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Friday, July 20, 2007

Is The Red Flag About To Wave In America or the False Flag?

I love my mother, I think most kids do. I have to tell you she is the staunchest supporter of my blog, she reads almost every article and then takes time to send me back a reply. I appreciate that. Nothing could be more important than having one's mother be one of your biggest fans and that she is. Every now and then she sends me an article to read and often these fire up my thoughts to write a new article. The one she sent me the other day did just that.
Now, I don't know how much of it's true because it's source according to ABC News is the FBI. The article dealt with the smuggling of Iraqi's and other individuals from terroristic countries coming across our borders in the south. I perceive the article in one of two ways, first it's either information being fed to the public to allow for how and where the next attack in the United States came about or it's for real, a genuine report from the FBI and if it is then it is a blatant letter of condemnation. This would mean a sound judgement placed on the present Republican and Democratic rule in Washington. They were doing nothing but to allow this to continue. I am sure you understand or will by the time I am through writing here.

Here is a portion of the story for you. This is excerpted from the Fire blog.
Mexican Human Traffickers Find More Lucrative "Cargo"-- Middle Easterners

According to ABC News, the FBI is now investigating a major human smuggling ring that is bringing Iraqi and other Middle Easterners into the U.S. through our southern border (see below for a link to the article).

The report indicated that the smuggling ring "used to smuggle Mexicans, but decided to smuggle Iraqi or other Middle Eastern individuals because it was more lucrative." The smugglers gathered at the Mexican border, crossed the Rio Grande and bordered their “cargo” on trains for the U.S. interior.

Read the ABC News story here.

And this smuggling ring is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hezbollah and Al Qaida coming through Mexico
Last year, the FBI director reported that both Hezbollah and Al Qaida terrorists had crossed our Mexican border. (Report here.)

Also, as we reported in our “Truth About Illegal Invasion” booklet, in a four-year period (2001-2005) more than 91,500 illegal aliens from countries known to or suspected of sponsoring terrorism were apprehended at our border. That means an estimated 200,000 illegals from potential terrorist nations were not apprehended and successfully infiltrated our country.
Now either this is being put forth as propaganda by an elitist Washingtonian group of conspirators to create a future excuse for a future "false flag" attack that will happen in the U.S. or it's for real.
If for another "false flag" incident what better way than to get the American people behind Cheney and others in Washington to justify Cheney's desire to use nuclear weapons on Iran. This would be easy once they could pin the blame on an alleged Iranian terrorist that was smuggled in to the U.S. across the border. How else would he have gotten in? Airplane, nope, visa card, nope, must have snuck in across the border then.
Then again this could for real be happening. In that case one must ask "why are American citizens rights to privacy and freedom being slowly eroded away by Mr. Bush and his crowd, for Homeland Security purpose, while they are allowing our borders to still continue to be violated?
I mean look at all they are using in surveillance and the taking away of the Bill of Rights for American citizens while the whole time, they are letting our borders remain insecure to allow them to get into this country anyway. What Security?
It sounds to me like another hoax of tax dollar expenditure for something that doesnt work. Just look at all we spent over the years for domestic security, and national defense against an enemy attacking. We spent millions on air defenses and underground defense facilities like Norad to guard against attacks like 911. We had millions of dollars spent by the CIA and the FBI every year preceding the attack, yet no one knew or had an inclination that it was about to happen, Yet, they couldnt even scramble a few Air Force Defense planes off the ground quick enough even after they knew the airlines had been hijacked to stop it. Baloney! Just look at Homeland Security the millions they are spending and they can't even secure our borders. What a joke!
In my opinion, thats just another reason, I don't believe the "official story".

A part to the unofficial story is that the State Department had the 9/11 perpetrators on a list of known terrorist yet when the State Department official in Saudi Arabia notified the FBI before issuing them "visas" to come over they were told to allow them to do so.
Who made that decision? I haven't heard any questions come forth on those facts. Why has that State Department official since retired prematurely, according to what I hear? What would he tell you, if he could speak?
To be honest, perhaps he did speak, I didn't read the garbage Commission on 911 final report.
I heard enough on television and went to the web site to read testimony to know that report was a snow job on the American public. Just read some of the Firefighers and EMT's stories and some of the victims families testimony sometime online. You can actually listen to them online and even see video interviews at You Tube.

Now, all this news of these possible terrorist coming across the border, which I don't doubt, may be true somewhat. If I were one of them ,it would be the most plausible way to me to enter without detection. Especially in light of the following news item.
While you were sleeping in America as usual the elitist future totalitarian communist in Washington or wherever they are hiding in conspiracy have taken another opportunity to allow Terrorist to enter this nation. Check these facts out.
On February 23, 2007 the U.S. Department of Transportation announced that it was opening the border to permit unlimited, unrestricted access to trucking companies registered to and owned by Mexican companies, whose trucks will be driven by Mexican drivers, but will now be able to drive freely on roads in the U.S.A., all in the name of NAFTA (of course) and empowered by the actions of the SPP.'
Now, do you really believe that our government hasn't already been run over by the Red's and that they aren't already in office. They are somewhere in the bunch, believe me.
When will the American people wake up and realize these things? I'll tell you when! I'll tell you just like I would have told the people if I would have been there before Stalin or Mao took over, the people won't wake up. They have all been lulled into a slumber by smoke and mirrors, mis-information, propaganda and a corporate-government run media. They have been brainwashed to believe that all the policies and law are being made for their good, for their security.
So didn't the Chiness people and the Russian people believe the very same things. Hitler used the same techniques to gain power as well.
You sleep and sometimes you never wake up and sometimes when you do, it's too late, the giant in your nightmare has already crushed you.
We are like Rip Van Winkle, we have gone to sleep for the last 50 years, thinking all was well in America when in truth, the totalitarian communist plan to take over this country and turn us all into nothing but slave labor and peasants has already begun to happen.
How would you know? If, you don't open your eyes, and get your head out of the sand and begin to ask questions, you won't ever know.
A true patriot never trust just anyone, for he knows that there are always traitors or assasins among the flag waving crowd.
It takes great observation skills and lots of training to pick them out.
It isn't easy, just ask any Secret Service man who has to protect our leaders. There are signs you have to look for, the guy that doesnt smile when the rest do, etc. They refer to this as "observational pyschology".

Well, the signs that we have been sold out are all over the legislation and laws being passed these days, they are just like the one guy in the crowd who doesnt smile when everyone else is. YOu just have to know how to interpret the signs.
I can't put a finger to blame on any one person or political party or other, it could be many or it may be a few that hold powerful positions that we are unaware of. It's easy to blame President Bush and his cabinent, but there are all those Senators and Legislators as well, that have allowed or been behind this kind of duplicity far too long. Some one is calling the shots up there, and it isn't you or me.
For an example of our ignorance on matters, most Americans don't even know that the Federal Reserve is called by a misnomer name. Why? It is a private institution run by private individuals who hold a lot of power over our economic and policies affecting the American people. Yet, they are not even a government institution and our elected officials have no say so over their decisions, or their power plays in economic decision making.
They recommend and we follow their recommendations. Did you ever ask to think why? Why do these few men like Allen Greenspan and others have that capability? How can a non-governmental institution be so powerful?
When did this happen, why, where, how?

I have lots of friends and family, that get aggravated with me, because I do just that about everything. Who, what, when, where, why and how. It has to be due to my old journalistic training and my working investigations for 18 years. I even approach my Bible reading in the same manner. I am thankful I do, as it has been the most enlightening reading I ever did.
If you want to get to truth, you have to determine what is deception. You have to look at all the pieces to a puzzle or otherwise when you put it together it will look nothing like the picture on the box. It will be a confused picture, a picture non-theless, but only a portion of it. For example, if you had a puzzle of a young lady holding a rose, but if all you put together were the portions of the puzzle of the rose, you wouldnt have the whole story. The whole puzzle when put together would show the young lady holding the rose - the whole story would be told. Most Americans are satisfied too go only so far in their puzzle skills as to put just the rose pieces together and never realize the 'rest of the story.'

We as Americans have been spoon fed the garbage that comes out of Washington, by the press and those leaders who provide the press with their stories. The worst part is we eat it and ask for another spoonful. We never ask the question, what is it your feeding me, where did it come from, why does it taste like that, when did it come into existence, and how did it come about. We just let the newscasters and government decision makers spout off all their predetermined news and decisions to us, and say "Ok."
To me, they are just vomiting out what benefits them or the story they want told. About 90% of the time, it is like the rose puzzle, just the parts that show the rose, the rest of the parts are left laying to the side.
We never question any of our news sources or the stories we are told. Most people I talk to have been so brainwashed that they are actually fearful of questioning anything other than whatever the prevailing majority thinks or I should say what they have been told to think.
Many of these, I am sorry to say are, Fox News, mesmerized. Fox loves to flash across their screen, "Fair and Balanced" news. What a farce, they are so programmed by the right wing conservative bunch they couldnt be fair and balanced if they wanted to. Bill O' Reilly is one of their superstars. In my opinion, the truth be told, he and that Shannon guy are only spouting off what has been written for them. Do you honestly think that Rupert Murdoch, the media giant owner of Fox would allow them to say anything other than what benefits the elitist of this country?
This applies to religion, Christianity, history, politics, and more, most people
just seemed satisfied to lie their in the mess and not even try to get up and clean them selves off a little and say, you know what, I want to learn how I got into this mess in the first place.

I absolutely at times, feel like screaming at some people when they get tunnel vision and narrow minded and they can't see beyond the nose on their own faces. it;s frustrating and makes me realize how frustrated Jesus got with the Pharisees and their followers. No wonder, he called them names, like children of the devil, etc. To be quite honest when talking to these kind of people it is just flat due to "intellectual laziness on their part.
Anything beyond thinking what they are told to think would take much to much effort. To think outside of the box might result in them splitting a vessel in their brains, God forbid!
I don't mean to be demeaning, but I can't tell you what it feels like to show facts to someone and then have them deny them and not even try to examine them for themselves.

I have to tell a story, when I first got into the investigation-security business back in the early 80's, I had a friend who had a small convenience store, he was having a lot of money turn up missing, he thought he might know who was doing it, but he wanted proof. So I talked him to putting some cameras in the store to video what went on while he was away. The idea was to be a deterrent more than anything.One camera was placed directly pointing at the register, where the cashiers would be. On the very first night the thief went to work, even though they had been told and shown the camera. This person was videoed taking a $20.00 bill and putting it into their back pocket. When he called me the next day we looked at it together. My friend, the store owner then called the young lady to his office that was the culprit, and showed her the video. She denied it was her! She said it was someone else.
This is the kind of stupidity I encounter when you talk to people about truth in America. Most don't understand what a "FALSE FLAG" incident is. When told of incidents both in world history and American history they look at you as if you have something wrong with you. It's as if you have two heads or something.
They don't know history and don't want to know history. I guess there is a sense of security in ignorance. What is their to fear if their is only light and darkness is denied. They remind me of Christian Scientist or the Word of Faith movement. They would lie there dying from a horrible disease before they would ever admit they have it.
To do so, would be a lack of faith in their minds, when everone else knows, that's stupid. Why do we see this in these religious groups, yet can't see it in our own blind acceptance of the news and our politicians?
Why, because it is easier to believe that no one in power in America could ever possibly be a dictator or have a desire to be one. There again we want just to see the rose in the puzzle, not the whole story.
Don't be fooled, every man enjoys the power when thrust on them. From the beginning of time, man has wanted to be a god. Thus he disobeyed God and has been seeking that same position ever since, power over others and power over the earth. Thus we have wars!

Just like the young lady that was informed of the camera, she could see the video of herself and yet she denied she did the crime.
These people that I often talk to will act is if they are blind and deaf. They don't see and they can't hear. Whatever you do, don't press the issue they will attack you and ask why you just don't believe like everyone else and go along with the crowd.

Matter of fact, I have been accused by certain family members of being crazy and should be arrested for even thinking about alternative explanations for things like 911 or other political controversies. This is how insanely brainwashed "they" are.

It always reminds me of a documentary I was once watching on Stalin and Russia. They showed a woman crying at Stalins glass encased body at one of the anniversaries of his death when the public is allowed to view his embalmed body.
This woman was the victim of Stalin.
Stalin had personally imprisoned and killed her entire family, her mother, her dad and even some of her children, yet they asked her why she cried? She cried because, she said, "I am sad he died, he was a great man and leader and she loved him". I am not lying to you, that was her real reply.
This video and interview took place with the lady after the Berlin wall came down just a few years ago and she was under no threat to say differently.
She could have spoken freely, at least that is what we have been made to believe is the case in Russia now.

That is the sort of brain washing that has happened to these people when it comes to their blind devotion for some of our leadership here in America. They in my opinion are the one's who have lost their minds to even reason or to think objectively any longer about anything in this life.

I believe we should pray for our leaders and I do. We are also told to "speak the truth in love". I do that as well. I never say what I say to harm, I say the things I say to heal. To heal people from living and breathing falsehood. We are to discern good from evil, we are to recognize the spirits of lies and truth. These are admonitions found all through scripture.

I guess, that has always been part of my problem, I always marched to the beat of a different drummer. I never could accept things, just because someone told me they were true. I had to find out for myself, and you know what, I am thankful to God that he made me that way. That's probably unlike many, I read my Bible a lot, because as opposed to just going once on Sunday to hear men speaking, which is often sprinkled with their own opinions and a lot of flesh at times, I can reach truth by biblical study on my own.
Even God, says "come let us reason together".
Reasoning involves a process known as "discourse", two individuals or more actually discussing matters from different points of views until the puzzle is solved and their is agreement or final acceptance of something for both parties. God told Job to do that with Him while Job was in his pain. Job questioned God, made some statements then God questioned Job and made some statements out of it Job got the answers he needed. Dialegomia is a lost art to the "one man show" church.

In the early church they did not practice one man preaching, they practiced "Dialegomia" - discourse. Even the story in the book of Acts where Pauls long night with the people caused a young man to fall out of a window because he had fallen to sleep, was a discourse not preaching. Check out the Greek word, if you don't believe me.
Apparently the young man was more like most church goers today, he just sat there and didnt get into the discourse between Paul and the other believers.
He was a silent observer, who let the others do the talking and it lulled him to sleep.
We are like that in our churches and in our political lives anymore. No place for opinions or discourse to arrive at truth.
Just sit there and be silent and let the so called "trained professionals" tell us what to believe. Believe and go home and don't question it.
That's the way TV news watchers are as well, they believe what they are told, they shut off their television and go to bed. They are still in the slumber they were when they watched the news.
Have you ever wondered why people that love God fall alseep in church? Reason, number one, they weren't called to be silent, they have the gift of the Holy Spirit as well to speak truth to the body. They have been silenced by man's traditions not by the command of God or the practices of the early church. It was just the opposite before men thought they were smarter than God or equal to him, and re-established the earthly human priest again. They destroyed everything Jesus came to do away with and they did it in only a few short years after the death of the disciples.
The day of the "big mouth and little ears is spreading to even the common citizen as well.
We listen, they talk. We got our intellectual food at news time, so now believe it, act on it and go back to the slumber you were in before you even heard it.
One of the major reasons the church is failing is the Ekklesia has forgotten how to have discourse, even in our assembly together.
Whatever the preacher says is accepted as Gospel truth when often it is not. It's easier that way. It's called spiritual laziness! Sit there and get fed what is suppose to be pure unadulterated truth from God, accept it, go home. He's the professional, besides isn't he the one that really knows the Bible? He did go to college and all. That's what I pay him to do, to stand in for me with God, that way I don't have to do anything but sit here silently. The system propagates it.
We do that with our news reporters and politicians as well. They are the professionals, I pay for him to know or to tell me, so I don't have to make an effort to find out for myself or do anything about it. How many people gripe about policy in Washington and in their home state, but never have taken 5 minutes to write a letter to these people or the newscasters. I do, lots of emails and letters.

In politics, in history or religion we need to learn what is truth, and how to get to it. This means as an old Bible professor of mine once told me, "supposition has to go to the garbage can, so you can get through to find the real meat".

I say all this, because, we are either allowing terrorist free entry into this country or we aren't, Which is it? We need to ask our government that question Either President Bush and the U.S. government have a "War Against Terrorism" going on or they don't. If they don't, then there are some very shady things going on and we need to ask why.
What is the purpose of sending thousands of young men to fight over in a country we had no reason to go to anyway, knowing that Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan produced the one's that attacked us,if that is the case. At least the facts say it is.
It was money from Saudi and the Bin Laden family that helped finance 911. Then why did we go to Iraq? Why? I would tell you but you wouldnt believe it.
Did we really go to Iraq because Saddam had WMD's that we all know never existed, anyway.
Let's say they did, and if they did, what would the chance of one crazy leader pointing one at America and firing it at us wouldnt that mean the absolute destruction of himself and his country. Of course it would! Saddam may have been crazy but he loved himself to much to be that stupid.
Why do you think that China or Russia whose power equals ours in nuclear missles have never fired one at us? What holds them back??
North Korea has one of the biggest nuts alive running that country and they have nukes pointed at us and they haven't fired one, yet. I wonder why?
Total annilahation from us, is why they don't.
It's the great "Mexican standoff".

Now, would a single crazed group of terrorist do such a thing when they have no particular ties with any one country and are by label free agents in this world to do their dirty work?
Yes, of course they would.
They represent and comprise only a few radical Muslims, not all Muslims, though the Muslim religion is based on violence, but what can we say about the religion of Christianity?
We practice the same ideals of violence as they do. Tit for Tat. Power over rather than power under, as Jesus taught.
This is of course is not Christianity to be warmongers but the 'religion of christianity' and history proves that the "organizational church" has been more responsible for violence to other men then most Muslims could dream of.

True Christianity is based on the peace of God, not the violent traditions of men gone mad with power. Yet, if you look at church history you see just the opposite.
This has to tell you something about organizational religion. It surely can't be ordained by God the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Then if that isn't the church, then what is? The answer lies in scripture and in study. I found it, will you search to find it? Or will you just be spiritually lazy and live status quo?

What I see about to happen in America is another "FALSE FLAG" about to be waved. Cheney is pushing for a nuclear strike on Iran, what more could make that happen then some sort of nuke in the U.S. going off in some major metropolitan area here and then blaming it on an Iranian terrorist. Who would be responsible acutally? Who would be able to say, if in fact the RED FLAG isn't already waving over Washington and we have already been taken over from within.
I can tell you this it would bring about the greatest elimination of individual rights ever known to mankind in this country as martial law took over every part of this country.
Every person would be searched, limited in travel, interrogated for any previous inconsistencies of thought from the majority or as dicatated by the regime holding power in this country.
There may be just such a plan going on right now, to bring all free citizens to their knees in captivity to a New World Order, a Police State. Won't you be ashamed then, when you look at us that tried to tell you to sort truth for yourself before it's too late. To stand up now, and be counted before it was too late.

Is the (communist) "RED FLAG" about to wave in America? It just might be. Or another "FALSE FLAG" (a created event by individuals to blame on others, to achieve personal and political objectives) event created for the benefactors of a country that would come under them as Police State rulership. Which will it be? I know that until they rounded up all the guns in America, they might have a tough time with a few, American insurgents. However, the sad thing to say is most people would accept the security offered by the dictators over liberty, they already have.

I honestly can't tell you why, just deep down in my guts I have a feeling, based on the signs of the times, the things going on around us that something major is about to change the face of this country. The question we must ask ourselves and align ourselves with is this, will it be a better country or the worse nightmare Americans have ever experienced?
I don't know but my heart tells me, the elitist-conspiricist have already gone too far to accomplish their objectives to stop now.
They want what they want and that is POWER!
Perfect power (totalitarianism) has always corrupted perfectly those in power.
I ask again, Is The Red Flag or the False Flag About To Wave In America? Probably the RED FLAG if we keep allowing politicians to say one thing out of the side of their mouth while practicing another. The law they passed for Mexican truck drivers and their trucking companies is just another perfect example of the duplicity the Washingtonians practice.
You know there is only one spiritual being that loves and practices such duplicity - Satan himself and he is alive and doing well these days with influencing our politicians in America it seems.

Dr. J.

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