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Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Ann Coulter Philosophy- Taking God's Name in Vain

I am writing about a comment that Ann Coulter made and because I just recently read it for the first time, as it has been screenprinted on a T-Shirt that is available online to purchase.
I just recently looked up the article she wrote to verify the comment of hers. It is probably old news for the Conservatives and Liberals alike, Ann Coulter, writer for the National Review, an extremist conservative online news blog made a quote that I am compelled to write an editorial about. I read the short comment at the end of the article that clearly shows just how far and how off scripture people can get regarding hatred and war. I just wonder how many people Ann has won for Jesus with her awful off the wall comments that have nothing to do with Christianity of the Scripture but have everything to do with the Christianity of a pagan Church gone mad who spouts out a false gospel, which is no "good news" at all - Christian Nationalism. To quote her in the article this is what she said about the Muslims.
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.
We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war."

She was right when she said that is war - death and destruction to whomever. General Patton put it this way, "War is hell". How right he was, but he forgot to mention that is also comes from hell".
How does she differ from any man who goes to church, thinking his thoughts and speech differ any from those of the fanatical Muslims who say to others the same stupid thing - "kill them all and let Allah sort them out".
It doesn't.
The problem with Ann is she appeases the flesh of our society when she makes statements like these but most of all she "takes the name of the Lord thy God in vain". Most people Christian and sometimes non-Christian grow angry when they hear someone use the word G_ _ D_ _ _ _ because tradition has taught them this is what it means to take God's name in vain.
First of all, His name isn't God, it is I AM - the GREAT I AM- Jehovah, and revealed to us in the flesh as the Man/God- Yeshua - tranliterated into English as Jesus. Referred to by most Christians as Jesus Christ.

Ann doesnt realize her very words are words that "take the name of God in vain". For you see regardless of all the traditions of men and all the theologians , theologizing, one has a real difficult time if they do scriptural interpretation properly -that is the New Testament interprets the Old - not the other way around,to come up with an Ann Coulter's philosophy and call it Christian, when it comes to hating your enemy. There is no where in the words of anything our Lord ever spoke while on this earth or even today from heaven, anything "Christ like" in hating your enemy.
The Old Testament is full of shadows, unrevealed truth about God until God manifest Himself as man in the person of Jesus Christ. Thus when Jesus speaks he speaks with all authority and above all authority of whatever was written in the Old Testament.
He is the Lord thy God speaking God's will for men today, in a New Covenant (Testament). God is sovereign and can change anytime he wants to the ground rules for life and thus Jesus wiped out the idea of eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.
So, how does Ann's words ever come out to be Christian, they don't. They are ignorant and reveal her biblical ignorance. For Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
It is Jesus who teaches us to suffer, "to not insult when insulted, not to injure when injured" and it is his teaching on the Mount of Olives found in Matthew that slaps the duct tape write over the mouths of all those so called great religionist like Augustine, who helped develop the stupidity of interpreting the New from the Old rather than the other way around. Out of his inability to understand scripture he helped propagate the concept of "Justified war". This one little theological concept that has plagued the church of Jesus Christ since, causing a scourge of liars and demons to reign on this earth in the form of warmongers in the name of Christ- the greatest example of taking God's name in vain.
Even today, the Muslims refer to us as the "Crusaders". Most people don't understand or even have the slightest knowledge of the history surrounding the Crusades, who fought them or why. Instead we as Americans have been given the romanticised ideals of the knights in shining armor saving the distressed damsel. "King Arther and his Knights of the Roundtable" do not tell the tale of the truth of the Crusades.
I quote from the book, entitled "A History of Christianity by Brian Moynahan.
*"Religion, as an ancient Arab saying went, "is a falcon with which to hunt", Christians also learned to use their "faith" as an instrument of war, finding the fierce bird too, immensely and adaptable". ..end quote.

Here are just a few facts that perhaps "Protestants" did not know.
Pope Urban, to help re-open the land route to Jerusalem that had been cut of by the Turks, wanted to motivate the "faithful" to do so by force of arms.
He begged his listeners - "I, not I, but God exhorts you- to urge the men of all ranks, knights and foot soldiers, rich and poor, to hasten to exterminate this vile race (referring to the Muslims) from our lands" (referring to the Holy lands).
His voice was frequently drowned by tremendous cries of "Deus le volt" "God wills it!"
Any who fought the pagans would enjoy remission of sins, "this I grant to all who go", he said."through the power vested in ME by God, he said.
The Pope had no imagination in obtaining a motivation amongst those who the church reminded them they were sinners. What a perfect opportunity to have your sins forgiven by simple declaration of the Pope, by simply taking up arms against these horrible people the Muslims.It appeased the flesh of men, it coincided well with the religiosity of the church and it gave the people a way out of purgatory and hell.
What churchman or woman would not take an opportunity such as this to finally assuredly have their sins forgiven for all time declared by the "only true representative of Christ on earth (Catholic teaching and Protestant practice often), by simply taking up arms against an enemy that did not share the same religion as they. To have their sins wiped clean by the shed blood of a Muslim enemy. A religion that in their opinion and most of the opinion of today is made up of pagans anyway. Forgetting that much of the Western church practices and beliefs are as pagan as well. The only thing the Protestants did was exchange the pope for a pastor or denominational president and Luther gave the bible back to the "unlearned" but still managed to keep them in ignorance with the belief one has to go off to seminary and be educated to have any authority about scripture. Only the educated and the called and ordained minister can interpret it are the Protestant belief.
What change was there? Very little and next to none. Catholics and Protestants are on the same stick just slightly at opposite ends. The difference is there is a "christian religion" and then there is "Christianity" and the two in truth are a long way apart from one another. There is no compromise between evil and good and there can be none. We are taught to hold onto that which is good and to abstain from evil. but the evil is pervading with teachings from hell and liars even today.

So, Pope Urban managed in a short speech to motivate the faithful to war. There is np difference in the same popery that goes on in many churches today, with the ideals being taught like Ann Coulters philosophy, Kill them all, then we can Christianize them.
What a farce and what a lie, for if our faith in a living God is not above their gods of violence, who shall want to come to Christ, for in that very declaration made by such important church leaders, the Christian faithful have their own declaration of "jihad", Holy War!
The willingness to die for their "faith" no matter what, guaranteeing their entrance into heaven is no different than that of a Muslim who is willing to die for his "religion".
Thus today we find many "christians", unlike myself, willing to go to war-crying "God wills it". How they do not recognize that when they do so, they take the name of Jesus in vain. They disparage the name of Jesus, their actions, their beliefs and their hatred compares none to those that we claim are our enemies.
Put your self in the shoes of the enemy, what do you as a Christian have to offer that differs from their own religion, if it is not the Christ who did not offer insult to those that insulted Him, or injury to those that injured him, then you have nothing to offer. This is what we have to offer, our Saviour and Lord who told Peter, put away your sword. The same Jesus who taught us to love your enemy. Forgetting that we were yet His enemies, when Christ died for our sins. Forgetting that He could have called ten thousand angels to defend him, and ushered in what Israel to this day still tries to lay claim to -the world.
If Christianity offers nothing more than other religions worldwide- to which ours is suppose to be love undeserved toward all mankind, than what is their to offer?
What Christianity would Ann Coulter and her followers in America offer a Muslim, who you have killed and slaughtered their children, their women and the innocent for the sake of revenge and because of fear.
Where is the "faith" that these Christian Nationalist proclaim to have. My answer, they are not Christians, and if so they have been seriously decieved by Popery once again. They have forgotten from whence they came. They forget they were enemies of God and deserved death as well, yet God loved us first.
The "church" that teaches hatred of the enemy is no church at all, it is a deception and a lie, Satan himself coming as angel of light.
Truly the last days are here as the Bible describes these people as lovers of themselves, boasters, proud, haters of good, lovers of money.
The greatest thing a Christian can do, is love your enemy, pray for them that despitefully use you. Where are the words of Jesus in the "church" today?
They aren't there, and if not, then it is no EKKLESIA at all, it is an apparition of evil disguised, wolves in sheeps clothing.
For those of you, that subscribe to the words of Ann Coulter, my only obligation is to pray for you that your eyes might be opened to truth, and you will flee from evil. The philosophy that she brings is the philosophy of a world gone mad at the hands of Satan himself. REPENT!
" You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain". There is much more meaning to that then what the average American has been taught to beleive.
For those "high priest and "pastors" that teach such garbage, your condemnation awaits in the end. For many will come saying, Lord, Lord, but He will say to them - I knew you not.

Dr. J.

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