREATOR who does after His own will and counsel

Ephesians 1:11
in whom also we did obtain an inheritance, being foreordained according to the purpose of Him who the all things is working according to the counsel of His will,

No, contrary to those who would want to teach otherwise.
Only God is God and as He tells us in the first commandment.

Exodus 34:14
For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

In my search I found 9 verses where God declares "I am God"
In my search I found 2 verses that God says, "Almighty God"
In my search I found 5 verses where God declares Himself to be "God Almighty"
In my search I found 498 verses, I found God stating " I am"
One most emphatic verse Psa 86:10 For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God
In my search for God speaks saying " I the Lord do".
and of course one verse most have never bothered to read or look at because they have been taught that "satan created evil".

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

So, can we agree He is the only Almighty God, God Almighty, the great I Am, the Lord who does, the I AM GOD?

We understand agreeably and universally as believers in an all powerful God and One CREATOR of ALL THINGS SEEN, that He alone is God and we are not to worship anything or anyone above Him.

This doesn't imply on that which we should all know by the reality of this life, that there are no other "gods," that per se, because of their power to rule over us on this earth. These are simply men in a position over us, whether it be a boss, a mayor, a policeman, a teacher, whoever holds some power over you, in a sense is a god. They however are not THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE that can strike them down as well.
They may hold some of the POWER that God does in the realm of physical life and death, but in the spiritual there is ONLY ONE God and He is Spirit, and must be worshiped in Spirit and truth.

John 4:24
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

But that there are men who are considered gods in this life only in the physical realm, we too must agree. Yes those who bear the sword, who can kill us or let us live, who can starve us, or feed us. Anyone men, or government we will agree is in a sense a god but not THE GOD. Yes, men have made themselves gods, but only by the will of God to serve themselves and to master over others in this world to their own destruction and the destruction of others, so God might work all things to His own counsel and will. Though this be true is this overall what God intends to do forever? Of course not, we watch gods fall everyday, as kingdoms of men come down, men come down. From movie star to presidents, from country and kingdom Rome or Greece, even Israel in 70 ad, we see these gods come fall down, come down, brought to nothing. Even ourselves, fall down, as gods of this world. America as a god of this world, is beginning to see it's last days. For Americans this will be "great tribulation" and for those who for far too long have claimed His name but not His life!

Let us look at another verse in the New Testament, that is only confirming what we will soon see in the Old Testament.

To whom did the word of God come to. It came to the children of Israel, they were to rule only as God's elect or chosen people in the Old Testament, because God enabled them to rule upon the earth as His people chosen to do so. It is whenever Israel, begin to forget from whom this power came from just like Herod in the New Testament, eaten by worms failed to acknowledge the God of the Universe, that only by His own counsel and will did he, Herod have any power and Pilate, in that God corrected them. Pilate much later of course.
They as most men do, consider themselves to be gods as they have some power granted over others lives. Parents over children, governments over parents, but they are neither omniscient, omnipresent, or immortal.
Let's look up this verse that Jesus has made reference to in the Old Testament.

Psa 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Again here who was God the all powerful speaking to - the children of Israel, we know for David wrote this and said it speaking for God. Did God intend to give up his rulership as the God of heaven and universe to the Hebrew tribes? Absolutely not, this is a euphemism because of their election as representatives of the One true God, they would rule and reign over all the other tribes of the earth, as kings because God would enable them with power from on High - His power to do so.
Do a word study, their are no other Gods, in the sense of spiritual beings, that have any power or rule unless appointed by and only by God and Him alone.
So, we must agree God is ALL POWERFUL. Only He truly reigns over both heaven and EARTH. Men may account themselves as gods because of their power, or God may even appoint others as gods over us. However, no man or spiritual being or anything in the Universe is God, nor can be God or act as God in relation to eternal things. For that is to which God and Him alone, holds all power, authority and glory.
No one else, not any creature He has created. If this doesn't stand true, then God is not God, and He must then be subject to these other gods of His creation. Is there anything that can create itself, or determine by it's own will to accomplish anything without His knowledge, his counsel and His Will? I say absolutely not for if that is true, we have negated Him being ALMIGHTY and ALL POWERFUL. We have made Him less then the very God to whom HE SAYS HE IS.

Now let's look back to the scene in the garden, who would become as gods for knowing good and evil, the Devil or Man?

Gen 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Does this verse reference man or a god called Satan that men try to put in this scene as knowing good and evil. It's obvious God is speaking here in this text of Adam and Eve, mankind, not some spiritual being, that has become as one of them- knowing good and evil.

So now that we have gained Scripture interpreting Scripture let's go back to this verse with the proper contextual view not based on what we have been taught by lying men, but what we have just read in all the other Scriptures here, Let God be declared true and all men liars, is what I say!

Though cherubs are some special creation of God.
(Exo 25:19) And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof.

(Exo 37:8) One cherub on the end on this side, and another cherub on the other end on that side: out of the mercy seat made he the cherubims on the two ends thereof.

(2Sa 22:11) And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.

(1Ki 6:24) And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

(1Ki 6:25) And the other cherub was ten cubits: both the cherubims were of one measure and one size.

(1Ki 6:26) The height of the one cherub was ten cubits, and so was it of the other cherub.

(1Ki 6:27) And he set the cherubims within the inner house: and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house.

(2Ch 3:11) And the wings of the cherubims were twenty cubits long: one wing of the one cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house: and the other wing was likewise five cubits, reaching to the wing of the other cherub.

(2Ch 3:12) And one wing of the other cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house: and the other wing was five cubits also, joining to the wing of the other cherub.

(Ezr 2:59) And these were they which went up from Telmelah, Telharsa, Cherub, Addan, and Immer: but they could not shew their father's house, and their seed, whether they were of Israel:

(Neh 7:61) And these were they which went up also from Telmelah, Telharesha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer: but they could not shew their father's house, nor their seed, whether they were of Israel.

(Psa 18:10) And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.

(Eze 9:3) And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer's inkhorn by his side;

(Eze 10:2) And he spake unto the man clothed with linen, and said, Go in between the wheels, even under the cherub, and fill thine hand with coals of fire from between the cherubims, and scatter them over the city. And he went in in my sight.

(Eze 10:4) Then the glory of the LORD went up from the cherub, and stood over the threshold of the house; and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was full of the brightness of the LORD'S glory.

(Eze 10:7) And one cherub stretched forth his hand from between the cherubims unto the fire that was between the cherubims, and took thereof, and put it into the hands of him that was clothed with linen: who took it, and went out.

(Eze 10:9) And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone.

(Eze 10:14) And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

(Eze 28:14) Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

(Eze 28:16) By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

(Eze 41:18) And it was made with cherubims and palm trees, so that a palm tree was between a cherub and a cherub; and every cherub had two faces;

We are not told they are Angels from which the Hebrew word is - Cherub, The Word

"Cher"u"bim (?), n. The Hebrew plural of Cherub.. Cf. Seraphim. and hand; Cherubim's, in the King James version of the bible, is an incorrect form, made by adding the English plural termination to the Hebrew plural cherubim instead of to the singular cherub."

The word cherub (cherubim is the Hebrew masculine plural) is a word borrowed from the Assyrian kirubu, from karâbu, "to be near", hence it means near ones, familiars, personal servants, bodyguards, courtiers.

According to Genesis 3:24, God "placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim's, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." The "s" added to Cherubim in the King James version is redundant as the name "Cherubim" is plural for Cherub, a term derived from the Hebrew noun K'rubh.

The word for Angel is - A Mal'akh (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ‎; also: Mal'ach or Mal'aqh; plural Mal'akhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible,
So, on that let's get rid first of the wrong definition of what this Cherub is. It is not an Angel, so that eliminates that presupposition of man. The traditions of men, always nullify the Word of God.
Matthew 15:6
Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.
Mark 7:13
Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

Jesus had these words to say about those who don't take the time, to study and God's Word and instead rely on the teachings of men, or in this case the Elders- which happened to be the Talmudic traditions.

Now that I have established by the Word of God, some things, let's keep to who this is addressed to, who was the one's that said in their hearts they could be like God, and so chose to try to be, and who God says they have become even as we are, knowing good and evil. MANKIND- Adam and Eve.

So, we can see this statement was made first by the serpent to Eve, she believed she could become a god, not Satan thought this, she did, and acted upon it. Satan's name doesn't even appear in this scene of the Fall in the Garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve's name's do!

So let us read now all of Ezekiel 28 -

1The word of the LORD came again to me, saying,

2"Son of man, say to the leader of Tyre, 'Thus says the Lord GOD,
"Because your heart is lifted up
And you have said, 'I am a god,
I sit in the seat of gods
In the heart of the seas';
Yet you are a man and not God,
Although you make your heart like the heart of God--
3Behold, you are wiser than Daniel;
There is no secret that is a match for you.
4"By your wisdom and understanding
You have acquired riches for yourself
And have acquired gold and silver for your treasuries.
5"By your great wisdom, by your trade
You have increased your riches
And your heart is lifted up because of your riches--

6Therefore thus says the Lord GOD,
'Because you have made your heart
Like the heart of God,
7Therefore, behold, I will bring strangers upon you,
The most ruthless of the nations.
And they will draw their swords
Against the beauty of your wisdom
And defile your splendor.
8'They will bring you down to the pit,
And you will die the death of those who are slain
In the heart of the seas.
9'Will you still say, "I am a god,"
In the presence of your slayer,
Though you are a man and not God,
In the hands of those who wound you?
10'You will die the death of the uncircumcised
By the hand of strangers,
For I have spoken!' declares the Lord GOD!"'"

11Again the word of the LORD came to me saying,

12"Son of man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him, 'Thus says the Lord GOD,
"You had the seal of perfection,
Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13"You were in Eden, the garden of God;
Every precious stone was your covering:
The ruby, the topaz and the diamond;
The beryl, the onyx and the jasper;
The lapis lazuli, the turquoise and the emerald;
And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets,
Was in you.
On the day that you were created
They were prepared.
14"You were the anointed cherub who covers,
And I placed you there
You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked in the midst of the stones of fire.
15"You were blameless in your ways
From the day you were created
Until unrighteousness was found in you.
16"By the abundance of your trade
You were internally filled with violence,
And you sinned;
Therefore I have cast you as profane
From the mountain of God.
And I have destroyed you, O covering cherub,
From the midst of the stones of fire.
17"Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty;
You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor
I cast you to the ground;
I put you before kings,
That they may see you.
18"By the multitude of your iniquities,
In the unrighteousness of your trade
You profaned your sanctuaries.
Therefore I have brought fire from the midst of you;
It has consumed you,
And I have turned you to ashes on the earth
In the eyes of all who see you.
19"All who know you among the peoples
Are appalled at you;
You have become terrified
And you will cease to be forever."'"

Now that we have established some who's in this verse, let's break down for study some more on this subject.

Let me remind you here, God has stated that man are gods, we read that verse. We know this is not the same as God, just simply the roles they may serve in this life in power over others as ordained by God, meaning He wills it so, to be.

Now to be fair to this whole Chapter to gain context we must go back and read Chapter 27 as well.

We only need to start with the first few verses to gain insight even more on some of the things Ezekiel is about to say about the King of Tyre, he starts out here, and begins speaking to the kingdom of Tyre, to which God was to take down.

Let's examine for a moment some history written on the country or kingdom of Tyre

Five Millennia of History
Founded at the start of the third millennium B.C., Tyre originally consisted of a mainland settlement and a modest island city that lay a short distance off shore. But it was not until the first millennium B.C. that the city experienced its golden age.
In the 10th century B.C. Hiram, King of Tyre, joined two islets by landfill. Later he extended the city

further by reclaiming a considerable area from the sea. Phoenician expansion began about 815 B.C. when traders from Tyre founded Carthage in North Africa. Eventually its colonies spread around the Mediterranean and Atlantic, bringing to the city a flourishing maritime trade. But prosperity and power make their own enemies. Early in the sixth century B.C. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, laid siege to the walled city for thirteen years. Tyre stood firm, but it was probable that at this time the residents of the mainland city abandoned it for the safety of the island.

In 332 B.C. Alexander the Great set out to conquer this strategic coastal base in the war between the Greeks and the Persians.Unable to storm the city, he blockaded Tyre for seven months. Again Tyre held on. But the conqueror used the debris of the abandoned mainland city to build a causeway and once within reach of the city walls, Alexander used his siege engines to batter and finally breach the fortifications. It is said that
Alexander was so enraged at the Tyrians' defense and the loss of his men that he destroyed half the city. The town's 30,000 residents were massacred or sold into slavery. Tyre and the whole of ancient Syria fell under Roman rule in 64 B.C..

Now back to this proclamation to be made by Ezekiel herein referred to by God as the Son of Man. ( this too has been taken out of context at times without study, by those who attempt to put things into Scripture that are not there, that this is being said to a pre-existent Jesus Christ) It is not, Exekiel is the son of man in this passage of Scripture. It is obvious.
Ezekiel is the prophet of God, and herein in the beginning of this book says:

Eze 2:1 And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto thee.

With that, my hands are tired, and my mind, so we will stop here and go on in this study tomorrow.

I think already we have seen some false teaching and false word definitions by others that have been made, but we must go on to be true to Scripture and see if these things may be true.

Joseph W. Black D.D.