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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why China Won't Say, "Uncle"

This is a recent quoted article from the news online addition of "Slate".

China Won't Be Pressured To Reform Currency

The 47-nation nuclear summit taking place in Washington, D.C., provided President Obama with an opportunity to meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao for the first time since "Sino-U.S. tensions over the yuan threatened to escalate into a serious trade dispute," Reuters reported. They didn't talk much about China's currency: Obama was focused on the subject of nuclear weapons and winning China's support for tougher sanctions against Iran. But Hu made it clear that "China would not be pushed by external pressure and would instead base any decision on the yuan on its own economic needs," Reuters reported. "But he also made clear that Beijing was committed to change." Obama wants China to "move toward a more market-oriented exchange rate," declaring it necessary for sustained global recovery; the yuan's exchange rate against the dollar has been frozen for nearly two years. "China will firmly stick to a path of reforming the yuan's exchange rate formation mechanism," Hu told Obama. "In making reforms, we will give careful consideration to global economic developments and changes, as well as to China's economic condition."

Now my commentary....

Apparently, the President never read "Unlimited Warfare" which I wrote about previously on this Blog. See my blog article entitled, "The Chinese Philosophy of Warfare" dated Friday, July 6, 2007.

Americans, were suckered right into being powered over by China.
First, the Chinese understood greed and materialism. Communism is based on greed and materialism for the elite, and poverty for those who are subjected to it.
Since clear back in the Nixon era we called them the "Most Favored Trade Nation". Why because they were more than glad to ship us their goods produced by an enslaved labor force. When individuals are paid 25 cents an hour, this makes for very great profit for a manufacturer of goods that Americans want.
Then along came the new Walmart who proved if you buy the goods, you could market and sell their goods with a 200% mark up, and make lots of money, and still provide cheap to Americans. They could buy the goods for less than an American manufacturer, could provide them to Walmart for. for they had to pay higher wages or at least wages that were far more than the TWENTY FIVE CENT AN HOUR SLAVE LABOR in China . So, America got what it wanted - "cheap", but in their greed to buy more, and pay less, they never thought for one minute they were buying into a plan that would absolutely destroy the economy of this nation. This would produce the greatest mass move of American manufacturers out of here to foreign countries especially to China, and why wouldn't they do just that?
The American businessman lost their sense of goodness and loyalty, to the bigger profit line over those devoted daily to work for them, a long time ago.
Most American companies like "one well known one, I once worked for", even refer to their employees, as "Capital Assets".
"Capital Assets", can diminish in worth over the years, and thus they depreciate like all capital and in most cases are unappreciated, until they can be replaced with a new capital asset.
Capital assets is something you use to obtain even greater profits.
They are nothing but mere chattel. This is what the American worker became and is today, only good enough for awhile until they can replace you with something new, after awhile it becomes a turnstile of old capital asset out the door, for new captial assets in the door, back to the same cycle of events time after time.

It's the inherited nature of man to seek more power when they have power over others. The Bible calls it the "Sin Nature". The Lust of the Eye, The Lust of the Flesh and the PRIDE OF LIFE!
The love of the WORLD!

American businessman sacrificed all the care of people and their own country to gain more monetary wealth for themselves, no more than anyone else has done in history whenever the opportunity presented itself.
There are a few, and very few businessman, who stayed the course of people over their own personal comfort, and are suffering for it. They are being forced into becoming part of the game, by those holding the power over them, they too were suckered into loose credit, never thinking that things may never stay the same, they spent like wildfire, when they should have been saving. Profitibility can be effected in a large downturn of the economy. This is largely caused by poor government rules and regulations. All that loose credit, resulted in big spending. The one day everyone woke up and it was time to pay the piper his due, now, not while you had money, no why you are broke, they want it back now!
Why, because without it, the whole thing falls apart. The banks fail, the country goes down the tubes. So since we can't collect it, perhaps we turn to government solutions which caused the whole problem in the first place. Perhaps the very one's that were responsible for not putting the right measures out there in the first place, called curtailing credit and making sure credit was extended only in a sensible manner rather than to just anyone at anytime, regardless of their ability to pay it back. This is why I don't believe in credit. It is like declaring yourself God, that you know what tommorrow holds. Jesus stated it very clearly and the Bible tells us, we don't know when we shall die. Now we call on the government who is there supposedly to limit man's sin nature somewhat, we say to them - now fix it. What people don't understand, the government doesn't have any money of their own, that has worth, you do! Government can print money, but only the market determines it's worth. Globalism destroyed the American dollar!
So, taxes are the solution after the big give aways, and now we all face the burden, American business and American worker. Whoops somebody messed up somewhere, could it be that men did, we did just, of course, that's the case.
We Americans did, though it was a great thing for awhile, we could buy all the toys and gadgets made for much less, and even more. We loved cheap, so much, because it gave us more money, to buy more junk!
We became a nation who fell in love with the idea of personal ownership of anything at whatever cost, to family, friends, even our children. Even today, the kids have cell phones, ipods, and DSi's and X boxes, Play stations, and none of these items are really cheap but it has become cheaper for us to placate our children with things than our personal time and love. We excuse ourselves, saying but it cost more to live these days. True in some sense, but not really, I have watched others, spend on themselves, for new cars, new play toys for them, and think this is life, so they offer their children the same thing. They work twice as hard, stealing twice as much time from their children and family to replace it all with useless things, that will soon turn to rust and dust and be forgotten, but the hurt of those children, there pain of not knowing a parents love, will never be forgotten and most of all good values have been replaced with very poor one's - things are more important than people! I have seen people spend 500 to 600 dollars a month just to buy themselves a new vehicle, the latest, the coolest, and yet complain they can't buy their children, health insurance. I can assure you they could have for a lot less. I still drive my 1996 Dodge Truck, that I paid cash for. I don't want to feel the credit crunch. I made the mistake buying a motorcycle on the credit give away, and I regret it to this day, it has been an albatross on me, in more than one way.

I couldnt have my own phone in the house when I was growing up, and we could barely afford to have one as a family.
I had a family and we did family things together, my dad, didnt give us much in the way of things, but he taught me about love and family and God though and even today that is more important to me, than the things of this earth!

These items seemed cheap for Americans who expend all their energy to work and work more for less, to buy more and more junk, neither they need or the kids need.

The Chinese Communist were industrious, smarter than us, and they played the game of war, where war is always won- at the money table.
Wars are neither financed or paid for by patriotism or blood, they are financed and paid for by money. This then results in the blood shed of the children of the poor, while the rich enjoy watching their accomplished victories from afar with their own children safely tucked away in their golden post beds, while the poor American is deceived to think the sacrifice of his own child saved his freedom. Money affords the rich their freedom, what you have, I guarantee you paid for it, if not with the death of your own children in the riches useless wars, you pay for in taxes, and fees, constantly. There isn't much of anything free. Like my Dad always said, be careful of free, you will pay for it some how in the long run. Well we are, have and will continue to do so. Only Christ offers true freedom and its spiritual, nonetheless, freedom use to be much wider known in this country. A thing of the past.

Money drives every form of government, no matter how evil or good you may consider any particular form of government. The poor pay, which keeps them poor, and the rich spend, which keeps them rich.
Now, the game is almost over, The Chinese win - we lose!
Why? I will tell you why, because we failed to understand our enemy while they never failed in understanding us.
The only way that America can ever recover what it has lost, is to farm, manufacture and produce it's own goods again, and cut off all the junk we buy from China.
Why won't it happen? Simply, because we bought their deception and now even our own government has been decieved along with the people of this country. Thus we are now moving toward total Socialist goals in this country. All I can say, is you better buy a Rickshaw now, learn Chinese, and get used to it. Your freedoms are a thing of the past as well.
Everything they intended to do, they have done.
I think, I must quote something I remember Kruschev, the Premier of Russia said, when I was a very young child, I remember it then, because, I understood and was taught the difference between a free market and a government controlled one.
It was a school course, called Americanism versus Communism.
Now, back to what I wanted to say that I recall Kruschev saying. He said in a speech, that they the Communist would never defeat us from without, but they would win the cold war, because they would defeat us from within.
Guess what? Old Kruschev may have been a Communist, but in Biblical terms He was a true prophet, Why? He said it, and it is coming to pass. Here's a Kudo to a communist. He knew what he was talking about, which is much more than I can say for the politicians we have running this country today! They don't even know the difference between a super power and a non super power, that it's not a shame to be called one, when you are trying to protect your nations security.
I think it was Castro that turned that term into a curse word or something to be ashamed of. I'm not, afraid to be called a Super Power, it's what has kept me safe from other nations who wanted to power over us for the 57 years I have lived here now.
Shame on Washington, Shame on America! We lost touch with the simple understanding of who man is, what his problem is, and what the problem is with Big Government.
Our forefathers understood it, but to say that these days in what we have become, puts you somehow on a watch list as a threat. A threat to what? To Whom?
A threat to those who would desire nothing more than to control every aspect of our lives, even our health. Even if you aren't a violent person, to not think like the Socialist /Communist is a threat, thus Stalin and Russia sent many a "free thinker" to the Gulag or Siberia, where free thinkers disappeared to never be heard from again. This is how power stays in power, to shut off free thinking, even if no evil intentions are there. Even if you are a non-resistance person like me. They can't afford to have people who march to the sound of a different drummer. It's always been that way, Jesus turned the Pharisee's live's upside down, they couldnt afford to have the people follow him, less they lose their power, as they said, and everyone follow after Him.

Well, all I can say, is that is a shame that our own leaders have forgot who we are, what we are, and how we ever became a nation in the first place. Shame on all of us! We have forgotten what Communism is. We lose, they win.....and I hate to say it but I told you so.
I find it hard to believe that so many Americans have fallen under the deception that government can do better than the individual at fixing problems.
One nation under God, means when we find ourselves individually, giving God the glory he deserves and the attention that is rightfully His in our lives over all the money, and junk we have filled our lives up with, we might survive.
I just don't see it happening, when I stand back and look at our love for money, and all those who never realize or understand that it is the love of money, that is the root of ALL EVIL! God help us, but I believe that these old eyes are seeing the last vestiges of what once was the greatest Super Power in the world, both financially and in terms of protecting it's interest, all it's interest. That may sound selfish, and in terms of the religious liberal mind, probably so, but it is reality.

One must be strong to remain strong, this works in our spiritual lives as well. The day, you gave up reading your Bibles, for everything else in your life, the day you gave up family mealtime together, and the day you traded your life to be lived for money and things instead of your Creator, the love of others, including your own family, you lost the greatest Super Power there ever was for mankind, it is called Spiritual Power, and history has proven time after time, a spiritually weakened nation may enjoy the pleasures of sin for awhile but soon or later it catches up with them, and it all comes falling down. Look at Rome or any nation in history, American is nothing special, we too are a fallen and failing nation, and like all great empires we too will disappear as such into the annuls of history, and what tales will our great great grand children tell then while they are sitting at the feet of their Emperorer?

With love for the country I grew up in. Not perfect nor God's chosen nation, but nonetheless, it was far more perfect than the communist nations I knew about. While the children ate porridge, I had eggs and bacon. Now our children are eating worse than porridge, they are eating and being taught that Communism is good,materialism is good and everyone should have equality in having it, and the lie is told that Socialism insures that and America of the past is very very bad.
They too will pay, believe me in the greatest tax bondage to ever hit a nation in history before it finally falls under whatever God forbid rule they shall find themselves in the very near future. Hopefully, my days will have ended, and I am quite sure with the coming plans to control our outcomes in life, the new powers will see to it, that my days are few. They will control my choice of healthcare, job, education, finances, everything about my life, and as the old saying goes, whatever is of least benefit to the overall good of all, should be extinguished. Thus all of us up and coming old generation will not have our choice to live long, and enjoy our great grandchildren and their children, because someone higher up will make the decision for us, and say - "useless, let em die".
It will save the community of others a lot of money and trouble, why bother with them, send them to the Euthenasia clinic....and let us begone of them..
Holland can do it, we will too. God help us all, the road is spiraling evermore downward, and it is our sin, that has brought it upon us. We are so enthralled with ourselves, we have lost ourselves. America remains as was in some hearts in this country, and we desire nothing more than to see it return to the once great nation it was to live in. I just don't see an answer, just like Israel of old, when you get so far gone, it's gone, it sometimes takes captivity to make a person realize how precious freedom is. We are just beginning to start to think about it, but a little too late. The enemy is broken down the gates and the city is over run!
China will never say, "Uncle" and now you understand why. They win- we lose.

With sincere love in Christ who cares about spiritual freedom most of all,

Dr. J.

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