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Friday, July 27, 2007

Pennsylvania and Oklahoma Leading the Fight on Illegal Immigration

If anyone read my article I wrote back in March of this year, I talked about illegal immigration. The news is carrying stories again in this area. What is good to hear, is since our Federal officials are all traitors, at least the one's who have sat there on their tuffs for 20 years doing nothing about illegal immigration, some of the States and Cities of this country are enacting their own laws to curve illegals from enjoying the benefits that we as tax paying citizens cannot even obtain . Money for healthcare and other social program benefits paid to them.
The Federal government- Congress, the President and the Legislation to be specific have for too long been accepting PAC money and lobby money and more from greedy corporations to allow the continuation of the flow of illegal immigrants into this country so that they may hire workers for less and increase their profits.

I have often wondered what direction this country would have gone if the Civil War had been won by the States. Perhaps we wouldn't have a bloated bunch of fat cats sitting on their proverbial tuffs in Washington, that no more listen to the voice of the people of this country than a hole in the head. What Americans fail to realize that those objecting the strongest against States like Oklahoma and cities like Hazelton, Pennsylvania on laws that will restrict and punish those that grant illegals jobs and social benefits are American Corporations and Businessmen. The Federal judges are over ruling those that care and are trying to stop the rush of illegal immigration into this country. These judges telling them as States and Cities, they have no right to do so. What? Since when do we as American citizens not have the right to protect our own National Security.
Illegal immigration as I wrote is one of the largest National Security risk we have.
The American economy and the plight of the American worker is at risk.
Those that forget and ignore history are apt to repeat it.

Rome had spread it's empire worldwide, their military thin and then allowed the barbarians to live in Rome and to be part of Rome. Rome lost it's culture, language and everything that made it Rome. Rome fell and we are about to as well. America is about to become that third world country while China is about to become the world's most powerful nation. You need to learn either Chinese or Spanish if you are going to survive the oncoming destruction of this country.

Perhaps things would have been different if the south would have won the Civil War. For one, the war was about States rights, not about slavery. This lie has been propagated for far too long.
If the States had the right to govern themselves, perhaps a whole lot of things that have made Washington become a centralized dictator government wouldn't exist.

Read the articles out there on the story on Pennsylvania for example and you will find that it is American corporations and their associations that are keeping illegal immigration alive in this country.

I don't have much more to say on this subject, than what I already have in my March 23rd article on the subject entitled
The Immigration Issue Can Be Resolved

All I can say it is good to see even a single mayor leading the fight to save America, though he will have to battle the Federal judges all the way to the Supreme Court. If they rule on this against the city and the states rights, we will have definitely fallen as a free nation that once was secure within it's borders. The fight is on. Maybe the States will win this Civil War.

Dr. J

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