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Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Judas Economy- Communism and Capitalism Shaking Hands!

The average American worker doesn't have to look far to find that he or she's plight of finding a well paying job here is quickly dissapating. Just like a magicians trick that makes the coin disappear, the Walmarts and the other corporations of this country that choose greed over freedom have sold the economy of America down the drain and are making good paying jobs dissapear. The figures for unemployment and the economy that are spouted by the coglomerate news media are lies. The unemployment rate for example only portrays those who have actually registered with a state employment office. There are yet millions like myself that have basically given up on finding a job with the comparitive earnings of the past.

In 1997 two authors warned of just such a thing. The authors of "The Judas Economy" warned that the "appearance on the scene of vast numbers of elite workers in the emerging world, willing and anxious to work for less, is intensifying the pressure in developed countries to drastically pare down and cut costs." (The Judas Economy by William Wolman and Anne Colamosca. Addison-Wesly Publishing, 1997.

Here we are in 2007, and the job market in America is the "Great Illusion" perpetrated by the Corporate - Government liason dictated media always trying to present a picture of the opposite, when millions sit at home in the dark barely able to pay their light bills much less their cable television bills to hear the same old garbage coming across the screen. America is working, American small business is keeping us alive, and on and on the lies go.

The actual truth be told even in 1995 while the media spouted great statistics out saying the unemployment rate was down there were 838,000 men from the ages to twenty five to fifty four who had just flat given up looking for a job, and even this number may be greater. Polls and other statisticians developed that number.
I wonder if an actual national poll could be done that would accurately account the number of people that have given up, or are working part-time for less money was taken if these numbers wouldnt actually climb to millions right now? I would suredly place my last dollar on a bet that they are. I 'm not a betting man, but this is one bet I would get into.

While the Chinese forcibly make millions work as slave laborers, under oppression and communist rule for just pennies a day, and warehouse women, men and children in squandering conditions, the call of the American people who supposedly care so much about others we thought it necessary to stop Saddam from his illegal torture and enslavement of Iraqis has been silent. I would say there is no silence in the approval of the Chinese workers enslavement. We love it. We buy their goods a mile a minute. We thrive in owning another piece of the Chinese slavery. We don't care, it benefits us. We have become the most self centered nation in the world.
Even now with millions of Iraqi citizens killed because of our aggression there, we don't want to count their numbers. Innocent men, women and children don't matter. Why should they when we have been taught that their human lives are nothing. Kill all the Muslim B----d's and let's get their oil is the cry.

So, the same thinking continues with the Chinese. We don't care how low a wage they get, or what they earn, or what kind of conditions they live in, or whether or not the government persecutes Christians there, we benefit from it. How can a nation that by poll declares itself Christian by 80% be so cruel?
When it comes to the teachings of Jesus, our very ignoring of the plight and the oppression of any other nations people is absolutely contrary to what Our Lord taught.
Now, we are just beginning to reap the results of our selfish behavior and before long all will know, that in truth, all we ever cared about here is lower prices, cheaper goods, more of them and greater profits for the corporations.

The Chinese are producing the Judas economy. You can't keep shaking hands with a rattle snake before long it will finally bite the hands that feed it. We have been handling the "Red Dragon" like snake handlers at a revival meeting. All the time thinking it is some special spiritual gift from God until someone dies from a bite, then we just turn around and say, oh well, they just didnt have enough faith. Absurd as that is, the same absurdity applies here. You cannot do business with those that seek to enslave you, oppress you, and run over top of you, yet we love the Chinese goods. We love to purchase them because they are cheap, we think. They may be cheap but like Judas, accepting the silver of betrayal, it will eventually hang us out on a tree and it will end up spilling the guts of this nation and it's workers on the ground. The Chinese betrayal is real, and I continue to warn Christians and non-Christians alike. They are practicing "unrestricted warfare" and they are winning!
We rush to Walmart probably more than once a day to make just one more low priced purchase. Why, because our wages aren't what they use to be. Duh? What happened?

While the corporations keep moving to China to obtain this lower priced labor, American corporations to compete must lower their wages as well, to keep their businesses here in the USA. The overall thrust of this has been as I wrote before about is a legal twisting of employment and immigration laws being taught by lawyers so that corporations can obtain more illegal alien labor who will do the job for less. The American worker is left standing holding an apple while the illegal is holding the golden apple cart. Where and when will the end to this nightmare end. It will end when we as a people say no more to the nations that their government oppress and enslave others. When we quit making them our bed partners in trade. We may have to suck it up and pay higher prices, but if that means you and I might find a job that pays what we are worth, wouldnt you pay just a little more to see our industry, our farms and more of what made the American economy great become Americanized again. No chance, "greed always supercedes all logic or compassion".
"Made In America" I can remember how short lived that campaign was with the corporations especially Walmart, once they discovered the low cost of Chinese goods and the 200 plus mark up in profits they could earn.

Just as Judas betrayed Jesus, the Chinese Communist are betraying us. They are our enemies and have been so. They can appear as a democratic nation with it's businesses, large growing office buildings, car ownership, and gas comsumption, but the truth is just like Judas pretended to be a disciple of Jesus, the Chinese are only pretending. They are waiting for the right moment to sell us out. To crucify us as a nation, especially a free nation. They are gradually but assuredly leading the Republican and Democrat leadership of this country to sell us out daily.

I am not talking badly about the millions of enslaved workers in China as our enemies that under this oppressive system, I am talking about it's leaders, it's globalist marketers and government run production facilities. I am talking about American corporations that moved to China just to serve the overwhelming appetite for profit. These companies would sell their own mother for an extra dime of profit in their greedy little pockets. I am talking about companies that don't care and never cared about the America that once was, all they care about is the bottom line of profit. Yes, they profit, hugely under the blood, sweat and tears of an enslaved Chinese labor force.
Slowly, that same concept is moving into what is left of the American labor market. less pay, more work and less time for family and more important things then the dollar bill. All that is important is we have to raise our profits. This is the decree to the American workers daily, so give up more of your life and sacrifice it all to the corporations - that is for the few that are left here in the United States. Some people are even approving of the new criminal justice move to put the incarcerated to work in jobs and pay them less- some get paid $25.00 per day for their labor while the corporation and the State profit hugely by this arrangement.
What we will produce is nothing more than Stalin did or Hitler did in their countries than finding more and more ways to imprison more and more citizens just to feed the profit frenzy. The drug wars have already produced a huge labor market of people if this becomes the practice of Corrections Institutions across the United States. We will for sure become a Police State, even creating special concentration camps of skilled workers to serve the State-Corporation alliance.

There is a major transition taking place in this country and frankly I don't see a difference at all between what was the Stalin governed Russia or the Mao governed China, and America much anymore. Our rights are slowly eroding away to a fat over stuffed centralized rulling party- the Washingtonian elitist, and our freedoms are being taken away both economically, politically and legally. The present regime is even beyond the checks and balance systems anymore that our forefathers set forth. All they have to do is cry "Executive Privilege" which is something akin to a dictatorship. I recall George Bush saying, "it would be easier if it was a dictatorship and I was it's dictator".
I do believe he is beginning to have his wish these days.

I still recall Kruschev on television in the 50's saying, that "they would never take over the U.S. from without but they would take us from within".
When was the last time you took a course in Americanism versus Communism. I remember just such a course I had to take in 8th grade.
You won't find one offered anymore, because their is no difference in the conglomerate and greedy capitalism that has taken over this country and the state run communistic greed of Russia before it was financially broken by the United States covert operations to accomplish this. Capitalism has become synonomous with pure unadulterated greed at the cost of anyone in it's way, as opposed to when it once by law had to care about those that contributed to it. Corporate law has so been twisted now that it is a psychotic entity turned loose on the public, with the public having very little recourse against it's crimes, other than to have to pay for it's psychotic behaviour. Take the Enron fiasco. Who paid for their psychotic behaviour, the tax payer, that's who.

The central government of the U.S, is sleeping with the Red Dragon now. Our politicians are more interested in their personal wealth than the wealth of their constituents. We no longer have a say so. Write your Congressman sometime, I do. I usually get an Auto-bot response, saying "we just get so many emails or letters, we can't answer them all". If our own governmental representatives don't have the time to hear their constituents then what are they doing acting as representatives of the people who elected them? What are we paying them for? Why do we elect the same idiots year after year? Perhaps the election process is also an illusion! Just perhaps we are made to beleive that our vote has meaning, when in fact it doesn't. "Representative Privilege?"

Sooner or later the Judas betrayal will be final, and America, it's workers and all will find themselves crucified for corporate profit. It's happening and Judas is alive and well in China and now slowly he is betraying the American economy.

Dr. J.

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