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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Welcome To My Blog

This is my personal blog, that shall be first and foremost my personal opinion on Christianity versus the World.
Though, Jesus said we shall be in the world, He clearly taught us, we are not to be of the world. Here I can put forth, my theological, eschatological, soteriological, and Christology, as it should effect us as citizens of this world. The first point I want to make, is The Kingdom of God is not one which we await, it is now, in the hearts of millions of individuals who have life in Christ. The world will continue to rely on and feed on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It will always be full of confusion, chaos, and even more confusion, especially for Christians. The reason most Christians find confusion in this world, is their lack of understanding, reading and internalizing the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. The very first thing we must grasp is that the Father is absolutely sovereign over all His creation. In so being, we will not find the answers by looking to the physical creations of man, his knowledge, his so called wisdom, etc. We can only discover Him, by knowing Him first, and as long as Christians try to perceive of God outside of the physical manifestation and words of His Son, we will remain confused. Paul stated very simply, the carnal mind CANNOT understand Spiritual matters. Thus religion pushes and drives man to find the answers in this physical universe by physical senses. What you come up with is confusion, chaos, and literally a destroying of the faith of the faithful. We must comprehend that God in His majesty can be understand only in the light of Christ life, death, resurrection and His fulfilling of all prophecy as related to the Jewish nation of Old. We are not to be looking for hope, we are to be living in hope. The first problem that we encounter as humans, is learning, that we are not in control, of the events, the history, of this world, or even our own lives. That God is one, and He is SOVEREIGN.
I have been dealing with these things in a greater way than ever imagined the last 8 years, since the death of my wife in 2001, my re-marriage in 2003, and now looking at my parents as they grow older everyday. My father just this past week was rushed to the hospital for a possible heart attack, he suffers Atrial Fibrillation, just as I do. He has been there for a week now, one minute, they say he has percarditis, an infection in the heart sack, the watery bag that God saw fit to place our hearts in, to protect them. The very same sack that the soldier pierced with his sword on Christ,and then pierced His heart.
I have been angry, depressed, angry again, and then most of all depressed. Why?
I am discovering the Sovereignty of God. Most of us, think we either control our lives, and the lives of others, or we desire to take control. Here I am, unable to be there with them, due to financial strains, financial obligations, etc. Here I am, and he lies in a hospital some 1600 miles away from me in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My mother is weakened by it all, my sister drove down to help she is only six hours away, and yet, they despair, because, my sister sees their needs, and my mother won't let her help.
I would move them nearby, tommorrow, if they would allow me to do so, to look after them, but because my mother and father still have enough of their mental facilities, they refuse to budge, not one iota will they think about moving to be near either one of us. The expectations are that we can give up our jobs, families and all, and rush out there and be there, whenever they need us for however long it takes.
They like most of us, want to control their own lives and even their deaths, and yet, they are no more able to control their circumstances in life, than you and I. None of us, can control what happens to us in this life, where we will go, how and when we will die, what kind of work we shall do to earn our bread, what our children will do, how much money we will make, where we will live, or where we will go. Unfortunately, this is the brunt but simple truth.
God is teaching us a lesson as children, we aren't on our own.
He is still our Father, our Creator, and as such, He makes all decisions, whether we like it or not. This is why we become angry. We have come to the realization that we control nothing. Absolutely NOTHING, we are not gods, we have no authority, power, or ability to control our lives.
Oh! yes, there are those, who may have more money, affording them more freedom then others, even perhaps more control, yet I've seen them with their wealth, it still didnt provide them the control they want over their own lives. I have watched their children, hurt them, I have watched their money, destroy them, and watched them die but by their own hand at times and by the simple thing we all must do, DIE!
There is no way out on that one, even the best healthcare, with the finest of Doctors or money, can't save you from that one appointment, no matter who you are, which in the end proves God's sovereignty.

Thus God when he created man, didn't make man immortal. There is no immortality outside of being joined with Him in Spirit, for he is the Immortal One. If we have not Christ, then we are dead, in our mortality and their is no life ahead to percieve. If we are in Christ, though our bodies are mortal, and shall return to dust as anyone else's will, yet shall my eyes behold the glory of the Lord, for we are spiritually immortal because He is Spirit, and our spirit is now of the image of Him as a believer, we have Eternal Life now, but immortality after we shed this mortal coil.
God in his wonderful grace, sees to it in His smarvelous love, that for those that aren't joined to Him, they too shall find rest, but it is in eternal death and darkness, where they are remembered no more, and neither shall they remember days past, days present or anything to come. For the dead have no thought at all. Judged, yes, tormented throughout eternity, no! These concepts were developed in pagan religion and the catholic church incorporated them into State Christianity, to control the masses, and even today, others seek to bring people to God, not from a sense of knowing His love, but fearing Him. How foolish that is.
How can one come to love their Father, if he threatens them, to torture them and punish them for all eternity if they don't. That's not a love relationship, that's a relationship built on abuse. I could not love my own earthly father if he told me, love me or else, I will capture you, and hold your body in a physical fire, and torture, you, and not only torture you, I will see that you live, to do this over and over again to no end!
What a hateful, and abusive father that would be.

I love my Creator, because He first loved me. I love my Creator because He gave me life through His Son, to be a son, a child of His. I don't fear Him in that sense, I fear what is out there, outside of His love, what this world holds to destroy you, the things that could reek havoc in your life. I fear what I have already known as a reality, that outside of Father's arms, there is no life, just death and judgement, in this life, the here and now and yet and alas, DEATH to the maximum- eternal death, mortality brought to a conclusion.

John 3:16 says, " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who ever believes in Him, shall not perish (die, have no life, be destroyed, annihilated, vanquished) but has everlasting life. God did not say, that whoever believes not in His Son, shall be tortured, by Satan and his demons, in a fiery pit of real flames licking your body, burning your flesh forever and ever. Man created that bunk, and unfortunately for far too long, an inappropriate picture of a loving God. God our Father of all life has been painted and twisted into a picture of a horrible, demanding, self centered, can't wait to punish you, mean Creator, that is just waiting to hold a match to those who want no relationship with Him.

What He says, is your my child, my creation, I care about you, love you, want to spend all eternity with you, I want you to know and experience my love to it's fullest for all of eternity or else you will die to the fullest extent of DEATH. since you are dead spiritually, and I am Spirit and you will DIE physically, this is what he says, and that death is eternal for you are mere mortal man, without my Life joined to your life. For only I am holy, and immortal, and you cannot be either one, unless you are spiritually joined to me, by trust in my only BEGOTTEN SON- Jesus Christ.
It is then and only then we become partakers of His Divine nature. Paul said He that is joined to the Lord is one with the Lord. To be ABSENT from the body is to present with the Lord. We are mere clay vessels, in which our loving Father right now chooses to put His life in, us, if we will simply place our trust in Christ, without Him, you have denied yourseld access to the Tree of Eternal Life. Eternal life begins here now, but immortal life is only for believers at the end of their mortal life on this earth. and so shall we be with the Lord forever more. I am thankful to know that my parents trust Christ, but as all of us, do we really, all the time? I think not, because our entire lives we have been told, that we are the Captains of our souls and the Master's of our fate. Somewhere, I heard something to that effect come out of the mouth of a little creature, the most cunning of all of God's creations, the serpent. For you shall not die, God is only trying to keep you from being a god, eat, taste, and enjoy for you shall live. The problem with teaching man, all men are created immortal is, it comes right out of the mouth of the SERPENT!

No, if you don't have Christ right now, you are already judged, shall be judged, and shall die for all eternity, and you have no hope. I have hope, He is my hope! He overcame, and because He lives, and lives in me, I shall overcome this world, and even my mortality, for I shall live, even as He does, for eternity, in the presence of my loving Creator. For God is love! I trust Him, though I may fail at times, He has never failed me.

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