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Monday, March 12, 2007

The Ongoing Battle For Sanity

I am writing this today for a specific reason. There are a few Americans that realize what is really taking place in this country. One of those few Americans years ago, a Los Angelese Police Detective, named Mike Ruppert, faced the ugly fact that drugs were being brought into this country and overlooked by our government. This transpired as a girlfriend of his, who worked for the CIA, asked him to assist the government by overlooking the drugs, to assist in the battle against terrorist, etc. Mike couldn't do it, he stood his ground as an upright moral individual, who had taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, which it seems many of today's political leaders have forgotten, or at least that part which contains the Bill of Rights.
Mike was ruined purposely and ran out of the LA Police department when he attempted to do what was right. Report it and stop it. For years Mike has been reporting things as he sees them, and the truth about 911, the Oil Cartels, the real drug lords and more. Sadly, he has been harrased and finally had his offices burglarized. Mike ran a web site called "From the Wilderness" Over the lsat several years he had to deal with people planted in his office on more than one occassion to try to discredit him, even try to set him up with sexual harrasment. He was smart, and got them instead however, his fight to change things from within the system, came to an end. He gave up his favorite office, his country and his ability to try to get people to think for themselves. He tried for years to get people to wake up to what was really going on in the U.S. government, instead of living in the world of smoke and mirrors that we have become accustomed to.
Mike left the United States, in fear of his own life being threatened, in that time he became seriously ill and is now in a hospital in Canada. He has been left broke, and in debt. Some even suggest he may have been poisoned. The symptoms are there. He gave into the pressure exerted as it is on all great people in this country that ever tried to tell the truth or change the evil for good, or bring light where there was darkness. He has lost the battle, like so many have, Martin Luther King Jr., John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and many more, who saw what was happening to America and wanted to warn us, and change it.
Though yet, alive, his dream is dead, and he is left in pain and agony lying in a hospital and now trying to pay off debts to his readers and creditors.

The New World Order is here to stay, there is no use any longer to go on trying to tell people the facts. When your own life is threatened and your own government is possibly behind the harrasment, to silence you. You throw in the towel and say OK, I give. I have thought often over the last year of quitting and saying what is the use of trying to talk to anyone about what is really going on. I really have got to that point. People will not listen, as long as they can buy a new car, have a new TV set or buy a new home. Babylon is born! They have already accepted the "mark of the beast". They have accepted the great delusion God said he would send.

The present state of affairs in America is far from what I ever believed it would become. We have now turned to pushing the rest of the world around in the name of anti-terrorism, killing people where ever we think it is necessary and justifying it even in the American churches. Christian Nationalism has destroyed what was left of the Gospel of Christ. There is no Muslim or Buddhist, or other religion that will hear our new gospel, because it sounds too much like theirs - "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth", dying for your cause, guarantees entry into heaven now.
We without a doubt have allowed this new fascism of superiority over all governments, people and religions to become a reality. We have done most of this for the sake of oil, it is truly the black death, for whoever has it will find itself in a war to keep it. We have done it for the sake of a false gospel that protects a government in Israel that kills and persecutes even it's own, and Christian Palestinians as well.

The American corporation has provided death to American manufacturing and farming owned by individuals and opted for Corporate ownership and dictatorship. We have dealt death to the American inspired to live the American dream, of a small but successful business to feed his family. We have created a world in which the government and the corporation are bed partners, locked into each other's arms like a whore and her client.

If you don't believe that, then let's look at a statement as recorded by Mikes' notes on his leaving the U.S.

"One thing is certain about fascism and that is that its behavior and evolution are remarkably predictable. Five years ago I helped bring into world consciousness a forgotten quote from Benito Mussolini wherein he said that, “Fascism ought to more properly be called corporatism since it is the merger of state and corporate power.” Nothing better describes the state of the world today. The U.S. is a nation of the corporation, by the corporation, and for the corporation. As such it has placed something different from and opposed to the welfare of human beings on the compass as its “true North”.

"Fascism always becomes more vicious as it evolves. It never retreats, and as with drug addiction, larger and larger doses of oppression and violence are always required to sustain its inevitable path towards self-destruction."

end quote

We are on a drive of American hegonomy across the world, this drive as Rome's greed for power over all other nations will destroy us.

We are a nation bent on self destruction right now. We have listened too long to those whose sole purpose in life is to make a dollar regardless of who suffers in the quest of it. The love of money is truly the root of all evil. America is in love with the dollar and itself - and soon very soon, I see a fall coming. Just as Rome stood thinking it was established by the gods and could not fail, American people have become puffed up with pride and bloodshed in their hearts and think that becuse they call themself Christians and support the apartheid government of Israel (who are not true Jews) they will not fall.
I have tried on many occassions to talk to friends and family about these things, but they are blind, and truth is not what they want to hear. What they want to hear is how we will rule the world, and make everything safe, and we will have our homes, our cars, and television sets without fear of threat from without. They have forgotten, every great nation has fallen from within. The new Rome - America, is about to face the same consequences, when it does, I will not say, "I told you so".
I have wasted my breath to often and like Mike, I really feel like I have wasted my time to speak. Jesus put it best, when he said, "Let the blind lead the blind".

There once was hope, but with all the recent advent of the destruction of human rights, privacy rights, the cry to torture other humans to protect ourselves. I hear only the words of Adolph Hitler, who too thought that his race the Arayan was supreme.

We in America have come to believe that our way of life is supreme, that our religion is supreme, that our materialism is supreme, that our drug addiction is supreme, our aborted babies is supreme, our hatred for other races, other countries is supreme. We have lost the very backbone of Christianity- Keep my commandments- Love one another as I have loved you. Jesus was not saying just love those that fit into your group, your ideals, your race, your country, your church, your community, but to love all mankind as he did. He gave his life, that the world might be saved. He too was silenced by the majority, for the words he spoke were life.

America use to appreciate life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness equally for all men and not just for Americans. We have strayed far from that path these days- it is a path that will result in our destruction. I assure you, history repeats itself. I quote once again from one of our Presidents who realized this, Abraham Lincoln- who too was silenced. Thus the ongoing battle for sanity remains. I write, in hope to bring light to people who have somehow learned to love darkness rather than light.

America will never be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
--Abraham Lincoln

Dr. J.

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