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Saturday, May 19, 2007

On The Backroad to Heaven

I have just completed reading a book I mentioned a long time ago to others, which I had not had the chance to read as of yet at that time but I had read a short review on it somewhere. The book is a wonderful examination of the AnaBaptist as they are today. This book examines all the "Old Order" as it is known.
A complete description of the Hutterites, the Mennonites, the Amish and the German Brethern or aka the Brethern.
This book will give you insight to a wonderful group of people who have managed in many ways to hold onto the early Christian "church" practices. One must remember the AnaBaptist were the Radical Reformationist, as they were the ones, that in the Reformation took steps to restore the Ekklesia to the practices and way of life of the Early Ekklesia before the Church Fathers (The Paternalistic Age). Their practices really did everything they could to hold onto the biblical precept of the Priesthood of All Believers with Sitters Rights, Communal living, non- resistance, separation from the world and worship not being just something you do on Sunday in a building but something that involves every aspect of life daily, work and play and the way in which one lives their life, a life lived unto the Lord.
They were highly persecuted, hated and killed by the Reformationist, Luther and Calvin hated them, because they stood in great contradiction to the One Leader, Temple worship that even the Reformationist held on to. They held onto the Agape Feast, true Communion ( the meal and community), separation from the world and it's temptations in a life style that we "civilized folks" think odd.
Even today, many look at them oddly, no more than we are looked at oddly by them.
This book will bring you to an understanding of their ways, their dress codes, their dislike for technology and more. You will learn how it has sustained them for 100's of years in their way of life. They have very little crime in their communities, very little government and live simple lives unto God.
Though not perfect, in my opinion each group of them hold something very special that dates back to the times of the Apostles and the true teaching of Christ. It is very unlike American and Catholic-Protestant Christianity that has been Westernized and has thousands of years of pagan cultural pollution.
These are a simple and humble people who have found community and relationship more important than individualism. The group is more important than the individual and the teachings of Christ encompass more than just a once a week thing or a building exercise. These people make Christ their way of life in all they say and do. They reject the Kingdom of Men for the Kingdom of God, and have made great strides to keep it that way.
I would highly recommend this study of the AnaBaptist as they are today, to any serious student of the Bible and Church History. It is written by Donald B. Kraybill and Carl F. Bowman. Donald is a professor of Sociology and AnaBaptist Studies at Messiah College. Carl is professor and chair of the department of Sociology at Bridgewater College. Written from a Sociological examination and not a theological or ecclesiastical study of church history, it will provide you greater understanding and enlightment to these dear brothers and sisters in Christ, that in my opinion hold forth the traditions of Paul and the Apostles and the teachings of Christ greater than any other Christian groups known. We as the Ekklesia of Christ can learn much from their way of life and their teachings. Though they have had some crucial things to deal with as the world about them is constantly changing, they manage in their exclusiveness of some of the ways of this world to hold onto community and interpersonal relationships with like minded believers in a tremendous way.
Much of what is missing in Western denominations, because of the procedures and traditions of the institutional church which consist of much which can be proved as a carryover from Catholicism, and pagansim and the writings of Ignatius, Gregory, Constantine and others (the so called "church" fathers) is why so many Christians wonder from building to building hoping to find that real life of Christ in them. They never will through the traditions and practices of the institutional church. There are none of the surviving aspects of the Early Church left in it, as led by the Apostles and as taught by Jesus.You can barely even realize what it was like to be a Christian in the times of the Apostles in any of the institutional denominational "churches".
The greatest thing that these people have held onto is community and love for their enemy and love for one another. Their deep respect for each other, their humbleness, their lack of pride, and their consistent love for one another, preferring others over self is to be admired. It makes me stand in awe, to see these groups and their variation in which they have managed to survive it all- the constant onslaught of the world upon us.
Ekklesia is defined within their community as the real body of Christ, the "Congregation", the individual as a whole represented by the entire community is the dwelling place of the most high and not a building made by hands.
In the brethern who probably hold to the closest example when it comes to matters of the sinner and the saint and worship and to the way the early Ekklesia governed themselves by the leading of the Holy Spirit. In my opinion they most closely resemble the time of the Apostles and what we read of in the Book of Acts. Every man and woman has a voice in the decisions of the whole. Though there are Elders (a multiplicty), they are not selected by their intelligence, their ability to preach, their scholarly achievements, their degrees or ordinations, but by their older age, and exemplary lives they have lived and their humbleness. The average today AnaBaptist has an 8th grade education, but in my opinion their love and servitude of the Lord far exceeds that of most of our Doctorates and PHd's in the opposing denominations. No seminary can prepare a man to leadership of life example. No education can do this for a man, only a life lived in Christ.
For as it was said of Peter and some of the others, these men were recognized not to have been educated men, but men that had walked with the Lord Jesus. When the sermon goes, the building goes, the one man show- the Pastor goes, and the tradition goes, then Christ can resume his throne of Lordship as High Priest for all the priesthood of all believers and life will return to the Ekklesia. The world will be turned upside down for Jesus.
For there won't be a place to go and worship, for worship will encompass all of what a man does and says. There won't be one special super spiritual mediator to Christ - the Pastor or Priest anymore and each member of the body will exercise their gifts as the Holy Spirit provides the gifting. There will be no more temples or special buildings in which God dwell, but the purpose of Jesus in disposing of all these Judaic and pagan practices will have ceased and God will be found where he always wanted to dwell, in the heart of each and every believer, individually and as a whole. When the educated professors of Theology and Homiletics, and Church Life are all gone, the Holy Spirit will be able to do all the teaching as he intended to.
No man, will say Know the Lord, for all will have been taught of the Lord. There will be no more sermons, no more evangelizing, no more emotional ferris wheels of pleasure, there will be only the Lord, the resurrected Lord living and breathing through the congregation of His people, encouraging, judging and praying for us as a whole. The Ekklesia can change when it steps back to the years of 30 AD to 100 AD and throws out all the garbage and traditions of men that has held us back from being God's own people - the called out one's- a strange and peculiar people, strangers and aliens to this world.
I pray for the Radical Reformation of the "church". I pray that we could take the best of what the AnaBaptist taught and believe today from across all the 4 groups and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ out the rest of our days, hastening the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray for a revelation of these truths to every believer, to every man that stands in as a Pastor or office holder in the institutional church, and that they would lay down their titles before the feet of the Lamb, and say- I am giving it all up for Jesus, "let the Lord reign". "I sacrifice my title to be a function of the body and not the head of the body", so Christ can take the Head once more, and we can as Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, when she questioned Jesus who was right, them or the Jews in where they worshipped. Jesus response was to the point "Those that worship God will worship in Spirit and in Truth.
May God bless us with a REAL REVIVAL AND REFORMATION- that will lead us into the very heart of Christ. May the Ekklesia of Christ lay all their tradition that is not based on scripture but men, and turn to the way of the Lord and we will see a real outbreak of not emotionalism, as many so called revivals have been- but true worship in Spirit and in truth by His people the Ekklesia. That Yeshua can be declared LORD of LORDS and KING OF KINGS! It can happen. It almost happened to the fullest extent in the Reformation, and there are those like the AnaBaptist that are clinging to keeping it alive.

Dr. J.

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