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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

George Washington - A Christian?

There is an argument that has continued especially in recent days with the movement of the right wing moralist, Christian Nationalist, that George Washington was a Christian and not a Dietist. Dr. Kenendy of Coral Ridge Ministries argues for this stand profusely in his attempt to make us all believe that America is suppose to be a Theocracy ruled by God and therefore all American does and is, we are a country founded by God. I take issue with Dr. Kennedy who looks past the best of evidence that George Washington was not a Christian but a Free Mason.

Now it may be true, he spoke of Christianity, he spoke of God, he spoke of the Bible, he even was a busy churchman.
In NO way does this ever prove he was Christian. Why can I say this with such assertiveness, Simply, because a man goes to church, uses the name of God, and talks in Christian terms, never defines a Christian. Let's look at some facts contrary to Dr. Kennedy- being a churchman, would put anyone that goes to church as a Christian, the facts are George was a Free Mason.
Look at these matters:

Many legends circulate about the masonic activities of George Washington. Below is a list of documentable masonic occurrences within the lifetime of George Washington. Indeed, some lore about the various lodges that he may have visited are surely true, but without written contemporary proof, do not appear in this list. In addition to these masonic lodges, ceremonies and celebrations, at least fourteen letters survive written by Washington to various masonic lodges and grand lodges expressing his esteem for the fraternity. He owned at least two masonic aprons, three masonic constitutions and a masonic jewel, as seen in his estate papers at the time of his death in 1799. The facts can be researched and proven true, if one takes the time to look them up.

For example from George Washingtons Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens - Answers comes the following:

Do you have a record of his membership in Freemasonry?
The answer is:
George Washington became a Freemason in 1753, when he was accepted at Lodge Number 4 in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Just 21 years old at the time, he remained a Mason until his death in 1799, when he was laid to rest following both Episcopal and Masonic funeral rites. While Mount Vernon has a few pieces of Masonic memorabilia, we do not have correspondence other documentation dealing with his membership in that organization. We suggest you contact the Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. Email: Phone: 703-683-2007. Web site:

So I did just that via the Internet. Here is the timetable presented.

1752 November 4
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Initiated as Entered Apprentice

1753 March 3
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Passed to Fellow Craft

August 4
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Raised to Master Mason

1778 December 28
St. John the Evangelist celebration, marched in masonic procession

1779 June 24
St. John the Baptist celebration, marked with American Union Military Lodge at West Point, NY.

December 20
Proposed by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania as General Grand Master of the United States, however never enacted.

December 27
St. John the Evangelist celebration, celebrated with American Union Military Lodge at Morristown, NJ

1781 October
Reportedly visited Lodge No. 9 at Yorktown, VA with General Lafayette after defeat of British General Cornwallis

Brothers Watson and Cassoul of Nantes, France, present Washington with exquisite silk masonic apron, acknowledged by letter August 10

June 24
St. John the Baptist celebration, marked with American Union Military Lodge at West Point, NY.

December 27
St. John the Evangelist celebration, marked with Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, Poughkeepsie, NY

1784 June 24
St. John the Baptist celebration, marked with Alexandria Lodge, Alexandria, VA

June 24
Made and honorary member of Alexandria Lodge No. 39 (Now Alexandria-Washington Lodge, No. 22) Alexandria, VA

Presented a masonic apron made by Madame de Lafayette by General and Bro. de Lafayette

1785 February 12
Walked in masonic funeral procession for Bro. William Ramsay at Alexandria, VA

1788 April 28
Named charter Worshipful Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22 when a new charter from the Grand Lodge of Virginia was issued. Unanimously reelected Master December 20, 1788 for one year.

Elected honorary member of Holland Lodge No. 8, New York, NY

April 30
Inaugurated President of the United States using Bible from St. John’s Lodge No. 1, New York, NY

1791 April 15
Welcomed by members of St. John’s Lodge No. 2, New Bern, NC

Received the greetings of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina by General Mordecai Gist, Grand Master, Charleston, SC

1793 September 18
Acting Grand Master, laid the cornerstone for the United States Capitol, Washington, DC

1794 Sat for William Williams, portraitist, in Masonic regalia at the request of Alexandria Lodge

1797 March 28
Received a masonic delegation from Alexandria Lodge

1798 April 1
Attended Alexandria Lodge No. 22, and proposed a toast at the banquet that followed.

1799 December 18
Buried at Mt. Vernon with masonic rites as well as those of the church, conducted by Alexandria Lodge No. 22

If any body should know a Mason it would be another Mason, these records are drawn from their records and Washingtons estate records.

Now it would seem that Dr. Kennedy and the so called presuppositional research of those trying to prove George was a Christian they manage to throw truth out with the bathwater. It is easy for a man to be misunderstood as to what he believes simply because he or she uses Christian terms, attends a church or other is involved in so called Christian activities..
This is proved through many cults, and understanding how important semantics become in defining what they really believe..
One, must look behind what is said and how it is defined.
Free Masons have infiltrated American churches for centuries.
When I was in Bible school I had a Bible teacher who was not only a Baptist ordained minister he was a 32nd degree Mason. I understood Free Masonry because I had read everything I could get my hands on them from the time I was 15 years of age. I had found Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma in an old abandoned home alongside a creek we played in where I lived in Richardson, Texas. I was fascinated with all it's mysterious philosphy, and dogma and more and it's initiations and steps to reach each degree.
I later picked up some additional books on Free Masons, written by them, and came to realize by age 20, what they had was truly a cult, anti-Christian, and that they believed in Lucifer as a good and works salvation. So, when this teacher would speak things that I found were very religous, but not scriptural, I would challenge him. He hated the challenges because he could never give a consistent answer from scripture. He had all the venacular and speech you would think a Christian had, he even had a church he pastored as a Southern Baptist.
Along with my coming to understand their teachings and dogma, my best friend and his friend when I was young were DeMolay members. I had talked with him, and knew a lot about what went on in the meetings for the youth. I was well informed, and I knew in my heart of heart, that all the references to God, Jesus Christ, and salvation, etc. was as evil and cultic as anything I had come across.
They were not Orthodox and surely not defined by scripture.
George Washington was a Deitist/Church Goer and a Free Mason.
He was not Christian because it is impossible for the two to be compatible in doctrine or faith.
Regardless, how hard the Dr. Kennedy's of this world, who pride themselves in wearing their Doctorate garb with it's stripes on the sleeve while spewing garbage out of their mouth. telling lies, is telling lies.
Let's look at some other facts.
On September 18, 1793, the cornerstone of the Capitol was officially laid. The Grand Lodge of Maryland presided over the ceremony and George was asked to serve as Master. The affiliated Lodges under Maryland's jurisdiction were in attendance, as was his own Lodge from Alexandria. There was a great procession, which included a company of artillery. Then came a band, followed by himself, attended by all officers and members of the Lodges in full Masonic regalia.
When George reached the trench in which the northeast cornerstone was laid, he was presented with a silver plate commemorating the event and inscribed with the designations of the Lodges in attendance. The artillery fired a volley. He then descended into the trench and placed the plate on the stone. Around it was placed containers of corn, wine and oil. All present joined in prayer, and the artillery fired another volley.
All of this was part to Free Masonry dedication of buildings.

On August 4, 1753, George Washington became a Master Mason, the highest rank in the Fraternity of Freemasonry, in his hometown of Fredericksburg, Virginia. The 21-year-old young man would soon hold his first military commission.

For George Washington, joining the masons was a rite of passage and an expression of civic responsibility. Members were required to express their belief in a Supreme Being and in the immortality of the soul. Masons were also expected to obey the civil law, hold a high moral standard, and practice acts of charity.

36 years after he became a 3rd degree Mason, on April 30, 1789, George was inaugurated as the first President of the United States with John Adams as Vice-President. The oath that George took was administered by the Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of New York. Both the Marshal of the day and his escort were generals in the United States Army and Masons. The Bible on which he swore his oath was that of St John's Lodge of New York. George, himself, was Master of the Lodge at Alexandria, Virginia.
Six years and three months later, in December, 1799, George Washington died. He was buried at his home at Mount Vernon, with full Masonic honors, by the Alexandria Lodge, whose members were his pallbearers.
There is no question that Masonry contributed something to the structures and machinery of the American government. The Constitution of the United States, in a very real sense, is a Masonic document. In its final form, the Constitution represented the collective thoughts of Ben Franklin, Edmund Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and George Washington. Of these, all but Jefferson were not only active Masons, but men who took their Freemasonry extremely seriously.
Now, many ministers and their congregation both Anglican and Episcopalian during these times subscribed to both Deism and Christianity . George may have had some Christian views that were in contrast to Deism in that he thought "Providence" did intervene in history whereas most Deist do not. This in no way changes the facts, that he was a Free Mason, and with all that I can proclaim- to subscribe to Free Mason teachings one CANNOT be a Christian.
There are many Free Mason that are serious churchmen. Attending the man made temples, and listening to men who like to stand in the market places with their phalacteries and long flowing robes, and gain the attention of all.They especially enjoy this as the sole speaker for a church group. This doesn't make one a Christian. Regardless of what you believe - George may have had some "good" ideas, and some "christian ideas" but in so doing and in no way states that he was "born again " of the Spirit of God and a man abiding in Christ.
It amazes me to the extent that "Christian Nationalist" will go to try to take truth and twist it for their agenda to eventually establish their ideas of a theocracy for all of us, and how quick they are to return this country to rule by the Old Testament shadows, for their sake of definition of what Christianity is, which is nothing more than Judaism with Talmudic law, and Free Mason concepts. They have commited idolatry and adulterous whoredom mixing Christ with national political ideas. To say that any nation is Christian that is on this earth at this present time. While the sin and autrocites of American life continue.
Dr. Kennedy needs to take his robe off, no one with his supposed credentials should ever be considered a Doctor of Divinity or Ministry when he would deny the truth and stretch it to his benefit and his ideals that this nation was founded by God.
All nations will be judged by God including Israel and the United States of America.
Kennedy is still very fascinated with the kingdoms of this world. and should have his mind on heavenly things rather than trying to lift things up of this earth to his ideas of heaven on earth.
Dr. Kennedy needs a new focus - the Kingdom of God! The Kingdom of God is not America or Israel or any other nation on this earth.
In summary, I will tell you once again, it is impossible for Free Masonry and Christianity to ever be compatible - they are in direct contradiction to one another.
I wonder if Dr. Kennedy might have a Masonic ring on his finger or at least a few Masonic contributors to his ministry?
I challenge him to stay with the truth, preach the truth and flee the falsehoods he so wants to convince America of.
It is this kind of twisting of history that every totalitarian regime has exercised, to accomplish their task to brainwash the general public and be blind to truth.
Galatians 5:7-9
You were doing so well! Who made you stop obeying the truth? How did he persuade you? It was not done by God, who calls you. "It takes only a little yeast to make the whole batch of dough rise," as they say.
2 Timothy 4:3-5
The time will come when people will not listen to sound doctrine, but will follow their own desires and will collect for themselves more and more teachers who will tell them what they are itching to hear. They will turn away from listening to the truth and give their attention to legends. But you must keep control of yourself in all circumstances; endure suffering, do the work of a preacher of the Good News, and perform your whole duty as a servant of God.
Dr. J.

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