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Monday, May 21, 2007

Why the Church Is Failing - Chapter 1

Why the Church is Failing. There are two things for me to clarify here. One, is the definition of the church as I am using it here. Two, what do I mean by it's failing.
I will answer the first.
The church as I am defining here is that ecclesiastical institutional organization that contains some form of hierarchy, whether it be Priest, Bishops, Cardinals, Popes, or Pastors, Board Members, Elders, Deacons, or Church Central Organizations, such as the Southern Baptist Convention, or the Assemlies of God, or whatever central organization there is for any particular organized religious body.
All dictation of practice and belief and rules and regulations and ordinations that are drawn from these organizations removes any form of "real independence' of a local body of Christians who meet. This also includes those who claim to be independent but are in essence still ruled by either a Pastor, a Board, Elders or other.
The second definition involves what I mean by the word "failing". What does the organizational church fail at consistently. It is the failure to do what Christ called the body of Christ to do when he created the gifted functions, not titles, of the Ekklesia. I would define this in three goals or action that the Holy Spirit if the organizational church was what Christ had in mind.
First, the word "church" is not to be found in the original manuscripts. The word that has been so mistranslated is the Greek word Ekklesia. This word was best translated in the Tyndale version as "Congregation" or a better yet translation would be the entirety of all "those that have been called out". The Called Out One's.
It is a word universal in scope ( thus the original meaning of the word became to the original church fathers - those that the organizational church so relies upon over Christ, the Apostles and the Early Church as described by scripture it became to be known as the "Catholic" Church, the Universal church) and refers not to a place you attend or a building you go to, but to the whole entire body of Christ. All those who are redeemed by His blood and set apart to Him as "the Priesthood of Believers" with only Christ as High Priestand their Head, as clearly explained in the book of Hebrews.
There is no heirarchy in the Ekklesia except Christ as the Head. This is the beginning of the New Covenant which was the elimination of any mediator between the individual and God. Thus the renting in two of the veil in the Holy of Holies in the Temple. Jesus came to replace, the Temple, the Tithe, the Priest and the Sacrifice. Jesus came to replace all forms of works righteousness with that of Grace and Forgiveness offered in His death and life through His resurrected life and ministry and godliness through the giving of His Spirit to the individual and the whole of the Ekklesia.
The idea of the office of any of the above named heirarchy is foreign to and is in direct anti-thesis, to what Christ taught and the Apostles taught and what the church had pre -100 AD or before the death's of the last Apostles.
The concept of the word "church" has been so ingrained into our minds that we can't even think of the word "church" without picturing a building or special meeting house and place we go to.
Thus all words construe an image in our mind and the definition which is entirely contrary to Christ and scripture has been re-imaged for us in our minds as to something that never existed before the Paternalistic (Ecclesiastical Church Fathers) Age. The Catholic Church did well it's job and the Protestants haven't changed it. Catholic or Protestant you will find are of the same stick just on opposite ends. They still have their foundations in the "traditions of men".
Now, as to the organized churches major failures or inabilities as to the true work of the Holy Spirit being revealed in it and through it.
One, it has failed to do nothing more than either create a special class of offices whereby only those that feel called become or have the ability to learn more and express more of what the Spirit could do in all believers and would be doing if the organization and heirarchy didnt over rule it.
The word Pastor is mentioned once in the New Testament- for Protestants to have built everything around this one of the five fold ministries or working of the Holy Spirit they have managed to erase the other four. It has kept the Ekklesia in blindness and immaturity for over 1900 years. The original and only mention of these 5 ministries in scripture are found to have one goal and it is described in the very one and only verse the word "Pastor" can be found in.
The 5 ministries working in union together by the Holy Spirit is to produce the following - "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, the building UP of the body of Christ; until we ALL attain to the UNITY of the FAITH, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man to the measure of the stature, which belongs to the fullness of Christ;.. Ephesians 4:11-13.
The first great calling of all those that are His is to "Go into all the world" ( not to the exclusiveness of your denomination or building) but into the real world where people work play and live and preach the Gospel to all creation. We, each Christiant, as Paul have been given the ministry of reconciliation, letting the world know that God has reconciled the world unto Himself through the death and life of Jesus our Lord. This is best revealed by our lifes and function within the body.
The great failure is that the organizational church keeps babies as babies who never grow into the fullness as they are never allowed the working of the Holy Spirit through them to minister and grow as God gifts them to. They must subject themselves to the hierarchy and be silent and inactive unless they have been entitled, ordained or called or permitted to do otherwise by the ruling hierarchy. Thus there is little or no known four other ministries activated by the Holy Spirit because the whole of the system locks them out. The organizational church without these heirarchies would fall apart, it would disband. There would be no one to tell the sheep what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. All except the Holy Spirit- who is our teacher, Christ our High Priest. This could never happen without the system, the money, the power, the prestige and all the real estate owned by the institutions would be gone in an instant and then 'pray God' who would want to be one of the five. There would be nothing in it that appeases men's flesh. No titles, just functions as the Holy Spirit chooses to appoint and preserve the faithful to be servants of the whole of the Ekklesia.
One, need only to begin to ask questions and seek the answers outside of pre-suppositional and preconceived and taught approaches to scripture to find the answers.
Here are some of the questions each Christian should ask, and scripturally show themselves accountable for finding the answer.
Why do we go to church rather than being the church?
Why do we have men above us or do we pay a singular man or many man to be the biblical scholars, the chief cooks, the bottle washers, the experts in spiritual things, the preachers, the teachers, the counselors, and on and on the list goes?
Where and how did these things come to be?
Why do you dress up for church?
Why do you tithe, is that New Testament Christianity?
Why do we pay for a building and electricity and all the upkeep when the Early Christians did neither until Constantine built the first "worship buildings in 300 AD?
Was there ever a point of time in history when the single Pastor didnt exist?
Was there ever a multiplicity of elders who were the Pastors, that were chosen not for their ability to sermonize but because of their humble, lowly, service they provided to others out of the work of Christ in them?
When did the church begin to pay for a professional clergy?
Where did liturgy come from?
How about titles, dress, forms and ritual where did they come into place.
Why is their a music group, praise group, music ministers, hymn books, choirs?
Where and when did the single Pastor become the only leader of the church?
We have made these things sacred as if they were dropped out of heaven by God, we have even tried to proof text them. In both attempts we have not served God with truth or the honor of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We have accepted without questioning and if we did, we never sought the answers either out of fear or laziness.
The answers which we will explore together, will shock you, challenge you and free your heart to true worship, to the place that Christ told the Samaritan woman. Those that worship me, "must worship me in Spirit and in Truth".
You will be surprised that largely what you believe even as a Protestant and what you especially practice has it's origins in paganism, Judaism, Catholicism and the Roman emperor worship and Greek mythology. You will be surprised that what you hold so divine in your mind is actual in direct anti-thesis to what Christ and the Apostles taught.
I challenge my readers to begin to read the writings of the Paternalistic Fathers- those which wrote from about 100 AD and even beyond and the many so called Religious leaders of today. Begin to read Ignatius who brought the whole idea together of the Bishop which eventually became the ruling Pope, the Priest and yes, even the Pastor.

Ignatius is the first known of the Early Church Father writers to put great stress on loyalty to a "single" bishop in each city, who is assisted by both presbyters (elders/priests) and deacons. Earlier writings only mention either bishops or presbyters, and give the impression that there was usually more than one bishop per congregation. The early Christian knew of no such hierarchy or titles such as Pastor by deferrence in name or office. Matter of fact the word office can't even be found in the Greek original of scripture as it has been translated in
I Timothy Chapter 3 verse 1.
Thus we forget, let us quote Jesus in what he defined as the function for any and all that wish to lead.
They are not to Lord over others as the Gentiles do. ie;(unbelievers)(the world and it's system of belonging to the enemy). We are to be lowliest servant to one another. Jesus said he came not to be served but to serve. He the Son of God, laid it all down to become the Son of Man. It is God who has now lifted up his name above all names because of his humility to serve.
It is not my intention to attack any believer but to help each and every one of us to come to the full knowledge of Christ and to grow up for once. It is time to be a baby no more, it is time to mature. It is time to study and show yourself approved. It is time that you, be like the Bereans and search the scriptures. It is time you reach the fullness and maturity of Christ, that will bring you to a unity in the faith. I am not talking about ecumenism either. I am not talking about a single denomination over all others. I am talking about Christians united.
The scriptures must be understood in light of culture, teaching, history and belief's at the times in which the scriptures were written and in the light that the Holy Spirit provides as our only true teacher. All things should be tested and verified. We are to hold fast to that which is good and abstain from even the appearance of evil.
All babies at some point or another must grow up and we are called to do so. I am not a cultist, a heretic or any of that. I have been a Christian since age 6, in belief and God has taken me through much in this walk of faith in Christ. I have studied and read the New Testament completely through probably over a 100 times or more. I have read the Old Testament probably as much. We must remember the Old Testament does not define the New Testament. The New Testament can only be the jumping board to understand the Old.
The Old Testament is the shadow, Christ is the light and fullness of God revealed. The New Testament is our guide to understanding the Old.
I have been a church history and history fanatic since I was a young man in school.
George Santayana wrote: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
I have read many great Christian scholars works, commentaries and more. In my writings here and online I could provide plenty of footnotes or at least mention of well recognized scholars and others that are even recognized by the institutional churches as leading experts in their field of study that will verify much that I will write about. I have chose more often to just put them in quotes with their names to save time and room on the page.
I will quote these men and woman from time to time.
I place scripture as interpreted by the Holy Spirit above all men, regardless of what they believe or teach. Facts are facts and history when witnessed and explained by more than just one eyewitness becomes true when it is in agreement. The things I will write about have a spiritual and a historical agreement that cannot be shunned as something I or others made up. It is recorded and accessible by those who are diligent enough to search the archives of history and the men that recorded it.
When one is confronted with more than one witness time after time to these things, it would be foolish to ignore them. God is a God of truth, not deception. For what purpose these writers of ancient and more recent history within the church would have when they seek no title, or money or other gratuity or power would be beyond me. There only desire is as of mine, for truth to be told and for His body to be graced by these truths to find true freedom in Christ.
I would ask you to begin to read three authors works that are well footnoted with references of well recognized authors and recognized sources, both ancient and new, that will help you begin your adventure to truth in Christ in doctrine and in practice.
The first book is "Ekklesia" by Steven Atkerson. The second book is entitled "Pagan Christianity, The Origins of Our Modern Church Practices" by Frank Viola.
I would also invite you to read Alfred Edershiem and his books on Judaism, he was a leading Jewish scholar, he was born a Hebrew and was converted to Christianity at an early age and an expert on the "Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah". He is a student of the Talmud, The Torah and all the ancient traditions of the Jews in Christ time, an expert at explaining "the Temple" and it's practices and more and he has written some very well recognized books on all the subjects.
All of these men are Spirit filled believers and love Jesus and His Ekklesia. Some like Alfred have gone on to be with the Lord. Each has a love for truth and the Ekklesia as I do.
I invite my readers to seek and find the foundation from which they stand, and if it is not Christ, then it is sand that your house is built on and not the Rock of Jesus Christ. There is no other foundation that can be laid than that of Christ and the Apostles. Paul exhorted us to hold fast to those traditions taught by him and the Apostles, as taught to them by Christ. Paul fought the Judaizers, and John the Pagans, and the Nicolatians ( the clergy-laity system seen today).

I would also invite you to go through each of these books prayerfully and scripturally. Checking verses - not for proof texting- we will talk about that habit another time but to verify the references and to read them for yourselves prayerfully.
It only took a very short time once the Apostles were gone for the teachings of Christ and the Apostles to be perverted by the self appointed leaders of the people.
There is a clear development that follows their deaths to the Catholic church, the Reformation and the Age of Enlightment, to what we beleive and practice today.
We Protestants claim Solo Scriptura but in truth, we do not practice it nor recognize it. We as the Jews in Jesus time have made null the commandments of God for the "traditions of men". We stand as guilty or worse as the Pharisees, the Saducces and Scribes of Jesus time, of trading off the Word of God for the word of men over 1900 years.
My prayer and hope for the Ekklesia is that there will be a Radical Reformation.
The beginnings are there already, there are many small but fruitful home churches and groups of Christians worldwide that are breaking out of the patterns and forms of the traditions of men. There are many today experiencing the Early Church in their lives. There worship is their life in Christ. Their practices have returned to that as led by the Holy Spirit and not according to the ancient paganistic traditions of men. They have found freedom in Christ. This was the promise of the Lord- you shall know the truth and it shall set you free. There is a liberty in Christ with responsibility that few in the "church" have known. There is a life in Christ, that brings a fresh breath of truth from the Holy Spirit that will break the bonds of the traditions of men. You will breathe and walk in Christ. You will know that "Christ in you, the hope in glory", is true. It will no longer be the search you have been on bouncing from organized church to organized denomination and never finding, community, relationship, love, care, compassion and a deep understanding of truly knowing what Christ has really done for you. It won't need to be expressed in a sermon so distant from yourself by a holy man or priest. Your life will become the sermon for all men. You will be the sermon to all men.
It is not a walk of ease, for you will be in direct contradiction to the accepted methods and practices of men. You will stand in contradiction to the pseudo religion of Christianity to really being a Christian. Christ will be alive for you and not just something you grasp at, always hopeful someday you will find the right "church" to go to to find it. I started my quest in 1977 and the Lord Jesus Christ has brought me a long distance since then, the freedom came in 2005, when I officially walked out of the institution into home churching and discipleship. Myself and one other couple, stuck home church out for over 2 years together. In that time we formed relationship, and learned a whole lot by the Holy Spirit teaching us about what it means to be a Christian. My hope for you is you will discover, "whereever two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst". In our case it was three, sometimes there were more, but it was three of us that lasted until the Holy Spirit taught us what we needed to know and then we went on. We pray for each other, see each other, and try in our busy schedules to spend time now and then together, but most of all we grew up, and began the work of service God called us to do. I am doing what Christ called me to do, and that is to preach in season and out of season, the Good News of Jesus Christ. There is no bondage in Him. There is only Freedom.
You will be free to exercise the gifts of the Spirit, Christ gave to you. You will no longer feel shamed by the ecclesiastical organized bunch of hierarchy. You will find solace in Christ and Him alone.
What I write is not to exclude you from attending a service at any building if you so choose, or nor is it to slander Pastors, there are a good many, good men and women as far as that goes, who not knowing any better are doing their best to serve Christ in the best manner they know how, but not knowing better they have found themselves in a system which is self perpetuating in keeping babies, forever babies and carnal in most perspectives while they sit in their pews silently week after week being sermonized. forever hoping what they hear could some how be realized in their lives. I pray for Pastors, for I once was "in the traditions of men", a Pastor myself. I long to see many of them freed by truth and love. We must continue to love them only because they are brethern in Christ and in as much need for encouragement, and ministry as anyone. They are on a lonely road to frustration and in many cases live their lives out in hypocrisy, because the system requires it of them.
This is my prayer and hope for you in writing this is that you will come to the fullness of knowing Christ. This is to become the book I hope to publish soon entitled, "Why the Church is Failing".

Dr. J


  1. This makes a lot of sense to me. Sites like this get no traffic, because nobody is willing to admit that the churches are failing. They are leading their flocks astray-either by design or by accident. I do not feel fulfilled by the churches- I actually feel more lonely when I attend the church, and have left church feeling more angry then anything. I found out a lot of the churches are actually government-run. Thank you for your commentary. Very refreshing. I only hope I can find other Bible-believing Christians to fellowship with who believe the same.

  2. I really enjoyed your article on why the church if failing. You right in the fact that the word church has a veryy different meaning today than in the ancient church. The is one part that I would disagree with. There was a structure apointed by God that can be found in the Bible. Pastors/Elders, and deacons and the only offices that are found in the Bible. Pastor/Elders are indeed the leaders of the church, while deacons are very must the example when it comes to service. This concept was very much in first church. Keep up the great work!

