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Sunday, April 18, 2010

I Was Thinking About It

I was thinking about, why and how our present economic, political and otherwise conditions of living got to where they are at today in America. I have written for years on various things that were going on, that most people sloughed off. Now, a majority of Americans are just starting to wake up out of their slumber. For most they see that political change can take place by the vote. I think that has already been disproved. I don't really think there is much hope for us anymore as the nation we once knew. I really believe that we are looking at the last days of this once great country. The vote is controlled, the economy is controlled, and even our politicans are controlled. Perhaps by brain washing, propaganda or other. However, it has been accomplished, facts are that your so called Representatives have closed their ears, and minds to us, the people. Money is a very powerful drug. It has influenced and changed even the best of those with good intentions in politics. Once a person, that is not born of the Spirit of God, is ingratiated with it, they learn a very simple fact. Money buys power and control over others, and provides you individually more freedom then the those you power over. We have for far too long, forgotten what the Bible clearly teaches - The love of money is the ROOT of all evil.
I use to have an old saying myself, as an investigator who did financial and assets investigations - follow the money and you will find out just what and who is the person behind everything or who they are. It is true in politics as well, if you follow the money that pays for the votes, the introduction and passing of legislation, you will find out a great deal that will probably blow all your paradigm of thinking away. I know and you know, that in truth there is not one real iota a difference between a Democrat or a Republican. Oh! they try to say there is, but truth is - money is what makes the world go around. Ask yourself, this, if you earn as small a wage as I earn, and Congress earns something like $159,000 a year, and the U.S. Government steals from us in tax dollars NINE HUNDRED BILLION dollars a year, then who do you think their interest is toward? Do you honestly believe that either party is interested in smaller government, welfare of the poor, or any other such foolish notions we may think one them subscribes too. You have lost touch wth reality. The kingdoms of this world, and the selfish sin nature of men, has continually presented the same temptation as we all face and Jesus faced in his tempting in the wilderness, "bow down before me, and I will give you the kingdoms of this world". You see, it is only the Kingdom of God, whereby we have one true leader, Jesus Christ who has defeated this enemy - the love of money. He defeated both sin and death. Now, who will we worship, a government, a state, a political ideology, or will we worship Christ above all things? Ask yourself the question, has not your worship of this country, brought you disappointment, of course it has, and it will to do so continually. Why, because Jesus made it clear, that His kingdom is everlasting, and history has proven, that none of men's inventions of government, state or politics has ever lasted over 500 years. They all disappear into the dust, what we are doing is seeing one of man's greatest ideas for good become evil. God wants us to live on a better tree for our food, then the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He wants us to know and eat from the one true tree, the Tree of Eternal Life, which is Christ our King. Jesus made it very clear, that unless we drink His blood and eat His flesh, we won't have life. Is that too hard for you?
I have said for far too long, that we have become a nation not of Freedom but we have become the nation of FREE DUMB! How long shall we hold a deaf ear, to hear Christ say, "My Kingdom is not of this world". It isn't, the Kingdom of God is within you, if you have been birthed by the Creator Father, and have placed your trust, not in the kingdoms of this world, but in Christ, who is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Let us cease to waiver in our trust in the one true Kingdom for which if you are His child, you already live in, that is the Kingdom of God. Let us not waiver in our simple reliance and trust upon, the one person, who never sinned, and never failed those he represented - mankind- Jesus Christ our Lord.

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