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Friday, March 23, 2007

The Immigration Issue Can Be Resolved

For sometime now, I have been given the immigration issue some thought. I have thought about this on the perspective of being a Christian and on being a citizen of the United States. It is a difficult issue and both sides have legitimate arguments. Immigration is what made this country and how I came to be here. My grandmother and her parents immigrated here from New Zealand, her husband my grandfather, I have traced his family tree back to the first "Black" coming over here on the Mayflower. In all truthfulness the only real natives of the North American continent and especially what we refer to as these United States are the "American Indian".
Now, we all know somewhere back there we have immigration roots.
The real question has to do with what to do about the thousands that cross our borders everyday illegally.
Here are some stats, I dug up off the Internet:
The United States accepts more immigrants than any other country; in 2000, its population included 31.1 million foreign-born persons (that is 11.1 percent of the total population.) The revised immigration law of 1990 created a flexible cap of 675,000 immigrants each year, with certain categories of people exempted from the limit. That law attempts to attract more skilled workers and professionals to the United States and to draw immigrants from countries that have supplied relatively few Americans in recent years.

Illegal Immigrants
The US Immigration and Naturalization Service estimates that some five million people are living in the United States without permission, and the number is growing by about 275,000 a year. Native-born Americans and legal immigrants worry about the problem of illegal immigration. Many believe that illegal immigrants (also called "illegal aliens") take jobs from citizens, especially from young people and members of minority groups. Moreover, illegal aliens can place a heavy burden on tax-supported social services.

In 1986 Congress revised immigration law to deal with illegal aliens. Many of those who had been in the country since 1982 became eligible to apply for legal residency that would eventually permit them to stay in the country permanently. In 1990, nearly 900,000 people took advantage of this law to obtain legal status. The law also provided strong measures to combat further illegal immigration and imposed penalties on businesses that knowingly employ illegal aliens.

Yet, none of these laws had any strong effect as we can see because they were as toothless as I am when I lay my dentures to rest at night. Not enough men, not enough technology, not enough enforcement and definitely not enough penalty on the employers who employ illegals to fill their pocketbooks with the profit from hiring those who will work in servatude for lower wages.

Here is what the big question for me is,  how could our President who has been in office for 6 years now, and most of the Congressman and women, and legislators who many have served in their positions for 20 years or more, act surprised suddenly and say, "Geez, we need to do something about this". "We really don't have a handle on the situation" and "we don't understand how it got this way"  - now of all times they finally awake from their slumber. Where were they? What have they been doing all this time to safeguard America? Where has all that money gone from taxes?

Our President who puts so much emphasis on Homeland Security has served for 6 years while the problem of those breaking the law and coming across the river or over the wall or under the ground, has continued to go on while he sits there claiming he is protecting our nation from terrorism. How can this be? Why we have spent billions of dollars on war in Iraq and Afghanistan, to stop so called terrorism and to protect our country, while he has almost eliminated the Bill of Rights and the Right to Privacy in this country spending millions on spying on Americans, the terror to the south and to the north continues day after day, week after week, month after month, right under his nose! Why do I call it a terror. Well, stop and think about it, while he claims he is keeping the Homeland secure, God knows who and whatever the political leanings are of the people who can creep across our borders and come into this country illegally and we can't even come up with an actual count of how many people may have crossed and who all these people are. What do they believe? Are they loyal to freedom? Do they really care about America in the sense they want to be a part of the contribution to good? Are they coming here perhaps to enlarge their criminal or anti-American behavior?

I am with Alan Keyes when he said the answer to the Immigration problem is to first get rid of those like the President and the Congressman who have sat there on their tuffs for so long and then all of a sudden  they go, "I didn't know". What bunk!

I am so tired of the lies that procede out of the mouths of politicians, I often get nauseous when I see any of them talk on television or make campaign speeches or whatever. I believe what my one grandfather said, a great Scottish man. "To be a politician you have to be either a horse thief or a liar."

He was so right!

The problem with illegal immigration is just that, we have plenty of laws already on the books which allow millions to come into this country legally already. We do this so it can be controlled. We have some idea what we can do or  not do economically and socially to assimilate these into our society and most of these are intelligent, productive and very American once they get here and work for sometime legally. We do this, so we can maintain control and make it work for the whole as  something good.

Now, we don't have enough people to work the borders, so along comes good old American volunterism in the Minutemen who gave their services free and the President puts  them down and resorts to calling them "vigilantes"  Yes, vigilante they were! Bush surely can't lay claim to that, being vigilant in guarding this country from threat that is coming in illegally. What's wrong with being vigilant as a citizen. When it comes to securing the homeland only American citizens can ever provide true security. Instead of thanking them for coming to the rescue, he wants them gone and Bush's solution is to offer amnesty to those that are already here illegally. How can we trust who is here illegally? What do we know about them? Have they taken an oath to the Constitution of this country? My grandparents family did so when they they came over from New Zealand and to obtain citizenship. The other problem is, jobs. It is a fact that wages have steadly become lower in the many areas that illegals take up most work in, agriculture, service jobs and the like. It is not that Americans will not do these jobs, it is the wages have been driven so low the job will not entice an American citizen. These wages are to the level that the greedy pay the poor immigrate less and especially the illegal immigrant, because they know the illegal has no recourse but to accept it. Yes, American corporations are all for illegal immigration, and amnesty, it drives their profits higher and the payscales lower. It makes everything become the employers market rather than the employee market.

They command the helm of hiring, as they have plenty of illegals willing to accept slave wages, and along comes an American worker needing a job and they offer him the same pay. The American worker may have already had a standard of living which he is accustomed to and now he is expected to step down to a lower level just to feed his family. Yes, it is a perfect scenario to reduce this country to third world standards and enrich third world countries to the economical standard we will all soon be saying was ours. It is a subtle but ingenious way for the New World Order to accomplish it's task of reducing us to ashes.

Globalism has only one purpose in mind and that is to make the corporation and all government one, an elite ruling class over the servant masses. Communism in essence. While the Burgeouise takes all it can the Proletariat worker will feed them, clothe them, and bow down to their every whim. We will become a nation of servants to the rich and powerful corporate elite. The results are even more tragic than what you think, it becomes totalitarian in nature. Already many of us feel the squeeze on wages and job availability. The move of corporations to China and other low wage paying countries will soon end. Why? America will become one of the lowest paying countries in the world. It will reign only as a servant state in the new union of the New World Order.

No country can stand sovereign as long as it allows it's constituents to become the people of another country who have yet sworn their loyalty to the country they are in. Thus we have laws to allow those that want to come into this country. We should never make laws that grant automatic citizenship just because you are already here. This is stupid and shows to me the ignorance of those in office in Washington. The question you have to ask, is it ignorance alone that has allowed the influx to continue without really guarding the borders for all these years? Is the problem just  because they lacked the real manpower or money to do the job of securing our borders? I doubt that. Perhaps, it was they chose not to guard our borders  for subtle reasons we need to ask our President and Congress about. If we are going to send troops anywhere it should have been to the south and to the northern borders to stop the greatest threat to National Security that has ever existed, immigrants that have illegally come here without a bit of "known loyalty" to our precepts, law and our way of life. They have already shown their disrespect for our laws by circumventing them and breaking them. What do we do?
We give them the law options that have existed for sometime already to allow immigration to this country and we enforce the borders and the law that already exist. Then we return them to their home, until such time they can meet the present laws already on the books. Then what do we do? We shut down the borders. We bring our boys home from Iraq and Afghanistan and we give them the real job of guarding our homeland. We create a joint responsibility of military and law enforcement for doing some real homeland security work and we do this without violating the Posse Comitatus Act.

George has along with Democrat and Republican (in my opinion, there isn't any difference between them)they have been asleep too long at the wheel, and frankly I think it is time to clean house and let's get some real "Homeland Security" going. Guard against illegal immigration while still using the immigration laws we have to allow workers from other countries to come in. While they are all asleep and were asleep, they allowed 14 immigrants with VISA's to come here, who committed the autotrocity of 911, yet here is an example of granted immigration and look what happened. So that system needs fixing as well. Before we add more laws to more laws that do nothing to keep the American worker with decent wages, or from becoming substandard. We keep America safe from ideals that may not have our best in mind. I can only say, where have you been Georgie boy? This isn't something new, it has happened under your watch as well as all those in Congress Democrat or Republican, for a very long time.

Now to the point. Men are greedy, men will always seek power over others. In this, we can only propose this question. Do you believe the American corporations have the best in mind for America or their personal pocketbooks when they are so pro- illegal immigration amnesty. Betcha, the pocketbooks win!

Dr. J.



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