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Friday, July 6, 2007

The Chinese Philosophy of War

As many of my readers know, I am one who believes in non-resistance, when it comes to the use of the sword. When it comes to the use of the Sword of the Word of God, I am a pro-activist Christian who is militant about the Word of God above all things.
Note I used the word "militant". The definition of such is: A fighting, warring, or aggressive person or party. When it comes to truth, the Word of God, and standing for Jesus, you could say I am a fighting, warring or aggressive person. Not in the sense of using physical violence but in the sense of living my life in a battle against that which is not flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

What are the powers of this dark world but often found in the nations. It is not the people we must hate, but the life which they choose to try to put over others. It is the dark forces that influence all of the Babylonian system, which is incorporated into our business life, our political lifes, even our (kirke) church lives often.

This power consist of everything to which Satan is ruler over, this (Kosmos), world.
Thus John 2:15-17 warns us, not to love the world or the things of this world. For everything in the world- the cravings of sinful man, the lust of the eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does comes not from the Father but from the world" (NIV).

The quandary comes that though in spirit we have been placed in heavenly places, we still are flesh and blood, and live in this falled world. So, as a Christian the question is, how can we best fight evil in this world and yet not succumb to it's power over us. This is the great difficulty to which every Born-again beleiver must deal with everyday in his or her decision making processes. First, one has to be willing to hear the voice of God's Spirit, and know the written word as well as be in relationship with the living word - Jesus Christ.

So how can we reconcile ourselves to fighting the evil in this world without finding ourselves included in it. That I have determined is near impossible, there is no escape as often the very things we do and consider good, actually turn out have their origins in evil- selffishness, self- protectiveness and flesh worshipping.
It is this quandray that is hard to escape, accept by the divine love and forgiveness and grace offered all of us, "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3:9-20 clarifies this.
That word ALL is all encompassing, not one person of flesh and blood is left out. Thus how do we find our way back to God. We can't! God found His way for us, and offers it to ALL. This way is through Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and King of Kings. Romans 2:11 makes if very clear that "God shows no favortism". That puts us all in the same category- sinners deserving death. Thus Jesus died and in His death he paid the debt for ALL men. What he offers by faith alone is His grace, His resurrected life and eternal life that begins here and now. It is ours, a gift that must be recieved before it can become ours.

I bring this all in for one reason, how can we as Christians wage war against these dark powers without having them incorporated into our own methods of warfare. I have searched for years, trying to understand how this can happen and my only answer is through and by the actions and initiative of the Holy Spirit only and His guidance in our decision making can we avoid evil. See man's knowledge of good and evil, does not, as Satan has so tried to convince all of us, make us gods, so we can make decisions that even when we think they are good, they most often are evil in themselves.

Let me give an example: After the Gulf War, the United States and the United Nations, thought it would be a "good" thing" to limit food to Iraq and would only do so in exchange for oil. We used all kinds of techniques we thought were good outside of total destruction by military power of the killing machine to accomplish our objectives thinking we could, stop Saddam in his tracks, instead we found he hoarded the money, and allowed the Iraqi people to starve anyway. Thousands upon thousands of children died as a result of a policy we considered good. Our good turned to evil.
What other choices could we have taken? This was the moral good ground to take, to avoid military action once again. We chose a non-military action meaning here, the use of something other than machines and men to kill Saddam and his regime. This is called non-military actions. All the same, is it still not warlike when the overall result is death to millions anyway. Yes, of course it is. So our good became evil afterall. This has been the case in many actions we have taken, before this time we supported Saddam so that we could make Iran act right. We had trained and supported Osama bin Laden in the war in Afghanistan against the Russian evil. Our good always turns into evil. Thus, the lesson God teaches us, is our concept of good and evil never even approaches His good which is holiness and is defined outside of the definitions of men's good. Thus Jesus told the rich man, when he called Him good, only God is good, both drawing the young man's attention to the truth of this and the truth that He himself Jesus was Divine in nature.

Now to my point, the Chinese have been fighting wars of flesh and blood for thousands of years, and they understand the ways of Satan and warfare better than most nations worldwide. They understand this concept of man's view of good and evil and why wouldnt they when their government has been born straight out of hell itself.
They are warriors by culture and all that is with in them. They know how to hate indiscriminately, and how to war unrestrictively. They know this because they understand the ultimate goal of all objectives even when made to look good, is to achieve power over the enemy. They live and breath this in their daily lives as the rulers, the authority and power over millions of simple Chinese people. This government they have formulated is no different in ours except in one manner, their ultimate objective is to rule all the world in a totalitarian fashion. We though the years since 911, have begin to think like them, and act like them, still hold many people in our country who do not agree with this objective. We as Christians want simply peace in the world in our land that we live. So, that we can live quiet lives as believers, working with our hands, minding our own business, so that we can care for our families and our personal needs of food, shelter, and warmth. However, this peace cannot be achieved through military strength or power. It cannot be achieved along with any ideals of the American good, simply because even here God shows our concept of good will become an evil. So, is America any better than any other nation on earth, in it's good. The answer in light of scripture is a resounding, No! Does America in the scales of justice more balanced toward the good of others, the answer would probably be, a resounding,Yes! However, this yes, exist only because the number of people, though few, that truly are born-again and live a Christ centered, Spirit filled life. However, once again, this doesn't exclude the fact within China there are thousands upon thousands of real believers hiding in the woods, in the woodwork who worship Jesus and love Jesus with all their hearts. So, how can we best fight the enemy of China- their ruling power- Communism, without hurting our brothers and sisters in Christ. How can we fight any regime of evil without causing direct harm to those who Jesus died for, and since the word ALL encompassed even those who are wicked in China, who run the government, just as there are wicked here in America that run our government, what is the tools we can use to help defeat the enemy. We must learn from the Chinese their philosophy of war. Then take these applications and apply truth to them, and then use them to our ability as led by the Lord to do so. The greatest tool we have in our hands is the dollar. This is a neutral tool in itself, it has no power outside of the power it is given by those that handle it. It can be for good or it can be used for evil, but it is the love of it, that is the root of ALL evil. Even war itself is founded in the love of the dollar.
Two Chinese Colonels have written a book about the best way to achieve success of warfare against the United States and any of it's enemies. Their understanding of America's love of money, is an open door for warfare for them. They know how to take this evil, which we have made it, because of our materialistic structure of our lives and our love of money in this country and turn it against us. They are doing just that today!

Don't be fooled, the rulers, the government of China still has one goal and objective and that is to power over all men with Communism. The people most of whom are forced to serve this evil, have become even more enslaved by the communist objective because of America. That's right because of us, we are accomplishing for them just what they set out to do, take us over and run the world. You may ask how?
The answers, trade deficit, manipulation of the money market, the enslaving of masses of people to raise their gross national product with very little cost to do so, because of the slave labor they use. Children, men, women, working for 25 - 50 cents per hour to produce goods for American corporations to raise their profits in selling these low cost produced goods to Americans who want more in quantity of goods then they care about quality of goods or their origin or how they were produced.
American corporate greed is serving their evil purpose well. We think it is good, that we can obtain these goods so much cheaper, thus the promulgation of the WalMart empire and other gloabalized companies. We can buy a lot more of the good thing- the things that appease our FLESH! Our love for the things of this world will be the fall of the American empire, you can quote me on that one.

I read the two Chinese Colonel's book, and found myself well educated on warfare in the physical realm. In 256 pages of reading, I gained more understanding of the tactics of Satan to power over others with warfare unrestricted, than I could have if I had gone to West Point and studied "military tactics and strategy". For see the Chinese, are not ignorant, they understand you and I better than we understand ourselves, they understand American thinking, American sin best, and why not? Doesn't Satan know all the weak points of our flesh so that he can fight his battle against the saints and do his best to tempt us, to get us to come over to his side of the fence and join his forces? Yes, of course he does and these people who believe "religion is the opiate of the masses" understand that religion is a force from hell as well and they can use it, to drive a war to victory for themselves.

This is the government we so feared for years since Stalin and Mao but somehow through subtle warfare they have used, we have embraced Stalin and Mao with hugs and kisses.
We have not only failed to see their wisdom in warfare, we have allowed them to drag us into their battle and over to their side of the fence. Power over others- becoming the new philosphy of America, but the stupidity of America's goverment is that we beleive that the military is the only way that can be achieved. We have been fooled, and shamefully dragged into their side, helping them win the war against what America once stood for, Righteous living, liberty and justice for ALL, and we have allowed it to happen because down the line, we lost our first love for Christ, to a love for money, self, and power over others. the church in America, it's power structure and the lies propagated my more and more " so called ministers of God" have helped this success of warfare, with their rantings of a gospel of prosperity, wealth and health. A lie directly from HELL!

The best way to defeat an enemy is to make them believe evil is good and good is evil. You have to transform thinking, you have to defeat the enemy by using combination and subtlety. They are very well practiced at just that, and are showing for themselves, their superiority over the concepts of warfare in the battle they are winning over America and the American once Christian ideals.

Ask yourself, why doesnt the church speak loudly about the suffering of thousands of Chinese Christians, their torture, their imprisonments, and more. Why, because it wouldnt reward our flesh to do so. We would cut our own buying power out. Walmarts and the other globalized corporations would go broke, and we would have less goods, especially now that most production and industry has been move out of the United States. We would lose all those nice Chinese goods they are so good to sell our corporations for a low price.

Why was it easy for us to scream about Saddam's torture of people and killing but not a word about China? Why, because it rewards our flesh to do so, oil, a resource America needs and the ground over there is bubbling with it, but we couldnt have any of it, for ourselves until we were there present and accounted for, and Saddam was gone.
So, the false flags had to be created by those in power over America to make this happen. Knowing full well, that the "religious side" of America would never allow the nation to send our men and women, sons and daughters over there to die for that purpose, ( at least not openly so) the regime of this country utilized the greatest strategy known to convince the American public to side with them on our attack, they had to make it an issue of our own FLESHLY security at danger, Saddam had Nukes, he would shoot them at us in a minute, they yelled across the public platform, look at what he did to the Kurds and on and on the rhetoric went until we brain washed American lovers of self, said here is the money, take my son and make him a sacrifice to Molech. "I want to feel safe again". "I am scared, 911 scared me to death we said". So the power of fear works best with the American people and it's religious power rather than the power of greed, because it seems justified, at least good to those who think that our government can protect us from such things. All the time forgetting all the money that has been spent for intelligence organizations, defense systems and more over the years couldnt protect us from 14 crazy Muslims with hijacked airplanes. If that be really the case, and I have my own opinion on that which probably differs from the majority of people. So the fear goes on in the media to keep the public right where they want them, and the false flags will continue so the elitist can accomplish what they think their objectives are - world domination of an American hegonomy. World military and economic power. In which, both we are losing everyday as the idea persist.

Meanwhile in North Korea, China and Russia, the lie lives on. What is that lie? The lie is that they are now our , best friends, most favored trade nation and under our control. Meanwhile the Chinese are building the greatest economic nation that will be known to mankind, and at the same time pointing their missles at us, just waiting for the right moment to fire. They have used the greatest war strategy there is - diversion and combination warfare- unrestricted. The worst part of it all they are defeating true American patriotism with a false one, that is slowly but surely eroding away our rights to privacy, to freedom of speech and more, so that more and more daily we look more like them, then them like us. They are creating in America what they are - a Police State, a totalitarian government controlling every aspect of an individuals life.

I want to give you some quotes from the book I have been referring to.
The book is entitled, "Unrestricted Warfare" by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui.
Here is the Introduction:

[FBIS Editor's Note: The following selections are taken from "Unrestricted Warfare," a book published in China in February 1999 which proposes tactics for developing countries, in particular China, to compensate for their military inferiority vis-à-vis the United States during a high-tech war. The selections include the table of contents, preface, afterword, and biographical information about the authors printed on the cover. The book was written by two PLA senior colonels from the younger generation of Chinese military officers and was published by the PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House in Beijing, suggesting that its release was endorsed by at least some elements of the PLA leadership. This impression was reinforced by an interview with Qiao and laudatory review of the book carried by the party youth league's official daily Zhongguo Qingnian Bao on 28 June.
Published prior to the bombing of China's embassy in Belgrade, the book has recently drawn the attention of both the Chinese and Western press for its advocacy of a multitude of means, both military and particularly non-military, to strike at the United States during times of conflict.
Hacking into websites, targeting financial institutions, terrorism, using the media, and conducting urban warfare are among the methods proposed. In the Zhongguo Qingnian Bao interview, Qiao was quoted as stating that "the first rule of unrestricted warfare is that there are no rules, with nothing forbidden." Elaborating on this idea, he asserted that strong countries would not use the same approach against weak countries because "strong countries make the rules while rising ones break them and exploit loopholes . . .The United States breaks [UN rules]
and makes new ones when these rules don't suit [its purposes], but it has to observe its own rules or the whole world will not trust it." (see FBIS translation of the interview, OW2807114599)

[End FBIS Editor's Note]
Here are some quotes in the book to think about.

"Faced with theses prospects, even J. Saiteerdou [as printed 10493676 1422 6757], who is responsible for the investigation of computer crimes in the FBI of the
United States, said with both self-confidence and worry: "Give me ten carefully chosen hackers,and within 90 days I would then be able to have this nation lay down its arms and surrender."

"All of the cards have now been shown. We already know that war will not again be displayed in its original form. To a very great extent, war is no longer even war but rather coming to grips on the internet, and matching the mass media, assault and defense in forward exchange transactions, along with other things which we had never viewed as war, now all possibly causing us to drop our eyeglasses. That is to say, the enemy will possibly not be the originally significant enemy,the weapons will possibly not be the original weapons, and the battlefield will also possibly not
be the original battlefield. Nothing is definite. What can be ascertained is not definite. The game has already changed, and what we need to continue is ascertaining a new type of fighting method within various uncertainties".

"Even a quasi-world power like China already has the power to jolt the world economy just by changing its own economic policies. If China were a selfish country, and had gone back on its word in 1998 and let the Renminbi lose value, no doubt this would have added to the misfortunes of the economies of Asia. It would also have induced a
cataclysm in the world's capital markets, with the result that even the world's number one debtor nation, a country which relies on the inflow of foreign capital to support its economic prosperity,the United States, would definitely have suffered heavy economic losses. Such an outcome would certainly be better than a military strike.

In beyondlimits war, by contrast, the man-machine combination performs multiple offensive functions which span the levels from battles to war policy. One hacker + one modem causes an enemy damage and losses almost equal to those of a war. Because it has the breadth and secrecy of trans-level combat, this method of individual combat very easily achieves results on the strategic and even war policy levels.
This is the gist and significance of supra-level combinations.

If we say that the former is an objective which American power can protect
through action, the latter is neither an objective that its power can achieve nor is an objective which the United States should pursue outside its own territory. "World's number one," an ideology corresponding to "isolationism," always makes the Americans tend to pursue unlimited objectives as they expand their national power. But this is a tendency which in the end will lead to tragedy. A company which has limited resources but which is nevertheless keen to take on unlimited responsibilities is headed for only one possible outcome, and that is bankruptcy.

"Lastly, but certainly not the most important point, is whether or not one has
thought of combining the battlefield and non-battlefield, warfare and non-warfare, military and non-military which is more specifically combining stealth aircraft and cruise missiles with network killers, combining nuclear deterrence, financial wars and terrorist attacks, or simply combining Schwartzkopf + Soros + Xiaomolisi [transliteraton 1420 5459 6849 2448] + bin Laden".

This then is our real hand of cards

When "a military gives excessive focus on dealing with a certain specified type of enemy," this can possibly result in their being attacked and defeated by another enemy outside of their field of vision"

Actually, with the next century having still not yet arrived, the American military has already encountered trouble from insufficient frequency band width brought on by the three above mentioned types of enemies. Whether it be the intrusions of hackers, a major explosion at the 145 World Trade Center, or a bombing attack by bin Laden, all of these greatly exceed the frequency band widths understood by the American military. The American military is naturally inadequately prepared to deal with this type of enemy psychologically, in terms or measures, and especially as regards military thinking and the methods of operation derived from this. This is
because they have never taken into consideration and have even refused to consider means that are contrary to tradition and to select measures of operation other than military means.
This will naturally not allow them to add and combine the two into new measures and new methods of operation. In actuality, it only requires broadening one's outlook a little and being uninhibited in
thought to be able to avail oneself of the lever of the great volumes of new technology and new factors springing up from the age of integrated technology, thus prying loose the wheel of the military revolution rusted as a result of lagging behind in terms of thinking. We can here appreciate the deep significance of the old saying, "a stone from other hills may serve to polish the jade of this one."

"Supposing a war broke out between two developed nations already possessing full information technology, and relying upon traditional methods of operation, the attacking side would generally employ the modes of great depth, wide front, high strength, and three-dimensionality to launch a campaign assault against the enemy. Their method does not go beyond satellite reconnaissance, electronic countermeasures, large-scale air attacks plus precision attacks, ground
outflanking, amphibious landings, air drops behind enemy lines ... the result is not that the enemy nation proclaims defeat, but rather one returns with one's own spears and feathers. However, by using the combination method, a completely different scenario and game can occur: if the attacking side secretly musters large amounts of capital without the enemy nation being aware of this at all and launches a sneak attack against its financial markets, then after causing a financial
crisis, buries a computer virus and hacker detachment in the opponent's computer system in advance, while at the same time carrying out a network attack against the enemy so that the civilian electricity network, traffic dispatching network, financial transaction network, telephone communications network, and mass media network are completely paralyzed, this will cause the enemy nation to fall into social panic, street riots, and a political crisis. There is finally the forceful bearing down by the army, and military means are utilized in gradual stages until the
enemy is forced to sign a dishonorable peace treaty. This admittedly does not attain to the domain spoken of by Sun Zi, wherein "the other army is subdued without fighting." However, it can be considered to be "subduing the other army through clever operations." It is very clear who was superior and who inferior when comparing these two methods of operation.

Military Trans-military Non-military
Atomic warfare Diplomatic warfare Financial warfare
Conventional warfare Network warfare Trade warfare
Bio-chemical warfare Intelligence warfare Resources warfare
Ecological warfare Psychological warfare Economic aid warfare
Space warfare Tactical warfare Regulatory warfare
Electronic warfare Smuggling warfare Sanction warfare
Guerrilla warfare Drug warfare Media warfare
Terrorist warfare Virtual warfare (deterrence) Ideological warfare
Any of the above types of methods of operation can be combined with another of the above methods of operation to form a completely new method of operation. [17] Regardless of whether it is intentional or unintentional, the carrying out of combined methods of operation using different methods of operation that go beyond domains and categories has already been applied by many nations in the practice of warfare.

What is most satirical is that the construction company of the bin Laden family had been the builder of the barracks of the American army in Saudi Arabia.actually, the rules are hidden in the waves of
military practice of mankind. It is proper to say that every classical victory has testified to the rules. However, each time, people either do not want to admit or do not dare to affirm their encounters with rules of victory, but, instead, often attribute the effects of the rules to the favor of some mysterious fate.

If we want to have victory in future wars, we must be fully prepared intellectually for this scenario, that is, to be ready to carry out a war which, affecting all areas of life of the countries involved, may be conducted in a sphere not dominated by military actions. It is now still unknown what weapons, means, and personnel such wars will use and in what direction and sphere such wars will be conducted.
What is known is one point, that is, that whatever the mode of warfare, victory always belongs to the side which correctly uses the side-principal rule to grasp the relationship between the "dominant" and the "whole."

The side-principal rule is not the kind of theorem such as the statements that "all men will die" and that "all swans are white." Rather it is a rule for guiding people to victory in war.

Today's wars will affect the price of gasoline in pipelines, the price of food in supermarkets, and the price of securities on the stock exchange. They will also disrupt the ecological balance, and push their way into every one of our homes by way of the television screen. --Alvin Toffler

The [necessary new] method is to create a complete military Machiavelli.
Achieve objectives by fair means or foul, that is the most important spiritual legacy of this Italian political thinker of the Renaissance.[1 ] In the Middle Ages, this represented a breakthrough against romantic chivalry and the declining tradition of knighthood. It meant using means, some possibly comprehensive, without restraint to achieve an objective; this holds for warfare also.
Even though Machiavelli was not the earliest source of "an ideology of going beyond limits"
(China's Han Feizi preceded him[2 ]), he was its clearest exponent.

We said earlier [p. 146] that combinations were the cocktails in the glasses of the great masters of warfare. [That is, Alexander the Great and the martial kings of the Zhou Dynasty never heard of cocktails, but they knew the value of the combined use of things.] But in past wars, the combination of weapons, means, battle arrays, and stratagems was all done within the limits of the military sphere. This narrow sense of the concept of combinations is, of course, very inadequate for today. He who wants to win today's wars, or those of tomorrow, to have victory firmly in his grasp, must "combine" all of the resources of war which he has at his disposal and
use them as means to prosecute the war. And even this will not be enough. He must combine them according to the demands of the rules of victory. Even this will still not be enough, because the rules of victory cannot guarantee that victory will drop like ripe fruit into a basket. It still needs a skilled hand to pluck it. That hand is the concept of "going beyond limits," surpassing all boundaries and conforming with the laws of victory when conducting warfare with combinations. Thus we obtain a complete concept, a completely new method of warfare called "modified combined war that goes beyond limits." [ "pian zheng shi chao xian zuhe zhan" 0252
2973 1709 6389 7098 4809 0678 2069]


So knowing these things, what would you do, to defeat the enemy at large, Satan and the nations that so easily follow him.

SPEAK TRUTH! You must have at your side, always the truth.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.

As Christians it is of absolute necessity that we not only be wise as serpents, but to be as harmless as doves. How can we most affect American policy change toward China and this ongoing climate of security over liberty in America. We must speak out and at least educate the masses on truth, the light always expels the darkness.

My method that I have found the Lord has led me into is to write, and speak profusely on these matters so that people will have a paradigm shift of thinking and return to Christ and away from the kingdoms of this world to the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom is within us, if truly we love God and hate the enemy Satan.
Hating Satan and his subtle methods of trickery is something that should consume our daily goals, to find ways to destroy his powers over others and ourselves, whether it be the lies of government, history or even religious teaching, it is our call to "be the salt of this earth", "the light upon the hillside". The virgins with oil in their lamps.

How you do that is between you and the Father, but whatever you do, don't be passive in the real war we should be fighting and that against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Use warfare but let it be of the spirit and not of the flesh. Tear down the strongholds of deception, lies and more, tell people the truth, wake them up, stir their minds to think for themselves for once, so that they will no longer live in blindness.
You can't do this for the non-believer but you can those who are suppose to call themselves by the name of the Prince of Peace.
We are not and should not make our war against a person or persons, our battle is against this Kosmos that so easily persuades us to think and act like they do. Resist the devil, draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Tell the truth to others about what is going on, so they will quit resting their hopes of security in this or any other government, but will put their hope in Christ.

In Psalms there are several reminders of truth. Be it China, Iran, Iraq, Russia or the United States of America, we are reminded in Psalms 82:6- 8

I said ye are "gods" (the rulers and judges of Israel at the time)
you are still sons of the Most High
But you will die, like mere men
you will fall like every other ruler

Rise up, O God, judge the earth,
for all the nations are your inheritance.

and also Psalms 33:10
The Lord foils the plans of the nations;
he thwarts the purposes of the people;
But the plans of the Lord stnd forever,
the purposes of his heart through all generations.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people he choses for his inheritance

Let us not forget this nation is no longer an earthly nation but this promise belongs to Jesus Christ alone and His people, THIS IS THE NATION OF GOD - all of us who proclaim His name above all names and earthly nations.

Let us learn something from the Chinese, let us fight the battle and use warfare that no one suspects. The war of the Spirit against a lost and dying war.
It is unsuspected, it is unlimited- preach the Gospel whether in season or out of season, the war is on- and in the end - Christ will rule with us as His subjects. Are you dressed and ready for warfare. Ok, troops let's go forward.

Dr. J.

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